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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Looking old after weight loss!

    That's funny. Thanks for the grin :funnypost:
  2. the best me


    :funnypost: Hi my name is Kathy and I'm a scale-aholic. I weigh in the morning and at bedtime just about every day. I also weigh throughout the day when possible.:faint: I don't think it's a horrible thing, though. I don't get wigged out by what I see, and it helps me stay on track and see what my body is doing with what I eat. Lots of folks do the "once a week" weigh in, but I just never had a problem with hoppin' on any ole time I want to. I also read about another study that showed people who weigh daily tend to NOT re-gain lost weight, and are able to maintain better then people who avoid the scales. :eek: Embrace it! Unless it's driving you to distraction.
  3. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    Gee, thanks everyone! Ya'll are so sweet!!:eek:
  4. the best me

    Band Removal/Erosion

    Uh, yeah. You'll be getting good replies here. Also, do a search on erosion. I'm really sorry about your news. Who's your doc? How do you know it's eroded? Any symptoms? Sorry for all the questions, but they'll get asked by someone, gotta start somewhere. Keep us posted.
  5. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    Maybe someday I'll get braces. The older I get, the worse my teeth get out of whack. I'm gonna have rabbit teeth by the time I'm 50. LOL
  6. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    Usually when I see a pic of myself, as in the ones above, I say "OMGOSH! Look how big! Look at that belly and boobs! Look at those arms and that red face! LOOK AT THAT BUTT!!!!" So I was looking for a more updated pic and I saw this one and said "OMGOSH!!! Look at that NOSE!" So it's my Big Nose NSV. Not sure how I managed to hide all 190 or so pounds of me behind a silly 6year old who weighs less than 40 pounds...but the fact that I see my NOSE! and not my FAT! is pretty amazing. Ya'll enjoy!
  7. the best me

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    Me, too! And my camera phone SUCKS big time (did I say that? I hate that word but sometimes it just fits!!!) so will you take a pic of me and e-mail it? I need an updated one so bad! Hey, I posted some old fat pics on my NSV thread...ya'll go look. Here's the link http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=10252 Did you see the new journal feature on LBT? We can do food journals and only share them with certain people. We can do private journals, too! Melissa, you should start an NSV thread and start compiling all of your Non-Scale Victories. It keeps you going, even when the scale doesn't move much. Plateaus are a part of EVERYONE'S weight loss journey, with or without WLS. Tell "people" to shove it. :omg: Did I say that, too?!!! Wow, I must be de-frumping and getting some spunk back! :boxing:
  8. the best me

    Fills & PB's

    Yes! Too tight! It's possible you can get the swelling and irritation down. Always always always go to liquids for 24 hours after a PB. Go back to post-surgery when you were sipping...sip some protien shake. It is normal to be tight after a fill. It is normal to be a bit tighter in the morning but you shouldn't HAVE to drink protien shakes in the morning. If you know your swelling is NOT an issue, you really should be able to eat a soft scrambled egg ever so slowly in the morning. I don't think you will be able to test that for accuracy at this point, though. Get some Aloe Vera juice and drink 4 ounces of that 3 times a day. If you don't think you can last on liquids for the next few days at least...I'd call about a slight unfill. It may be the only way to get relief and healing. Dont' suffer. This is not a healthy bandster life!
  9. the best me

    fill update !

    Good for you, sherry! I have been following you on the other threads as you discovered MX docs. so glad you can get a fill now! Don't worry about MX. You'll be fine, you are doing all the right things and Ortiz will take GREAT care of you. I haven't seen anything alarming, I have seen no poor advice given you, or I'd tell you! Your new restriction will make a big difference in your ability to eat less and follow that low carb/high protien diet. The biggest problem I have is keeping it low fat. "Food Lube" is so important, but it brings in lots of fats, and carbs! so be careful there. Count that Ranch dressing and BBQ sauce! Put that band to work. You really are in good hands with Ortiz. Congrats!!
  10. the best me

