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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Rings n' Things NSV

    Wow, I can't wait just to wear mine again, I'll be happy when I can get them on! 'Course, I doubt my diamond is heavy enough to fall to one side, that takes weight, right? My little diamond is pretty but small. I love it cuz HE gave it to me though. I'll live. Great NSV!
  2. the best me

    I'm a Bandster

    Yay Tanya!!!! Congratulations, so glad you made it home and are recovering well so far. Thanks for posting...rest and recouperate! Keep us updated as you can.
  3. Two Thumbs Up Journaling! Well done, and very good insight. I'm sure you will get great responses and find out how normal and well-balanced you are. Very good idea to check your motives on getting banded. Personally, I feel stuck both emotionally and spiritually because I am stuck physically at Obese. I feel like I can't grow bigger until I can cross some eating hurdles and grow smaller. Then there's my health. I'm a bit older, I'm married, have 2 lovely young children, a home, and I'm living my future. So many of my issues are different from yours, you having your future ahead of you (coming from my perspective, and those older than me) However, I still struggle with why I can't just feel attractive and love me now. Perhaps I don't struggle quite as deeply. For me I just want this nasty weight off so I can get ON with it!! I love this post and can't wait to hear the replies!
  4. the best me

    Off on my month long trip

    Oh my gosh, ya'll are so PRETTY! Have a great trip Penni, be safe on the road and in the air! And have fun!!!
  5. the best me

    FYI-Regarding "Swedish" Band

    Hey Deb, are you an American living in Suadi Arabia, perhaps with the military? If you will be coming back to the States after your surgery there, it's good to look into the Swedish Band, although folks here in the US have them (I know Megan does, off the top of my head). But the fills and follow along are definately considerations in your aftercare. I have no idea or opinion about whether or not the Swedish Band is better/more advantageous than the Inamed by Bioenterics, but if US docs for aftercare are limited in your area of the States, it's definatley worth researching if this is the right band for you. This is great info...also do a search on "Swedish Band" because I think it's actually made by a French company? If I remember correctly. I'll search and bump the thread to the New Post list if I can find it. Good Digging! Okay, I copied and pasted this from Leo on a closed thread: actually the midband is from a french company( http://www.midband.fr/mid_anglais/present.htm) , the johnson and johnson is the swedish band (http://www.ethiconendo.com/morbid.jsp) <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  6. the best me

    I think he likes me....

    Okay Megan, it's time for an update BEFORE the weekend please...how's he feeling and have you met his roommates? We need scoop!
  7. the best me

    Vera has a new band

    Awright Vera!!! Glad to hear all is well, thanks Bill, for posting and giving us the update on our friend. She's a sweetie and wer'e so happy for her!!!
  8. the best me

    Ready to go!

    You ready to go BigDaddy? Saturday is your day!!!!
  9. the best me

    Your Wu name

    (thanks, Crystal, shoulda just PM'd you...don't know why since you live for this computer security stuff...I keep forgetting you are our resident expert. Now, I'm gonna go plug in my family names...I'll let you know) So, the DH is Dynamic Destroyer Daughter-Midnight Watcher Son-Midnight Knight Cool!
  10. the best me

    anyone out there

    Me too! I'm in the Charlotte area, going to MX soon...Come on NC folks!!!
  11. Wow Judy, are there others here in the area? I am from the Charlotte area, which is quite a drive for me, but I would LOVE to meet up with some folks! I am being banded on the 8th, so I'll still be on a restricted diet (mushies, I guess?) on the 29th. At any rate, I'll keep an eye on this thread, and hopefully all our NC people will come out of the woodwork. Also, there are a couple of us posting recently in the SC Forum, I'll make sure to direct them here, in case they miss it. Thanks!!
  12. the best me

    Summerville, SC

    Hey Angie, go to the Introductions Forum and post an intro...so folks can get to know you , they'll all say hi, etc. Most folks don't read this thread just because it's in the SC Forum. I've seen you posting all over today so I'm glad you are comfy here! It's a great place, let everyone tell you hello. Here's some Bauman info, when I had decided to see Kuri in Mx, I was calling around looking for aftercare/fills so I didn't have to fly all the way back to MX. So I called Bauman's office and the girl said, "he does do fills, but he is thinking about NOT doing fills for other Drs for liability reasons" which I took to mean, yes, but not for MX Drs. so I went elsewhere. So, Eliza, I'll bet Dr Bauman will do your fills. But I'd be interested in finding out what they said.
  13. the best me

