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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Whooohooo - I did it!

    You did it! Hooray! Welcome to bandland. Walk and sip...you sound so happy and excited! Yay you! Hey...change your sig, you aren't waiting any more!!!!!!!!
  2. the best me

    antidepressants/psych meds?

    Okay all you Wellbutrin users. I got my prescription all worked out. I was having the Seasonal Affect Disorder symptoms with the fatique, sleepy all the time, unmotivated, no sex drive, frumpy, and since it's staying daylight past 5 PM now, it really is getting better. My question is about how the Wellbutrin makes me feel. I started out with the XR or SR version twice a day but the pill was too big and I couldn't crush it. So my doc gave me regular Wellbutrin and it's crushable, plus smaller, so it's fine taking it regularly. So now I take it 3 times a day. I notice if I take my morning dose, then forget my afternoon dose, I get very irritable and edgy feeling. Is this the meds? Other than that, I don't feel much different with the Wellbutrin. I don't think so, anyway. How should I be feeling? It's odd, for sure. And I'm taking it, too, because I'll be putting down the smokies for good very soon, so I wanted something to take the edge off...just don't know if it's going to help. Any advice?
  3. the best me

    Band Removal...And now it's VG time!

    Ahh, Anthony. Glad to see you posting, home, well, and happy! How's the back pain so far? Any relief? Wishing you the best! Can't wait to see how your weight loss goes now! :rockon:
  4. the best me

    199!!! I Am In Onederland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ahhh, it feels so good, doesn't it?!!!!!!!!!!!! You Rock! I remember when you posted on the Fall Challenge, remember that? I said, just wait till your poor feet quit swelling! And see? Look at you now!!!!!!!! Marvelous. Thanks for sharing, and I agree with mvpo...it looks more like 197.5 to me, too. whatever! It's below 200! Yay!
  5. the best me

    Should I break up with him?

    I was going to recommend this book! Good call! Girl, he's just not that into you. Don't waste another moment wondering. Don't compromise. Expect better. Run and don't look back.
  6. the best me

    Dr Aceves or Dr Kuri

    Happy Kuri patient here. Thumbs up on experience and skill for band placement. He's done lots of them, he and his team have it down-pat. That was comforting to me, plus he is a kind man. Do you have your after-care lined up? Will you be returning to MX for fills and follow-up and problems, should you have any? Do you have a US band doc who can/will see you in a pinch? That's the biggest advice I have for you! Good luck! Check my stats, my BMI is similar (from your other thread). It's been slow, but I love my band.
  7. I just want to say that every time I read this thread title, I think I need to post here because it looks like (at a glance) "People who CAN"T lose weight, share your secrets" and it GETS me everytime! I don't have a thing to share about continuing to lose. I'm a Turtle and a big-time plateau-er. I'm working on it though.:biggrin1:
  8. the best me

    NC March Chat

    I'm here! I'm here! Really I am! I guess I just check in on you guys and find out what's going on with you and don't bother to tell anything about me? I dunno, I hop on the ole 'puter and read and read and post some. Okay, here's some news...I'm going back to Curves. I think. I talked with hubby about it tonight and I want to sit on it for a night. I have until Saturday. They are running a special, no enrollment fee ($149!!!) when you bring in a bag of groceries to donate to the local food bank. Sa-weeeeet!!! So it's $39 bucks a month for 12 months if I do it. Which is great if I actually go 3 times a week. I miss exercising. I have been taking 40 minute walks up the road when I can and stretching at home. I want strength now. And measuring once a month, too! So, I'll elt ya'll know when I get started. Now, Kim, what's up with Dr Vs office giving you BCBS of NC which doesn't cover banding?! (How do you type the "Uh" sound you make when you are having a polite temper tamtrum? Insert that here) I can't believe you have to lose your band coverage...or do you? It's a pre-existing condition?...they would certainly cover problems, although I can see them getting out from under the cost of fills. I'm sure Dr Vs office knows all about that better than I do! I will be looking into, very soon, Health Savings Accounts for our insurance benefits. Maybe I can get my fills covered that way? Anyone know about it? Here's the deal, hubby is self-employed, his company (him) provides benefits for the employees (him) and their families (us) at 100%. He's the only employee, so we can pick. BCBS offers coverage for small businesses (UHC wasn't a choice at the time, maybe it is now?) so we went with them, the premiums were competitive (over $600 a month for the family!!!!!!) but that's what we have. I'm hoping to have more options with an HSA plan. Any and all info is appreciated!!! So, hubby and crazy Rachel went to see Grandma, and crazy Tyler is sitting in his seat eating a hot dog and watching "Danger Rangers" his new favorite show. He also likes Wonder Pets. And Rachel told us she learned to tie her shoes watching Blue's Clues. Aint' it grand...letting TV raise your kids?! Geez. So I'm feeling plenty guilty and need to get outta here and off the 'puter. Later Taters! (((HUGS))) Hey, when are we getting together?
  9. the best me

