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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. Jack, that was funny. I'll admit it! Welcome to Bandland, M.! Congratulations!
  2. the best me


    Hey You. Welcome to the board and out of lurkdom. It's boring in there...so glad you came out to play!
  3. the best me

    Shiratake Noodles?

    Let us know what you think and find out! I saw a blurb on TV somewhere and I'm interested, too.
  4. the best me

    Anyone else NOT an "emotional eater"?

    Yep, I relate, but I haven't figured myself out yet...and maybe this post is a link to the answer? I DO eat emotionally, but not all the time. Some days I 'm having a great day, not stressed, hurt, lonely, anything, and I'm HUNGRY! I'm just dadgum hungry! For me, it feels like my body knows how many calories it needs to maintain it's weight and it want's to get there fast, then evenings hit and I eat because I LIKE to, not really because I'm hungry. Hmmmm....you got me thinking.... Oh, I forgo to to add...try not to have a big chip on your shoulder tonight. Let the meeting happen and report back. But I totally know what you mean about how that message is sent that it's all your fault, you are to blame, etc etc. For me though, I keep thinking it has to be, I'm the one putting the food in my mouth! My band helps me tremendously, but I still deal with the "head hunger" it's been called... anyhow, family is all home, gotta run, I'll read and post more later since this is a great topic for me, thanks!
  5. Hey Carmen! There are a group of us in Charlotte...go to the NC Forum and you will find lots of our threads there. We have a good time and are happy to share info. One of our group, jttaurus, has decided on the RNY procedure. She would be a good person to talk to, and our support along her journey might be helpful. It's all there in the old threads! My advice would be if you are wobbly and not at peace, wait. Just a month to have a peaceful spirit about your decision would make a huge difference. I'm partial to the Lap Band, and very happy with my decision. You need to make sure Banding is NOT for you and RNY IS, before you move forward. Whatever you decide, have peace. Read lots! Let us know what your doc says about banding. I'm always curious what the WL surgeons have to say. You can check his opinions here. I always give honest feedback (most folks here do!) about what I hear. Anyhow, welcome to LBT. Youhave found the support board of your dreams! Even if you choose RNY, wer'e all in the weight loss/ better health game together!
  6. the best me

    computer lingo...

    check out this very helpful thread... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=7959
  7. the best me

    I went from a size 10 to a size 4!

    I'd be a rail at a size 10. I'd be happy with a 14 at this point! Really! I'm in an 18 now...my butt and thighs are keeping me from the ever-elusive 16. sigh. Yeah, size 10 is a dream!!!!
  8. the best me

    Ladies In Charlotte - Update

    Yay! You got a date! Congrats! Do your best to come Sat so we'll see you at least once pre-surgery. You'll be shrinking lots faster than the rest of us and we'll be very envious! I'm sure it's fine for your daughter to be in the waiting room with hubby. And once you get into your room post-surgery, it should be no problem having her there. Will anyone else be at the hospital to help your hubby with her? You probably don't want to have her there overnight. If you really want your hubby there with you, she'll need someone at home. But you are right...you can't just send her any ole place. Choose carefully! Good luck.
  9. the best me

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    :cry Bummer for the Panthers. Hubby was out of town until today, now he's home. whew! I don't know how single moms do it!! I'm looking forward to Sat. I got some Cargo pants on sale at Lane Bryant. And an orange long-sleeved t-shirt. Not my best color, but it's a cute outfit! Very very different from my usual lack-of-style clothing. The pants are 18's. They are a little big in the waist, but my bubble butt and thighs won't fit into a 16 yet. Hey! the shirt is a 14-16! Wow! It's been a long long time since I have worn pants with a zipper. I hate my belly, but no sense hiding it anymore. I DO have 50 more pounds to lose! Okay, 45, but still. I'm okay with the belly for now. Much as I hate it, it won't ever REALLY go away without the TT, I'm thinking. Just trying to go with the flow on my appearance and not feel so self-conscious I don't ever buy anything new. I haven't worn the outfit yet...we'll see Sat how comfy it is!! Jennifer got a date! Go see her thread!!
  10. the best me

    Where is that thread?

    Good, I was looking for you and hadn't found it yet...glad you did! :thankyou:
  11. the best me

    Fizzled Out

    I had the frumpies last week and seem to have gotten over that, but nope, I don't have my spark. Where'd it go? I suppose I'll get it back. I swear it's the winter months. Spring will come and it will stay daylight longer. That will help me loads. I'm riding this out. I'll get my spark back. For now I'm resorting to baby steps. Drinking water, just maintaining for now. Quit beating myself up. I get so tired of doing that.
  12. the best me


    Now I keep singing that song from the 80's "I come from the land down under...and give me a vegimite sandwich" Men at Work? Someone help me!
  13. the best me

    The Band has no complications!!

