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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Ernestine

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  1. I also feel the restriction when I eat Proteins, so thats a good thing but my control on the slider foods is real bad I need to really work on that I really want to go down 10 more lbs going to work on that now that its not so easy. TY
  2. Sharon has it been 2 years for you also? Thanks for your words I think I am over thinking to were my clothes even feel tight. I really need to STOP EATING JUNK.
  3. I need help, I am at my 2 years mark and I have lost 77 lbs. I want to lost another 10 but it has stopped. I was at 181 now I am at 185 very disappointing. I am getting depressed over it also my skin uggg I am 62 and the skin is a lot esp. on arms and inner thighs. I bought the book 5 day pouch test, I did find myself eating JUNK food (goes down easy) going to try this book and hope to get back on track of losing because I feel my clothing is tighter. Anyone else here going through this? E
  4. Ernestine

    Quest Bars 30% off at GNC

    Thank you!! it was like getting a free box....
  5. I had the same problems for a few years, they discovered I had a hiatal hernia during surgery and he repaired it too when he did my sleeve!! I still have acid reflux but not as bad, he has me on omeprazole 40mg one a day and that helps even after the repair. I would mention your symptoms to your surgeon but I don't think he will cancel your surgery not unless he see you have a problem that's why its good to let him know. The most mine did when I told him of my acid problem suggested I do a by pass....aaaaa NO. LOL I did the sleeve. Good luck with your surgery best decision I ever made acid and all!!
  6. Ernestine

    Hair Loss

    I am 6 months on Nov 6th and it has finally slowed down a lot. I'd say for the last month and a half it was falling out in bunches. I did all the things and bought everything ppl recommended before and during. It still fell out.
  7. Ernestine

    this may start a riot.

    I still cant eat and drink, my NUT always said wait 20 mins before drinking. I find it works for me other wise I throw up, filling up with the liquid too much after eating. I drink with straws but only for drinking with no food before or after.
  8. WOW you look GREAT!!!!!!
  9. Ernestine

    Hair today gone tomorrow?

    I did the before thing also, still didn't help at 4 months. I lost and am still losing. I am hoping so they say at 6 months it stops and it will grow back, hope hope!!! After 6 months I am off to the dermatologist if I am still losing badly. Aveda Thickening shampoo and conditioner and serum is also very good. I have noticed it isn't falling out that much. Before I tried the organix with Biotin...eh not so good, I still lost my hair at 4 months.
  10. Ernestine

    Hair today gone tomorrow?

    The multi Natures Bounty is hair nails and skin, that has the biotin
  11. Ernestine

    Hair today gone tomorrow?

    I have the same problem, I have lost a lot of hair. My bangs are see threw now LOL. I am taking biotin that's in my multi called Natures Bounty you can get it at Costco. Also bought Aveda thickening shampoo and conditioner they also have a serum you can put on your scalp works real good. I am real close to going to a dermatologist, but they say it will stop and grow back so I am hoping.
  12. These are questions for your Doctor!! I would call and make an appointment.
  13. Ernestine

    Acid Reflux

    Yes I had a hiatal hernia repaired also, I still have the burn but the 40mg of omeprezole works real good for me. I notice its what I eat also that triggers it sometimes. I also have that pain when i eat anything, I just think that my pouch is small and I eat too fast.
  14. Ernestine

    5 day pouch test - day 3 report

    This is so true!! the sleeve is a tool.. Your doing great keep it up!! E

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
