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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Why didn't we know ... before surgery?

    Okay, never mind what I said...this is what I meant but she said it lots better. :confused:
  2. the best me

    Why didn't we know ... before surgery?

    I felt the same way...there's something about actually going through the experience that makes all the research real. I KNEW what was happening the first time I PB'd (thank the LORD!!!) but it was still very scary. I suppose that's why we are all here. I'd hate for someone to feel like any question is dumb, and not ask it. I'm happy when people stumble onto LBT like I did and go WOW! I'm sure glad I found you all!!! Plus, if you don't know what questions to ask...how can you ask them of your doc? Still...these days you can surf the net for free at the library. In a way there's no excuse. It IS frustrating when folks ask a question they should have had the answer to before surgery. See Penni's thread about being your own advocate. I think we are better off being patient, encouraging, and a bit more empathetic, maybe? That goes a long way in any community, online or not.
  3. the best me

    Back home

    Yay! Congratulations Wheetsin...you did it! Hooray!
  4. the best me

    Help, Fellow Bandsters! Is it reflux?

    Another thought, some folks just do liquids for a few days until any swelling sttles down, then they ease back in very slowly (like post-op) to other foods until they lose enough weight that the band loosens naturally. You could try this and not lose your fill, see how it goes. ???
  5. the best me

    Help, Fellow Bandsters! Is it reflux?

    Suck on a Tums and call your doc. You need a small unfill. Stay on liquids until you get it. Forget egg salad, go back to protien shakes. Banded life is not supposed to be this uncomfortable! Call you doc, and good luck!
  6. the best me

    Please Help! Son With Behavior Issues;

    Schel, you are smart ot post here, and I'm sure you will get wonderful feedback. If I (or someone) can find some links to old threads about childrearing (they are out there!) I'll post them. I have a 6yo daughter in the 1st grade. I have long been of the opinion that the development of Self-Control at a young age is crucial. My son is 3 and we are working hard on things like having patience (making him wait for what he asks for...manners, etc) so maybe some research in that area would be helpful? I don't know you or your family, but I'm sure you are wonderful parents who only want the best for your son. Whatever you do, make sure you are both in agreement (you and hubby). Life is hard enough without being in agreement with your spouse about the kids. Good luck. Let us know how the family counseling goes.
  7. the best me

    NC March Chat

    Nope, I'm Protestant. I go to an ARP (Associate Reformed Presbyterian) Church that has it's roots in the Reformation, of all things, the split from the Catholic church of the 1600's (I think that's the right century). You know, Martin Luther...95 Thesis nailed to the church doors...anyhow, not Catholic! But there's a Lent thread and a bunch of folks are giving up stuff for Lent. Mine is less LBT and more prayer. They said, I think, it's okay if I'm not Catholic and many Protestants Celebrate Lent anyway...but this past Sunday not a word was said about it at my church...not sure why? Need to look into that. Glad you weren't tempted to eat the ashes...that was funny! Angie...I'm doing the Gone for Good Club challenge and I used to want to see below 180, now I'd just be thrilled to see below 185. I guess I need a fill. I think it would help alot. I want to be able to do it without one. I'm scared to death of erosion, and what if I lose my band? I'd be on my own anyway, so this isn't much different, except that I DO have my band and by golly, I need to put the restriction I DO have to use. I'm stuck. Stuck stuck stuck. 188 this morning. Yuck yuck yuck. So, 184 by our next get-together. What's the final day and time anyway?
  8. the best me

    Confessions of a Lurker

    I have no problems with lurkers...I just love it when you come out of hiding!!! Welcome to "above the board" life! LOL Come on, you lurkers...Anu will be checking on you next week! Post here, you can do it! haha Anyhow, great weight loss, Anu. It's good to have you here!
  9. the best me

    NC March Chat

    It's Lent and I'm supposed to be off LBT and praying instead...you see where I am. Fine, I'm going!!!!!!!!!! (someone kick my butt!)
  10. the best me

    Still trying to decide...

    You certainly do. I hang on your every word, you know that, right? You should consider "moderating" a spiritual issues thread. I'd LOVE to join in on a Christian-based discussion group...something like that? I know for certain others would love to participate, and we'd need some pastoring, right? hmmmmm. Anyhow, March 14th. Have you decided for sure to go bandless for now? No VG band if it's possible? I'll be thinking of you and looking forward to hearing how it all goes.
  11. the best me

    I am having surgery in the morning!!

    Welcome home! Good job, Dena! All of your difficulties aare par for the course, so hang on. It gets a little better every day. If you had a bowel movement, you are REALLY on the mend! Excellent! Welcome to bandland!
  12. the best me

    Saving threads???

    Hey Connie, click on Thread Tools at the top of the thread. The drop down box has a "Subscribe to this Thread" button, click, and you will get e-mail notification of anyone posts on it, but you have to enable it...but you can also click List Subscriptions under User CP and the list comes up once you are subscribed. Also, posting on your fave thread automatically subscribes you. OR, have you tried the "New Posts" button on the blue bar above? It lists all the threads with new posts since you logged in last. I can usually find what I'm looking for there. Give those a shot and see if that helps. You could always start a journal and post links to your fave threads there? Throwing out ideas...anyone else?
  13. Wow Desi! How lovely you are!!!! Thanks for posting your inspiring pics. You are doing a great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I love your hair)
  14. Kathy, I'm so proud of you!!!!!!
  15. the best me

