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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Do Not Feed The TROLLS

    That was interesting and very informative! I also clicked on the Flame Wars article and found out I have been spelling "definitely" wrong all these years. I have typed "definately" well...my whole life? Is that possible?! Didn't I go to college? helllooo!! Missed that one. LOL
  2. the best me

    Accident - now what?

    Aw geez, what a mess. Sounds like you got all your bases covered Wheetsin. I'm really sorry. And I know you are so grateful everyone is okay. It could have been worse? Geez. How terrible. The police report is a very important document. My guess is you'll get a copy of it in the mail from a lawyer before you'll get it from the police department! No kidding! Kare is a better person to answer about the medical expenses of the passengers, but I think what happens is your insurance pays and sues his insurance for reimbursement. Let them work it out. It shouldn't cost you a dime, though. And no amount of money can pay you back for your "time and trouble" recovering in so many ways from an accident like this. A good indicator that things are going well for you is when the driver-at- fault's insurance adjuster contacts you about settling. Start making your list now. You should get checks for the cell phone, the glasses, ANYthing damaged in the accident. A check for replacing the wedding gift...dig up that reciept, the protien drinks, even. Make your list. And start car-shopping now. I'm not suit-happy. Lawyers getting involved make pay-outs jump sky high and the lawyer is the one who gets the windfall. If his insurance co is worth their salt, they will be contacting you and will be very happy to take care of all the details so you won't NEED a lawyer. You'll know quickly if you do need one. Chances are you'll be fine. Don't rush to settle. Make sure it's all covered before you sign off. And don't deposit ANY checks until you DO sign off. Sometimes depositing that check settles the claim, so be careful. Aw Wheetsin. I'm sorry. What a pain. Take good care of hubby. He'll need a little TLC for a bit. OH! And they should reimburse all 3 fellas for time lost from work. They will have to use their sick pay, and that's worth money, too. Good luck.
  3. the best me

    Spending a week at OHSU

    Hey Crystal...hope you are well! Been missing you and sending happy thoughts. Can't wait for an update!!!
  4. the best me

    1 Week Banded, What am I feeling?

    I agree about the Maalox. I heard it comes now with Magnesium, as is Milk of Magnesia...so it appears to be a mixture of both? Haven't read the label so look before you gulp. THAT sounds like the ticket. To me anyway. Your band is tight post-surgery. You have swelling and your tummy is getting used to this new little noose. Give it a sec, and it will settle down. Your tummy and your band will quit arguing about whose gonna win and start working together. Hang in there. Sip slowly and be careful moving to the next food stage. You don't want to aggravate the area and produce more swelling. Keep us posted!
  5. the best me

    Secret Inspiration Clothes

    Skye, I have a pair of Rockies in my closet! Blue Denim. I used to have a red pair. I love Rockies but noone here (in NC) wears them. I got them when I used to live in Texas, I was skinny and dating a big ole handsome cowby...ahhh the good ole days...NOT! But I was slender, for sure! Not sure there's any hope at all getting into those things. I checked the size but I had cut out the tag. ??? I think I might have been embarassed that they were a size 9/10 or something? HA! I dunno, but I weighed around 120-125 back then. I was 24-25 years old. Those pants are not inspiring. But they do have sentimental value. I know there WAS a time when I had a cute bod and a great a$$. Even if I thought I was fat! LOL
  6. the best me

    Secret Inspiration Clothes

    I have a pair of size 16 (not 16W) jeans I wore on my honeymoon 9 years ago. The other day, I got them up over my butt, and they were even a tad baggy in the thighs. Problem is, I can't tuck all of my baggy saggy yucky belly into them! Nope, no zipper action there. Not even button action. It's wierd to be so flabby and fat in the belly. I have never had a flat belly and I don't particularly want one, but I would like to button and zip those jeans. 2 kids later, it's gonna take a tummy tuck to get there, I'm afraid. But I'll get there! So in the closet, they hang. Waiting.
  7. the best me

