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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    April 2005 Bandsters

    Bump...April bandsters, sign up here! (check post #20 and see if your name is on...I will add it if you post here and give the surgery info...here we go!
  2. the best me

    Ready to go!

    Congrats! I'm puttin' you on the April 2005 Bandsters list (see thread of same name under Support) and yes, give us the scoop on your plans, who? where? how much to lose? etc. Way to go! I'm April 8th. woohoo!
  3. the best me

    Summerville, SC

    Hey ec, yes, Dr Kuri is in Tiajuana, one of several there. There are not alot in our area on LBT, not regulars anyhow. Dr Kuri's office sent me a list of references and there was one in Durham. There is a bariatric surgeon in Concord, NC (just ouside of Charlotte) who does Lap Bands but mostly he does gastric bypass. I considered him until I totalled the bill, almost 20K...whew! No can do, so I'm going to Mx for half that. He (the Concord Dr) will do fills for Mx banded patients, but when I called he was considering NOT taking other Dr's patients for fills, so I didn't pursue it. I would rather drive to Winston for a sure fire follow along Dr who isn't scared of me(!) or apprehensive about a MX banded patient. I also looked into Ponce in Dalton. I was willing to drive there but, again, the price for self-pay is pretty hefty. Had I not found the fill Dr in Winston, I would have gone to Ponce for fills and follow along. I like that Winston is a bit closer. As far as chatting, it's a hit or miss around here. Some folks will post a "let's chat" and look for others to show up. Do you use the "new post" button at the top? Hit that, and you will see a list of what has been posted recently, maybe a chatter will be on. There is also a weekly chat with a topic in the works, just do a search for chats, and you will get the scoop. Be sure to post on that thread, and you will get e-mail notification when something gets going. Hey, good luck on Tuesday! Be sure to post when you return so we can Celebrate your Banding with you!
  4. the best me

    Happy Birthday Katerzz!

    Happy Birthday to you!!! Hope your day is awesome. Celebrate well!
  5. Yippee!! Looking for your post-surgery post...let us know how it went. I'd imagine you'll come here often for advice and reassurance. You'll get it! Good luck tomorrow!
  6. the best me

    Wisdom Teeth Horror

    How are you feeling Kristi? Did you make it to work okay? Check in with us soon... thinking of you.
  7. the best me

    willpower has the band!!

    Bumpity bump bump bump
  8. the best me

    Back from Belgium and Banded

    Yippee!! Glad you are home safe! Good job, hubby! And congratulations!!! Give us all the scoop when you get rested!
  9. the best me

    Willpower, welcome to the Banded Gentry!

    I read a post from Petunia saying Will is home and recovering fine...I will look for it and bump it if needed. I also assumed that Will and Petunia are married/engaged/or otherwise committed, which makes it all come together, I guess I just didn't realize...or put the two together...missed that. Yay Will!!! congrats!
  10. the best me

    Thigh lifts?

    It can be done! When I go for surgery, I am planning to ask about the tummy tucks Dr Kuri's plasstic surgeon does...he makes the incision in such a way that some of the inner thigh skin is lifted. I can tell already I will need at least this done. But there are "thigh lifts" available. Anyone here had one? I think with the outer thigh, you have to get a full body lift, which is basically a tummy tuck that goes all the way around, they take out a swath of skin and raise and lower the two sides so you are lifted and tightened all around. I'm interested in what else gets posted here...Whatever it is, I feel certain it's not easy though. Or cheap.
  11. the best me

    willpower has the band!!

    Thanks Petunia, for letting us know that Will is home and doing fine.
  12. the best me

    Vera's Idea

    A rose bush by the fence at my house for you Blossom. It will remind me to enjoy life and make plans as if I'll live past 80 years old, even if I don't. And no regrets. And always be kind, as you were. And to be grateful for today. Thank you for your life, wisdom, support, encouragement, kindness, and spunk. Your beauty is an inspiration, and the rose bush, a great reminder of it. Thanks Greg and Vera.
  13. the best me

    Wendy, welcome to bandland

    Hoping you are recovering happily...send us an update!!! Congratulations!
  14. the best me

    Corgi, welcome to bandland

    Post when you can, we want to know how you are...congrats!!
  15. the best me

    Willpower, welcome to the Banded Gentry!

    Looking here for an update, hope all went well and you are recovering well...congrats!
  16. the best me

    Yipee I am in the onesies

    Don't feel guilty, I'll just bet Blossom would be proud of you and happy for you, and she would want others to celebrate your victory. I, too, am very somber today. Four people got banded yesterday and need some cheerleading...I just can't seem to muster it, only relief that they have come through. I can't wait till I get into the onesies. The best part is, you will stay there, no more twosies, ever. Congratulations!
  17. the best me

    Pics of me!!!

    Thanks, Nana, for bumping this. Could someone post these pics on her condolences thread? That would be a nice thing, I think. Maybe it's being done already... What a beautiful light she has. I am so, so, sorry.
  18. the best me

    Summerville, SC

    Hey there, I'm from the Charlotte area...not banded yet but seeing Dr Kuri 4/8. My follow-up/fill Dr is Eduardo Gonzoles in Winston-Salem. Will you see Ponce for follow along? Good luck and stay in touch!
  19. the best me

    April 2005 Bandsters

    Keep an eye on Post #20 here...I am editing and adding names to the list...but post your Dr and any other info here, too. I just can't get excited right now with the news of Blossom...(see "condolences....Blossom" thread) My heart is so heavy.
  20. the best me

    Condolences - Blossom

    I am so stunned and saddened that I hardly know what to say. Philip, how can you even bear it? I am so sorry. I hope that knowing this, that your Blossom has made a difference in the lives of so many here, you can have some measure of peace as you begin to heal. She was a sweet blessing to us and will be missed. God Bless You.
  21. the best me

    Only 5 days to go !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not too long for you, now! I agree with Penni, do both, beat the fat!!! You will definately have a better band success and a healthier you now that you know about your thyroid problem. That explains alot, but the synthroid and the band will help you fix it...Good luck!
  22. Hope your day is going well!! Please post an update as soon as you can, we want to know that everything went great! Happy surgery day!
  23. the best me

    Journey to Band Land............

    Thinking of you today!! Post an update and give us all the scoop when you can!!!
  24. the best me

    Surgery Tomorrow 3/18...Yikes!

    Good luck today! Wow, you were up early for not having to be at the hospital till after lunch! Are you nervous?! Don't be, you will do great! Post as soon as you can...prayers for you! And Jamie, and Wendy, and WillPower...Big day today on LBT!! You go, girl!
  25. the best me

    Just wanted to say thank you to all.....

    Aw Sharon, I wish you all the best, I know you have reasoned well and you need to do what's best for you. Take care, and if you change you mind again, well...wer'e here.

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