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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Summerville, SC

    Panda, Off hand, no. But there is a Lap Band surgeon in Concord NC which is just NorthEast of Charlotte, NC. From Columbia, you are looking at about a 2 1/2 hour drive to Concord (depending on traffic and which part of Columbia you are driving from. That may be close enough for your Dr. His name is Dr. Roc Bauman, he is at Carolina Weight Loss Surgery. Web address is CarolinaWeightLossSurgery.com I think...you may need to Google. Surely there is one closer but not one that I know of. Hope that helps! Let me know if you want more info! Good luck!
  2. the best me

    getting banded on april 8th

    That's a big drawback to going to Mx, which I am with Dr Kuri on 4/8. Here's my perspective, and it's just mine, thought I'd throw it out there. When I had decided to go to Kuri, I started hearing about clinics doing the band for comparable prices, 9K, 12K, etc and considered pursuing them, to avoid the MX issue. But for me, I am spending basically the same amount of money on the surgery and the airfare (and other related expenses) to go see a Dr I don't know much about who couldn't possibly be as experienced as Kuri (who has been doing Lap Bands for 8 or 9 years and has placed well over 1200 of them, and uses Inamed Bands) and I still have the issue of local aftercare. I guess for me, I'm going with experience and a great track record, hoping that no complications will arise and I get home with a healthy Band placement. My money is going to pay for the best Band placement I can get. That's what I'm paying Kuri for, and if I didn't think I'd get it, I certainly wouldn't go. Honestly, I don't like the risk, but for me it's just as risky going to a less experieinced Dr who probably uses a day clinic with no overnight hospital stay which is what is so costly in the US. Yes, I can sue if needed, but the liklihood of needed to sue Kuri (which I couldn't) is less than if I used a less experieinced unknown Dr. But the jury is still out. I haven't had my surgery yet! Just wanted to put my thinking out there in case it helps others to decide either for or against going to MX. Mexico is definately not for everyone. Hey Norma, my sister-in-law is Mexican-American and her family feels the same way about surgery in MX! Wouldn't do it, nope, never. I'm so glad you are embracing your Band. You are doing a great job!
  3. the best me

    My journey cont'd

    Wow Bobby, you are so close! You inspire me with your exercise routine. I know you will make your goal!
  4. the best me

    Eliza/ecbailey Welcome home!!

    Okay, she's back! Bumping here so she'll post all the scoop soon!
  5. the best me

    .1cc removed...

    Good call Alice. Don't let that ole Doc make you feel bad, even though he's the one with the syringe! Keep us posted on how this unfill works for you!
  6. the best me

    Summerville, SC

    Yippee!!! So glad you made it home okay, I want the details...when you get a chance of course. Thanks for the quick note! Hey, when you sign back on, look under New Posts for a thread welcoming you to Bandland...I'll go bump it...and let everyone know how it went. You and I are the only two on here, which is great! but everyone else will want to hear from you too. Congratulations!
  7. the best me


    you are on the ball chris, I got your PM and replied...Hey, everyone...chris and I are both getting banded by Kuri on 4/8...wow!!! Someone answer her question because I have no clue!! Bumping and hello!
  8. the best me

    Just my Luck, Back to Mexico

    Dang Vera, I'm so sorry. Fill us in on your plans and vent away, dear, wer'e here for ya!
  9. the best me

    Feeling blue....need encouragement

    Good for you...keep us posted!
  10. the best me

    Hurray Princess Is Banded

    You have actually heard from her? I hope so...come see us soon Princess!!! Congratulations!!!
  11. the best me

    My amusing brain.

