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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    I need your advise

    Trish, I'm thinking of you and sending prayers for an uneventful surgery and quick healing. I know you will keep us posted. We (((love)))) you!!!!
  2. the best me

    Poll: How do you get fills?

    YES! That was kind of odd for me, too. And hard to explain, but you did it well! On my last fill, he found the port no problem, the needle just wouldn't go in so he did a little tap tap thing until it slid in...ewwwww. Wierd.
  3. the best me

    No Edit Buttons?

    hehe. No worries. It's just me being proprietary. I like my new word for me. Thanks!
  4. the best me

    No Edit Buttons?

    Yes, I realize that. Then maybe I'm missing something because what has happened in the past was, indeed, a sweeping, all-encompassing, mass-deletion of threads and posts (mostly posts, for sure) and it only made sense (to me) in the context of "it was theirs to delete, anyway". Yep, and I'm dissappointed about that, too. I just don't think it's the end of the world (and I know you don't either) we just disagree about whether or not it should be allowed to happen again. I think it should be allowed to happen again. BUT, I have stated that 80 different ways by now, and now you have pulled your "I've been here longer than you have" card, so I hear ya. I'll just wait for the chips to fall where they will. I really do appreciate your time on this matter, and on LBT. You are a life-source for this board. You are smart and reasonable. It will be okay. :Banane56:
  5. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    Oh my goodness...I forgot to reply to your post! Sorry Leatha. Here's the dealio, when we were inducted into the Slow Losers Club, Vinesqueen told us we had to start our own Slow Loser NSV list. So lots of us each have own thread to list our NSV's. You can post yours on mine if you want, but not everyone is as interested in mine as yours, so if you post your own thread, more folks will see it. You did and got lots of great replies. So there. Sorry it took me so long to 'splain that. Keep posting yours here if you want. I don't mind a bit!!!! (((hugs))))
  6. the best me

    No Edit Buttons?

    Believe me, if this was a board war, I'd have crawled under a rock by now. LOL I would love to hear the opinions of the following folks: DeLarla, Dylansmom, nightinglale2u, Whippledaddy, Nana, Rebeccalee, Leatha, Jack, and of course any others out there. But the above folks I know have either deleted, been tempted to delete, survived an LBT "board war" where deleting has happened on a LARGE scale (I'm talking about many many threads and many many posts...in the 100's people...I'm not kidding. Which is why it shocks me that Alexandra feels this is something new? It really isn't). It's true that it seems to be the same folks here chiming in, and I'd really really love to hear what others have to say. OR, we can assume that their silence says whatever happens is fine and I'm not concerned about it and I don't see all the fuss?
  7. the best me

    I made 3FT club @ Curves!!!

    I love me some Curves. Well done Dianne!!! 3 feet is 36 inches. What a great way to think of that! I'm almost to the 3FT Club, too! What does my sig say? I can't see it from here but I think I have lost 31 inches? Very cool!!!!!!!!! Yay Dianne!!!!
  8. the best me

    No Edit Buttons?

    OMGosh, another Amen! :amen:
  9. the best me

    No Edit Buttons?

    Amen! Can I hear an amen?! :amen:
  10. the best me

    No Edit Buttons?

    LBT is different. And better. This is why folks like it here. And just because other boards are doing it...(insert a grandmother's voice here, add a wagging finger, and complete the thought...) How other boards do it isn't a right reason to me. Even if this is why they do it. Nope, still not convinced.
  11. the best me

    No Edit Buttons?

    Yes, it has. It has happened on a much larger scale than anything I have seen in the past week. Noone got their panties in a wad before. Well, I did, but I got over it. The ownership idea (which is a good thing, IMO) took over for me and I took it on the chin like a big girl. The "problematic reactionary response" has NOT been that folks are mad because some people delete threads. The "problematic reactionary response" has been the interference with the board functions. Yeah, I don't like it when folks delete threads. The way it is now (or should I say was?) if there was something so important on a deleted thread I COULD ask a mod to retrieve it. By consensus with other mods, it could be retrieved and PM'd to me. Or e-mailed, whatever. If it isn't a legitimate request, the mod could say "nope, not ethical" and it's gone. I doubt this happens often enough that mods are working overtime digging through archives finding stuff for folks. Fact is, now that all those old posts and threads from last year and before are gone, noone misses them. Except maybe the folks who deleted them. See? We got over it. Life went on here on LBT. It's fine. It's really okay to delete stuff. I stand behind my proprietary ideology regarding posts and threads. I don't think that creates an unsafe board atmosphere. Okay, Alexandra, you have been a gem and put lots of time and effort and thought into this. I thank you for considering all our opinions. And I know this current change is temporary. I can't wait to have everything back to where is was, which is where it should be! :Banane56:
  12. the best me

    Is this normal?

