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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    I'm New Here!

    Well now, aren't you just so pretty! Welcome to LBT! Jump on in here and join the group! The Charlotte girls have lots of fun. Have you seen our picture thread? Where is Hiddenite? WTG on 50 pounds, that's great! I haven't lost that much yet and I was banded in April! Good job! Let's see, what more can I ask?...just kidding! Good to have you! You should come to TGIFridays with us on the 28th. It's a fun relaxing Saturday lunch. We all look forward to it! Hope to meet you there in person!
  2. the best me

    How much fat to eat??

    www.room42.com plug in your numbers, it will tell you fat, calories, carbs, protien and more. Tell us what it says for you!
  3. the best me

    Free Exercise Music Cd

    Kare, just how many of these have you shipped out? Just wonderin'. I can't wait!
  4. the best me


    Yep, my DH is a skinny...last night he was commenting that his 32 dress pants were on the snug side, he needs to lose a few because 34's are too big...*sniff* I spend a fair amount of time on LBT for support. He's not crazy about it, but he knows I need the support and info I get here and lives with it. He also recognizes that he doesn't get the whole "food thing" I have, so whatever it takes to make this a success is fine. The changes you are going through require alot of time and attention. You are distracted and he is taking it personally. Go easy on the fella. His life is affected by this, too! When he brings you cake and ice cream, say, "thank you!" eat some, offer some, let it sit and pitch it out. Really, if he IS sabatoging you for whatever reason, it's not him you need to change, its how YOU handle it that will make the difference. You can push him away or learn to love him, accept him, get the best out of him, give the best of yourself, and still not compromise your weight loss. Tall order, I know.
  5. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    I got into the shower with hubby the other day. It was late afternoon, broad daylight, the kids were napping. I'm so wild!!!! I'd have NEVER done that a year ago. Certainly not 2 years ago at 240+. And it was 2 years ago around this time when I weighed 240+ and in tears and desperation went to Curves. They kept wanting me to make an appointment for measuring and training but I wanted IN!!! I couldn't wait to give them my money! Best thing I ever did. I got strong there, went on to another gym with childcare and got as healthy as I could be at 220. Then I got stuck, and a year ago started researching Lap Band, logged onto LBT and have been here ever since. See? I joined LBT in Jan 2005. Wow. My life has improved in so many ways this past year. I have more NSV's with pics to post...coming soon.
  6. the best me

    Two days down

    How ya doin' magic?
  7. the best me

    Free Exercise Music Cd

    Will DeLarla's song be on my CD? I'll look for it. I'm so excited! Thanks, Kare! I'm PMing you and I'll post a review, promise!
  8. the best me

    My first Official list of NSVs

    Excellent list! Keep it coming, this is the GOOD stuff!
  9. the best me

    Happy Birthday Bigbellykellie

    30 is when you actually start feeling like you have earned your salt in wisdom. It creeps up on you but the 30's are GOOD! Man, I miss 'em! Happy Birthday!! You, too, Christina!
  10. the best me

    Shoe size shrinking?

    Yep, foot shrinker here, too. I ordered some LLBean shoes in an 81/2 and had to send them back for 8's, which is what I used to wear. I can't imagine getting into a 71/2 anymore...haven't seen that since my 20's, but I suppose it's possible. The width is the big issue. Then, I only wear flat comfy shoes, sneakers, etc. No strappy heels for me. I broke my left foot in a car accident many years ago so there's my excuse. :confused: I am shrinking from the top down and the bottom up. Waist to knees is last to go. sigh.
  11. the best me

    Can You Identify My Symptoms?

    You won't be attacked by me! The band ain't for everyone. Sometimes you just don't know that till you try. Everyone should know this going in. Maybe juts can do somthing to fix it without band removal...time will tell. I'm glad you posted here though. You are a wealth of good info. What's the name for what you have? Motility something or other? That may help juts research...thanks!
  12. the best me

    Can You Identify My Symptoms?

    Yes, too tight! it's not supposed to be this way, and you really should get to the bottom of it. Who's your doc...didn't you go to MX? I think think think you saw Kuri? Ortiz? Anyhow, you should also research GeezerSue who had esophogeal motility issues. That rang a bell when I read what you posted. I think you should have all your fill taken out. Then drink aloe Vera juice at bedtime every night, no eating after 8pm (that might make you a bit more open in the mornings), and take Prilosec/Prevacid/whatever for reducing acid once or twice a day. I'm no doc though. Call your doc!!
  13. the best me

    Board Changes...what have you found?

    Wow, I have 250 PMs, too, and I'm not near as poplular as DeLarla! Gee, thanks alex!
  14. the best me

    Board Changes...what have you found?

