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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    ***Post Your Mi Lap Band Websites***

    Bumping for katterz...good info for her website!
  2. the best me


    Hello! Welcome to LBT. Have fun searching all the great info here. Good idea to check the Merry Bandsters of Oregon...there are hundreds of posts on that thread, if I remember correctly. And it's in the Oregon forum,too, if I'm not mistaken. Those ones are lots of fun, those merry bandsters. You'll like them alot. editing....I just checked and it's there in the Oregon forum and there are 97 replies, which is still alot.
  3. the best me

    Fun thread: Nicknames

    Fun Thread! Remember the CB radio craze back in the 70s, right? Well, the whole family had Handles. We were Rod, Sweet-n-Low, Lil Rod, Strawberry Shortcake, and I was Katydid. I loved my handle! It wasn't till I got older and looked up Katydid in the encyclopedia that I discovered it was about the ugliest insect in God's creation! I was a little dissappointed, Ha! Shoulda looked that one up first!
  4. the best me

    For those who have religion

    Thank you Greg. That was really beautiful, and meant alot to me, especailly today. You see, yesterday, I lost my grandmother. She was 92 years old. She died of old age, nothing in particular like a heart attack or infection or other complication, she just died, holding the hand of her youngest daughter, my aunt, who said to my Nana, "it's okay Mom, just go be with Daddy" and within moments, she slipped away. A few years ago, when my daughter was an infant, I went to see my Nana in Virginia to help her have her cable turned off, since she couldn't see well and couldn't afford the monthly bill, and to have a "help, I've fallen and I can't get up" system installed in her home, which she did not want to leave. By the time I got there, the cable man had come and gone, yet sitting there on her TV was the cable box, her remote control, and every channel available for the picking. She never got another bill. The Help System lady came and installed her speaker and gave Nana her button wrist band and she never had to use it, but the peace of mind for her and us was priceless. That day, as I sat with my Nana, nursing my child, generations of time separating them, soaking in the moment, my Nana sighed and said, "I feel like the last rose of winter, just hanging out there on the vine." I laughed and told her how I loved her, and we talked about our family memories and my Dada, her husband of 50 years before he died. It was a nice day. I ordered flowers from the grandchildren for her funeral, and asked that 3 roses be placed in the spray, one for me, my sister, and my daughter to place with her in the casket. That last rose of winter fell. We will miss her. This is a valley, but where I will grow. It is such a privilege to have this opportunity to explain death to my daughter, to teach her our beliefs about the God who loves us. I know that the personal religious beliefs of the LBT family differ greatly. But there is great respect for one another here, and no matter what your beliefs about God, Jesus, or whoever you worship, we all grow in our valleys. Thank God we have each other, too. I am thankful for you nice folks everyday. Thank you for sharing a moment about my special Nana. I would love to share in your special moment, where a valley made you grow. Thanks to Greg, this is a good thread to post it on.
  5. the best me

    Good Stocks to own?

    Ha! Inamed, for sure! Or my savings account, ya right, huh? Hey, you know? If I had 10K or more to put somewhere for a year, I'd do something Martha Stewart related. She's almost out of prison and my bet is she'll come out on top. I have predicted that since I heard she was quitting her appeals process, doing the time, and getting it over with. She has paid her dues, time to get back to work...I think she'll do better than ever. The 10K or so I don't have now is going in my fat belly. THAT is a good investment. Otherwise I have no experience with how the markets are worked...Martha Stewart is a shade-tree investor hunch.
  6. the best me

    OT: Heartbreak. For dog lovers only.

    My sister's friend lost her chocolate lab "Mocha", he was hit by a car. It was devastating. Debbie, Mocha's mom, had a memory box like the one you have, with his collar and special things inside. Then my sister found a mocha flavored candle and gave it to Debbie, she could light it anytime she missed Mocha, or needed him around, or just wanted to honor him in her heart. Debbie did so by lighting her "Mocha Candle". It was very healing, that and the memory box, which you might be able to put away easier if you had a Niko Candle to light. If I were near I'd get you one! So sorry for your loss.
  7. the best me

    Anybody else addicted to this site???

    Can I just say "YES" really loud? My kids are propped in front of the TV, DH can't call me to let me know he's on his way home from work so I should make sure my cell phone is charged and on but I'm busy here... Okay, now I have to get up because the kids want to go outside and my 2 yr old has been gathering dirty clothes from his basket, bringing them to me to put them on because I told him if he wanted to go outside he can't be nekkid. Amazing what he understands but can't say. Come to think of it, he brought me pants, then a sock, then the other sock (both dirty) then a shirt all by himself. All he's missing is shoes but he's gotten distracted by the TV, and thank goodness or I wouldn't be able to make this post. I am so addicted. Some days I'm happy just to be able to read up, other times, I can take the time to reply, but it has to be after 10:30pm when everyone is in bed, then usually the dishes need to be done and I leave them for the AM. Ya, it's bad.
  8. the best me

    i'm approved

    Excellent! This site has helped me to make the decision to move forward also. I know I can't do this without everyone here...congratulations and welcome to a new and better life ahead! You will do great, just stay here, keep posting, get your ecouragement and advice, and follow the banding rules. Here you go! weeeeheeee!
  9. the best me

    Very Sensitive subject for me.....