    Congrats Dana, you are normal! Keep hydrated, the water weight will fall off in no time. Stay off the scale. You are healing right now. Concern yourself with hydration and a bit of nutrition. I know it's hard not to step on the scale, but give it a shot. Or at least don't let the reading rule the day. Rest, sip, and walk!
  13. the best me

    No Edit Buttons?

    So can Mods go into the delete file and get (for example) my deleted post or pic from someone else's deleted thread? Or, if I post on someone's thread and they delete it, I can still get something back that's "mine" with the help of a Mod? So what's all the fuss? Nothing needs to be changed, IMO. Please leave it be! :nervous
  14. the best me

    No Edit Buttons?

    Yuck yuck yuck. It wasn't "broken" so there's nothing to fix!!!!! I'm not liking this at all. :Banane56:
  15. the best me

    is someone deleteing large threads?

    Hell NO!!!! LOL
  16. the best me

    Did I do the right thing?

    kimmy, are you eating hard protiens (like chicken) first, then veggies, then whatever else, if you have room? Are you drinking with meals? Take a close look at your food before running off for a top-off. Go to the Fills Forum and find the Sticky with Fills info. There's a link to a lapbandtransformation site that's helpful. Sorry, I can't copy/paste for you, but if you have trouble finding it, post here and I'll dig better for you. Anyhow, since you now have time to figure it out, take a minute to consider. Too tight is not good. But if you need a fill, by all means, don't miss that next appointment! Good luck.
  17. the best me

    is someone deleteing large threads?

    Drama Queens, all of you!!!! LOL You debaters exhaust me. This is one thread on which I have managed to participate and stay sane. How did that happen? I usually cower away to the safety of lurk staus. Or just hit the Ignore button till the discomfort passes. You strong-willed folks wear me out! But this thread really hasn't been that bad. Really!!!! Is there hope for me?! Pulllleeease say yes! :Banane56:
  18. the best me

    May Get together thoughts

    I voted for the 20th but the 13th is fine. Let's NOT do it the 6th so Denika can come. I'm dying to set my eyes on her and hug her!!! Who else is coming?!!! Come on ya'll! No falling apart!
  19. the best me

    No Edit Buttons?

    I doubt the edit button is gone for good. Let's let the dust settle. It'll be okay. The Alex's are both resonable.
  20. the best me

    No Edit Buttons?

    We could revolt? Start an inquisition? Go around quoting everyone's post just in case they delete? Making asses of ourselves?! LOL Naaahhh...it'll be okay. Just as long as we don't have to start earning points to post an avatar or something horrid like that. Yucko!
  21. the best me

    What is the outcome?

    Go get 'em, BobbyH!!!! Where in NC are you? Near Charlotte?
  22. the best me

    No Edit Buttons?

    Check out the "is someone deleting large threads?" Thread by Vinesqueen. I'm assuming the Mods/Mr Alex are playing around with the features a bit. ??? I hope not. It works just fine the way it is!!!!
  23. the best me

    My band was removed

    Wow Mary Ann. I'm sorry for your band loss, but I'm happy you are recovering nicely and are able to drink comfortably. So happy so were well taken care of, too. Hang in there and stay close to home here on LBT. Thanks for the update! ((((hugs))))
  24. the best me

    NC's April Chat

    Yeah, but...Amen, sista! :amen: Karen, I'm well...busy, but happy and well. I'm creeping to a new low weight. Now I'm stuck at 183, but it used to be 187, before that 193, 197, 208....you get the pic. Slow and steady wins the race? Good golly Miss Molly I sure hope so. LOL Thanks for asking. I read here in NC regularly. I pray for you all each time it's needed. Sometimes I just don't know what to say. I hope you feel the love, though.
  25. the best me

    is someone deleteing large threads?

    LOL I won't quote you if you don't want me to, promise! hehehe

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