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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Any pregnant Aussies?

    Congrats aussie jode! Cheers on a healthy pregnancy...good for you!!
  2. the best me

    Charlotte Area Monthly Get Together...

    Dianne, Debbie, Kim, Angie, Kathy, Karen, so far. Starr? Melissa? Jennifer? Magic? JZachary? Vickie is in Fayettville, so maybe not. Sherrie? Isn't there another Sherry? Who else am I missing? editing...wait Sherry is in Fayettville, Vickie is...I don't know where? She's still researching Banding. You there Vickie? I e-mailed you!! I can't keep up no mo'. I'm so confused!
  3. the best me

    fill help

    Dr Roc Bauman in Concord is the band doc for several of the girls here. He's also doing Jennifer's RNY. Great doc. HOWEVER! You might want to save your money on the $200 consult fee unless you know for sure he CAN and WILL do your fill. Your band is not FDA approved in the US, so he may not touch it. Just make SURE, because it sounds like it's possible the person who scheduled your consultation may not know for sure? Plus, if Bauman wants to use flouro, he will need to schedule with the hospital which needs to be done in advance. In other words, do what it takes to only make the drive once. I'd hate to see you pay for the consult, drive all that way, sit in his office for 30 min and find out he isn't able to help you. And even if he is...you have to drive BACK a week or two later for the actual fill. I guess what I'm saying is, just because you have a consult, doesn't mean you'll get a fill. You have dealt with enough frustration and dissappointment. I guess I just want to be sure this isn't somethng that will add to it. What did the person at Bauman's office say? My next advice was La Madam's. For SURE there is a MX doc who can do your fill. It's a heck of alot shorter flight than Belgium. Start with Ortiz or Kuri. They are both good docs, both in Tiajuana, which is right at the border, just fly into San Diego. Okay, keep us posted.
  4. the best me

    Charlotte Bandsters Getting Organized!

    Now, where was I? Oh, I did the desk, but how come it still looks cluttered? Geez. I need some organization. I'm getting there, girls! My sister came over today and we hung a few more pictures. check. Hubby installed my new sink top Water filter he gave me for Christmas. check. Here's my new/updated list. Finish hanging the pictures (6 down, 4 to go) Clean the bonus room Clean the attic Clean/reorganize daughter's room Sort office papers, throw out junk, file what's left. That's enough for now. Anyone else joining the fun? Melissa, you are sooo off the hook while in San Fran and with a sick little one. Post your progress when you get to it. The girl's bathroom sink is calling you!!! Yooohoooooo!!!
  5. the best me

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    Here you go, Angie! Prayers for a safe surgery tomarrow. I'll be thinking of you! ((((hugs))))
  6. the best me

    Anyone experience back pain with the band?

    Theresa, you have given excellent, well-written advice and spent alot of time carefully writing well-thought out posts on this thread. Thank you. I agree that Anthony is probably too tight and is using his band in the wrong way. There is head work that goes along with wieght loss no matter how you lose. Eating around the band because you are too tight doesn't cause weight loss, and living with comfortable restriction takes WORK. It's a fine balance and, fact is, banding isn't the answer for everyone. That said, I don't think Anthony wants to be banded. He just wants his band out. I don't live with his discomfort though, so I'm not exactly in a position to judge whether or not it's a good idea for him. I'm thinking, if you hate your band, get it out! Quit whining, take it out. Be done with it. What's the saying? "Sh#t or get off the pot." Anthony wants off the pot. I'd hate to live the way he's been living with the gas, no burping, pain issues. And a total unfill doesn't take away the back pain, so maybe it is the band! His back pain is the issue. HIs weight journey, while related, is the hijacked issue here. You have done excellent work, Theresa. I wish you the best on your weight loss journey, Anthony. And I hope the band removal alleviates your back pain. Sounds as if it might. But Theresa is right, we need to know about it. Your info helps others. Would you please keep us updated on your decisions and results? Good luck!!
  7. the best me

    full body lift?

