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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. Kind of for me. I seriously considered staying in the US for my surgery. I could have found a US doc to do it for a few thousand more, no doubt. I looked into Texas and Michigan...but I still would have needed local after care. I still would have needed to travel by plane for fills or to see my band doc. Add to that my MX doc has been doing bands for almost a decade and has placed thousands more than US docs had, and he has a good reputation, at that. So, I guess what I did was go for the experienced doc. That's the one thing he had over the US docs that I liked. I did NOT go to MX without first lining up my local aftercare doc...he's an hour+ drive from home. I can handle that.
  2. the best me

    Happy Birthday SuperDaddy !!

    Oh, happy happy birthday to you! Hope it's wonderful!!!
  3. the best me

    Charlotte Chat Time!!!

    Dianne, did you go shopping at all? We didn't end up leaving until 4:30 so I could have gone shopping with you for an hour after lunch today...wish I had known. It was sad watching you drive South...I was so tempted to follow!!! Lunch was super-fun! I got home and the kids hung the ornaments on the tree. Someone e-mail me a pic! I'll get it posted if you don't know how. Who took one? Dianne and Angie? Maybe I'll start a Charlotte Bandsters picture thread for our monthly lunch pics. We can see them in succession and watch ourselves shrink! Jan 28th, 11:30am at TGIFridays on Harris Blvd at University. Everyone come!!!
  4. the best me

    2005 Lap Band Awards

    Here's a few accolades from me to a few of you. People who, when they post, no matter what thread, I just hafta read it no matter what: GeezerSue, Donali, Vinesqueen Most Encouraging: Chichigirl, Jammin' Jamie, Paula Level-headed and well-balanced: Alexandra, who always has a way of putting things into perspective Picture Fixers: Penni, and lately, DylansMom for Avatar Queen! (And let's not forget Marimaru for the wonderful job she did on my Before/During montage on the Before/After thread.) LBT Father Figures, or our resident "Priests" if that's not too sacrilegious: Jack and WhippleDaddy for their wisdom and kindness. I should add Greg to the list but he rarely shows up anymore! I miss you, Greg! I'll add some more later...
  5. ROTFLMAO!!!! That is soooooo funny, I'm still cracking up. Thanks!!!! I'll be sitting in church tomorrow and get the church giggles, thinking about people sitting on a sofa waiting for band surgery with headbands and orange flags. I'm laughing so hard I can hardly type!
  6. the best me

    Is this Possible?????

    I like your thinking, Monica S.
  7. the best me

    Is this Possible?????

    My husband read this thread and said that the best stress reliever is to just do housework...that, and Sex. Think it's a hint?
  8. the best me

    Is this Possible?????

    Great thread...I'm reading this one to my hubby later. I'm 8 months out and this thread as caused me to recognize my problem...I can't really stress-eat. I'm lethargic, stifled, stuck, exhausted, have a headache, I just don't have a good sense of well-being. And hubby is about to start building a rental home...financing, debt, extra work hours, all those things involved in building a home, plus it's ours to owe money on every month...geez, can I just add more to my day?!!! Really, it's not that bad, but I'm feeling it physically!!! For some reason I hadn't thought about how I am not able to cope in the same old way. I have tried to blame it on hormones? Thanks for the fresh perspective. Now maybe I can get over my frumpy hump? Here's hoping.
  9. the best me

    Saturday Dec 17th

    Aw Jennifer, don't worry. We'll be patient, so when you are ready, here we'll be!! Please don't feel odd. We really are here to support. It'll be okay. (((hugs))) and keep us posted. I hope you'll have lunch with Kim and Karen. It's important to have friends who understand. I'm getting in the shower! See you all there! And maybe Karah, too!
  10. the best me

    Excessive pb'ing

    I had the same apprehensions about crushing the OTC Prilosec. The pharmacist said not to crush it, it's time released and dosed at once a day. Dr Kuri, over the phone from MX said, "Crush it. Twice a day." So I did. And it helped, and I'll occasionally crush, if I need to, a Prilosec OTC tablet in a plain ole pill crusher and mix it in with 1/2 ounce of gatorade or whatever with flavor. Any more, though, I can just take the tablet. I was crushing the Prilosec at day 9 post-op after going to the ER for IV fluids because I was so tight and irritated at the band and dehydrated. I took it twice a day for about 3 days then backed down to once a day for another 4-5 days, I think. That's what I did, and I was comfortable with that. If you have a PCP working with you and can prescribe something liquid or crushable, or chewable, do it. Certainly don't listen to some crazy on the internet recommend doing something you are NOT comfortable with. I did what I did. If you don't want to, please don't. Checking with the pharmacist about just what is available by prescription would be very helpful, I'd say. Sorry to dissappoint anyone by disregarding the pharmacist. It worked for me. But noone needs to feel compelled to follow my lead, that's for sure. Just throwing it out there in the information pool.
  11. the best me