    Lap Band on THE VIEW

    Anne I think it's a BUMP. Old news but still compelling, LOL!
  8. the best me

    fill or no fill

    Hey Melissa, go to the Fills Forum and check out the Sticky titled "Fills Info" started by Penni. She posted a link to a very helpful site that helps you decide if you need a fill, or if you just need to get your head back on track. I think you probably need a small fill, but if your blood levels are off, that might very well account for some of your weight stall, and maybe you should get that straightened out first? Anyhow, check out that link on Penni's thread (lapbandtransformation something or other .com) and see what it says. You might can print that page and take it with you to "confession" LOL with the nutritionist. let us know!
  9. Group coverage and Individual coverage is different. I was denied individual coverage because of my weight. Thankfully, like you, my hubby is self-employed and Incorporated, so we qualify for group benefits and can't be denied. I have BCBS of NC. The bad news is, someone on this board reported being denied coverage because she HAD the band. Do a search...or yell out if you need help finding it. I was very dissappointed to have read this. It was for an individual policy so my conclusion was that it leaves that option out for our family. We did renew with BCBS this year, and switched to an HSA. I'm still learning about that, but I'm hoping I can use my HSA account to pay for fills. ??? I'll let you know. I don't need one just yet, so when the time comes I'll find out. Good luck. It stinks to be too fat for coverage, get banded, lose the weight, and still no coverage. Aaarrrrggghhh!!!
  10. the best me

    Gone for Good Club - April 2006

    Cripes, I'm sunk! I drink sugar in my coffee every day! OH NO!!!! I can give up "Beige Foods" (ie:battered and fried) no problem. I can give up flour (this includes sourdough bread on my samich I like at Bob Evans?) Can I eat whole wheat bread? Oh please help me with #3. Spell it out. Give me some "for examples", okay? I need to know just HOW sunk I am on that one! Either way, I'm in. Great work P'nut! Thanks! PinkMary, DianeChef is way cool, so she'd make a great sister. I want YOU to be MINE because I think you are cool and funky and neat and fun and pretty. I like it when you hang out on LBT!
  11. the best me

    Lap Band on THE VIEW

    Okay, it's still heresay, but someone's doc knows her doc and confirmed that she had Lap-RNY.
  12. the best me

    Gone for Good Club - April 2006

    Wait, PinkMary and DianeChef are sisters, for real? WTG Dawg! Heathergurl, you look wide awake at 3am! That's better than me...oh no, my age is starting to catch up with me! I cant' party till 3am anymore!!! LOL VERY cute pic!.
  13. the best me

    May Get together thoughts

    Got it. Yay! Where's the rest of the crowd? Helllloooo!!!!!
  14. How ya doin' pati-o. Any updates yet? I'm thinking about you!!!!
  15. the best me

    Google and your privacy

    Nope, it changes all of your old posts to the new username.
  16. the best me

    No Edit Buttons?

    I have a question for everyone... Is it unethical for a Moderator to retrieve info from a deleted thread for someone other than the thread-starter? It was brought up, in a way, earlier, and I have been thinking of it since. Just wondering what's everyone else's thoughts are? Here are the 2 scenarios that come to mind. Christina's pics on the Scar Stages thread (yes, I know it's back and thank you to whichever mods had a hand in that...very nice) and Mandy's measurements on the Challenge thread. Neither of these ladies started the threads, the threads were deleted, is it unethical for a mod to go in, find the info they want from their own posts, and PM the info to them? I don't have a problem with this at all, just wondering what you all think. And one other thought...Paula offered a very humble apology here... that I think speaks volumes for her character. Paula, I think you are way cool!
  17. the best me

    How to Attach a Picture to a Post

    Tricia, wait for the Edit button to come back. I found an error in my pics above and can't change it. My surgery weight was 223, not 200. Wait! It IS back! Yay! Nope, it's not. I can edit this post, but not the one above with my pics. SIGH. Oh well. Maybe you can edit yours. This Conrtol C and V info has been a life saver. Yay! Thanks ya'll!!! Kim, I was surpised and pleased with the latest DL pic...but OMG! my nose is so huge! Too bad I'm chicken to get a nose job. Besides, the tummy tuck is barely budgetable, so I'm picking my battles. The big nose stays. But if I can swing it, I'll get my teeth lined up again. They get worse as the years pass. I'll have rabbit teeth by the time I'm 45. THAT's on the list...ssshhhh...don't tell hubby yet! LOL
  18. the best me

    Prozac Anyone?

