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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Feb 18th

    Hey Melissa...now that your are the picture queen, could you copy/paste my pretty purple Kathy thing on my sig, copy it to your 'puter, and make the whole thing smaller? I have an incredible expaning sig and would like to tighten it up...If it could be half as big and still look good? Give it a shot? 'kay. thanks.
  2. the best me

    Feb 18th

    Angie, you'll be fine! Stick to soups, even the chili might be too thick, but there is PLENTY on the menu you can eat. Your fill will be a breeze, don't worry!! Dr B won't fill you too tight, and liquids will go down fine, easier than post-surgery so don't sweat it. Okay Sherrie...6 pounds and show up! I know it's a long drive but it will be fun!!!!!!
  3. the best me

    Humpty-Dumpty Had a Great Fall

    Well, now, just what Susan said. Well written advice, Photonut! I agree! Especially the part about asking your husband to hold on for a while until you get through it. Your marriage is worth trying to save, if you two can hang on for a while longer and get this surgery stuff behind you. Please don't make any big decisions in the middle of all this! (((hugs))) You can do this!!!!
  4. the best me

    Don't know what to do??? HELP

    Geez, I wish I had some good advice. Doesn't sound as if Dr Neals office "has it goin' on" if they can't get an endo covered, based on your symptoms! Or maybe they don't want to deal with you? Have you seen them before? Who did your fill? Yeah, I'd be doing some PMing to find out the scoop with Dr Billy. I'm really sorry. Would Ortiz help you? Kuri? Or is MX NOT an option AT ALL at this point? Hang in there, and let us know what you decide to do if all this happens "below the board" with PMs, okay?
  5. the best me

    Update... Worst week ever. (Long)

    STAY on liquids for as long as your doc said to...you don't want another slip and have to have surgery to repair this one. WTG with the new doc. Is she a Band doc? or a WL surgeon? I'm so glad you are on the mend, Angie. You posted "I think I'm slipped" and you were right! You did all the right things, sticking to liquids for that hell week! You are a good bandster! Hang in there. You are soooo close to Onederland! It feels so wonderful to see 190-something on the scale for the first time in a looooong time. You can do it! ((((HUGS))))
  6. the best me

    How Do the Guys Do It?????

    Oh Yeah! Like that one! Hey, Mikey, that was a great post, too. I must have some "man traits" because I totally relate to your SuperPowers. I just don't have a secret decoder ring, and I ain't "brokebacked"...what's a woman to do?!!! Thanks for putting some of my feelings into words. Well-written!
  7. the best me

    First visit here:)

    Welcome dreaming! 17 pounds is excellent! Keep it up! No doubt, your weight loss will slow a bit as you move to more solid foods, but keep plugging away, watch your intake and you will do great! You are very pretty!!!!!
  8. the best me

    What's up everyone?

    Good for you! There are so many good mushie ideas...there's a thread under the Food Forum. Food Stages, I think, and it's a Stickie so it's at the top. Check it out! Post here if you can't find it...I'll direct you! How ya doin' choirgirl? Ummm, do you sing?!
  9. the best me

    Feb 18th

    Excellent! That is so good for you in so many ways! There's your goal. 4 days a week at the gym from now till Feb 18th. Yay!
  10. the best me

    Have you lost your "Wild Thang" urges?

    I think, for me, it's partially due to this time of year. I can't shake the frumpies, and my libido is zilch! I don't even WANT to get it back! Stress, stallled weight loss, shorter days, not enough exercise, not enough "sunshine" in my life, just plugging along. :Banane23: and I'm waiting it out. It will come back. When I can get a half hour walk in every afternoon in a few weeks (it's too dark when hubby comes home), that will help tons.
  11. the best me


    bad doc...shame on him/her. She needs a small unfill. She probably ate too much too fast. I'm a sweller. Surgery and fills took some time to settle down for me. She needs to sip and when she moves to food, chew carefully, small bites, eat slowly, soft foods until it gets better. The band will stop you in your tracks if you don't follow these simple eating/drinking rules. But the fact is, if she is in pain, her doc should be listening!!! How is she?
  12. the best me

    FOR ADULTS ONLY (x rated)

    LOL!!!! Iv'e been so frumpy lately my drive has been in reverse. Can't wait to get it back...glad YA'LL are having fun, though! :Banane23:
  13. the best me