    Yep, I've always got a song playing. If it's not a song, it's some phrase, somethng I've got on my mind...eg: "and you thought I was kidding" after a converstaion with DH. The phrase goes round and round, to a beat or rhythm. And I'll tap my teeth together to the rhythm if I'm stressed. Once I realize it and it starts to bug me, I'll think of a song and get THAT stuck. Right now it's "here we go, we're going round the track, GOin' round the track, AND we won't come back..." who knows if the words are right but it's the train song from the Dumbo movie the kids have been watching. A bit aggravating, the things in my head sometimes...
  12. the best me

    I'm losing my port

    Keep posting your updates because...I want to know how you are doing and because your experiences posted are great resources for others. It's just a big helping family around here! Glad you are getting things taken care of. Good Band Health to you!
  13. the best me


    What they said...oh my gosh you guys are awesome. You came to the right place Maria. Be strong!!! It's worth it!
  14. the best me

    Wish me luck.......

    Wooohhooo Laura! I started a thread for you but everyone missed it, so I deleted it and now I'm posting here! Congratulations!!! I hope your band surgery goes smoothly and your recovery is uneventful...lots of wishes for rest and happy healing!! Post when you can!!! We'll be thinking about you.
  15. the best me

    almost had 1st PB (does that mean vomit?)

    Wow Norma! I am SO glad to see this post. You never know how folks will handle "tough love" and you have been such a trooper, and I'm glad you and your band are becoming friends. You can do this!!! And you have been initiated into big girl bandsterhood by experiencing a PB. You go gIrl!! I will be excited to see how well it continues to go for you. Thank you for being an encourager to others, even during those times when you didn't feel so hot about things. You will no doubt be "put to work" some more here on LBT with your experiences and perspective. I'm so proud of you!!!
  16. the best me

    1st week follow up :)

    Awesome!! Well done, I'm so glad it's going well!!! Good job!
  17. Oh YAY! I'm so relieved you are feeling better about things, congrats! Yep, this place is awesome. I have said before (and I'll say it again) I would not be going through this banding procedure were it not for the support I find her on LBT. So don't you ever go too far away...way to go!!!
  18. the best me

    Harley Nana, Happy Birthday!

    Good for you! Happy Birthday! Enjoy every minute of it.
  19. the best me

    I want a TT

    Hey, that's not bikini...THAT"S A THONG!!!! You go girl, you look awesome! I wish you had left in the rest of your tatoo, too, um, also. Well done Tangerine!
  20. the best me

    Eliza/ecbailey Welcome home!!

    Okay, I guess you are making me wait until Friday...welcome home! welcome to bandland! all the scoop please...how are you feeling? have you lost any weight yet? (just kidding) how was recovery in Dalton, did your kids miss you, and did your mom have fun playing nurse? When you are up to it...sign on soon!!
  21. the best me

    Pics of me!!!

    I agree, how would it be handled of someone logged on and chose the same avatar and new posts kept popping up and your heart skips a beat...how do you ask someone to change their avatar? It just seems wrong for someone else to have it. It really would be nice to "retire" it, in honor of Blossom.
  22. the best me

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    Hey, how 'bout a list of which Drs are represented...other Dr's may buy advertising even without a patient represented in the calendar, just because the "competition" is being advertised....ya think?
  23. Okay, Shelly is still around, and so is DeniseG, I have seen posts from Leo since I joined in Jan so I think he checks in periodically, and there was a bumped thread from Coffeewench on her tummy tuck, so she can't be far (I think she replied recently) but I have no idea on Vampy, Bandaid, chrisfisher, or polar bear Mike... I wold love to see updated Afters...thanks for bumping this Marie! I know it might be confusing but it's obviously an old thread, we'll get by. If we cant find updates, maybe they will allow a moderator (Penni, the master picture fixer?) to re-post these onto the current pics only thread? Now that would be cool!
  24. I like what Donali said better than what I said...Congrats!!! And Take A Deep Breath!!! I'm adding you to the April Bandsters list...wait, I think you are already there...I'll check and if you aren't I'm adding you!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and I just noticed April 11 on your signature, it was probably there to begin with, having a duh moment, or two.
  25. the best me

    I think he likes me....

    "George" here, and that's a capital "G" How 'bout Henry, Peter, Sam, Harold, Ivan, uh...Mr. Ripley, as in talented?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