    Band Size

    If I'm not mistaken, the "4cc" band was originally designed to hold 5cc. Apparently having 5cc in there caused problems, not sure if they were with the band or the patient. SO! Inamed changed the stats on those bands (the 9.75cm and 10cm) to 4cc. some docs still refer to them as 5cc bands. Disclaimer: the above is heresay based on conclusions I have made from reading stuff on this board and all over the internet for the past year, plus some. It ain't the Bible.
  10. the best me

    Stainless Steel Sink advice needed......

    Princess, spend $70 for a fancy new faucet. Get rid of the clear round knobs. Your granite is beautiful. A new faucet and knobs will distract and give you the sparkle you are looking for. You already have the filtered water and sprayer...great! just get rid of the bathroom knobs and get a fancy curved, less industrial, faucet. ???
  11. the best me

    &**&^ No More Fills For Me

    Michelle, what size is you band and how much was your first fill. I have a 4cc band and my first fill was a full 2cc. It was too tight, so doc took out .4cc and it was fine. Now I'm at 2cc again. Anyhow, sounds as if your doc is one to sneak upon fills. A slow mover. Nothing wrong with this, because there is a need to change the food habits. There is ,indeed, wisdom in this. On the other hand, man, I can see being frustrated having this band with little restriction to help you. Your weight loss is wonderful, by the way. Please be patient. Dont' cry. Your band isn't going anywhere, so go day to day with it. If I could go back and change anything about this past (almost) year, I'd appreciate the perspective I now have...I'd work with it better, I'd be in much less of a hurry than I was, I'd not let myself get frantic about my weight loss. I'd be okay with slow and steady. Our stats are similar...check 'em out. You could be me? Hang on. You WILL get there!
  12. I'll be looking for an update on you, Sammee! Please post as soon as you know something. At the very least, I'll bet you get an unfill, hopefully an endoscopy will be scheduled. The pain you have worries me! (((hugs)))
  13. the best me

    My One Year Bandiversary

    Good golly. You are incredible! Well done, Jess. I can't WAIT to see your plastic surgery pics...take some and share, puleeeze!
  14. the best me

    I'm "official" - my PB story

    There's nothing like living through it. I did the same thing (kind of) on day 4 post-op with Jello. Actually, it was the thick skin part that I swallowed on impulse, not thinking, not squishing, just let it slide on down too quickly. That was my fisrt PB. OMG it hurt, but I knew what was happening and the PB relieved the pain instantly. Melty cheese would probably normally slide on through if you weren't still swollen from surgery. You may have trouble with cheese in the future, too, after a fill. That band will really bite, and it will really stop you in your tracks. I gained a whole new respect for that band really quickly!
  15. the best me

    *SCREAM* 5wks post-op & eating 2 much

    Scott, I have taken my leftover Phentermine since banding. A whole 3 times, but it isn't so much for the hungries (for me) but a jump start on breaking a plateau. I was super tight post-op, so I never had the "I'm starving!" phase. Not everyone needs them, but they are a very useful short-term tool.
  16. the best me

    I'm "official" - my PB story

    Your husband will never be the same. Yep, that was a rough one. Ouch. You definately have restriction!!! Good job on back to broths. Go easy on that new band! I'm sorry. I know it was scary and painful. Welcome to bandland?
  17. the best me

    *SCREAM* 5wks post-op & eating 2 much

    Do you use both of these at the same time? I have heard of band docs prescribing appetite suppressants for use when you have no restriction...such as post-op. I, personally, think it's a fine idea. I'm just not sure about those 2 drugs together?
  18. the best me