    Muffinbirdie has pics posted of her post-surgery lower body lift. She looks wonderful! Mariposabella also had lipo and other body work done but noone can get her to post pics. Coffeewench had a tummy tuck. Geezersue had her panni removed. Hmmm, who else? I have seen these shows, too. The lower body lift basically cuts all the way around and takes away all of the extra skin. Huge scar, but hides much more nicely than pounds of extra skin and fat.
  8. the best me

    home from the hosiptal

    Holy Cannolli. Well done! Thanks for the update.
  9. the best me

    Is Nooky Better or What?

    Yeah Baby! You go girl! There has GOT to be a new banana or two for this one...anyone? :biggrin1:
  10. the best me

    a long lapband story ! (i need support)

    Sherrie, I know you can't come but here's hoping. This is the link to the lunch get-together thread. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=13328 Did you talk with Dr G's office? What did they say?
  11. Come here... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=13328 Gald to see you back! I was wondering where you were. Hope to see you in a few weeks!
  12. the best me

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    Me, too! The dryer busted, the washer still worked but was pretty shot, we just got a new set. I was so happy! My first brand new set. Hope it lasts!!! Congrats. I totally understand your excitement! Melissa, you go girl! No sitting in a hotel room for you, huh? I'm so glad you went. Yay!!! So did Karen cry through lunch? Aw girl, hang in there. I'm thinking of you. I don't want you to be sad!!! Give us all the scoop on lunch, ya'll. What did you talk about?! Where did you eat? Did Debbie come? Scoop please! Let us know how Curtis does. Speaking of ENTs, my dad has some kind of tumor on his neck...a watkins? tumor? It's benign, but has to be removed. He's having the surgery on the 23rd I think. I'll let you know. I'm concerned for my daddy. He's getting older and health is not as hot as it used to be. Since Christmas, I have been going to his house every Tuesday evening and cleaning. It took 2 weeks in the kitchen and I'm not REALLY done there. Tonight, it's the spare bedroom closet. sigh. Lots to do and it's a real mess. Frankly, it's squalor. There, I said it. SQUALOR! I say! Geez. Single men. Can't do a thing with 'em. Happy Tuesday everyone!
  13. the best me

    Anyone in the N. Carolina area

    vericks, come here... http://lapbandtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=54 for North Carolina. See you there! And, yes, it works. Just do your research and know what to expect.
  14. the best me

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    Ya'll have fun! Give Karen an extra hug from me...((((hugs)))
  15. the best me

    Free Exercise Music Cd

    I got it! I got it! I'm so excited. I went out to the mailbox at 11pm Sat night when I realized I hadn't checked the Sat mail. Sigh. It wasn't there. But it is today! Can't wait, I'll let you know how it goes. Thank You Kare!!!
  16. the best me

    a long lapband story ! (i need support)

    Fayetteville! Oy, Vey. That's a pretty long drive for lunch. sigh. Dr G. pulls out the old and adds. Especially if you request it. My first fill was a straight 2cc, then I went back a few days later for a small unfill of .4cc, I was too tight. Since then I went back for a little top off and he pulled the old out and added back but he didn't really measure. He said I have 2cc again but hinestly, I don't think he knows. He has me sit up and drink Water while he's filling and goes alot by the resisitance on the needle and my ability to swallow, much more so than the numbers. It makes for a comfortable fill and I have been fine here for a good while. I have never had a flouro fill. Just be prepared for the cost and as long as you are, I'm sure DrG will do ya right. And yes, after time the fill "wears off" in that you lose fat on the insides and in your stomach tissue, too. The band lossens with weight loss. I have heard many people say they go for a complete unfill for some reason (reflux, whatever) and when they go back to get filled, it takes less fill to get the same restriction. Who knows why? That's the beauty of an adjustable band. Don't worry about your friends. I know it's hard. This is YOUR wieght loss journey and your road is as unique as you are! Get your fill and you should be on your way.
  17. Good job getting the fill out. Sounds like a pretty bad PB episode and your band and body needed the rest. You weight gain can be avoided if you'll do the work of eating well, eating less, drinking your Water and exercise. If you get another fill, cutting back your eating will be much easier. However, you must must get your head around the idea of slowing down, chewing well, and taking smaller bites. This is the only way to avoid another PB episode when you are properly restricted. It's a dance with the band. If you want the band to work for you, you have to work with it by 1)getting the right fill level 2)slowing down, chewing well, taking smaller bites 3) making the right food and exercise choices. In some ways it's simple, but in other ways, it isn't always easy. Go back in your mind to when you got banded and use your band to start over fresh. Don't gain back that 50 pounds! It isn't worth it! Get your spunk back...it's in there somewhere!
  18. the best me

