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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Board Changes...what have you found?

    And "Who's Chatting?" is gone from the quick links.
  2. the best me

    Charlotte Chat Time!!!

    Okay, who is left? Karen and jennifer? jennifer...it's RNY for you, right? Magic was magical and got in under the wire...I just read her thread that she's banded. Hey, whatever happened to the Charlotte girl that posted she wanted to meet some bandsters and didn't seem to come back?...what's her name? Who else is floating around out there in Charlotte bandland? Can I ramble some more or should I just go to bed? Huh? Who? G'night!!!
  3. the best me

    Two days down

    Yay you! Keep us posted on how you are doing...Congratulations!!!
  4. the best me

    Charlotte get together - sorry!!

    Bummer, what a start to a vacation! We were wondering where you were and I'm glad to hear all is well...now at least. Sorry about the power outage! Did you just go to a hotel room for a hot shower? Man, I woulda. That's rough. Enjoy your stay stateside! Let us know what you are up to while you are on this side of the earth!
  5. the best me

    Charlotte Chat Time!!!

    Good golly Kim...I just saw your Before/After pics...wow!!! You go girl!!!
  6. the best me

    Board Changes...what have you found?

    Wow! I just noticed...we have US, Canada, Austrailia, and Elsewhere Forums! Cool!
  7. the best me

    Port complications may lead to Erosion

    Interesting. Thank God for Dr Billy...just how many times have you said that anyway?! Thanks for the pics, they are sure to help others. No port problems has been my sanity these days. The erosions have me quite nervous and a bit edgy. I e-mailed my patient rep today with endo questions. I'll let you know what she says, but the fact that my port has been beautiful from the get-go is a real relief to me. I can't believe Lopez said to just lose weight and that would go away. Huh? Geez.
  8. the best me

    Board Changes...what have you found?

    And sometimes, the New Post list doesn't yet include what I have just posted...lag time? Just to let you know in case it's a glitch.
  9. the best me

    I Have A New

    Oh now isn't he just adorable?!!!! Thanks for sharing, Pat, and Congratulations!
  10. the best me

    Filled Up

    yay Sherrie! Restriction is good. Take it easy and go slow till you find out how it feels for you. Here's a tip...I was super super tight and totally not hungry the day before, of, and after Christmas. All the food, no appetite, super restricted. Oh well. I actually lost the few I had gained. No complaining, but come to find out I had a stomach bug. No nausea or vomiting, just a low-grade fever for a day, super tired, and diarrhea. Today I feel much better and I ate a horse at lunch. Okay, not the whole thing but I ate very well!!! It felt so good to eat and it's almost 7pm and I'm still not hungry. I'll have a snack later but I'm done eating for the day. All this to say...stress and sickness can make you tight, then the next day, it's as if your restriction is gone. So don't let one day tell you how restricted you are. Take notes if needed over a week or two to get a better indication. Good luck! See you in Jan! You making the trip down to see us?
  11. the best me

    Pay for the band! Poll!

    My doc charged $8950 so I checked the appropriate box on the poll, but I do need to add another $700 for airfare for two plus $250 for this and that, tips, food, little MX sombreros for the kids, ya know. Then I went ahead and paid off what I owed on the Ready Credit which had built up behind my back and I was working on it and would have had it taken care of in 6-8 weeks but put it on the bill for the band...a few other consolidations...total financed on the equity line for me was $10,200 I think. Oh, plus $650 so far in post-op...for 2 fills and 1 unfill.
  12. the best me

    surgery and flight booked

    imalene, I clung to the good stuff, too. It helps. What I found, however, is my own story emerging from the surgery saga. Especially flying out to San Diego to see Kuri. Nothing can prepare you for how you will do and be, but I can promise you will lean on the support of this board. No matter what happens and how it unfolds for you, you will have the info you need here. Looking back, and now reading all of the erosion stories, I suppose I'd rather have an eroded band and lose it at this point (187 pounds), than to have done nothing and still weight over 220. If I could lose another 25 pounds...half of my excess weight at this point...and maintain it I'd be satisfied. It's a risk. You never know how it will go for you. could be fine, could be not so fine. Struggling to lose through the decade of my 40's was unthinkable. Now I struggle to lose, but ever so slowly, I win!!! I love my band. You will too. Even if it isn't a perfect band story. Keep us posted. Get a good hug from Dr Kuri. He really is a sweet man.
  13. the best me

    Happy Birthday to my little girl

    OMGosh, can't you just Eat Her Up?!!! How precious. Wiping the sweet tears from the corners...very sweet. Happy Birthday Callie!!!!
  14. the best me

    Charlotte Chat Time!!!