    My thoughts? Keep thinking. Keep researching. Make sure you are sold on whichever surgery you choose. And maybe it's more difficult to remove a band and revise to RNY, but it's POSSIBLE. Once you get RNY, you are pretty well optionless after that, although I have heard of folks getting banded AFTER RNY when the weight came back after a few years. To be fair to yourself, you really need the opportunity to hear a doc that has had success with banded patients and knows what it's about. Surgeons who do not perform Lap Band don't want you to choose it...they lose your business. It's YOUR choice. Make the one that's right for you. You will have peace about it.
  19. Carbonated or not, if it's uncomfortable to drink, don't drink it! I have discovered (thanks to LBT, of course) Water Sensations. I have only been able to find them at Super Target. They are with the Crystal Light. They are little packets of liquid water flavorings...add one pack to a 16.8 ounce bottle of water, BUT, I split the pack between 2 bottles and get plenty of flavor to make the water yummy to drink. It's watered-down flavored water! Good stuff. It might help you get your water in with no carbonation and no discomfort.
  20. How ver cool, Maggie! Hats off to you, no kidding! Geez, I can imagine you are trying to stress eat. I don't know if you need a kick in the rear, a hug, or some good solid advice...all 3? Okay, here goes: Girl, you can do this. You did Iraq and God only knows what else you have seen and experienced in your life. This is edgy, but YOU are edgier! Take a deep breath and stay busy! Focus on the job, eating is just fuel, not what you need to get through it. What you need to get through it is not on the food table at the office, it's within you! Now, go do it! Here's your ((((hug)))). You are an amazing person with wonderful skills and experience to get done what needs to get done in LA. Your work is amazing and brave. Thank you, from someone who simply is not able to physically do what you are doing. You are the hands and feet of America! WTG and Thanks! Now, figure out which foods are off limits and avoid them. Find appropriate replacements. Know that you will want to stress eat and find healthier ways to eat it. Don't try to use will power, then beat yourself up while in special circumstances. Realistically, if you get home after 30 days and haven't gained, you have succeeded! Keep your Water bottle going, empty it regularly and refill it promptly! Do your best on food, but don't compromise on your water. What you are doing is so important. I think you are marvelous!!!!
  21. the best me

    The Gone for Good Club

    Did the guys do that on purpose? How rude! I'd be mad as fire! And yes, it's normal to be emotional. Your eating has changed tremendously, your calorie intake is cut waaaay down, you can't stress-eat like before, surgery wasn't that long ago, right? so, yeah, you are allowed a melt-down or two! I was weepy, er, weepier than usual. It was kind of like PMS? It gets better, though!
  22. the best me


    Welcome Sandy! I'm part of the Charlotte group so I hope I'll get to meet you!
  23. the best me

    *SCREAM* 5wks post-op & eating 2 much

    Beachbander, hang on. You are normal and you aren't hurting yourself or stretching out your upper pouch by eating 1 cup of food. That food is sliding right down through your loose unfilled band. Just continue to chew well, eat slowly, choose good foods, and by golly, quit beating yourself up! When the doc says, "only eat a 1/2 cup of food" say "Okay" and give it your best shot. Just wait till you get properly filled, that 1/2 cup of food will take 20 minutes to eat, or more! Honestly, I can eat more than a 1/2 cup of food. I had a 8 ounce bowl of chili for lunch, with crackers. I ate it slowly, chewed well. I was full! The 1/2 turkey sandwich that came with it was dinner. I have about 2cc in a 4cc band. So, be patient, choose wisely, you are doing great!!!
  24. the best me

    Liberating NSV

    No way! That was the OLD DISGUSTING way we USED to eat! EWWWW! Okay, my kids want to see some of the smilies on the screen, so I'm showing off for them now, here ya go kiddos!! :eek: :kiss2: :eek: :hungry: :biggrin1: :clap2: :faint:
  25. the best me

    Crystal's complete list of NSVs

    Okay, so you worked the room. You are NOT shy, you belly dancin' thang!! I love the "I was charming and talked to everybody" that made me smile! Now, the Cushings, this is good news to me, that you have accepted it, and now you don't have to stress about not losing just yet. Not till you get it addressed. I LOVE that NSV. I think you are so cool. :eek:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