    Excessive pb'ing

    Cindy, it sounds as if you need to take smaller sips. Definately don't "drink" at 10 days post-op if you are burping or uncomfortable at every drink. Slow down! Also, maybe warm broth would be better than smoothies. Anything liquid should be fine as long as you are sipping slowly. Warm does better than cold most times. For the next few days, think of yourself as swollen and extra tight and you need to sip, sip slowly and sip liquids that aren't hard on you or are acidic. Stay away from tomato Soup for now, too. Avoid PBing, especially this early in the game. It increases your chances of slippage. I'd also contact your doc and see if he recommends some type of acid-reducer like Nexium or Prilosec or whatever. I had a rough 2 weeks post-op and a MX doc. Here's what I did, after going to the ER for IV fluids. I sipped the smallest sips imaginable. I would sip, then swallow that sip in about 3 swallows. I took crushed Prilosec twice a day. I avoided tomato soup and drank lots of broth and Egg Drop Soup. And my protien drinks, too (Boost). Sip. If I could go back, I would have added Aloe Vera juice to my "diet". It's very healing. Check with your doc though. Don't let this go on and on, okay? The gas/burping will go away and I promise in the future you will be able to guzzle drinks on an empty stomach with no trouble whatsoever. Oh, another thing. Nothing will go through fast when you keep PBing and irritating the stoma that is already swollen from surgery, then gets worse with drinking too fast and PBing more. Stop the PBing, let the band area rest.
  12. the best me

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I approve heartily!!!!!
  13. the best me

    Well, I'm off to Vegas...

    This is wonderful and happy news, Jonathan. Congratulations! God bless you both and best wishes for the happy future I'm SURE you will enjoy!!!!! Can't wait to see a pic...and the rings are just beautiful!
  14. Exactly! And no "I told you so's" either...not even the knowing looks that say the same!! LOL She may want the food Police at times, I just know lots of my eating issues were/are having control when everything else is spinning out, taking care of me by feeding me, and the like. It takes a bit of head work to eat through those things and change those habits, learn NOT to do that, you get the picture. Having DH hover made it more stressful. Ask her, do what she needs you to do. She'll figure it out. You are a good hubby!
  15. What a great hubby. It might take a sec, but she'll get over the "easy way out' metality. It takes lots of hard work in the beginning to be banded...lots of thinking, planning, learning how to eat, etc...but once she gets it under her belt, she'll be so happy to share her good news with the kiddos! I asked my hubby not to play "food police" with me and that was helpful. He tried to make sure I was doing okay, doing the right things, and I just needed him to not worry. It's a tough journey and many of the food issues are also head issues. Just let her be, research for her when she has a question or concern, keep your "yes, dear" handy, give her hugs and make yourself available...I think you are off to a great start!
  16. the best me

    Laura's List of NSV's

    Well done! Great list, Laura! And welcome to the Slow Loser's Club, you are official now! Your NSV list is an integral part of your ability to be a patient turtle. Keep it updated as the NSV's roll in, especially as the scale moves slowly. Folks are very supportive of this most important list. You are an inspiration!!!! Congrats!
  17. the best me

    Picture Page

    Just look at that deep thought pic. There is a God. Your family is beautiful, SuperDaddy. Thanks for sharing.
  18. the best me

    2005 Lap Band Awards

    Best Social Secretary? Best People Organizer? Best Cruise Director? However it's said, she's a super gal, that's for sure!
  19. the best me

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Yeah baby! Tell us how you like it. That sounds like fun!
  20. the best me

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Crystal, hang in there. I'm not convinced it's "over" yet. Something is contributing to this and it's not your fault...perhaps the thyroid, I dunno. Just hang on, we are here for you, okay? When do you see your doc? Isn't it tomorrow? Wasn't it today? Argh! Update as soon as you know something. Okay Crazy Goldfish Pond Lady...we'll wait for the officail word from Live2Canoe, but jump on in here. The water's FINE!!!!! Glad to have you!!!! And start your NSV thread, ya hear? editing: VQ, I just read on another thread you see your doc next week. So, that patience virtue of yours is coming in handy now. (((hugs)))
  21. the best me

    I'm going on a DIET

    YES! Forget my first post...this is what I tried to say. I keep forgetting not to go on and on with you...I know you can't sit still long enough to muddle through my ramblings!!!! Rock on, girl! What Dr Billy said...
  22. the best me

    Another band slippage

    Thinking of you...can't wait to hear your update! Prayers for great news, okay?!!!!!
  23. the best me

    2005 Lap Band Awards

    Most informed pre-bandster: ReneBean
  24. the best me

    I'm going on a DIET

    Yikes. I couldn't disagree more. I think you underestimate it's unfilled potential. Left on my own, I'm a pitiful weight loser. This is one of the things I have learned being banded. I still need some some kind of plan and structure. Loose structure, but rules, nonetheless. My band is what makes it possible to keep at it through the "falls off the wagon", through stress-eating, through eating for the hell of it, whatever. My band helps me to maintain some semblance of consistency with eating less food all around. Just less. It's a Diet mind that keeps me on track with good food choices. Some shun the Diet mentality, but it works for me when I think around my screwed-up brain. I have to shift gears all the time, but shift them I will, as long as I see pounds falling off, inches falling off, NSV's galore. So, I happen to be fully supportive of whatever Diet keeps you meeting your goals until that fine day when you can/are willing to get a port. Step 1 would be a food journal. Start by simply writing it all down. (yeah, I know) then you can look and see just what your problem areas are. (yeah, I know, you already know). I can't suggest from here. Each time I think of something, I know you have all the reasons already lined up as to why it would be a)a waste of time b)a waste of money c)it won't work. Because I have a bit of you in me...stuff like that makes me mad and I get mad and blow it. Screw it. I'm eating Cheetoes, damnit. So, since this Diet thing you are searching for is just a phase anyway, why waste your time and energy and money? Just eat better, eat less, exercise more. Even with an unfilled band, it IS possible. In the end, it's what we all do anyway. Do yourself a favor and skip to the last step and use your band, however useless you think it is. I really do adore you, ya know
  25. the best me

    Any doc's who fill mid-band

    http://www.surgicalteam.com/obesity/midband.htm it's apparently adjustable, but not with a fill. I still don't know?...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
