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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. Yeah, let's get some updated After pics from these folks and ask them to post on the new/better pics only thread...so, who wants to e-mail these nice folks? Anyone? Okay, I'll be brave and attempt two of them...if ya'll want me to, that is. Anyone else? Better idea?
  2. the best me

    Eye surgery

    Penni, you are so crazy. And the goggles are a lovely accessory item for your summer wardrobe...I approve!! (NOT!)
  3. Let me get this straight, you have all the pre-op stuff on April 5, so what is your surgery date when you have surgery at 12:30? Or was that in another post and I missed it? And, this Friday is the 25th, so you have a week and a half after your provera to get over your "monthly monster" this go-round...is that enough time? I'm thinking no diuretics, not a good idea before surgery, not unless you Dr says it's okay. Nope, don't do the Water pills. That could mess you up better than weight gain will. And as far as not going home the first night, well, the insurance may not go for that. What's the possibility of a sister, mom, or good friend whisking you away to an inexpensive hotel for a night of recovery? No dogs, no distracted and overly concerned, unnecessarily worried DH, warm heating pads, lots of pillows (create a recliner of sorts on the bed) and long halls to walk every few hours. Is that a possibility? Forget the scale, what's five or so pounds when you are over 300? I don't mean that ugly, but I'm 220 and I can fluctuate 5 pounds in a day, it would seem your Dr. would be much more concerned about your overall weight than a few pounds gained which could easily be water retention. Ya know? Plus, you will have just had this PCOS treatment (which I am not at all familiar with but have seen others posts about it) so that would have to be taken into consideration with your band Dr. Does he/she know about this treatment you are having? Plus you say your clothes are no looser or tighter, that's probably a good indicator you are fine. And you start a new job in May. You and Crystal/Vinesqueen need to hole up together and sing the stressed out blues! Aww Katie, I hope this all works out okay for you. It really sounds like it will, you just need to see it from the other side, and the other side is comin like a freight train...wooohooo!!! You are gonna do great, and feel tons better when you get some weight off, even just getting below 300 will make a huge difference in how you feel about everything!! Looking for updates...take care, I'll be thinking of you!
  4. the best me

    only six days until i get my band

    AWW no problem, okay 6 more days means your surgery date is...the 30th Wednesday? I'm adding you to the April Bandsters list...see the thread in the Support forum.
  5. the best me

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    OMGawd!!!!! What pics are these?! It took forEVER for my puter to download these pics but they were well worth the wait...so beautiful!!!! Love the 80s hair! I wish we could go back to the 80s, big hair, off the shoulder sweaters, flat boots, think Molly Ringwald, Flashdance, Stayin Alive, and Big Hair Bands...ahhh the good ole days. You look phenomenal. Ho! No nakie pics for me, but I'll sure buy a calendar! Several!
  6. the best me

    April 2005 Bandsters

    Hey Isa, you have a band buddy now too. Geochic77 is getting banded on the 1st as well. No kidding!
  7. the best me

    Friends Question

    Oh my gosh I'm cracking up!!!! Kick to the curb!!!! It's true though, sometimes, ya just gotta. I feel so bad that you feel so left out of the group now. This could be a good thing for you, and time heals things. Always be kind and hold your head high. You will make it through this. They can either come with you on your new journey or you can go without them, either way, you are going. Don't turn back now! Good luck, and keep us LBT friends updated on how things are going. We're here for you!
  8. the best me

    only six days until i get my band

    Jennifer, you are gonna do great and it will all be fine. I have a bit over two weeks to wait for my surgery, but the jitters are creeping in occasionally. Sometimes I think "OMGosh, what the hell am I doing?!!" and then I realize I'm just stressed. I know because I'm cursing. And it passes and I get excited again. Keep posting and begging for encouragement. Things get busy and hectic around here (LBT) and we can hardly keep up...don't be afraid to yell over the din..."here I am!!!" Your gonna do great!
  9. the best me

    ShellyJ are you on the move?

    Well, I would have never found it if you hadn't directed me, Vera, thanks! Okay!! I won't spill the Beans but be sure to read the responses to her post...SOMEONE posts a little word or two and when THAT happened, well, I just about lost it. Okay, so now I'm a little jealous that she told all them and not us...hmmm. But she's so cute it's hard to be mad. Can't wait till she posts...waiting....
  10. the best me

    prayers and white lights please!

    So sorry, vinesqueen. You will get through all this...and you'll look back and say, "hey, no wonder I was stressed!" Hmmm, lets see, you are living apart from your husband and son so you can finish school, you are in "exile" a land where you aren't completely comfortable, you just had band surgery, ER trip for asthma, and now this, on top of school (showing up for classes, doing homework, writing papers, studying, etc) and don't you have a job, too? Good golly, girl, can you just take one more thing?!!! It WILL end. It must. In the meantime, you are on my prayer list for sweet peace, rest, perseverence, and a good boost of encouragement just when you need it. Just wondering, how do you feel about a full or partial hysterectomy? Is that something you Dr might recommend? Is that okay with you? I know your young he-man son is 18, but I'm sure you aren't too "old" for another...or are you laughing maniacally right now at the thought of a pregnancy?! just wonderin...take care!
  11. the best me

    10 Wonderful NSV'S

    wow Pati, just what I needed to hear. I have just over two weeks before I see Dr Kuri, too, and I'm looking forward to the results. Way to go!!! Those are awesome NSV's.
  12. the best me

    Starting the Process

    Whew! I'm tired just reading about it! Well done...you are on your way!
  13. the best me

    Hey guys!