    Up all night, eh? Thanks from me, too. So sorry about Alice. It was fun, I'll miss her, but not that much. I think it was the right decision. :ermm Okay, when I do the drop down menu on someone's user name, "find all posts" comes up, but you have to click on the profile and go to the page to find the "find all threads started by..." button. Which is fine, as long as it's still there and I know how to find it. It was kinda handy when it was on the drop down menu though. Wow, do I have 250 PMs now, too? Or is that just our resident 5000+ posts big mouth? If anyone deserves it, she does!!! :confused: Going to my PM box now. Thanks again, alex.
  15. the best me

    Fly Lady.net

    Jennifer! I love to FLY! It's www.flylady.com I'm pretty sure. It's great. Do the Baby Steps or you will get overwhelmed and feel like crap cuz you can't do it...or you think you can't. I get the e-mails sent once daily and it's less overwhelming. Remember...no whining. Click delete and let it go if you hate it that day. NO WHINING!! I love Flylady. My DD is in the first grade at a Charter School in Lincoln County. We love that little ole school. Check out a Charter school...they have their own Board of Directors and choose their own curriculum. You can go to any NC Charter school, no matter what county you live in (we don't live in Lincoln County, but close). You have to transport though. We have no bussing, except the bus that brings the kids to the grocery store parking lot for pick up...less traffic on campus, and no cafeteria. No library, the Book Mobile comes once every other week. Class sizes are comparable to public schools (23 students, 1 teacher and a TA for 1st grade). I love her school. If I could afford Private, I would, but this is great. Just like public school, but better! Anyhow, happy new year. Let us know when you get your date!!!!
  16. the best me

    Boot Camp Lbt Style

    Okay, weight and measurements in, exercise is the main focus. 6 days a week is the goal, 3 days a week is the minimum and NO CRYING MAMA!!!!!! Secondary focus is Meal Replacement protien drinks, dairy and veggies. Start weight 189 lbs. I wish I knew my body fat %...that'd be handy. I'll work on that. NSV Thread is up and running. I'll add and update regularly. Let's do it people!!!!!!
  17. the best me

    Board Changes...what have you found?

    I found it...you have to go to the users Profile page...it doesn't show up on the drop down menu anymore, but it's there. Cool.
  18. the best me

    Free Exercise Music Cd

    Is it too late to request free exercise music? Actually, I'd love to contribute to the CD/shipping box/postage fund if there is one. You send one to me, I'll pay for the next person or two to get one. Anyhow, it's after midnight on New Years Eve and I have finished some computer housekeeping projects and tomorrow is a great day to get started. I am joining LBT Boot Camp with Instructor/Drill Sergeant Christina. Exercise is on my list. I have my CD player with head phones ready so I can jam while little man is napping. I don't care what the tunes are since I know it will push me to keep the pace. Can you do it? Would you? I'd be grateful. I need good tunes...help!
  19. the best me

    I can get some fluid taken out...FINALLY!

    Hey Tammy! Good to see you. And good to see you are getting an unfill. You are not living a good banded life PBing that much. It's no fun, and no good for your band. This unfill is waaaay overdue, but you know that. You can't possibly feel good. I envy your numbers, but I honestly don't envy the hard way you have done it. Know that you may gain a few when you get back to eating well. That's okay. Your poor body needs it! Do right. Live well. Don't risk slippage or erosion. Don't stay gone so long!!!! ((((hugs))))
  20. the best me

    Board Changes...what have you found?

    I'm getting used to and starting to like the "New Posts" changes. I miss the "Find all threads started by XXX" feature under usernames. That was handy when you know theres a thread and who started it...cuts way down on the search. Can we have that back? please?
  21. the best me

    Did I make the right choice?

    "30 days smoke free' is your real issue, my dear. That's a huge life change, every big as big and drastic as WLS. First no ciggies, then a liquid diet for weeks? Who could cope?! No wonder you are depressed! You have lost 2 very important coping mechanisms within weeks of one another...I'd be schitzo. Seriously! Give yourself a break. This is YOUR journey. You are comparing apples and oranges with RNY folks and honestly, what the heck are you gonna do about it NOW? There's nothing you can do right now. It's too soon to revise. You are wasting good energy being envious. Quit looking at RNY sites for a while. Find some good relaxation techniques that will work for you. Seek counseling, or start your own NSV thread and journal your pretty little head to death...spill it all! And are you exercising or at least walking? Your poor fiance. Tell him you are working on pulling your head out, be patient, tell him to give you a few extra hugs a day, you'll be okay. You just need to get over this hump. We are here for you! BTW, well done on the smoking. You are doing great! You really are!!! Healthy new you is emerging. Yay!
  22. the best me

    Laser hair removal

    Looking for Paula here...I'm pretty certain she had this done...OUCH! Screw the technician. Lidocaine the heck out of yourself!! I like the "all of the above" answer.
  23. the best me

    does my situation count as a complication?

    Nope, Vines. Seems your band is working fine. Anyone able to live for weeks on 700 calories a day can attest to the band's ability to help in the appetite arena. Yes, you are able to eat less, you are satisfied on less food than pre-band, you are restricted, you don't have a leak, you are a great bandster. You just need to figure out how to get your body to listen to good reason. I'm hoping the thyroid meds will help. Keep us posted.
  24. the best me

    sorry about Penni

    Sugarbear, the Penni who lost her band lives in CA. Also, recent erosions and band losses include Francesca, La Madam, and DeLarla. Among others, but those are the more recent, I think.
  25. the best me

    Astro has crossed the bridge

    You and Road Queen gets extra hugs today. She had to make the same difficult decision. I'm so sorry. (((hugs)))

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