    Searching for Dr Kuri Updates

    Wow Renee, I forgot about this thread! I went to www.beliteweight.com and saw the pics of the hospital. It looks great! So I think I'm up to speed on the facilities, but not the office set-up part. JoAnn never returned my e-mail and I haven't spoken with Sylvia (patient rep) either, so I'm not sure who works for who now and how all that's done. I need to try again, now that they have had a chance to settle down a bit. I'd still like to hear from others, though! Thanks Renee...go get 'em on that last 50 pounds!!!!!
  14. the best me

    Feb 18th

    Okay, just so ya'll know, the current weight on my sig is now wishful thinking. I was 190.0 today. So I'm shooting for a 6 pounds loss by our next get-together. Had a great eating/water day today, though! I'm motivated!
  15. the best me

    Sadly another Lopez erosion...

    refried Beans with salsa and sour cream mixed in until super gooey. Egg salad. Cream of Potato Soup. Baked Sweet Potatoes, smashed with a tad of butter and sugar. Cream of Wheat.
  16. the best me

    New coping strategies

    Crystal...PAINT!!!! Paint a wall, paint another window, grab a canvas or a piece of notebook paper! Shave your legs. Do a facial. Clean the fridge. Iron. Play the music LOUD. Study? I like Mikey's list better, though, LOL!
  17. the best me

    Sadly another Lopez erosion...

    You are NORMAL! Really!!!! I needed 2 weeks. And I'm a stay-at-home-Mom! I WAS home! My son was 2 at the time (actually, he still is, but will be 3 next month) and I just needed to be off the hook. I couldn't lift him to the changing table, couldn't get on the floor to change him. Blah, blah. It DOES get better. You are NOT eroded, I promise! If you can take the time, take it. Start back at half days, or go back two days, take one off, then back again. Don't do ANYTHING at home after work. Rest. Sloooow down and worry about getting your Water and calories in. Your port SHOULD be sore. You SHOULD feel like crap. It gets just a little better everyday. One day, you'll be sitting there and realize you feel pretty normal. WOW! If your port incision is oozing, hot, red, inflammed, see your doc. Otherwise, You are FINE and Normal! Tell me something alarming, and I'll tell you the truth, promise! if it's something you should worry about. Not ready to go back to work after 2 weeks is NOT alarming. Really!!! (((hugs))) and hang in there.
  18. the best me

    Charlotte January Chat Time

    No kidding? I'll post that pic if you will put a REALLY fat pic beside it! Hey, didn't some of you others take a pic of me? email them! Maybe the other pics have a better angle? LOL Here's hoping, teehee.
  19. the best me

    Thanks for all your support & love

    I can't wait until this all feels like a "road hump" to you. And it WILL!!!! Until then, ((((hugs)))) and prayers. Keep us posted!
  20. the best me

    Happy Birthday Denika...

    Happy Birthday! Hope your day is wonderful!!!! Can't wait to meet you next month...clear that calendar!!!!! ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!
  21. the best me

    WLS....a spiritual issue?

    I believe you! I love it when God does stuff like that! I don't know how or why or why NOT! but He speaks and moves us, for sure! and does so loud and clear. God knew what you needed, He spoke your language. Can I hear an AMEN?!!!! :amen:
  22. the best me

    Hardest behavior for you to change?

    I'll admit, I still sip with meals. A little, no chugging. The hardest part for me is not finishing a plate, or not putting a pre-bandster sized prtion on my plate, thinking I'll be able to eat it all. Portion sizes are still a problem. I want lots of yummy food! I'm pretty good about stopping when done, but I need to be absolutely done, not just done enough. I could get away with eating less if I wanted to. I just like the food!!!! That's still hard for me. Probably why I'm a turtle, too.
  23. the best me

    WLS....a spiritual issue?

    Desertmom...Beth Moore ROCKS!!!
  24. the best me

    Picture of What Hubby Built

    How cool is THAT?!!! Wow! And the matching straps are just the touch, like the perfect scarf or purse! LOL Yeah, shrinking would be good...anyone? I have to scroll back and forth to get the whole pic...it's the little things, you know.
  25. the best me

    Im Back!!!!

    Oh Yay! I knew you'd be back, I just KNEW it! Be well and happy. Glad to see you!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
