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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Turtle Tribe Role Call

    I'm here, I'm here! Almost 10 months banded and down 34 pounds. And holding. It's a season of growth, spiritually, mostly, for me and I can sense it. So I'll wait it out, learn and grow, get back in there and lose some more soon. I have time. And I'm feeling good, actually, at what I have been able to accomplish so far. But I'm yearning for more to come off the scale. Hang in there, gang. We can do this thing!!!
  2. the best me

    when to stop???

    Yep, a hiccup or burp...time to wrap it up. If I realize I'm stopping and taking deep breaths and sitting up straight, I can stop eating before the burps. But I usually don't until the burp comes.:lick
  3. the best me

    Hoodia anyone??

    According to the article link LaMadam posted, Trimspa barely has any hoodia in it and it's really false advertising. Check it out, since I just breezed through that part...but Anna didn't lose her weight with TrimSpa, IMO!!! :omg:
  4. the best me

    Can bandsters still throw up when sick ?

    I threw up once. I had taken some liquid pain med for some reason and an hour later...ewww...then ahhh...it came up just like it went down. Kind of surprised me how much it felt like a "normal" vomit (not like a PB) but I was sure glad it was liquid. This was at about 2+ months banded. Vomiting should be avoided, but it can be done.
  5. the best me

    Hoodia anyone??

    How do you order it? How much is it?!!! Sounds very interesting, and I'd try it in a heartbeat unless someone could convince me otherwise. Anyone heard or experienced anything negative?
  6. the best me

    Ladies In Charlotte - Update

    Yay! I'm so glad you are coming. Thanks Karen! I logged on tonight because hubby came home and said he didn't have to work tomorrow after all. Up to then, I was planning on scooting out at 1pm so he could have enough daylight to work (outside) but now!!!!!!!! I can hang out a bit. So, Karen, if you are busy tomorrow, I can run jennifer home no problem. If that works out. I'll see you girls tomorrow. Can't wait!
  7. the best me

    Friday Fun Thread ~ Weird Fears

    This isn't creepy wierd, but, if the toilet paper runs out while I'm going potty, I'm always afraid the toilet paper holder will fall into the toilet while I'm changing it. Never mind that my whole dadgum lap covers the seat and there's NO WAY it's getting past...every time it happens though, I worry the little springy thing will fall in. ???
  8. the best me

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    Is it Pampered Chef, Kim? Or something similar? They are fun. You will run across a few kitchen "must haves" so bring your checkbook. If it's Pampered Chef, I have a few favorites, if you are interested in recommendations.
  9. the best me

    Help, I need a formal gown!

    LMBO! DeLarla, can't wait to see what you pick out!
  10. the best me

    I think my band has slipped!

    Drink 3-4 ounces of Aloe Vera juice 3 times a day and see if that doesn't heal things up. Good stuff, okay, not yummy, but good for you! Hang in there.
  11. the best me

    Stage One

    If you can do yogurt drinks, surely you can do Egg Drop Soup? That stuff saved my life! Just when I ran out of energy and thought I would sink through my chair, it felt sooo good to eat/drink that! Lots of protien. Warm and delish.
  12. the best me

    Charlotte Area Monthly Get Together...

    Okay, I need some help here cuz our group is getting bigger and I get everyone confused! It doesn't help that I haven't met everyone in person, so forgive my reduction of your selves to pithy information... Kami...or is it Cami, or Cammie, and isn't there another Cammie around somewhere? This Kami is the cute blonde who has been banded a long time and came to our Nov? meeting? Sherrie-from Greensboro Sherry-O2Bthin? from Fayetteville, hubby in military, going to Ortiz for a fill for her non-Inamed band. jttaurus-jennifer...having RNY in Feb Denika-from Hiddenite, with that cute son on the website jennifer heller-from the sc forum Debbie-Dianne's support group friend who is coming to lunch this time Jamie-who keeps asking about our luncheons but never comes! yooohooo!!! lives in Ballentine (how do you spell that?) magic699- just banded before christmas, on a cruise, I think, and soon to be a grandmother...any news yet? I think she's cruisin'. Vickie-I don't know where she lives. Far away? Who was banded in Ashville? And I know Starr, Karen, Kim, Angie, Dianne, Melissa, Kami OY VEY!!!! who is missing? Am I the only one getting confused?!
  13. the best me

