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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    *****NEW***** Lap-Band by INAMED

    Yep, lots of folks have them. Men seem to have the VG band more often than the others...larger anatomies and all...do you? But plenty of folks, men AND women, here have the larger capacity band. It takes more fills, usually, to get the right restriction and first fills are usually much bigger than with the smaller 4cc capacity bands. Anyhoo...Inamed says it's new, but really it's just the newest product, I guess. So far, it seems to be a very good band!
  2. the best me

    weight loss has side effects

    Hey Big Dog, you are a hunky cowboy...but that daughter!!!!! Ah, she's beautiful! well, your wife is, too. Good lookin' family!!!
  3. the best me

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    I suppose this is the one comment I'm having a hard time with. Our eroded band sisters are here because we are friends. We've spent lots of time together over the months and years. We care about each other. So, yeah, I kinda feel the need to defend. Sorry it seems like 7th grade. So be it, I guess :ohwell:
  4. the best me

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    Wow. This is amazing. I'm trying to weigh on on all sides of this discussion, and I have to admit, I find something to respect about EACH viewpoint, however well or poorly expressed! I find respect for Dr Ortiz for posting this info, and especially for the excellent care he has given Michelle...THAT goes a long way in my book. I find respect for Dr Pleatman for stating his viewpoints...and I DID drop my jaw at the "get on with it" comment. Some folks need to hear that, and when the timing is right, it might be a good thing to say. Many newly eroded bandsters aren't ready for that and one-on-one, or at least a more personal conversation, even on a message board, is a much more approriate..ahhhh...technique? Despite that, Dr Pleatman has been a valued member of LBT for a good little while now, and that goes a long way with me. Even spelling/grammar errors are forgivable. I have respect for our Eroded bandsters and the grief they are experienceing. Don't tell me my band is eroded. I don't know how I'd react! So I take a "you feel the way you NEED to" approach and give support where I can. I have respect for those who would refuse to go outside the US for their surgeries. More power to ya! REALLY!! It's a very personal decision and I'll respect yours if you'll respect mine. I have respect for those who chose to go to MX for their surgeries, myself included. It's a very personal decision, please respect it. Please tell me everything you know so I can research well and be an informed patient. I own my choice. Maybe I'll regret it someday? If I do, I hope you all will be here to support me without a bunch of "I told you so's" I have respect for the dissenting views expressed here. We all have something important to say. We can all learn from one another. We don't HAVE to agree. We do HAVE to respect. It's the rules. Thanks everyone for a great thread. As I'm about to post this, there are 20 members and 10 guests reading this. It's a goodie!!!
  5. the best me

    Weight Watchers Recipes?

    Get in the car and drive to the grocery store...go to the frozen food aisle...look for the red boxes that have the WW points on them...purchase something yummy...go home...throw in the microwave...enjoy! There's my recipe. Don'cha feel sorry for my family?! LOL
  6. the best me

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Kryssa, I bumped a thread by MuffinBirdie...look for it on the new posts list. I couldn't figure out how to copy/paste the link to the thread. Anyhow, she lost virtually nothing at first and is now at 125 from 250. Check her out for inspiration! Hang on, you aren't out of the gate yet...getting there...give it a sec. ((((hugs))))
  7. the best me

    I'm new here - but have been banded four years

    Bumping for Kryssa, who is in need of a bit of inspiration.
  8. the best me

    new puppy!! we need a name

    Missy is perfect! Or Ladybug. I like Ladybug!!
  9. the best me

    February talk time.

    188.2 It's working. Wonder when it's going to stop? My all-time banded low weight is 186 point something. I think...seems like I hit 184 point something?...it's been so long. Anyhow, At this rate, I'll make my little mini-goal of 184 for the Feb 18th gathering. But then, I know how I like to get stuck on a number, so I'm not deluded that it won't be an effort. Wow. I'm headed down again.... shut up and dance. that's a great title for a class! I'll bet it was fun!
  10. the best me

    I can't believe it's been a year...

    Jonathan, I first logged on to LBT on Jan 22nd last year, and you were one of the first surgeries I had "been through" with someone online. And now look...it's a year later! And quite a year it's been for you. 40 pounds is great, and this year is gonna be soooooo much better than last! Think back...compare...yep, it's better already! Go kiss that pretty bride of yours. Congratulations and Happy Bandiversary!!!!
  11. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    WOW! You ARE Lethal!!!!!! WTG!!!!!
  12. the best me

    February talk time.

