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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Our Next Get Together

    My fave is breakfast on April 1st, but I can work around any of the times, so whichever has the most traffic...I'm there!
  2. Wow! 80 pounds! That is so wonderful Nykee. I know you feel great! I'm so glad you weighed and saw your progress! Wooooot!!!!
  3. the best me

    February talk time.

    That's right! I wonder how Eliza is doing? Check it out. I weighed this morning at 186.2, which I have seen before but it's my lowest so far. So tonight, after a very small dinner and tons of water today, I weighed 187.8. I wonder what I'll weigh in the morning?!!! Could I do it? Break my low weight? That would be a huge barrier for me. Not as huge as breaking through 208 "back when" but still a wonderful accomplishment. I'm ready for 170-something! Wooot!!!
  4. the best me

    February talk time.

    Okay, someone recap...we are not doing the 1st of April? But the 8th is a possibility? What about Curtis' birthday? Breakfast is great on any of the Saturdays. I'll sit back and see where the chips fall...Ya'll tell me what happened after it's all decided! LOL Yay us! Oh, I like the 8th because it's my one year Bandaversary and I'd LOVE to celebrate it with you all. But any Sat is good. Lunch OR Breakfast. Bob Evans has breakfast all day. It's on Tryon at University. Not sure about IHOP?
  5. the best me

    Pills and Supplements

    Pill Popper here! Not realy. I answered "on occasion" but my attitude is "heck yeah, whatever helps" because I know I am fighting a really tough metabolism. If it gives me a boost in the downward direction, I'll do it. I have taken 3 Phentermines on 3 different days since banding. If I need it, I'll take it again. Maybe it just helps me get past the mental stuff, too. But, whatever works. I'm not particulalry supportive of long-term banded diet pills and supplements.
  6. the best me

    I'm Home...

    Not bandland...RNY land! Jennifer decided (after lots of back and forth) on RNY, but by then, we liked her so much she came to lunch with the Charlotte girls! But NO food for 2 weeks?!!!! wow no wonder RNYers lose faster! LOL
  7. the best me

    I'm Home...

    Oh my heart skipped a beat when I saw this thread. I'm so glad all is well! You go girl! You must keep us posted. Is that true...NO food for 2 weeks?!!! anyhow, Yay Dr B. surfer boy!!!!!
  8. the best me

    Last Nights Chat Room!

    I missed it! Who all was there?! Awwww...okay, I'll check in on you chatters in the evenings. I hate missing fun!
  9. the best me

    three days post-op: nausea!!!

    Call your doc. Are you taking pain pills? If so, stop. And call your doc.
  10. the best me

    5 months out and venting

    Need me to smack you around?! Just kidding. Here's some thoughts. *It's your band, your band journey, your weight loss or lack of it, and your eating trends. Your doc is a doc. When you leave, he is on to something else. He doesn't stress about you NEAR as much as you'd like to think he does, or as much as he acts like he does when you are in his office. SO, go get a small unfill. GO GET THAT SMALL UNFILL!! *Girl, you know what to do. Listen carefully to Jack's wise eating advice. High protien, low fat, low carb menus are much easier when you 1)can actually eat some protien without PBing 2)aren't pumped up on high carb/high sugar JUNK 3)you have the energy to at the very least walk for exercise. *Ice Cream, mashed potatoes, and protien shakes are not meals. None of that is evil unless that's ALL you can eat comfortably. Hellllloooo!!! You know this. You need and unfill. Now, go call your doc and make that appointment, hurry! before the weekend is here! (((hugs))) and take it on the chin. You didn't waste your money.
  11. the best me

    HeatherGurl's Challenge

    Awww, geez. I have been avoiding Challenges since the Fall one last year took the steam outta me. I saw the Tummy Tuck pics thread and I know I can't do anything till I get the next 20 pounds off. This morning I was at my "Low" weight again...187.2 and I really really really want to see below 180 now. SO, I'm in. I'll be looking for the new thread with the cool name so I can post my weight on March 1st. Just tell me what to do! Thanks Heather. Not all challenges hit at the right time, and not all give the motivation any one person needs. I wasn't ready for DeLarla's 3 month Challenge with Prizes, I just knew I didn't have it in me. I punked out on Christina's LBT Boot Camp. I'm sure I glazed over a few other things. But, now, here I am. Let's shoot for 179.
  12. No, but it sounds really yummy!
  13. the best me

    Find out what song was #1 on your D.O.B.