    Okay, beachbabe wrote the initial post, I poured my heart out over my gross skin, so I will take all of your encouragement for me! I LOVE what you said about how we change and shape ourselves, even by doing something as small as hitting the submit button, and just putting it out there. Well said! and so true. Not everyone shares each other's feelings, but we all have something to offer and each person has something to give us, if we listen. Thank you for your encouraging words to all of us who need to hear them!
  10. the best me

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    Okay, when I first logged on to LBT, I was sobbing because I saw here what I wanted for me, and for the first time in a long time, I actually had HOPE. I would get the shakes getting on the computer to see if it was real, to see if I could find something awful that made this Not for me. It took a few days to finally post, and when I had to choose a name, I chose what I wanted to be, and that was "the best me" there was. Thanks for the hope everyone. You inspire me daily!
  11. the best me

    911 - DeLarla goes to the Emergency Room

    OMG you crack me UP!!!! My kids came running when I started laughing hysterically, wondering what in the world...I said "I'm just laughing at this funny lady on the computer. She farted!" My 5 year old went "AAAAAAAAAhahahahahha"
  12. the best me

    Very Sensitive subject for me.....

    I am self-conscious about my body. I don't parade around nekkid, sex in the dark is MUCH more comfortable, not that we ever have a chance for broad daylight sex since having children, and I am always hiding under large loose clothing, under the sheets, behind the bath towel, you get the idea. It's not a matter of privacy, it's because I know what I look like and I don't like it. I noticed a swollen red/purple stretchmark near my hipbone when I looked for the bruise after banging my fat belly on the seatbelt...long story, leaning over the seat to close the door...anyway, gross! My belly and thighs are covered in them and I get boils on the stretchmarks. Talk about sexy. These are REAL confidence issues that affect MY intimacy with my husband, and my confidence in his attraction to me. I am sure you share similar issues. I am prepared for the hanging skin, the loose skin, the gross skin, and the necessary tummy tuck and thigh lift to come, but I am afraid to admit that when my husband starts ogling my improved body, I will resent him...he is attracted to me thinner, but not fat. That will make me mad. However, I am the one pushing him away now, right? It's my issue, because I know my DH loves me and is attracted to me now. As I become more confident and eager and available for his "approval", since now I push it and him away, how can I resent him when I give the "it's okay to be attracted to me now" message? It's a mind game with me, but I also admit that I am fortunate to have a stay-at-home DH who doesn't care for drinking and partying, trashy mags, porn or any of that. I think I take that for granted and it's something I appreciate alot about him. He will admit to watching a few minutes of "Caliente", some spanish variety show where he doesn't understand a word and has lots of "J Lo" types dancing around...he does like that. hehe, I can live with that. I am sorry for the difficult time. I hope you and DH get things talked out. It may be a slow change in your relationship, something not fixed easily with one conversation, but at least get it started. Say to him like you said to us, "handle with care", "sensitive subject for me". Glad you hit the submit button. It's good for all of us to talk.
  13. the best me

    My start

    Hey there Barbarab, thanks for the intro! Wow! 25lbs gone forever. good for you! Hope to see you lots here on LBT. It's a great place to be.
  14. the best me

    Yikes, Surgery Feb 28

    Hey Daisy! You found another 28th! You were looking for a friend...there ya go!
  15. the best me

    I'm home and a BANDED MAMA!!!!!

    good for you! Thanks for the updates. I know you skipped a bit about de la Garza when that Dwayne B. guy posted his terrible experience story, who wouldn't? and I am relieved that it went better than expected. Good for you! Way to go, girl!
  16. the best me

    Yikes, Surgery Feb 28

    Congrats! I know you are excited. I am almost 7 LOOONG weeks away from my surgery. I'll bet it's that last week that creeps along. Keep us posted on your progress and let us know when you are home and all went well. Good Luck!
  17. the best me

    I am in tears now!!!

    And all that nice firm healthy muscle will boost your metabolism and totally change your shape. Good for you! Don't forget your cardio on your days off with the trainer. That will really kick it in! Woohoo Penni! Well Done!
  18. Did you mean "lecture?" You get lettuce on the brain when you are watching your weight, I think it might have snuck in to the post...lettuce does that. Just gets everywhere. Bad lettuce.
  19. the best me

    Sammee from Austraila

    Welcome! You will do great, and wer'e all rooting for you. You will no doubt have lots of questions and this is the best place to be! We'll be looking for an update...
  20. the best me

    Sip a little, Walk a little!

    Okay, I had to look it up so I know I'm not the only one. Loquatiousness is very talkative. Glad to see that you are loquacious! Must be your dad's cooking...Yay, Dad!
  21. the best me

    Where did the fulid go?

    Do a search for leaks, the missing fill, other related words, I have read threads dealing with losing saline and pockets of air in the port, things of that nature. It's on here somewhere and may give you some ideas about what's going on. A hole in the tubing? Just a guess, happy searching! And others will post here, too, I'm sure.
  22. Great feedback everyone, I hope you'll take Zoe's challenge to hit the scale Monday. Nancy/Claraluz I am so glad you said that about the 800 calories...I agree totally. While it may be easy to do for a day or two, with or without the band, it will mess up your metabolism...I agree about seeing a dietician/nutritionist.
  23. the best me

    Wanna be my friend? :)

    Noone else on the 28th? I can't think of anyone offhand. But I'll still be your friend! I'm going April 8th, but you'll be a pro by then. Good luck next week!!!! Keep us posted.
  24. Looking for an update, praying all is well...
  25. the best me


    No responses to a good question, since I'm not banded yet, I'll bump it but I think it's eating too fast?

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