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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Wait a sec Celeste, you have been banded for 32 weeks, and you have lost 23 pounds since banding? Doesn't that qualify you? You should re-submit your application!
  2. the best me

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I do the same thing, sneak down there, up and down and up and down. Which all adds up to alot of nothing. Okay, at 1/2 pound per week, it will take me 84 weeks to get to 145. That's about a year and a half. Blech. Have you started your NSV list yet?
  3. the best me

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    What can we do to help? Cyber (((((HUGS))))? Hold on. Go to the Y and get some exercise in. Don't neglect your prayer life. Journal. Memorize a new Bible verse...you know the one, you come across it and go "Dang, that's one I need to memorize...why don't I just memeorize that one?!" Well, now's the time. ((hugs)) Karen!
  4. the best me

    My first infertility APT sucked! (Long)

    LMBO. You have such a great sense of humor. Rica...pay attention! I know you will be able to smile again. Everyone here has been so encouraging! You and hubby will make great parents, no matter how it happens! Lucky kids. God Bless You!
  5. the best me

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    OMGosh! I can't believe you bought a whole box of Yodels!!! What were you thinking?! LOL Okay, lady, get those Yodels behind you and move forward. Post your food choices for the kick in the A$$ you need. No more Yodels! Actually, I'm one NOT to give you a hard time about Yodels. You need that crap on occasion. One Yodel is NOT horrible. It's the BOX I can't believe you bought! Can't you just buy one or two? Don't Ho Ho's come in a 2-pack at the gas station? GIRL?!! Anyhow. Okay, so with all this talk about getting organized, I visited Flylady and her Body Clutter book is out! I have been waiting for it, and if I had been reading my journaled e-mails, I'd know it. So I ordered it! I'll post a review. Okay ladies, what are you doing today/this week to get organized? I'm catching up on the ironing today, then by Sunday I will have this THIS very desk at which I'm sitting cleaned off. I'm making NO promises about what the floor will look like when I'm done but the desk will be clean and organized. I'll deal with the floor later. It's about baby steps. I'm excited to see you all this month. We have Magic and Denika (maybe) coming? Someone call Starr and raise H*!! with her for dropping off the face of our earth. lol What happened to the new girl?! Remember she posted saying she lived in Ballentyne and was banded and looking for local support? What IS her name? Jennifer should come, she's having her RNY soon. I just love you guys. 2006 is gonna be great! Plus I weighed 186.8 this morning. Not a new low, but I hadn't seen it a quite a few weeks!
  6. the best me

    I'm New Here!

    Okay, so I went to college at Montreat and had a classmate named Charlie Hutto. He and his family lived in Black Mountain. What's the possibilitiy? Okay, Denika, I went to post the link to the picture thread but I see you found it! See, you get along just fine in here! Can't wait to read your blog.
  7. the best me

    My first infertility APT sucked! (Long)

    Aw Rica, I just don't even know what to say but I'm so sorry. (((hugs)))
  8. the best me

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    You have been banded for about 17 weeks and have lost 30 pounds, which is perfectly respectable, right on target for 2 pound a week average weight loss, and nope, you don't qualify to be an official slow loser, who is someone who has lost less than 1 pound per week. However, feel free to join us here for support and great ideas for weight loss. We are a nice bunch, we just share some frustrations about our slow weight loss and are happy to encourage others. Read this thread from the beginning and see what questions or comments pop up. 30 pounds since Sept is great! I was banded in April and have lost about 35 pounds, if that makes you feel any better. Welcome!
  9. the best me

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Okay Annette, hold on fro a sec...let's see if we can make sure your doc is guilty of wrongdoing here. At the very least he's not very informative or supportive, but that's not suit-worthy. Have you had a fill under flouroscopy? If the doc is having you swallow contrast fluid and watches is fill the pouch, drain down through the band, and fills at the same time, he would be able to see if the shape of your pouch and the placement of the band is correct. How and what are you eating? Do you have any restriction at all? What size is your band? Give us some more info and maybe we can direct you. It's possible all you need to do is make some changes to get the most of your band. Looking forward to hearing back!
  10. the best me

    I'm back!

    There you are! We have missed you and needed your big boot a few times, too. Glad you are recovering. I thought of you when my sister had her hysterectomy Dec 1st. Remember fibroid tumor girl? No longer, and she's feeling better already. She's lost almost 20 pounds since her surgery. Her feet no longer swell (not sure exactly why they did) so she's not retaining Water like she used to. I hope you are enjoying good health as time passes. Okay, there are a few challenges going on these days so jump in on one. I have sworn them off for a while. I guess I got burned out, but I joined Boot Camp where no whining is allowed and I pick my own goals. Mine are increased exercise and better eating. Yes, vague, but just enough structure for me. Plus NSV's must be listed. So there ya go. Glad to see you posting. Lots going on these last months...catch up!!!
  11. the best me

    April 2005.. How are you doing?

    If my goal weight is 145, I needed to lose 78 pounds from banding. I have lost 34 pounds so far. That's about 45% I think? Someone help with the math!!! My high weight was 240+ so I'm down over 50 pounds from 2 years ago. I love my band. I'm a bit paranoid about erosion, other than that, banded life is great!!!
  12. the best me

    Sarah's NSV List

    Nice work! Running up stairs is the best!
  13. the best me

    Board Changes...what have you found?

