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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    youthguy80 got a reaction from BeagleLover in Falling into old habits   
    I hear you regarding falling into old habits! I'm almost ten months out and they are creeping in. However, there are quite a few that AREN'T! What has helped me is to look at what was working early on: for me that was being religious in tracking, planned and prepped ALL my food and drinks for each day, and if I wanted something off track, I just said no. I also made sure I was drinking constantly. I'm now trying to start doing those things again. Ongoing support groups and nutrition and psych counseling have also made all the difference for me.
    When I get discouraged I also pause to look at where I have come from. I still have work, but I Celebrate daily the things that I DON'T struggle with any longer.
    Keep going!
  2. Like
    youthguy80 got a reaction from BeagleLover in Worried because I haven't found a protein shake yet.   
    Pre surgery I ONLY could stomach powders I could add milk to. The fruit ones with Water were awful. Immediately after surgery the milk ones made me so nauseous. I only use the ones with water. I tried quite a few and Syntrax Nectar are my favs (pre and post surgery). I will use one scoop in my Blender Bottle with about half water and shake it to get the Protein mixed. Then I fill the rest of the way with a crystal lite-like flavored water. It helps to mask the taste of the protein for me. And, the more you drink it the easier it gets. Hope this helps!
  3. Like
    youthguy80 got a reaction from BeagleLover in Falling into old habits   
    I hear you regarding falling into old habits! I'm almost ten months out and they are creeping in. However, there are quite a few that AREN'T! What has helped me is to look at what was working early on: for me that was being religious in tracking, planned and prepped ALL my food and drinks for each day, and if I wanted something off track, I just said no. I also made sure I was drinking constantly. I'm now trying to start doing those things again. Ongoing support groups and nutrition and psych counseling have also made all the difference for me.
    When I get discouraged I also pause to look at where I have come from. I still have work, but I Celebrate daily the things that I DON'T struggle with any longer.
    Keep going!
  4. Like
    youthguy80 got a reaction from BeagleLover in Falling into old habits   
    I hear you regarding falling into old habits! I'm almost ten months out and they are creeping in. However, there are quite a few that AREN'T! What has helped me is to look at what was working early on: for me that was being religious in tracking, planned and prepped ALL my food and drinks for each day, and if I wanted something off track, I just said no. I also made sure I was drinking constantly. I'm now trying to start doing those things again. Ongoing support groups and nutrition and psych counseling have also made all the difference for me.
    When I get discouraged I also pause to look at where I have come from. I still have work, but I Celebrate daily the things that I DON'T struggle with any longer.
    Keep going!
  5. Like
    youthguy80 got a reaction from colady1913 in Miss The Morning Coffee   
    Syntrax has a Cappuccino flavored Protein Powder. The first ingredient in it is Decaf coffee. Perhaps this might be a good solution?
  6. Like
    youthguy80 got a reaction from Mississippi Girl in Struggling with junk food.   
    I've let myself indulge in some unhealthy Snacks. I've not gone back to eating fast food, which I struggled badly with before VSG.
    I'm 6 months out. Down 144 lbs since March 22, 2013.
    Any tips on how to get back on track? I've scheduled to see a psych to talk thru some of the addictive issues I've been working on for the last two years.
    Thank you!
  7. Like
    youthguy80 got a reaction from McButterpants in Struggling with junk food.   
    Thank you both. I remember at my one or two month follow up telling my surgeon I'd not tested any boundaries and that I couldn't imagine doing so. It's interesting how that's changed a bit.
    Going back to shakes and limiting carbs both are things that I think would help for sure. And I think in learning my "boundaries" with certain foods. Meaning, I'm the type of person that cannot just have ONE chip and be okay. I think I need to go back to the "not even one bite" rule with some of these trigger foods.
    Again, thank you both for encouragement!
  8. Like
    youthguy80 got a reaction from Mississippi Girl in Struggling with junk food.   
    I've let myself indulge in some unhealthy Snacks. I've not gone back to eating fast food, which I struggled badly with before VSG.
    I'm 6 months out. Down 144 lbs since March 22, 2013.
    Any tips on how to get back on track? I've scheduled to see a psych to talk thru some of the addictive issues I've been working on for the last two years.
    Thank you!
  9. Like
    youthguy80 got a reaction from McButterpants in Struggling with junk food.   
    Thank you both. I remember at my one or two month follow up telling my surgeon I'd not tested any boundaries and that I couldn't imagine doing so. It's interesting how that's changed a bit.
    Going back to shakes and limiting carbs both are things that I think would help for sure. And I think in learning my "boundaries" with certain foods. Meaning, I'm the type of person that cannot just have ONE chip and be okay. I think I need to go back to the "not even one bite" rule with some of these trigger foods.
    Again, thank you both for encouragement!
  10. Like
    youthguy80 got a reaction from Aggie72 in Over 400Lbs Gastric Sleeve Success Story   
    First pic is me at around 450 in April 2013. Second is me tonight, at 336. Yay!

