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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    GFG Club - Guess Funny's Apron Weight

    I'm so proud of you, Amy. You amaze and inspire me! I need to pick a number and get my vote in, just in case...but no matter what happens, we are rooting for you!!!!
  2. the best me

    Three year Bandiversary

    Congrats Babs...you are such an inspiration! Well done, and good luck on the next phase of your journey. You are gong to do great! You go, girl!!!
  3. the best me

    Welcome to our new moderator!

    Excellent news! Good job, Wheetsin...you are a great addition! Thanks for smilin', Kelly. You have been wonderful, and I wish you the best, you de-banded diva! I totally understand the "moving on" thing, but I hope you'll stay logged on. (((hugs)))
  4. the best me

    I'm So Glad this Forum Exists....

    Clovermeg, on the Main Page, scroll down to USA Local Support, then scroll down to North Carolina, and you will fond lots of threads from our NV group. SEVERAL Dr V patients there, including a banded employee. Oh yeah, you can get loads of info. Good thing you stopped by here! Welcome to LBT! Dee59, you can to the same thing for Texas...there's loads of TX bandsters here. Good luck, and welcome to you, too!
  5. the best me

    My one year bandiversary!

    I read EVERY word, and will come back again for inspiration. Especially the Motivation part... Thanks for taking the time, and congrats on a FAB first year!!!!!
  6. the best me

    normal weight range!!!!

    You look FAB, John. You have worked so hard, you deserve that smile!!!!!! I'm a sucker for a mustache, but you look great with a clean shave! Hunkaroooo!!!! Well done!
  7. the best me

    FAVORITE dance SONGS!!! for wedding!

    Celebrate...Kool and the Gang. The Electric Slide...which is the Chicken Dance of the, what? 80's? That usually gets folks up and dancing. Do you have a Ricky Martin song on your list?
  8. the best me

    Baby pics

    Ahhh, there is a God! How beautiful, Jodie! Well done!
  9. the best me

    New diet i found

    Amy, I got out my food Mover to use for the next few days...I'm bustin' the carbs for sure! 13 pounds!!!!!!!!! Wahoooooo!!!! You go girl!!!
  10. the best me

    Job news

    Madame Kathy looks into her Crystal Ball and sees that within the year, the same board will be begging Alexandra to fill the position...the other person was a huge mistake, and ONLY Alexandra has the skills to fix it, at which point, telecommuting is on the table in earnest, and Alex gets her dream salary with aLL the perks. How's that for the future?! LOL You have a great attitude Alex. It's all good, and you know it! I'd still vote for you, though!
  11. the best me

    Pain in Sternum area.

    Heck, Leener, I'd go Full liquids, or maybe very soft mushies. It's hard for me to advise because I don't know about your vegetarian diet...but I'd do pureed cream Soups, egg drop Soup (you do eggs?) and thin mashed potatoes and maybe very smushed guacamole...very soft diet, mostly full liquids. Anything you could pull through a straw (guac would be hard) but you get the idea. And sloooow. Can you eat like this for 3+days, or until this starts to improve? Listen, you are NOT one who can compare the journey of others with your own. Just beacuse you SHOULD be able to eat solids this far out, it's obvious your band is telling you no. Don't fight your band. (yes, Ms. Queen of pushing-my-band is telling you this). You aren't doing anything wrong by not being able to eat "normally, just less" at this point. I'm sooo glad your endo was fine. I'm betting your Upper GI is fine, too, but slippage may still be a possibility? Surely your gastro doc would be able to see slippage, but if you have it, it will show upon your Upper GI. I'll keep checking in.
  12. the best me

    The Picture Thread

    Dayummm! That picture is huge. Dayummm! Your kids are beautiful! Dayummmmmmmmm! You look like a new woman! Is your family flippin', or what?! Dayummmmm! Don't worry...someone handy will come along and do a side-by-side for you. You really should post a nice Before/After on THAT thread, too! And for those who haven't gone back to see page 2 of this thread...that's Dianne(Sunsett) with NJChick. Go see!!!!
  13. the best me

    When your Problems Seem too Big to Handle

    How cool is that?! You really have to look at the pics 1-2-3 in order. Great effect. My jaw dropped! I can't wait to show these to my Dad. He's an amateur astronomer and can really appreciate pics like these. Thanks! I feel so small! LOL
  14. the best me

    Follow Up

    You WILL do it! Kick ASS Doll!!!!!!
  15. the best me

    Pain in Sternum area.