    I spotted a Yahoo! Slurp Spider while viewing Who's Online. AND there were 5 pages of memebers and guests viewing. Is that a new record? Wow. Lot's of LBT activity...and more to come with the spider. I'm guessing it's the same thing as a Google Spider?
  14. the best me

    Where did the Top 5 lists go?

    Wow, you are a busy boy, huh? Looks GREAT!!!!
  15. the best me

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    Wow, I wish I felt back to normal already. It's sloooowly happening here. I stuffed myself to the gills on New Years Day at my Mom's. What's odd is that I felt so Thanksgiving satisfied and my only guilty pleasure was a second cornbread muffin! I had two thin slices of pork roast, two small ladles of black-eyed peas, about as much steamed cabbage, and 2 cornbreads. Then a small slice of pie. Not NEAR as much as I would have had pre-band. And I had some Wheat Thins with cheese for dinner, a Boost for breakfast, that's it for the whole day. Wow! So, Happy New Year everyone! 2006 is gonna be great! I just gotta get organized. Maybe I'll start a FlyLady Challenge or something. Look for a new thread? Later tonight. See ya taters!
  16. the best me

    post surgery hell !!!

    yes on Tums. It's better if your problem is acid, which it may be since you seem to be so tight. I did better with thicker liquids, too. I think it's because you seem to be able to take smaller sips. It's hard to sip small on Water, but keep what you swallow in very small quantities. Egg Drop Soup, definately. Something about it slides right down (the eggs? haha) and it's warm and filling and makes you feel so much better. If you can do cream Soups, your options are limitless. Anything you can puree and get through a straw (although sip it, don't suck it) is great! Get some good calories in there, keep in mind you are probably swollen and need to be very careful how you drink, and stay away from anything acidic (like V-8 or OJ) and that will help alot. If protien drinks don't cut it for you, drink something else. Listen to your body. Keep us posted!
  17. the best me

    post surgery hell !!!

    Excellent!!! Wish I had thought of that one at the time. Great advice!
  18. the best me

    Lap band vs DS

    Hey Sharon T- PA...good to see you and glad to hear you are doing so well! Yay you!!! Visit more often, okay? We always have folks asking these questions and it's good to have accurate info.
  19. the best me

    post surgery hell !!!

    Buyer's Remorse. Hang in there. I had it, too. I promise it gets better. I wish you had better support from your doc's office, but I'm glad you came here. What liquids are you drinking now? Protien drinks are essential. If you can drink a few Boosts a day, at the least, that would help alot. Egg Drop Soup is also very very good. Non-acidic fruit juices are helpful, too. The upper back is gas pain...from the gas they use for the laporoscopic surgery. Heating pads and walking and time are the cures. Try chewing a Gas-X too. Are your BM's regular now? If you can get liquid calories in it will help clear your bowels and you will feel tons better. Glycerin suppositories are handy. Some get diarrhea though, and if that's the case for you, just keep the liquids in as much as you can. I promisse it gets better. Don't give up yet, okay? Pretty soon you'll be posting about how much you love your band, despite the difficulties. Get some liquid protien in. Sip all day and walk as much as you can. Don't bother with the laundry or the dishes or anything else. Only you right now. (((hugs))). I promise it gets better!!
  20. Okay, you are safe with ice cream and cake. That can be good or bad! It goes down just fine. Fibrous foods such as asparagus (thank the Lord, can't stand the stuff anyway) and celery and broccoli can be tough. If the broccoli is steamed enough with a bit of sauce, I have no problem. I usually spit out chunks of celery in tuna or chicken salad...I'm taking no chances. The big thing is...chew chew chew and if it doesn't mush, spit it out. What you have trouble with, someone else enjoys daily. We are all different. Other than that, no real food restrictions, except the foods that are high in fat and calories that we don't need to be eating anyway. Anyhow, a bit of cake and ice cream on occasion is always a good thing! Keep reading! It's all here somewhere and if you can't find it, ask!
  21. the best me

    WLS/Band in the News

    Cool article. thanks for the link!
  22. the best me

    Bad experience

    Thanks for being honest. It's not always roses, huh? Hang in there. You will feel so much better and down the road, I'm betting it will be worth it! Congrats and welcome to bandland!
  23. the best me

    Happy Birthday JessieBear !!

    Happy happy day! Hope it's wonderful!!!!
  24. the best me

    Thanks to the eroded that are still around..

    I agree...thanks for your wonderful support. I hope you feel you still get good support from the board. Your experiences are invaluable. Thanks!!!
  25. the best me

    Met a goal - a big one!

    <p>Ahh, so well done! I enjoyed the holidays, too and didn't do the whole "constant self-denial" thing either and all was well. Anything I gained was back off in a day with my normal "Up 2 down 1, then another 1 down" circus act. Exercise is on my list. Good job hitting the gym. Yay! I love my band, too. I can't wait until I'm 3 Christmases out and still banded...I have a case of erosion paranoia that won't go away without an endo. sigh.</p> You are so inspiring!

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