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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Success at last!

    Randy, Kuri has been on the boards alot since many folks are banded by him, but this is a first...he's my doc and I'm paying attention! I have never seen a Kuri employee post on this board. I found it odd, too. Welcome Jessica? Be sure to pass out good advice on successful banded weight loss. We need lots of encouragement around here! BTW, what's Joanne doing now? Will you be taking over her position? What about the patient reps? Give me the scoop on changes at BeLiteWeight. Somethings up!
  2. the best me


    Prayers for peaceful rest for your friend and for peace in your heart. I know this is hard. We are here for you. I'm so sorry.
  3. the best me

    Charlotte Chat Time!!!

    Karen, check out www.flylady.com and get some inspiration for that organizing frenzy coming on. Lots of good info, and she (FlyLady) will send you e-mail reminders everyday for the chores and projects on the schedule. You can get individual e-mails, once a day bundle of todays e-mails, or none at all, just read the website and get inspired to get organized. I love to FLY. It all starts with the sink. Go get 'em!
  4. the best me

    I survived band removal surgery...

    Glad you are back and it's all behind you. I was wondering where you were and suspected you were busy getting "removed" so this is just the thread I was looking for. Be well. Get that spunk back.
  5. the best me

    Why do you have a scar???

    Excellent points.
  6. I vomited once from nausea (took some liquid pain meds...it didn't settle very well) at about 5? months post-op and vomit comes up just fine the old-fashioned way. Thank goodness it was only liquid with no food at all. Ladysplenda, that's what I would recommend more than anything these next days just in case you get the bug. Eat liquids only. No soft anything, just full liquids. If it's going to come up...and it can...keep it as easy on your band as possible. Disinfect the heck out of the bathrooms. Good luck. Hunker down, INCOMING!!!!! or is that "up-coming"? LOL Keep your sense of humor too. ((((hugs))))
  7. the best me

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    I'm so in. I need to get my commitment together and get ready to buckle down...this is right up my alley. I thought I'd be ready for another challenge after the first of the year but I'm not. This challenge is with me, and I'll be ready for some butt-kickin' from everyone else, too. Let's do it!!!! I'll post my "commitment to myself" details soon. Thanks Christina!!
  8. the best me

    Band Removal plus 30 days

    Yep, I always read your posts...congrats on a successful surgery and a smooth recovery so far. I love hearing about the pounds falling off. Good for you. Yuck on the the reflux...hope that improves. Don't go far! We all want regular updates!!!
  9. the best me

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Kryssa, you may end up graduating pretty quickly here! Good job! I got a piece of exercise advice from a skinny person and she said "I try to exercise every day except Sunday. That way, if I miss one or two days, I'm still exercising 4-5 days a week, or maybe only 3 days a week! But that's more than I would have shooting for 3 days a week, missing two of those, and only ending up with once a week...or none!" Maybe that tweak in thinking will help you. I'm about to up the exercise, too, so I plan to do something for 30 min every day (but Sunday) and if being bad means missing 3 days, I'm still good for the 3 other days, right? I hope it works for me. Man, diet and exercise is a real mind game. Good luck! You are doing great!
  10. the best me

    Trying to make an informed decision

    I was banded by Kuri in April and it's going well so far. I'm a slow loser, but it's coming off! I had a good experience in MX. It's not the right decision for everyone so research well and know what's ahead of you. If I could have stayed in the US for surgery I would have preferred it, but Kuri is so experienced I went and have no regrets so far. Research well! Welcome to LBT!
  11. the best me

    Why do you have a scar???

    "I had my gall bladder removed. Ouch! I'm fine now, though." Just make sure you know about gall bladder problems, in case someone wants to share a war story or two...gall bladders can be removed laporoscopically in a similar procedure.
  12. the best me

    please help, banded yesterday

    To help the chest pain (does it happen when you sip?) slow down and take smaller sips. And walk! And rest. Welcome to bandland!
  13. the best me

    my doc has a gift for hitting sweet spots

    My fill doc has me sit up and drink, too. Works great. He doesn't seem to be quite as careful and methodical as yours though. I can tell, however, that he also feels the needle (like Angie described) to see when to stop loosening the fill. It's a skill, that's for sure! Well written Theresa.
  14. the best me

    to fill or not fill - that's my ?

    http://lapbandtransformation.com/Adjustments.htm this link is very helpful.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  15. the best me

    Charlotte Chat Time!!!

    Okay, but you still need to leave the Bubble Butt. That is too funny! You should add Karen to your sig...above your height/weight...but I like Mrs Sabre. You look cool on your bike, man. Woohoooo!
  16. the best me

    Being Logged Out

    Karen I was doing that a few months back and I can't remember what fixed it...it was my 'puter though...hmmm, I'll post when I remember what I did...
  17. Welcome to Bandland MsJoy!!! congratulations!!
  18. the best me

    I need some help!

    OMGosh! Really?!!! I have noticed I lose better when I go a few days with plain Water instead of Crystal Light. Darnit!!!! I love my CL!!!! I was hoping that wasn't linked...thanks alot! :ermm www.room42.com is a good place to figure out how your food intake should break down. Check it out!
  19. the best me

    Board Changes...what have you found?

    I think she may be some type of search or information feature? She's definately automated but still creepy. Alex, how do we put this poor girl to good use? If you type her name she just jumps on in and asks all kinds of questions. It's weird to be in there alone with her. LOL Oh, and if you type LOL, she'll say "I'm glad you thought that was funny" CREEPY!!!!
  20. the best me

    My Surgery Update

    Cool pics...I love the gross stuff. Isn't it good to have answers?! Now you know why you were in pain that way! Wow! Hang in there and feel better soon. Thanks for the update...you are on your way again!
  21. If I were getting banded, there's no way I'd get a balloon. I understand where the endocrinologist is going with losing some weight before surgery, but I'd refuse the balloon. Wait and see what your band doc says. Many bandsters with BMIs over 40 (is yours?) are required to do a liver-shrinking liquid diet for a week or more before band surgery. I'd imagine that would be less expensive than showing up at the Optifast door with your checkbook open. There are lots of liquid protien drinks on the market that would do you just fine for a few weeks. Check with your band doc before doing anything.
  22. the best me

    New Here

    Great blog, you are cute as a button! I love "the night before banding"...very well done!
  23. the best me

    Turtles and Thyroids

    Can't wait for the update Vines. I have been anxious for you for weeks now...waiting patiently!!!
  24. the best me

    Board Changes...what have you found?

    Okay, I just had the strangest conversation with Alice in the chat room. Ya'll go say hello to her, she's kind of creepy.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