    my first before and after pictures

    WOW! Where'd you go?!!!!!! Excellent work!
  11. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    Yes, the babies in these pics are my Rachel. She's so cute!! These were pics my friends in the Moms group gave me when I had my camcorder with me at a get-together. I stuck them in the front of the bag, only to find them 5 years later. I actually lost down to 208 before I got pregnant again, but all those pics are at about 240 or so. Yep, I'm brave, but it helps so much to see the progress. I really need to update my "now" pic.
  12. <p>It's kind of fun finding things. The replies have the smilies to the side...and I love the Top 5 on the front page. What else have you all found?</p> And smilies all across the edit page and 20 pages of new posts?? Geez, I'll be here all day! Oh, that's not new...
  13. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    And just for reference, here's my Before/After montage from that thread. The After (well, "so far") pic is fuzzy but I think the weight loss shows some...
  14. the best me

    Food Rules!!!

    Mexican and Mexican. Yummy!!!!!!!!!!
  15. the best me

    I'm approved

    Now you have to change your thingy from "just doing my research" Congrats!!
  16. the best me

    Board Changes...what have you found?

    Oh my Garsh! He's added Journals! I was just thinking of starting a journal on my 'puter and have been using my NSV thread for journaling...heck, thw whole board...this is TOO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I say how cool this is? Can't wait till the tweaking is done. I'm patient!!! LBT is Da Bomb!!!!
  17. Huh? Somethings up with LBT. Help Alex!!!!
  18. the best me

    Okay, I'll start!

    Looks like ChrisC was trying to post an intro? And anyhow, I wonder how Tangerine is doing? Didn't she used to be a Moderator? Maybe she'll get a miraculous e-mail notification and reply!!!
  19. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    Last one. This is humiliating. But good, because I see how much better I look and feel, even though I'm nowhere near goal weight.
  20. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    Here's another one.
  21. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    I found some fat pics in the camcorder bag. Ewww. These are all some time in 2000. Yuck yuck yuck.
  22. the best me

    Happy MLK Day !!

    Cheri, you are no imp. My kids are young, too, and they don't get Valentines Day! It's a great opportunity to pass along values to the kiddos when the holidays come up. This is no exception. Great post, Dee. Well written, indeed! Happy MLK Day! "Man is judged by character not by the color of his skin." ~Divaliciousdee
  23. the best me

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Smooch, you will LOVE Curves. I want to go back so bad. I'm trying to figure out how. I miss it. I miss the strength I gained. I miss seeing the girls there...when you go regularly you see the same folks alot...it's great. I quit when I joined a gym with child care, and I needed more cardio than I was getting at Curves and I WASN'T doing ANY Cardio on my own on dyas when I didn't go to Curves. I was ready for aerobics classes. Anyhoo...good job. You'll love it and make it a fun place for the others to be, too!
  24. the best me

    Just Scheduled. ?? after reading posts.

    Yep, you have to find your way. I can eat bread, I shouldn't eat too much bread, and should avoid white bread. I can eat rice, IF it's in some type of sauce or gravy. But think about it...white rice with high fat high sodium gravy, no I CAN'T eat that and lose weight well. So I can, but I can't. This is one of those "it depends" questions you won't have the answer to till you get there. But think of this...if I do eat rice and gravy, I eat maybe 2 TBS and 1 ounce of gravy with my meal...NOT a cup of cooked rice with 4 ounces of gravy. Get it? My band keeps me from tripling my portion size. Even if I do eat it, it's not the horrible way I used to. My band keeps me much more reasonable.
  25. the best me

    please help

    223.4 Band day 4/8/05 208.0 12 days post-op 207.2 6/27 yes, almost 3 months post-op with NO further weight loss 205.4 7/4 205.0 7/6 1st fill 202.0 7/11 small unfill 199.8 7/12 welcome to Onederland! 199.2 7/18 199.0 7/25 200.0 8/8 198.4 8/11 197.0 8/15 197.0 8/22 196.0 8/29 195.8 8/31 198.2 9/5 196.6 9/12 197.0 9/19 194.0 9/24 194.4 9/26 194.8 10/3 186.4 1/4/06 190.4 1/17 This is my scale journal from my Slow Loser NSV thread. Up and down and up and down. Hang in there. You'll get there. Hope this helps.

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