    Varicose Veins and Treatment

    Wow, thanks Marie. I have the visible varicose and spider veins all over my legs...just like my grandmother. They got worse with pregnancy and I'm obese...go figure, right? I don't seem to have any noticable problems (certainly not what you have described) but I plan to have something done when the weight is down. Thanks for the links to info. Recover beautifully!!!
  14. the best me

    Your Wu name

    Midnight Mastermind...how do they know this stuff? Maybe I'm paranoid, but do they link my name with my computer and start sending out virus e-mails they hope I will open and infect my computer? Lately i have been getting virus e-mails from someone who looks like it should be my dad. Only 1 initial is wrong, otherwise, I would have thought he had changed his e-mail and opened it...Norton caught it. Can websites do this?
  15. the best me

    Pics of my Barium Swallow

    Okay, even I laughed at that...good one Christina!
  16. the best me

    New Job!

    Wow! You can finally talk about what all that job interviewing was about. Congratulations! Well done, I'm happy for you! Hey, just what are you going to be doing in that space bunny suit, your working at the Nuclear Power Station? You will LOVE that schedule...long weekends all the time!
  17. the best me

    Molding Clinic

    Bumping for DeLarla
  18. the best me

    Summerville, SC

    Hey Bondgirl! I started to reply hours ago but the kids needed attention...you and I are very near each other! Dr Bauman is the closest Band surgeon I know of...if I weren't self-pay, I'd probably be going there. Gotta run for now, but I'll be checking back too.
  19. the best me

    This Week's Band Surgeries 3/29-4/2

    Okay gang, we are halfway through this weeks' list. Isa left for Monterrey, Geochic is still on for tomorrow, Tanya and Ezzysmom are done and we are awaiting word. Any word on jennifer and gypj? So BigDaddy and jeangab go in on Sat...You guys post, wer'e all thinking of you!!!
  20. the best me

    Tomorrow's the big day

    Yay Geochic!!! Go get that band! Happy Band-day and post ASAP when you return. Were' thinking of you!!
  21. the best me

    Pics of my Barium Swallow

    EWWWW, Cooooll!!! That is really neat! Look how the barium pools in the upper pouch and at the bottom of your bottom stomach...and you can see your band and the port tubing, too. That's really interesting! Thanks!
  22. the best me

    Fluoro or no fluoro??????

    I was concerned about this, too. My follow up doc does it without flouro, but if I need it, for whatever reason, he has flouro fills available and will do them. Of course, it costs more...but if I feel like I need it or just want it, I will plan to pay the extra and do it that way, kind of like what DeLarla said, stagger them. I want to keep a close eye on my band so I'm sure I will request a flouro fill either the first or second fill visit. Budgeting is the key if you are self-pay.
  23. the best me

    oddly compelling site, just like a trainwreck

    Okay, quick piece of advice, go to the link, don't look!, add it to your favorites list really quick, and X out fast, or you'll stare at pic after pic all night and never go to bed!. Especially if you like famous celebrity type stuff...thanks alot Crystal (yawn) time for bed!
  24. Now, THAT, my friends, is a Mexico story! That is just too funny! I am anxoius to be back in the US, that's for sure. I do, and will, have a new perspective on my coveted American citizenship. (Oh, I need to pack my birth certificate...add that to list) sorry... As for Kuri, I simply cannot find anything bad about him, with the exception of your (DeLarla's) basically pointless port repair, seeing as how the bacteria-laden tubing left near your wound kept it from healing (correct?). So, discussing this with DH, reading these post and countless others with him, including your story, DeLarla, and at the advice of just about everyone here, I have decided a few things. 1) don't go to MX without the local aftercare lined up 2) Kuri is a great Band Doctor and 3) Kuri is NOT an Infectious Wound Specialist. So, I have my local aftercare, I am seeing one of the top, what?, half dozen most skilled and respected Lap Band surgeons in this hemisphere, and if I get an infection, I'm not going back to MX for care. Fills, sure, but not problems. I hope I don't die, but if I thought I would, I certainly wouldn't go and I'm going, and I'm so excited!!!! Hey KarenA, quit telling people you are going to Mexico for surgery, just tell them you are flying to San Diego because you found a more experienced Dr there who only does Lap Bands, not gastric bypass, and who is less expensive. Close enough to the truth to get by...I'm a terrible liar and an even more terrible secret keeper (MY secrets, not other's) and I'll tell just about anyone anything about myself, it's scary. So I know how you feel about letting the cat out of the bag. I keep counting on proving them wrong. Hold that head high!

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