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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Found marajuana & need advice

    Now you know you aren't helping him do anything but take advantage of your kindness and generosity. I don't know all the details, but you are certainly justified in telling him to move along.
  2. the best me

    Here's a guy who is down 189 pounds so far

    Well done, Wendell. My hubby just said "he's lost more than I weigh". And you know what, you have lost more than I weigh, too! That makes me so proud of both of us!!! Welcome to LBT!
  3. the best me

    Feb 18th

    THAT is soooooo funny! I blew it out my nose, Melissa!!!!!
  4. the best me

    Feb 18th

    Okay, this could still all fall apart, but me and little man will be there, so someone order a high chair. I'l prep him, make sure he behaves himself. As long as he has a seat belt, we'll be okay. He's used to restaurants, so I have confidence he won't be completely annoying. I'm also bringing GameBoy for back-up! I hope ya'll don't mind. Karen, and anyone with a list has my cell phone number. It says Home but it's cell...starts with 301. I won't post the rest here...LOL Anyhow, I can't find my list so call me if I'm late or end up not being able to come....hanging on by a thread, gang!
  5. the best me

    Never gain weight again

    Hang in there Joseygirl. You can keep that weight off...we are here cheering you on!!!!
  6. the best me

    I am so f'in pissed

    The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. I'd be interested in knowing what you think of it...even if you think it's filled with cheesy pages of crap! Many relationship books are just that, but this one has more than a few good pearls that have been very helpful to us. When I get that "gosh...somethings wrong...somethings missing...???" feeling about my marriage, I can usually boil it down to a love language issue. And of course, most of the time, it his fault, right? LOL That and the fact that for years I thought my language was Quality Time, when it's actually Words of Affirmation. Anyhow, let me know what you think. FD, I'm glad you two are back on track. This has been an interesting thread, indeed!
  7. the best me

    Illude - NOT a newbie!

    Someone please do a side-by-side! What amazing pics. I don't cuss much, but Damn, Girl!!!!!!! Well done! You need to e-mail Oprah, and any other TV shows for your plastic surgery. I'm betting someone would help you out. Amazing work!
  8. the best me

    Hello Everyone!

    Okay now, I got your PM, and the Red one is LOVELY! but I'm so confused as to why the purple one won't show up anymore! I'm an old sentimental fool and miss the pretty purple one. Here's the link to the old thread where you first posted it. I can get that one to show up, but someone here made that one smaller for me and e-mailed it, now when I copy and paste, all I get showing up on my sig is the link what do I do? Bummer, here's the link to the old thread...but it's gone! Oh no! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=6998
  9. the best me

    Newly Banded and only one big problem...

    Oy vey, V8 anything is only good for cooking at our house. But then, I don't cook with it either. There ya go. so sorry this happened, but glad you are back on track! Let us know the results of your trip to the drug store!
  10. the best me

    I get my fill tomorrow! WOOT!

    Hehe. Yes, you can drive. You have yourself all worked up and you shouldn't!!! It's FINE!!! Girl, you are crackin' me up! Tomorrow you'l post here and say "wow, that wasn't so bad!" just wait. LOL Let us know how much you get!!
  11. the best me

    filled yet deflated!

    YOU look prettier in your dress than SHE does. Of course, you are missing the fan blowing your veil into a scripted cloud around you...blech. You look gorgeous!!!
  12. the best me

    I'm done.

    It certainly has NOT been a wasted year. Think back. I know your weight loss hasn't been as you had hoped, but it certainly hasn't been a waste, in the big scheme of things. God is big, and has a way of turning bad situations into good ones, and it helps when we remain faithful. I pray you will, and that you will get the smile back in your posts. You have been brave, and I know you have lots of bravery left. Let us know how it goes, 'kay?
  13. the best me

    Lost my Neice, Karen.

    So sorry, Vera. What a tragedy. I'll be praying for you, your sister, and your families. (((hugs)))
  14. the best me

    News Story

    YES! What she said.
  15. the best me

    Hello Everyone!

    Hey! You go away, and then you come back...just when I need you! My sig was getting looooonger and looonger, and in an effort to shorten it, I lost the ability to paste my pretty Kathy graphic you made for me. I miss it!!!! How do I get it back, just smaller? Have you gained any weight yet?
  16. the best me

    Star Jones is SOOOO BUSTED!!!!!!