    Congratulations Geochic! I am adding you to the April 2005 Bandsters list and Isa is your band buddy...both April 1st (no kidding)! Woohooo!
  14. the best me

    April 2005 Bandsters

    Hey Roo-Roo! My surgery is upcoming...April the 8th, so you are just 10 days after me. All the folks here to date have yet to have surgery. check out post #20 for all the names, I have been editing that post regularly (since I wrote it) and putting names in. and so, I'll add yours to the April 2005 Bandsters list! Woohoo!! I have a few things for you...I'll e-mail you if you have it enabled, if not, I'll PM you...don't go far!!!
  15. the best me

    April 2005 Bandsters

    Awww, that is so sweet! You ARE very lucky, I'm so happy for you! Enjoy those restaurants, eating out won't ever be the same again (and that's a good thing...cause I know I can really chow on lots of yummy food.) From now on, we'll eat really yummy food slowly and eat a whole lot less of it! Think of the money we'll save!
  16. the best me

    5 months we are 105lbs down

    Way to go you two! Looking really good! Is it time to update your "after" pictures on the before & after thread? Dow, I remember you lost your father some time back and were having trouble with your band, PB's etc. I guess things have leveled out for you and you are doing well again? Hope so. Well done! Keep up the good work!
  17. the best me

    April 2005 Bandsters

    Yes, the Last Supper (the famous one) was the night before Good Friday! It's a good sign... mmmm, gotta eat a gyro this week too...
  18. the best me

    Wonderful Middle Eastern Eggplant Dip

    MMMMM, yummy!!! I'll look this one up again! Thanks!
  19. the best me

    April 2005 Bandsters

    Oh my gosh, confession time. I went to lunch with my MIL today and ordered this very yummy but terribly unhealthy egg dish...at Bob Evans, it's a Sunshine Skillet, scrambled eggs, topped with hash browns, sausage crumbles, cream sausage gravy, and topped with melted cheese, served with bisquits...Oh my heavens it was very yummy and so full of fat I can't even imagine. I only ate one bisquit and couldn't quite finish the bowl...it felt like a "last supper" of sorts. I felt guilty being so fat sitting there eating something so utterly fattening, but, post-banding, no way would it be worth the money to order something like that. So, it was worth it! Friday will be here before you know it! Woohooo!! (Hey-bisquit doesn't look right, did I spell that correctly?)
  20. the best me

    painful empty stomach feeling

    Hey, more good advice...I'm not sure about the Actimel yogurt drink, but in the US there is "acidophilous" (check spelling, I probably have it wrong) and you get it from the refigerator in the pharmacy, so you have to ask for it. It's fairly pricey, maybe 10-12 bucks for a dozen packets. You just sprinkle the contents of the packet onto some food, yogurt, or whatever and eat it. Check with the pharmacist for what to sprinkle it on and how often. It's good to take when you are on antibiotics and the medicine eats up the bad AND good bacteria, leaving you with an overgrowth of yeast (hence, yeast infections). This may be a real issue with you because I remember you mentioning somewhere about laying off the dairy to help with the gas...maybe you could replace the dairy with the acidophilous so you don't get too out of whack. Just concerned...thanks for updating about your appointment on the "who had it removed"? thread. Keep us posted!
  21. Hey Pink, you out there? Check in and let us know how you are doing/feeling. We need an update, girl!
  22. the best me

    Summerville, SC

    It's Tues nite and you are in Ga with Dr Ponce...just thinking of you and your surgery tomorrow...prayers for you for a smooth surgery and a great recovery! I hope you took your laptop...I wanna know how it went, don't make me wait until Friday when you get home! I'll start a new thread in the Support forum for you...folks can post their well-wishes there. Good luck! Your band buddy, Kathy
  23. the best me

    April 2005 Bandsters

    Aw, Laura, we will certainly cheer you on!!!! There are lots of March Bandsters and you have to speak up, kinda like your birthday. Noone will tell you Happy Birthday unless you remind them of it! I plan to post my exit and entrance to bandland...I'm not afraid to ask for a little cheerleading!!! I'll add you to our list right now.
  24. the best me

    How Can This Be?? My Fill only holds 2cc?

    Okay, not banded yet but I'll give it my best shot and anyone who dissagrees...well, listen to them. When you first get your band your stomach is swollen from the surgery and the tissue shrinks as it heals. Then you start losing weight, and all the surrounding tissue in your body, including your stomach tissue, starts shrinking due to less fat, and you need another fill. The more weight you lose, the "tighter" the band will have to be in order to get restricted. Make sense? This is the benfit of losing weight...apparently you lose from the inside out. All those squished up internal organs become free of fat and you body just works better. I think this is also why the external fat comes off last, you know, the butt and thighs, etc. Especially in women. One more thing...your 4cc band is either at 9.75cm or 10cm band. The centimeters measures the circumference of the band, or how big around it is, similar to your ring size. (right folks?) The 4cc is, what you said, the amount of Fluid the band will hold. Okay you Bandsters...check my answers and expound on them with your expertise...
  25. the best me


    HOooooo! You go girl! Keep up the good work! Don't you just think about it and start grinning to yourself! hehehe Way to GO!

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