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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Folding Sheets, or, My Idea Of Hell

    Crud. That was my next question! I can't WAIT till Paula sees this thread. She's OCD about stuff, too. I just wish it for myself! I like to have things folded properly, and not wrinkled, I have just found a way, I guess, to make things "good enough" and run with it. I really do enjoy ironing but it's an hour or two ordeal! So I compromise and fluff the laundry in the dryer so it comes out warm, then hang it or fold it flat. I always fold the towels. At one time I had my linen closet nice and neat. Then hubby never put away the towels according to my plan, and now it's a mess again. I'd imagine I'd let myself have my home exactly in order if I lived alone. It's just hard to do that with so many other people "ruining my groove" (yeah, right, blame them). Can someone inject the OCD gene in my DNA somehow? I'll never forget the day I realized that "I'm always organizing, but never organized." I was so dissappointed! My daughter just came into the office and said, "Mom, when are we going to do my bed?" Here goes, gang. I'll post an updated picture when we are done. Next week, maybe? LOL
  2. the best me

    If it were up to you, what laws would you create?

    Spitting out gum on the sidewalk or parking lot. I feel bad putting gum in the trash without wrapping it! On the ground?! What a mess. OH! And you know how folks empty their drinks and coffee cups on the ground outside their car? The next person who pulls into that spot has to step out into it! Hellloooo!!!! Pour it out in the grass or something! There outta be a law. LOL
  3. the best me

    Lapband surgery on TV now

    OMGosh! I saw the nipple ring! That was very odd for me. I wondered if it was odd for our UK friends, too? He's a chef? You know what? I forgot to go push record for the whole show at 1:30am EST! My short term memory is shot. And you won't spoil it, pianoman, I'll watch it anyway! Hey, did all the folks featured get a lapband? Or did some get GP? Like Chef Nipple Ring...which procedure will they perform for him?
  4. the best me

    Folding Sheets, or, My Idea Of Hell

    I fold the sheets because it takes me 2 weeks to do the laundry and get the things back on the bed. Me and hubby would end up on the floor with my daughter if I didn't have more than one set! I had a cleaning service every other week for months when I lost my head and went back to work a few years ago (this didn't last long) and I had to clean before they came! You gotta get your stuff out of the way! It WAS wonderful though. I'd come home and the floors would be clean, the bathrooms, I'd be dusted, wiped down, wiped off, wiped up and it would smell so gooooooood! I'm a stay-at-home mom of 2 now, and I give up on keeping the house clean. It's almost easier when you are gone all day...nothing happens when you are gone! It's when you live in your house 24/7 that things get constantly messed up. Especially with a 3 year old. Dishes 3 times a day are a booger. Even with paper plates! There's always SOMEthing in the sink!
  5. the best me

    Lapband surgery on TV now

    Cool. I'll go hit the record button...get the whole show this time. Thanks!
  6. the best me

    Lapband surgery on TV now

    I recorded the last 20 minutes. It said "next week on Supersize Surgeries..." so I'll be looking for it again. So far, the only one I KNOW is banded is the pretty black lady with the husband who can EAT! Man, he can eat. His food looks disgustingly yummy. I'm so glad I can't chow down like that anymore, cuz God knows, I would. LOL
  7. the best me

    Folding Sheets, or, My Idea Of Hell

    Okay, here's the laundry sitch at our house. We are overflowing with hand-me-downs. 80% of my 6yo daughter's clothes are from others. I spend NO money on her clothes! Okay, some. BUT! It's the end of the school year, she had loads of uniforms (not shown here) that need to be sorted and put away for the summer, and all of these need to be sorted into sizes and seasons, and I haven't even gotten to the hanging clothes in her closet. This is my daughter's room. She's been sleeping on her sleeping bag on the floor for a week now, since her bed is covered in clothes that need dealt with. I snuck in, turned on the light, and took this pic. Hey, her sheets are clean! They are just stacked on the bed with the rest of it. And SHE'S a "changes clothes 5 times a day" kid, too. Egads!!!
  8. the best me

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    Amen! I'm so glad your friends are on the mend. Let's all pray for a safe pregnancy and delivery! And Paula, you are so RIGHT ON with your encouragement for Plainsneech. I agree! Well written! I love this thread.
  9. the best me

    Folding Sheets, or, My Idea Of Hell

    haha. I watched a Martha Stewart episode one time...or was it in her magazine?...and she said to fold in thirds. For fitted sheets, fold in half, the corners into each other, then half again, so all 4 corners are tucked into a pocket. At this point, it's small enough to fold into thirds, then thirds again, and if you are lucky, it comes out relatively flat and the same size as the flat sheet when folded. Then she said to tuck the sheets and any extra pillow cases into one pillow case and store the set in your linen closet that way. I don't do the pillow case thing, but it sure looks nice and handy when Martha-dear does it. Anyhow, I always think of the "thirds" rule when folding the sheets. Now, the cat in the laundry basket, I can't help with. But can you blame the cat? What a wonderful nap that would be!!!!!
  10. the best me

    Eating Like Before..Help!