  11. Like
    youthguy80 reacted to Sandy17051 in Struggling with junk food.   
    Get the junk out of your house! replace it with fresh fruits, veggies, sugar free jello's and puddings. When I feel I need something sweet I'll grab some fruit or I'll get some of the sugar free Water flavor packs (crystal light) and add to a bottle of Water. If I crave something salty I'll eat some granola or a few sunflower (unsalted) seeds.
  12. Like
    youthguy80 reacted to Arts137 in Struggling with junk food.   
    I am a carb addict. I cannot have ANY. I AM the Lay's chip commercial... betcha can't eat just one... BAG.
    SO, for sugrs and refined starches and carbs, I follow Yoda's advice:
    "There is no try. There is only Do or Not Do".
    I choose Not Do.
  13. Like
    youthguy80 reacted to McButterpants in Struggling with junk food.   
    Glad to hear you've scheduled a visit with a psych.
    I agree with the above - get the junk out of the house, office, car, etc.
    Remember that discipline you had right after surgery? Protein first, weighing and measuring your food, drinking Water, etc...get back to basics. You know what worked before, go back to that. I allowed myself to get off track recently and found that going back to 1-2 shakes per day helps keep the cravings for the bad food at bay.
    You have been so successful - this is just a speedbump. Regain control.
    I wish you only good things!!!!
  14. Like
    youthguy80 reacted to Carlotta1 in Struggling with junk food.   
    Get it out your home immediately...your junk food. For a while eat only at home so that u can get to the basics. Eat Protein first.. Measure your food. And drink tons of Water. . Limit carb intake. Taking in too much carbs triggers me to want sweets.. Etc. You have come so far ..please don't jeopardize yourself.
    You know what to do. Just start doing it. .
  15. Like
    youthguy80 got a reaction from Mississippi Girl in Struggling with junk food.   
    I've let myself indulge in some unhealthy Snacks. I've not gone back to eating fast food, which I struggled badly with before VSG.
    I'm 6 months out. Down 144 lbs since March 22, 2013.
    Any tips on how to get back on track? I've scheduled to see a psych to talk thru some of the addictive issues I've been working on for the last two years.
    Thank you!
  16. Like
    youthguy80 got a reaction from pquinn181 in Where Can I Find A Good Diet Plan?   
    Perhaps going to your surgeons nutritionist or another nutritionist for a few visits. They can help plan specific meals and give you resources.
  17. Like
    youthguy80 reacted to RJ'S/beginning in My Trainer said....   
    My trainer gave me a lecture today on the amount of food I eat. He said that when we have a session I lose between 400-600 calories and have to up my intake of food so that my blood sugar does not dive. He suggested complex carbs. So today I ate a Protein Bar all made with fresh fruit, hemp, Chia, flax, Protein powder dried fruit and nuts.
    This is the first time i did not crave sugar after a workout or feel depleted of energy. The hour went by so fast and I was ready to do more...
    Could he be on to something...
    One day you wake up and people are telling you you need to lose weight..Then people tell you you need to stop losing weight... One day they say you eat to much and then you eat to little... sometimes I just have to give my head a shake because I can't believe that someone told me I have to consume more calories....Me....imagine!!!
    Have others been this confused too...
    I went to my writing class the other night and watched as everyone was milling around and realized that I am one of the smallest people in the class... I was always the biggest hands down...Everyone seems happy and not self conscious at all. They don't even know I was morbidly obese ( I hate that word ). so they would never understand what I have done or what I have accomplished. I am just another person in a class with a bunch of people taking a course......unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Like
    youthguy80 reacted to NevadaDave in Over 400Lbs Gastric Sleeve Success Story   
    Had A month stall at the 1 year mark...
    but weight loss has started again. YEA!
    Lost 270 Lbs. so far 21 Lbs. to go to my original goal
  19. Like
    youthguy80 got a reaction from honib52 in 5 Month Progress Shot!   
    From my understanding that is probably normal. Frustrating? Yes. Just keep on.
  20. Like
    youthguy80 reacted to KayleeC14 in Slowing Down!   
    I force myself to use the smaller plate and bowls and I measure out everything. I battle eating too big of bites as well, I have gotten into the habit of cutting stuff up to small bites and eating it that way. It takes me about a good hour to get my food down right now. Been working on getting the food down within the 30 minutes they want me too.
  21. Like
    youthguy80 reacted to krysten.warren in Slowing Down!   
    I take a bite get up and do something small.. Like I'll go make the bed or put away half the dishes in the washer then go back have a bite and repeat. Idk if that's what I should
    Be doing but it works! Also I have an app that I set and it tells me when a minute has passed and I'll
    Go back for another bite (:
  22. Like
    youthguy80 got a reaction from Aggie72 in Over 400Lbs Gastric Sleeve Success Story   
    First pic is me at around 450 in April 2013. Second is me tonight, at 336. Yay!

  23. Like
    youthguy80 got a reaction from Aggie72 in Over 400Lbs Gastric Sleeve Success Story   
    First pic is me at around 450 in April 2013. Second is me tonight, at 336. Yay!

  24. Like
    youthguy80 reacted to RJ'S/beginning in I remember when.....   
    I remember a while ago coming on this forum and announcing to everyone that I had my first salad for supper with shrimp in it and that was my dinner...It seemed so unreal to me to do that since I was raised on a farm where food was a big part of life....
    We had 2 different kinds of meat, several veggies, potatoes and a couple of Desserts...Fresh bread and lots to extras........
    So i raised my kids the same way...Always had the 5 food groups in mind when I made a meal and almost always succeeded at it....
    Now..fast forward 5 months since i mentioned my shrimp salad and now it is a habit almost...tonight I am having chicken and salad..And it seems normal to me.......I am looking forward to it and no longer see it as a big deal..It is just what I eat........
    I hardly bake now and most of it goes in the freezer or hits the garbage can.........Boy I have changed so much since i was sleeved!!!!! This part...for the good I think!!!
  25. Like
    youthguy80 reacted to obxhousewife in Three Months!   
    Congrats! I had to break down and go buy new clothes, too. I'm not ready to invest in quality clothes yet, so I'm taking my old stuff to the consignment store and picking up "new" pieces there - cheap!
    A couple weeks ago I got a practically brand new New Zealand lamb skin leather for $20!! Plus by taking my fat clothes in I gain credit that I can use toward purcha$e$!

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