    Here goes!!!!!

    jennifer, I promise I'm not stalking you! LOL Cut and paste onto your signature. User CP (upper left on blue bar) Edit Signature paste scroll down Save Changes
  14. the best me

    Crystal Light as my Water?

    Water Purists VS Crystal Light Cheaters :fencing: There was a smilie for this and I just had to use it. I'm a water purist in theory, but a Crystal Light Cheater in reality.
  15. the best me

    Some help from the ladies, please?

    Excellent thought. Her diet has changed dramatically and that has GOT to be a factor!
  16. the best me

    Some help from the ladies, please?

    Well, you are 49 so I assume MsJoy is around your age? Was she experiencing any pre-menopausal symptoms prior to her banding? This, combined with the trauma of surgery, the loss of fat (in which estrogen is stored) could be contributing to her irregularity? Just some thoughts. Good that she see the doc next week! I feel like my hormones are all out of whack. I'm still regular as rain (I'm 40) but I suspect my weight loss is making my PMS symptoms (fatigue, irritability) a bit worse. My physical symptoms (cramping, flow) are the same as always. I swear that weight loss contibutes. But that's a completely subjective opinion. No science behind that one! She may need another month or two to get back on track after surgery. Did her Ob/GYN think it was surgery trauma related? hmmmm....
  17. the best me

    Happy Birthday Renebean

    Yay Bean! Happy Happy Birthday! I think you are really cool. :hail:
  18. the best me

    I'm Overweight!!!!!!

    I wanna be overweight, too!!!:hurt I'm so jealous! Congratulations! Well done!!!!!:clap2:
  19. the best me

    Here goes!!!!!

    http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=11255&highlight=ticker http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=9931&highlight=ticker
  20. the best me

    Here goes!!!!!

    It's the one thing noone can help you do...keep trying!! Also, do a Search on LBT for tickers...seems like there's a sticky thread...I'll look for ya.
  21. the best me

    NSV Photo Thread

    Yeah Baby! I have a thing for Jesus Freaks though, especially the card-carryin' kind, so there ya go. HOT!!!!
  22. the best me

    Here goes!!!!!

    Jennifer, pick the addy for vbulletins, and be sure to edit out any of the old from your sig...keep trying!
  23. the best me

    Starvation Mode

    check out this site www.room42.com they have a weight loss calculator thingy that tells you just what you need based on hieght age, sex, and current weight. sounds to me like you need to increase your calories by a few hundred. Grab an extra protien shake or two during the day? Good luck. Let us know what they tell you at room 42.
  24. the best me

    New "Band Diva"

    Awright! Welcome to LBT Jennifer! I see you found Angie on the SC Forum. Great!!! She's soooo nice. Will you be able to meet us for lunch Sat? Anyhow, just wanted to say hello!!!!!
  25. the best me

    What's up everyone?

    Uh Oh! slow down there, mom! If you are going to cheat, at least do it with refried Beans or something! Let that band heal in. You have the rest of your life to eat yummy foods, okay?! Hint: Egg Drop Soup. Let the crunchy Noodles soak reeeeally good. MMMMmmmm good! Filling and full of protien, AND "legal" for your banding stage. No cheating!!! Okay, that's it for my finger wagging. :hungry: Welcome Choirgirl! Love your avatar. And I'm not crazy about the Yahoo format either. I get so lost on those boards, plus everyone here at LBT is so nice! Who needs Yahoo Groups?!! Anyhow, just wanted to say hello. :welcome:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