    Hi everyone...Oy Vey, we made it through Christmas. It was wonderful and loud and fun and exhausting. the surprise visit with my brother and family was perfect and made everything even better! There is a bit of a stomach bug floating around the family. I got it first...Friday night felt kinda yucky, rumbly in the tummy (which doesn't help the erosion paranoia, right?) then Sat I got a low grade fever...100.6... and a bit of diarrhea. Sunday was fine, just tired. Now hubby and my sister have it. It isn't bad, just makes you feel yucky. Goes away pretty fast. Hubby's at work so it isn't that bad. I guess it hit me the hardest. My sister was able to sleep for 6 hours yesterday, something I would never get away with, so she's on the mand. Thank goodness there was no nausea or vomiting. Just lower intestinal upset. It's over now. Other than that, fun times. Happy Birthday Kim! I promise, it just gets better as you get older. I'm gonna go see your before/after pics now. (((HUGS))) everyone!!!
  15. the best me

    Update on me> Jodie_Warner06!

    Boy it's good to see/hear you happy! Well done! Life is ahead...go grab it!!!
  16. the best me

    Hello!!! I am Back!!!!!

    Awww, my beautiful friend Dee Dee! It's so good to see you. Well done on posting the pic. You are lovely! I'm just so proud of you! It really is a big step, and you are doing great to focus on the fact that you can walk talk LIVE and now, lose weight too! I have a hint, you never really mature the way you think you will. Maturity is having wisdom that comes from experience and a bit of perspective to go with it. I thought I'd be grown up when I turned 30, then 40, and along the way I got some new bedroom furniture-you know the kind- the matching set that says "this is a grwon-up room" and even that didn't grow me up. So I figure it will never happen and I'll just have to be me and grow older. It's a good thing to realize. (((hugs))) and you are beautiful!!!!
  17. the best me

    Update from "Can Anyone Relate"

    ahhh, good news! You two are headed in the right direction. I'm so happy for you! Thanks for the update. Good job on the counseling. Yay you!
  18. and if I knew how to, I'd quote sunsett, too on the "be kind to yourself" refrain. You are a grown-up. You get to pick. Own what you eat. Even the not-so-good stuff. Good job posting here. It's what just about all of us deal with along the merry little road. Oh, and get a fill. It really does make a difference.
  19. the best me

    New Here

    Excellent weight loss Jessica, the girl from ipanema. I like your screen name. Welcome to LBT! And spill your weight loss secrets, 'kay?
  20. the best me

    help! I'm sick of being sick....

    If you haven't had a fill yet, you really need to slow down and do the head work required to eat properly. Be good to your band!! Vomitng is NOT okay. Also, after a vomit, or a PB where the food comes up or you use your finger, you really should go on liquids for 24 hours. At the very least for the next meal and very soft foods for the remainder. If you have had a fill, have an unfill ASAP. You are too tight and need some time to make the eating adjustments. You should NOT be eating in a way that makes it necessary to use your finger to get the stuck food up. If you do, go liquids, then soft foods and let your stoma rest.
  21. the best me

    My Endoscopy Results 12/22/05

    Well, now. Doesn't this just stink to high heaven? I'm really sorry. I'm glad you described the gurgle feeling. My tummy gurgles alot when I go to bed because I drink 6-8 ounces of Water and Aloe Vera juice...my gurgles seem to be in my lower stomach, moving into the bowels, not up top where the band is. One night I was laying on my side and my stomach spasmed big time! It just...spasmed for about 5 seconds, very weird. It was the big part of the stomach, below the band. All that make me worried, especially when I keep hearing all this news. So many of you ladies who were so inspirational to me when I decided to get banded are eroding! What's up with this? And I'm a MX Bandster. Anyone heard of any Kuri erosions? Geez. Don't worry...I'm getting an endo!!! Thanks for being such an inspiration DeLarla. Keep us posted.
  22. the best me

    I have a black eye! + NSV!!

    Very cute pics, girls, and a great NSV Terri. Good job!!! I got a black eye once playing catcher in a softball game (ohhhhhh so long ago) and the ball popped up off the plate. Ouch. Those hurt. Take it easy, ya'll!
  23. the best me

    Turtles and Thyroids

    I have popped a half a diet pill on 3 different days since banding (all within the last month) and it gave me a bit of a jump start on a few pounds gone, but I have had to do the work to keep it off. I don't particularly like using them but I will if I need the boost off a plateau. My thyroid levels came back normal but I don't have the numbers, so I don't know if they are on the low end of normal. My plan is to knock on Kare's door after the first of the year and get some good exercise music. After Curves and the gym, I know enough about good exercise technique I think I can do something at home. Heck, moving my butt for a 1/2 hour is an improvement. Housework gets the blood pumping but it's time for some good ole cardio/strength training again. I actually kind of miss it. Did I just say that?
  24. the best me

    Port Problems

    Sherrie, did you flip?!! Flipped ports happen lots...well, not lots, but they happen. Dr G will know. Most times the doc can just press and get the port upright for a fill. You may end up under flouro which is pricey at his office, er...hospital. Anyhow, don't you go in for a fill today? Let us know!!!
  25. the best me

    Aarrgghh! Frustrated!

    Kathy Duck...next week?!!!! Wowza! Please keep us posted on the date and definately when you are done and home and banded! Congrats! Way to whine...it worked!!! Don't panic now, you'll be fine!

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