    The Gone for Good Club

    I am going to love being a prt of this club. Thanks everyone! My name is Kathy (age 40), I'm married (9 years this year) to Joe (age 45) and we have 2 great kids. Our daughter is 6, our son just turned 3. Let me just brag that my husband is a wonderful man. In so many ways. I have been curvy all my life, even when I was a scrawny kid, I had hips. My husband likes my curves, but they have gotten so out of hand over the years! My weight at 242 was pressing on me physically and especially emotionally. I felt so stuck, and defeated. I did manage the gumption to join Curves in Jan 2004. I took off 20 pounds in about 6 months but was stuck there and feeling defeated again until Jan 2005, when I stumbled onto Lap Banding and LBT. I can't tell you the nights I sat and stared at the Before/After pics crying at the hope I wanted so badly. I felt very confident that banding was the way to go. Hubby was hesitant, skeptical, leery, but I told him all that I was learning, showed him the pics...he began to understand both banding AND my personal struggle. By April 2005 I was in MX getting banded by Dr Kuri. So, I'll be having a 1 year bandiversary soon! I was hoping to see 50 pounds gone, then 45, but at this point, I'll be happy with 40 pounds gone in a year! My original goal weight was 140...which always seemed a bit low. When I did BMI calculations, I realized a 24 BMI puts me at 145, so I have adjusted accordingly. To be honest, if I were to get to 165 and have no real trouble staying there, my money will be well-spent. No lie. 170 gets me a tummy tuck. I was 168 when we got married in '97, but after 2 kids and 2 C-sections, well, the tummy is a mess. One thing at a time now. I just want to see 179 and be struggling to stay below 180, rather than 190 like I am now. I probably could use a fill, but don't want one. I'm scared to death to lose my band to erosion so I'll "suffer" without the fill. I'll be okay! I'm 2cc in a 4cc band now. So, here I am with you nice folks. Highest/Present (total lost) 242/188 (-54)
  16. the best me

    Steak at 8 days post op.

    Awright, you had me worried, there. Be careful! Don't compromise your new band for a little steak. It won't be long before you can enjoy small pieces of the real stuff...you have the rest of your life! I DID panic when I read your thread title though. Nice one. LOL
  17. You and me, Darcy. I hate admitting it! But! Today my PCP called in my second Wellbutrin prescription. The first was the XR or SR or whatever one I can't crush or break. This new one is crushable, so I'll be starting it tomorrow, and in a few weeks, I'll give it the old college try. It's working wonders for my Dad. He's down to just a few (3?) in a day and a half, then goes at least 2 days with NONE! so he's getting there. Anyhow, banded smoking. Any good doc will tell you to quit. I smoked up to the night before and didn't again until I got out of the hospital the day after. It's been fine, no ill effects that I know of, or that I can associate with smoking definitively. Good luck quitting. We are right here with ya!!!!! Hey, happy band day Friday! Let us know how it goes!
  18. the best me

    Help me say good-bye to non-bandland

    Yay Wheetsin! Hey, if you need reading material, I can give you the links to my post-op threads...yes, threads, and pages of 'em, and you can feel lots better about how EASY your recovery is going! Man, one of these days I'm going to go back and read the journals of misery and panic. Everyone here was so nice and supportive and friendly and helpful and encouraging to me...same as you will get. Fasten your seatbelt! Bandland awaits!!!!!!!! and it's a helluva ride!
  19. the best me

    HeatherGurl's Challenge

    Love it! I think folks should choose their own start weight, either their highest, or their band weight, whichever represents the beginning of their weight loss journey. I know my own journey started about a year before I stumbled across LapBanding. I like how this "challenge month" is simply a month out of our full journey. Yeah, yeah, I have a goal to lose 8 pounds this month, but more important is the 55 pounds I have lost so far...and I want to add to that, knowing it's GONE FOR GOOD!!!! Love it.
  20. the best me

    to offset the bad moments thread

    Ooooo...that's a good challenge!!! Kim, your weight loss is wonderful, and I'm betting it's your wardrobe. Mine is. I know when I buy clothes that actually fit, rather than clothes meant to hide under, I get lots more compliments on my weight loss. Get an item or two at a time. I bought 3 pairs of pants (2 black, 1 navy, all the same style that fit) and worked them in. Then I got 3 thin, short-sleeved sweaters (same style, different colors) and worked those in. Got some new shoes. Then bought 2 new cardigan sweaters in 2 colors (I'm cold all the time now!) and I have been getting compliments all the time now! All this to say, introduce those properly-fitted clothing items and it will be undeniable! Wow. Look how far you have come!!!
  21. the best me

    Band Removal...And now it's VG time!

    Best to you, Anthony. You have had it tough, and your band journey has been frustrating. I hope your back pain ends and your surgery is smooth as silk! Be well, can't wait to hear from you when you get back!!!!
  22. the best me

    Help me win!

    Me, too! He's the cutest! I love Poodles. I want one, so if anyone knows of a free puppy? yeah, right. Which is why I don't have one :eek: Mr Hobbs rocks! :rockon:
  23. the best me

    redness and itchy

    I agree...this is good advice Dianne...all of it! Well done Dody.
  24. the best me

    Hi from Karen S

    Welcome to LBT Karen! Lots and lots of great research material here for the taking! Speak up if there's something specific you want to know about. I'm sure there's an old thread on it, and if we can't find it, you can start a new one! Good luck!!
  25. the best me

    FYI - I'm RNY not Lap Band

    Yep, I notice folks wishing you a happy band journey, welcome to bandland, etc! I see you added the RNY info under your User name and that should help folks alot. Definately don't feel like you don't fit in here, kay?! We won't let you go! Nooo way!!! LOL

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