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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    This week's Band Surgeries 4/4-4/8

    Okay gang, I have spotted posts from Debri85, who is rescheduled for later this month, BKMayer is back, tammy (tambonzjo) is back and Harleynana's Mom is back too. And then there's me and I know chris is home because I saw her with my own two eyes and she's really pretty and nice. So, we need to hear from robin, angeleyes, sweet tooth, smellycat, and kellyV. If you have seen or heard form any of these folks, tell them to check in here. We want everyone home and Banded!!
  2. the best me

    Angeleyes was banded on Tuesday

    Looking for you, welcome to bandland!!
  3. Yay Tammy! Post here when you get back, can't wait to hear how it went! Happy Bandday!
  4. the best me

    April 2005 Bandsters

    Okay gang, I added the new ones I know about to post #20 on page 2 of this thread...ya'll check and make sure it's right and PM me if needed. There are so many of us!!!! And I'm still on drugs from my surgery so please forgive me if I overlook something! lol Yay April Bandsters!!!
  5. the best me

    My baby's heart.

    Praise the LORD! What a SPECIAL blessing you and your son have been given. God is SO Good!
  6. the best me

    OMG I didn't die! Thank you Jesus!

    Okay, the drugs are wearing off and I'm realizing how much I'm forgetting and how much I'm trying to do that I ought not do. I'm just so happy to be home, my belly feels like I've been punched to bits and I'm really sore, the between the shoulder blades and neck ache keeps coming back, just when I think I'm rid of it with the heating pad (which, btw, REALLY does help), I have April Bandsters to update but I can't remember who to add so please forgive me whoever...did they say the second day is the hardest? It was definately easier yesterday and I was on a plane for 4 hours! Whew! Going to take my pain pill and wash it through with plenty of Water, did you know you can kind of feel it going down?! Wierd. And lots of gurgling. This band journey is interesting. Start to finish, I was prepared for everything, surprised by nothing, but never could have realized what it was truely like until I did it. That's my Deep Thought for the day.
  7. the best me

    Insurance approval!!

    Yippeee Christine!!! Way to go...it'll happen before you know it! Good for you!
  8. the best me

    Such sorrow at a young age!!

    So sorry Penni, for your loss and for the loss these girls' families are feeling right now. How devastating.
  9. the best me

    My Mom is in the hospital! SIGH!!!

    Wow, what a saga! So glad to hear she's on the mend Penni. And don't forget to take care of you, too. Blessings to you and your dear mother!
  10. the best me

    Band Pictures

    WOW, cool pics!! Thanks for sharing those. I have an X-ray of my new Inamed 9.75 but it's from MX and it isn't the clearest shot of the band. Really, you can just see what the band is making the barium do...which is all you need but...your pics are COOL! Gonna show my hubby these!
  11. the best me

    Me again--needing encouragement

    Yep! I did it! Thanks for noticing [shy grin] and it's going well, but it's hard to catch up on all the scoop when you have been gone for even a few days! Lots of activity on LBT! So your gonna be fine after Tuesday, let us know how this next fill goes, will ya?
  12. Hey Roc, your ticker works. Hey Penni and Big Daddy, I had a catheter too, "keeps the surgical area clean..." was how it was explained. Not my first catheter (2 C-sects) but I was happy to get it out. Yuck, just the thought... So I made it to Tijuana and back with no problems. Everything went beautifully, surgery was great and I'm home and healing. Going to Mx wasn't what I expected, in many ways it was better, in that the wheels moved smoothly and I got what I paid for. In some ways, I can't believe I up and went to a foreign country and gave up every right I might have as a US citizen to have major surgery...still seems like a really dumb idea and I can't believe I did it, but it really did turn out fine and I'm happy with my experience. Dr Kuri is a lovely man and has his Lap Band practice fine tuned and does an awesome job. If this helps anyone, my sister went with me and was very leery, now she wants to go back at my 6 week fill and have the surgery herself.
  13. the best me

    Me again--needing encouragement

    Aw Kirsten, you will be fine! Now you have 2cc now and the next .2 or .4 will probably do it for you. And you CANNOT eat like a truck driver! Silly! Write down what you eat and log on to the FitDay.com place and take a real look at your intake. I'll bet you will be surprised. Yeah, you may need yet another fill to get it perfect, but I know you are doing better than you think, so chin up! And keep us updated!
  14. the best me

    Im HOME !!!

    Congratulations Brenda!!! Welcome to bandland, it's good to be here, huh? Yay, You!
  15. AWWWW you all are SO Sweeett!!! I'm getting puddles and I didn't even see this last night when I posted. Thank you everyone!
  16. the best me

    OMG I didn't die! Thank you Jesus!

    Please help, I tried to edit my thread title to something a "little" less dramatic, I think "Back and Banded" would have been better, but of course I was only able to edit the title of the post, not the thread. Would one of you be able to change that for me? I'd be grateful, I was just so relieved!...well, the drama set in and the thread title, well, ya know. Thanks whoever can fix it if you can. Hey, Roc, I saw you on the April 2005 thread an will add your name to the list, congrats! going over there now. Thanks everyone! It's so good to be home.
  17. the best me

    Kathy's 10 Day Countdown Thread

    10,9,8,7..blah, blah, 1, BLASTOFF!!!! Off I go in the morning!!! Thanks, everyone, for your well-wishes and prayers. And for listening to me ramble my stress away. I'm getting BANDED!!! It's wierd, like it's happening to someone else. I will post as soon as I can when I return Sat evening. Signing Off. Love, Kathy
  18. Okay Gang...here we go, we have 8 new bandsters this week... Jennifer (jrowell) on the 29th Ezzysmom on the 30th gunn4ya on the 30th gypj on the 31st Isa on the 1st Geochic77 on the 1st jeangab on the 2nd AND BigDaddy216 on the 2nd. Good luck everyone, have a happy and safe surgery and recovery, and puleeeze post when you return, so we know you are safe. Don't make us worry and fret, now. Wanna see your cute avatars on a welcome home thread, okay? Happy Banding!!!! (Bumped and edited from the April Bandsters thread, for more widespread well-wishes. Come on you cheerleaders, give them a rowdy send-off!!!
  19. the best me

    This Week's Band Surgeries 3/29-4/2

    Love it...DBV and the Spring Bandsters
  20. the best me

    Happy Bandiversary Michelle!

    WARM Congratulations to you. Thanks for being here for us and allowing us to follow your journey. You really are an inspiration.
  21. the best me

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Megan!!!

    You are amazing!, I hope this year is just as amazing as you deserve it to be. Happy Birthday!
  22. the best me

    It took a while, but I'm back!

    Pictures, pictures!!! Way to go Isa! Glad you are home safe and recovering!
  23. the best me

    Happy Bandiversary Penni!

    Wow, congratulations!!!! You have done a great job, tell yourself the truth!! Happy Band Birthday! and Many More!!!
  24. the best me

    My worst fears have come true about him...

    and a thousand times AMEN!
  25. the best me

    Confessions of a soon-to-be bandster.

    Well written. you sound pretty darn normal to me! I helps to write it out, doesn't it? I was surprised how much I needed to do my 10 day countdown thread. I just kept writing and journaling my crazy thoughts and it will be good to get past all that...it's just part of the process. You will do fine. Follow the rules, just to be safe, and you will get that band next week. MONDAY!!! Oh my gosh, it's coming like a freight train!!! GO KATIE!

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