    "Mrs. Brown You've Got a Lovely Daughter" by Herman's Hermits 1965. Never heard it. If I have, I don't remember. BUT, I was born on Mother's Day, so that makes up for having a song I don't know. Doesn't it? LOL Hey, Vines, what was your song? I was in college during the vanilla Ice Era, and I was in college a loooong time. How funny!
  14. the best me

    Hey Paula!

    come on, did ya?!!!!!
  15. the best me

    Show us those tummies!!

    Thanks for posting pics ladies. You both look wonderful...I can't WAIT for my tummy tuck! I will work hard on this next 20 pound loss, and see from there. Right now my tummy looks eerily similar to the before pics...I need a TT! LOL Did your thighs tighten up at all after the TT? My upper/inner thighs are gross (to me) and I'm hoping I get some "residual lift" from the TT?
  16. the best me

    Tomorrow's My Big Day....

    Yeah, I thought a bit more about that...the thought of me, or anyone! be-bopping into the hospital and saying "Hey, where's my friend Jennifer?...last name? I have no clue, but she's here for RNY, can't I just wander the halls and peek in on all the rooms till I run across her?" seems a bit silly. LOL I would love to hear how she is, though.
  17. the best me

    Advice please regarding possible erosion?

    Looking forward to an update...keep us posted! Hey Tom, how ya feeling?
  18. the best me

    Need Samples..

    good one! thanks for the morning chuckle! hahaha!
  19. the best me

    Moving Along ... Again!

    See what happens when you rarely venture out of the NC forum?! LOL Yep, MsJoy's DH is the 'puter guy of the couple, and he's super nice. Not banded. Very supportive, too! Karen, you can start to get occasionally giddy, now. It's happening!!
  20. the best me

    Tomorrow's My Big Day....

    I'm trying to think if I'll be in Concord area and I'm not...anyone wanna swing by the hospital? hint hint I sure would like to hear something! Jen! You okay? We are here...thinking good thoughts about you!!!!! Yoohooooo!!!
  21. the best me

    My 2 year Bandiversary!!

    Good golly! Someone get her a new avatar pic! You look wonderful, marvelous! beautiful!! Brenda!! Praise the Lord, indeed! :amen:
  22. the best me

    I don't know what to do.. .

    Awwww Daisybelle. I'm sorry about your Mom. (((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))) and come and get more any time.
  23. April, slow down and sip smaller. I'm talking small. I'm talking take a sip and take 3 swallows to get it all swallowed. You have swelling, I'm sure, and I'm betting the valium isn't helping matters, seeing as there's this pill in your pouch that probably isn't going down if Water isn't. Irritation causes swelling causes irritation. You may very well need IV fluids again, but until you call your doc, sip sip sip just enough at a time to coat your esopogus. Maybe even slowly chew/suck on a Tums to reduce irritating acid. Also, keep it warm, not cold. Or keep it cold, not warm. One or the other. I did better cold (I felt like ice packs on swelling tissue=cold things on swollen stomas?...anyhow, it felt better to me) but further down, after things open up more, egg drop Soup went down great and was so filling and nourishing. Good luck, keep us posted!
  24. the best me

    Having difficutly with finality.....

    Okay, this may be part of why I'm a slow loser. I always have to feel like I can eat like I want to...not wanting to let go of my old friend and my old familiar ways. Some of that is helpful, and as you lose and your band loosens, you will have more freedom in your food choices. This can be good or bad? Some like to "feel kinda normal" again (me) and others switch gears and never go back. And all the shades of in-between, but you get the idea. Maybe you will come to realize, over time, that whatever your band is giving you now will likely change. So there's nothing really to finalize? It's the process, the journey, and you are only getting started. Have no idea if that helps you at all. But I hope so.
  25. the best me

    Still trying to decide...

    This is just my opinion so take it for what's it's worth. Do option 3 and see what happens. I know you are burned out with banded life, but really you didn't have much of one for most of the past year. You were either getting past all the post-op swelling, and who knows how long you have been slipped, right? It's a gamble, but maybe that VG band is the ticket? I'm with you on the RNY. Even if you do have a good recovery, you are always fighting malnutrition and the 2+ years out, gain half of it back anyway, no place left to go scenario is scary. Option 1 seems the most sane and level-headed. You have all the time in the world to be rebanded so get the slipped band out and give it the ole college try? The down side is, what if you end up trying the VG band a year from now, and you could have had it all along Dang, man. I'd be putting it on paper, too. Whatever you decide, you know you have our undying support. What does the wife say? Women who love you are usually pretty wise about their guys.

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