    Someone scan and post the pic! Talking heads are, admittedly, amusing to me. I flip through the mags at the grocery store. Yep. I do. And if it's one of those new $1.99 ones, I might buy it, especially if it has pages and pages of pics of these gorgeous women in their Award show gowns. Call me shallow. I read a quote from her in one of the mags about why she isn't saying anything, and I'm satisfied. She admitted to "medical intervention", if I'm not mistaken, and the Lap surgery scars confirm it, so long as the pic isn't doctored. As for which surgery she chose, we may never know. And as shallow as I am, I suppose I'll live. It's still entertaining on a slow day.
  17. the best me

    Another says "see ya" LBT....

    That was funny Big Paul. Thanks for the grin
  18. the best me

    Gross me out, please!

    Awright. good info so far. First you got the Stuck feeling, where it gets at the stoma and is uncomofrtable at the least, painful at the most. If it can't go anywhere, your body does what Jill S said and makes lots of lube, saliva, only you KNOW at that point you cant' swallow it. I know I'm in trouble if I hesitate to swallow all the extra spit. So then you end up spitting it out...sink, toilet, and by golly, there's always SOMEthing in the car if you end up there. I put a tissue in a coffee cup once. Eewww. Anyhow, your stuck, your sliming, and it still hurts, you end up PBing it. It's a wretch, an upper stomach vomit? It's hard to describe, but it comes up. One day a few weeks back, I was eating and got mad because I got stuck. We had family over for dinner and I was distracted by great conversation and got stuck...then slimes...I was mad because I was hungry and aggravated and I took a swig of Water...way too big. So when I went to the bathroom to PB (I could feel it coming) that upper stomach full of cold water that couldn't get past is what came up. THAT was wierd...cold water. Well, whatever was stuck either came up or went down and I was fine after that. You are supposed to to to liquids after a PB, but I had this plate of food waiting for me! I took a 10 min break, then nibbled on a bit. Slow, small bites, chewing carefully. I was ok. Like PuddinPie, I can take a big bite and spend lots of time chewing and swallowing little bits at a time. That seems to be what I enjoy most about eating is big bites. But it does take practice. Hope that helps!
  19. the best me

    News Story

    I agree. There ARE a few parents of teens on this board. I haven't noticed recent posts, and I have no idea what area of the country they are from. Maybe they will pop in and notice this thread. Sounds like an honest inquiry, but I hesitate to go to bat for anyone without more info...do you mind Dr Pete?
  20. the best me

    have not lost a pound

    Yes, it is, and I'm in the same boat as you...self-pay. Mighty pricey! Plus I just found out my fill doc only does them under flouro at the hospital now. Even more $$$! I'm white-knuckling it, too. I don't mind, because I DO have restriction, and I can't stand to be super tight. So I work with it. But the cost is definately a factor. Hang in there. Try eating hard protiens first (chicken, etc.) and it helps you fill up faster. Even needing a small fill, I find it's possible to eat well, properly, and not go overbaord. It's just slow.
  21. the best me

    in Mexico

    Yep. Dr Kuri. www.beliteweight.com Great experience. Great Band surgeon. Good luck!
  22. the best me

    Flash of insight, Turtle style

    Yes, the playground scenario speaks to me as well. The social butterfly in me wants to NOT be left out. I understand completely how seeing amazing sigs...even not so amazing ones, brings about similar feelings of being the last one picked. It's good you recognize your reaction. It's good to know you won't be run off by the presence of sigs!! I still have that feature disabled and I kind of like it! Things pop up quicker with my evil dial-up, too. Any luck? There is NO WAY you are unloved and unwanted on this board. I know you know that. Sometimes it's good to hear it. And hear it again.
  23. the best me

    Flash of insight, Turtle style

    Crystal, I changed my settings and see no sigs. I know this is a dumb question, especially for the person I'm asking...but did you click "Save Changes"? (ducking to avoid shoe...)
  24. the best me

    I dare you to be...

    How'd I get to be such a geek withOUT all the computer savvy skills? You guys are crackin' me up! I'm with Kelli (pugmum). I just come to LBT too much! LOL
  25. the best me

    February talk time.

    Sounds to me like you know what you are doing. Don't over think it. Track your food intake. That's good! Drink your Water. That's very good! Watch the weight come off. That's the BEST! You are doing fine!

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