    Excellent. Next is your Upper GI...right? Keep me posted! I just think you are tight and you are a sweller, and you need to be a very careful bandster, and a very patient bandster. Just say on soft foods for a long while. You can't get an unfill, and until you drop more weight you WILL be tight! If you stay nice and full on softer foods, stick with them and be kind to your band. And keep up with the aloe vera juice, too. I PB'd the other day and drank some at bedtime and was fine in the morning...nothing gets out of hand because I have that miracle stuff. I swear by it! I'll keep looking for updates.
  16. the best me

    New diet i found

    Yup, that's it. I agree with that 100%. 'Cept my carbs aren't hidden, they are all over the place! It's just worse than I thought...oy vey. No wonder I can't get below 180. Too many carbs! And my body sure did tell me so, didn't it! It was so odd, I just got the shakes and felt like I needed to eat! Next time, if it does that, I'll be sure to have some fruit juice ready. Thanks girls!
  17. the best me

    Happy Birthday Bubbame

    Happy Birthday Mary! Have a FAB day!!!!!
  18. the best me

    Happy Birthday Trishs

    Happy Birthday Trish!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope your day is wonderful!!!!!!!!!
  19. the best me

    New diet i found

    All I drank on my 1/2 day 1 (that's as far as I got with it, after my mid-afternoon low blood sugar slump) was coffee and Water. So maybe if I had added in some Cran-grape? I might not have slumped so badly? I'll be looking for replies on what else you folks are drinking...that might help me. Right now I'm having a bowl for an afternoon snack. :hungry:
  20. the best me

    Pain in Sternum area.

    not yet, Leener. Don't get yourself too worked up. You are doing the right thing by seeing the doc, so just wait and see. I'll keep checking back on you!
  21. the best me

    What Do You Think?

    http://lapbandtransformation.com/Adjustments.htm Great site at any stage of the game. I'm having trouble with my 'puter so if this is a double post on another thread...anyhow, I'm posting!
  22. the best me

    Taking Suggestions for NEW LBT Features!

    Yay Mr. Alex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, I promise I won't abuse it :heh: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  23. the best me

    July 15th???

    The 5th is my vote for the pool party. School starts for us on the 21st, and Rachel's birthday (number 7!) is the 20th...I don't have anything planned yet but she wants to do a sleepover party Fri night and we'll have a Family something on Sat night...anyhow, the 19th is loaded already. So, the 5th is better for us. Kim! I can't believe you can't be at lunch on July 15th...REALLY?!!!!!! How can that be?! LOL I guess we can hold down the fort without you Jill, you are a crack up! Ouch! But you tell a great story so it's hard not to laugh!!!! Awright Denika...I'm still holding out for you. BUT! I may be able to meet you in Hickory when Leatha comes to town next week. I'm driving! I understand if Hickory is too far but I think I can swing it even though we have VBS that week at church in Huntersville...I'll be hitting 77N to I40W. ANYhow...it all falls together! Okay, potty training calls this morning. Ya'll wish me luck...
  24. the best me

    Pain in Sternum area.

    I have no idea what to say about a possible infection, I'm clueless! But I'm really glad you are going tomorrow and Wed, and not 3 weeks from now. Geez. I can't wait to hear what's up! Please post ASAP. I'll be looking!
  25. the best me


    Hi Paula! :wave: The Water issue could be a factor...but I saw your skin in person, and I see what you mean about it not looking smooth, but I don't think it's Rosacea. Has you skin gotten "worse" since you are home and using your hard water? I have well water but mine is super hard. I have the lime and mineral deposits on my shower door...yuck! and I always look forward to going to the beach because the water there is so much softer. I definately feel a difference in my skin and hair when showering there. Do you think maybe hormones are a factor? I wonder if doing a microdermabrasion would help you? I couldn't do a microdermabrasion AT ALL. The Metrogel helps alot with my rosacea, but I still have trouble with black heads across my nose, and little white "postules"? on my chin. My skin is not in great shape, but it doesn't hurt, and that's an improvement. Facials are very helpful for my pores, but cause lots of skin irritation. I can soothe it easily with the Metrogel though, so I think I'll hit the spa for a facial soon. Time to clean those pores! I tried the mineral make-up and it doesn't do well on my skin. I have no idea why. But I seem to be an odd bird in many areas of my life...I'm used to it! LOL

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