    I got and (almost) read the Body Clutter book! It's really good! I'll bring it on the 18th Melissa. I read Jennifer's post and thought about it...then you posted! LOL I need to start a thread about it... anyhow, we can pass it around at our lunches, but if you want to buy your own, you can order it at the Fly Lady website. Or Amazon has it, I'm sure. Anyhow, thumbs up on Body Clutter. Especially if you have childhood issues. I don't, really, but many many do! Jen, if you can squeeze Body Clutter away from Melissa, you can have it first! She's done 4 hours! of cardio this week...dang girl, so maybe she can thumb through and let you take it home? I don't care who has it or for how long, as long as it floats back to me and doesn't gather dust on an unknown bookshelf somewhere! Can't wait to see everyone!
  13. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    Went to see my PCP today. The last time I saw her was about a year ago. I weighed 226 pounds. My cholesterol was too high, and my Blood Pressure was 138/90 or so. She gave me Diet pills and said "why don't you just get the gastric bypass?" when I mentioned getting banded. The one patient she has that was banded revised to RNY when her band came unclasped. I don't know who her WL surgeon was. Anyhow, my PCP wasn't too keen on the band, but wasn't opposed to me having WLS, which, to my horror, confirmed how heavy I was. So I go back today for follow-up and some refills on my allergy and skin meds. I weigh in at 190, a 36 pounds loss in about 11 months. My Blood Pressure was 126/72. Who, me?!!!! Anyhow, doc was pleasantly surprised about my banding experience so far, and was amazed at how I have lost more than my 2-year old son weighs. (we had to get him on the scale...he has ear infections...another story) So my son was cranky and fussy and miserable toward the end and I just paid and left without having blood drawn to check my cholesterol. I'll need to call and see if I can run back in some time next week to have that done. OMGosh, I have normal blood pressure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. the best me

    PS Booked In :)

    Jess, I got my prescription Wellbutrin this morning, already took the first dose. Just a few more weeks and I'm doin' it!!! Man, I can't WAIT to see your pics!
  15. the best me

    need hlp re: hurling

    perhaps the smallest unfill will help. Just .1 or .2cc can make a big difference! Call your doc! You should not have this much trouble eating healthy foods in healthy portions. The band isn't meant to be surgical bulemia. And the best thing to do to boost your metabolism is to go a few days with extra claories, then back down again. You can't do this if you are too tight! Call your doc.
  16. the best me


    Yup, too tight. If you have gone several days on nothing but liquids (which is GOOD to do after ANY PB) and you are still getting stuck...especially on liquids, you are too tight. Call your doc. This is NOT the way banded life is supposed to be and 13 pounds lost at the expense of your band health is NOT worth it! Now, go get 'em! How's THAT for a Pep Talk? LOL
  17. the best me

    February talk time.

    I got a prescription for Wellbutrin this morning. Remind me to tell you all about my doctors appointment from hell with the sick child with ear infections...oh yeah, and a 2+ hour wait...I need a valium.
  18. the best me

    Feb 18th

    Okay, dunno what's up...I'm messing with this crazy sig...
  19. the best me

    Feb 18th

    189.2 this morning. Watch out, girls!
  20. the best me

    Men! How has WLS affected your assets?

    Photonut, thanks for posting something to bring Greg out of lurkdom. Hey Greg!!! :wave: This thread goes with the Nakey Boobies thread Magic started? hehe
  21. the best me

    25 signs that you have grown up!

    Uhh, if I'm so grown up, how come I don't feel it?! LOL That's very funny!!!
  22. the best me

    Surgery update

    LOL! I'm missing out on all the Horndog stuff!!! Oh well, I'll get it back, I'm sure!!
  23. the best me

    Another Erosion

    http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?p=155568#post155568 Here's the link to Ceira's thread. I'm so sorry...it's scary that she was JUST banded in July...2005! Wishing you the best, Ceira. Please check in with us!
  24. the best me

    Surgery update

    Actually DECIDING something brings the lift! Oh, and the fact that is was a GOOD decision! Good for you. Let us know your date when you get it. You are gonna be fine!!!!!
  25. the best me

    Anyone Else Banded By Dr. Balder

    :wave: Just wanted to Butt in and say Hey girls! It's me, from the Charlotte Bandsters. Meet for lunch, take a pic, post it here! It's fun and you watch yourself shrink! Glad you two found one another and it's good to see the support/advice/encouragement here! Conway Hospital...my daughter broke her arm and had surgery there...never wanna go back. The hospital was fine, the ordeal wasn't...I'm goona go hurl now at the memory of all that! LOL Janet, you should be banded now...recover nicely!!! And congrats!

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