    Charlotte Bandsters Getting Organized!

    Well, okay. I guess you have a legitimate excuse, huh? LOL Later for you, we'll just all cheer each other on for whatever's in front of us. The rumblings of insiration for the desk are slowly growing louder...I'm coming desk! Watch out!!!
  19. the best me

    Seperated/Divorced parents w/kids

    Al-Anon was a huge help for me. They said, "come to 6 meetings, then decide if this is for you" so I went to 6 meetings, and the last one I walked out and said "I'll never go back" I was cured. Alcoholism was not a part of my life in any area except a boyfriend. He was optional. I wasn't married to him, no kids, no ties, just the choice to continue dating. We broke up, we moved on. I never could have done that without the knowledge I gained at those meetings. I learned ALOT more about ME than him, too. I can't recommend AL-Anon more. Put that pretty high up on your list.
  20. the best me

    Its Official! Im Approved!

    Congratulations! Wow...the recoveries for LP and GP are so different. I'm betting if you both get banded, the same day would be fine, especially if you have grown children to help. Barring any complications, of course. I'd hesitate to advise about the GP recovery. If you do them a month apart, who would go first? Just wonderin'. Keep us posted!
  21. the best me

    antidepressants/psych meds?

    My Dad took Paxil and it helped him alot. He needed it! He had big time panic attacks. He described it like this..."you know the feeling you get right when you remember that you forgot something and it takes your breath away? Do that a 100 times a day, all day, and at bedtime" Wow. However, after a few years, he really should have weaned off. It made him so laid back, so not worried, so unconcerned that he is still dealing with the consequences of a failing business and the overwhelmed feeling of NOT having things done. Taxes anyone? He just wasn't worried enough! He recognizes the signs now, and he's also taking testosterone shots and it's helping with motivation. He's been off the Paxil for a few years now and it's better. Sometimes I worry he may need a low dose again. sigh. Depression sucks. Anyhow, I'm not sure what you mean by the "Highs"...does the Paxil give you a big lift of energy and clear-headedness?
  22. the best me

    Charlotte Bandsters Getting Organized!

    Nope, the desk didn't happen. But we did move the mirror from over the fireplace to over the desk so it hasn't been completely unfruitful. I actually got lots of projects done this weekend! Here's a hint. Invite a few folks over for dinner (mom and hubby-to-be, sister and her BF) feed them yummy food, and ask the guys to help move stuff. Works great! LOL Add this project: get the digital camera working. I can't figure out how to empty the card on my 'puter. I don't seem to have the right plug. Maybe I'll take the card to CVS and have them load it to a disk? Is that expensive?
  23. the best me

    Freecycle Do you?

    I'm a member of my local group but haven't ever given or received anything. It's really neat! I love the idea and plan to use it to give away some baby things, unless anyone here needs a changing table?!!! I'm all about passing along the blessings.
  24. the best me

    Hadda Nsv

    I love it when that happens. I'm used to swimming in my clothes, too, so a Large is a BIG (or small?) deal! Good for you!
  25. the best me

    Anyone remember me?

    Oh it's so good to see you posting! Welcome back! Please don't go for so long again, okay? Even if you don't feel it, you are a ray of sunshine here. I have missed you! Get back on the bandwagon, girlie. Cut back on the lattes...liquid calories are EVIL, I say! You can do this. How's school going? Are you done yet? Hang in there and stay in touch.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