    First of all, be kind to yourself. Quit beating yourself up, and, if you must, eat SOMEthing besides cake. Yogurt. FF Pudding. A 2 point WW ice cream bar. Grab a cup of coffee. Nuts. Choose healthier! It takes some time to learn how NOT to stress eat. Take a walk. Clean the closet. But DON'T beat yourself up. You recognize what's happening here, and I know it's like you just can't help yourself. I still do it sometimes. But I don't do NEAR the damage I did pre-band. Please be kind to yourself Leener. You have alot going on. Wait it out till your fill. Snack on chicken salad. Grilled chicken breast strips. Do what you gotta do and be happy to maintain your loss. ((((hugs))))
  11. the best me

    Taking Suggestions for NEW LBT Features!

    I second restoring the Delete button. AND! Can I make another request for a BMI Calculator button? That'd "shore be handy". I'd use that alot! Thanks Mr. Alex!
  12. the best me

    My 1 yr Band Anniversary :0)

    Okay, now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! LOOK AT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fantabulously Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!
  13. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    YES! That's like 2 NSV's! Needing the smaller shirt, AND recognizing and being willing to get it! VBS is Vacation Bible School-you know what that is!-lots of churches do them in the summer for the kids, it's an all week-evening thing with dinner, skits, singing, crafts...fun fun fun! hmmmm...is VBS a "Southern Thang"? I never thought about it, maybe it is?
  14. the best me

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    180.8 Yay! I saw a new low this morning. I know it's only Tuesday, but I'm gonna "claim" this one. I'm desperate, but patient, for 179. Hubby knows this, so when I said 'I hit a new low this morning" he said, very hopefully "really?" and I said "One Eighty point Eight" and he laughed. Just how many 2 tenths of a point are there to get to 179?!!!! I'm hitting each of them! LOL But I'm getting there. Yay! The best me - H 242/ S 223/ J 188/ C 180.8 (-61.2 lbs total, -.6 this week)
  15. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    For years now, our church has had VBS every year, and the Staff people walk around in white t-shirts with big red "STAFF" written across the back. The only shirt I have ever had was a 2X. I wash it and hang it in my closet till next year. This year, I'm turning it in. I need an Large. It's time to let go of the billowy blouse of a t-shirt that isn't tight AT ALL, and it's time to wear a shirt that fits. My friends from church are proud of me and it feels soooo good!
  16. the best me

    Researching National Prices for Fills

    1) Area of USA-North Carolina 2) Price with and without fluoro-$250 in-office non-flouro, $300 + about $400 hospital charge for flouro (prices may not be current) 3) Type of Provider, (MD, APN etc)-Bariatric Surgeon, but does NOT do bands (Dr Gonzales in Winston-Salem) 4) Is that provider a "bandster? Nope
  17. Yay Karen! Excellent advice! I couldn't have said it better myself. LJ, go back and read giveyouthemoon's post again, then once more, very carefully. She is dead on. And banded1/05, maybe the tomato soup could be replaced with something else? I found, for me, the tomato Soups and V8's were way too acidic and bothered my stomach. The texture was right for me, but the tomato was not. Some folks do fine with it though. It gave me problems...yuck! And, yes, I agree that getting dehydrated makes it all worse. Not sure why either. ???
  18. the best me

    painful eating

    Boo, I can do cottage cheese fine, but when I was too tight, I had trouble with it, and it's supposed to be a great mushy! Take smaller bites of the cottage cheese, or just wait it out till you lose some more and get less restricted. You'll be able to eat it again. I didn't do well with the recommended eating plan either. Just eat what you can for now, listen to your body about the heavier foods, and track your eating so you don't eat too much while using your "soft foods technique" during this tight time. It will change. jess-band, DonnaB gave good advice. I get the first-bite syndrome thing at dinner, too. I'll take a bite, then get up, get drinks, serve something at the table, wash a dish, whatever, till it settles. After the first few bites, I can usually eat fine. Slow, small bites, and well-chewed, that is. Eating shouldn't hurt. Slow down. Good luck!
  19. the best me

    HELP! Will insurance cover ER trip?

    what ever happened? I'll be looking for an update... I went to the ER at 1 week post-op with swelling and I was almost completely blocked, but the contrast Fluid slowly trickled through. 3 bags of IV fluids later, I was on the mend. My insurance paid for the ER trip, I just had to pay the $150 co-pay. I was banded in MX. Good luck. Sip Aloe Vera juice to sooth your irritated band. Too tight stinks!!!
  20. the best me

    Thinking of you Karen!

    hehe, you've been hanging around long enough, you know the drill!!! That's so funny!
  21. the best me

    Thinking of you Karen!

    Yay Karen! Just the news I was looking for! Take it easy and a great big huge CONGRATS!!!!
  22. the best me

    Comedy Dance Evolution Interpretation

    Loved it! And it took forEVER to download on my stooopid dial-up connection. I got 2 second clips the entire 6 minutes with about 45 seconds between each 2 second clip. Finally, after much patience, I was able to watch the thing beginning to end and it was so cute! I want DSL!!!!!!!
  23. It hasn't happened yet, but I always wonder if I'll have trouble taking communion at church. You know the little piece of unleavened bread/cracker thingy? You can't exactly moisten it with the grape juice since it hasn't come yet, and then you have to wait till everyone is ready and eat/drink together...so much for the Holy moment, right? What a distraction to worry about during such a sacrament! Anyone have trouble at communion?!
  24. the best me

    I Finally found restriction!

    Slow down, chew well, be careful, and get those calories in, you need them! Congrats!
  25. the best me

    Hubby Doesn't want Wife to work

    Me, too! I can't wait to see how this all turns out! Awwwwww!!!!!

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