    Oh my goodness Amanda! Please let us know what Kuri says. I wonder what's wrong, I wonder what he says, and I wonder (and don't take this persoanlly, please!) if you could do something? different to alleviate the pains and get on with a happy band life? The pain you describe sounds like you are still very swollen and getting stuck on liquids. Not good 1 month post-op. I am very interested in your story. I'd like to know what happens and how you are doing. Muggle, it doesn't take much research to show that banding is NOT complication-free. Shame on the doc, though.
  14. the best me

    HELP! Banded 2 months ago w/ 7 pd lost?!?!

    I'm a very happy Kuri patient. And I saw the pics of the new hospital, have you seen them on his website? Much much nicer than what I experienced! And still I'm a happy bandster. They will take good care of you. Congrats! And keep us posted! bandster_gal, let us know how your next fill goes. I'm betting it will make a big difference! Good luck!
  15. the best me

    sweet spots ??

    You may be beating your band. it's not good practice to wait for a Stuck or PB to stop. When you are filled to the sweet spot, you should HAVE to slow waaaay down when eating, you should HAVE to take small bites, you should feel the "Thanksgiving Full" feeling without the misery of 10 pounds of food in your gut. I do this, I think I should still be hungry, and maybe I am, but I really have eaten enough to fuel my body. I just said on another post, it's a dance between your body, mind and band. If you can feel the gurgle of "goo" food going down, you are there...possibly too tight, so don't regret your unfill, but you might have hung in there a bit and tested the "fill waters" Ortiz/Martinez will fill you under flouro and they are good at getting the barium flow just right, so don't worry. Now you have US! to ask for help! Ain't LBT grand?!! OH! and do a search for "Head Hunger" there are lots of very good old threads with this discussion. Let me know if you want help finding some.
  16. the best me

    HELP! Banded 2 months ago w/ 7 pd lost?!?!

    Hang in there and schedule that next fill. A little bit can make a big difference...you'll know it when you get there. The band will bite back a bit harder and you will feel so full so much sooner, you won't want the bigger portions! Find that feeling/sensation and memorize it! When you have "head hunger", you'll need to remember that and stop. It's a little dance between your body, your mind, and your band. You have only just begun. Don't worry!!!
  17. Yes, and YES! Excellent advice, IMO.
  18. the best me

    HELP! Banded 2 months ago w/ 7 pd lost?!?!

    Have you had a fill yet? The band works best for most folks with a fill. It's good you have restriction, but it sounds as if you need a little more?
  19. the best me

    Prayers requested for my doggie

    Aww, Corinne. I hope she's okay. Please keep us posted. (((hugs)))
  20. Celine, the board has Forums listed on the Main Page. Each Forum has Threads, listed by title from newest to oldest by the most recent post. If someone just posted something on a thread from December, it will pop up to the top of the list in the Forum it's under. Best thing, log on and hit New Posts on the Blue bar at the top. Then you will get a list of threads you haven't read yet, newest to oldest, by the most recent post. OH! I just noticed your sig! Yep, that's it!!!! Good for you, and I'm giving you instruction...
  21. the best me

    Happy Birthday princess n thep!

    Happy Birthday Princess!!! Hope it's been a wonderful day!
  22. the best me

    Diet pills

    Phentermine. I have taken a half a pill 3 times since banding. (as well as pre-banding) and it really speeds up the metabolism and reduces the appetite. It does make me "wiggy" though. I can't take it for more than 2 days in a row. It feels wierd. I wouldn't make a good drug addict, well, except with Food as my Drug! I was also prescribed Bontril but it didn't work as well. Good luck! Keep an eye on that blood pressure, and document document document with your doctors' office.
  23. Celine, there's something about you I like. Hang out a while. Many folks have their weight loss goals on their sigs (see mine below) and banding info. You could put your banding info there...your high weight, current weight and say "hanging out here for a while" for your goal weight. Something to that effect. Then, just jump in any time you see a conversation that speaks to you, or that you could speak to. Have a question? Start a thread. Hey, start a "Bandsters Maintaining" thread. You get the pic. I think you ARE a LB success, even if you aren't at your goal weight. Heck, you aren't eroded. I'd like to be you in that regard a few years from now. LOL Plenty of folks take some time to maintain their loss, quit trying so hard, quit beating themselves up about it, etc etc. I'd put myself in that category on occasion. Nope, you aren't alone here. I'd say you fit right in. And I do think you are too tight. Take your doc's advice and lose a few 10ths cc's. Eating protiens first without discomfort should keep you on track with maintaining. And you may lose the nausea? I can't imagine what's causing that, but I'd sure hate to live like that when a very small unfill might cure it. Worth a try? Anyhow, welcome, and make yourself at home.
  24. the best me

    Man, am I bummed!

    Be sure to check in with her in another year, and another year after that, then again in 5 years. Until then, you can't really compare your stories. She may do great, be healthy, and maintain her weight loss. It's just that the two journeys are so different. It's hard to face when the size 4 is staring back at you, though. Hang in there.
  25. the best me

    Oh my gosh! I have my surgery date!!!

    Congrats! Getting that all-important date is so exciting! It changes the wait. Now you have your goal in sight. Keep us posted!!!

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