    Oy vey! I took Wellbutrin for a week and got the Hives. Quit the pills, hives lasted a week and haven't taken the Wellbutrin since. I have no idea if it's related or why I got the Hives but...ANYway...add some calories to your diet. have some pudding, the real stuff with suger, is my best bet. But I'm no doc and you know more medical stuff than me, so, on the other hand, don't listen to me...I'm just checking in on you! (((hugs))))
  19. the best me

    Just had my surgery..

    Hey Pepper, I found you! Welcome to LBT. Run out and grab some Egg Drop Soup. It will do you good. Congrats!!
  20. pati-o, I posted my barium pics last year when I was so tight after surgery. I had a trickle going through like you. What concerns me about your pics is the shape of the pouch...it's not bowl-shaped like mine was...I'll go find the link to my thread so you can compare. I don't know what a slip looks like but I'm betting you can e-mail these pics to Dr Kuri and he will let you know. He did for me, anyhow. When you e-mailed your coordinator, did you attach the pics? Okay, going to find my link.... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=6339
  21. the best me

    How to Attach a Picture to a Post

    Tricia you look great! How many pounds of difference? I took my pic just now and yucko. I sure don't see the kind of difference Megan had. Now I just look older, my eyes are beadier, nose is Honker-sized, teeth are more crooked. And besides that I need a haircut and my eyebrows waxed. I'm not posting that mess! LOL I want my teeth from 10 years ago back. It's bothering me more and more. Ewwwww. Okay, it's after 1am here. I'm going to bed!!! Night all!
  22. the best me

    How to Attach a Picture to a Post

    let's try this here...Wow, it worked! I can do this! Here's 1995 with blonde hair at around 160? or so Here is 1997 at 170 or so Here's the fat one...2002 at about 230+? And here's the most recent 2005 at about surgery weight...200ish. Okay, I'm going to post this since it works (thanks girls!) and take a camera phone pic of my face so I can compare. If it's not too God-awful I'll post it. I wonder if there is much difference? We'll see. Maybe I'll just look oler and more hagggard, LOL!
  23. the best me

    How to Attach a Picture to a Post

    That's just it, I can't paste. It has to do with the way my 'puter is set up. What I copy doesn't copy to the LBT window, so there's nothing on the LBT screen's Edit (the Internet Explorer one up top) button to paste. I'm lost...I know if I set up my Windows differently I could copy/paste.
  24. the best me

    How to Attach a Picture to a Post

    Okay, so how do I copy/paste an IMG tag from photobucket? Especially when ther is more than one pic? My problem is, well, this. MeganA inspired me to scan my Drivers Lisence pics, so there they sit in photobucket AND in MY Pictures on my 'puter. I can highlight and copy the tag, but when I get to LBT, the Paste button isn't highlighted...the copy is on another Internet Explorer window. Does that make sense? Help!!
  25. the best me

    No Edit Buttons?

    Great point Me, too. heh. I'm in the Top 5 posters and I have no more wisdom or knowledge than anyone else my "band age" I just need to get a life! LOL You do. We all do. And it's important. I DO know what you mean. I don't really feel like I "fit in" either. I just talk too much. There are small groups of friends all over this board. I'll start to post and realize...they are just fine without me. Sometimes a small group on a large board like this gives a bit of security. Anyhow, I know what you mean. And I'm sorry you weren't "missed" on the missing person's thread. I like how Jack announces an exit. You have to yell over the din sometimes. Anyhow, I'm glad you are back. That would kind of hurt my feelings, too, so ((((hugs)))).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
