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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    OT: Help, my Jade plant is dying..

    Now I really feel like a moron, how can others just throw these things around and they pop up and thrive?!!!! I am a terrible Jade caretaker. This plant was given to me by my hubby's niece, and it was such a nice gift from a young lady with 2 young children, no money, and a husband headed for Iraq at the time (he has since gone and come home safely) that I hate to just give up on the poor thing. I'm really thinking it would like Arizona better...whadya think Princess? I would be happy just to see a picture of it every once in a while and just know it's in a happier home. Or you, Michelle, you could just throw it in your backyard and make it grow...lol!
  2. the best me

    Katie's Band

    Wow! I was hoping she could avoid another surgery but it sure sounds like it was necessary! Give our best to Katie...thanks for keeping us posted.
  3. the best me

    This weeks April Bnadsters 4/11-4/16

    Almost there dallasdoll!!! I'll be thinking of you!
  4. the best me

    OMG I didn't die! Thank you Jesus!

    Hey, Penni, thanks...no solids for me, I'm not even on them, just liquids, but the tea and broth hurt so much I'm afraid to do V-8 or my Centrum Liquid vitamins, or God forbid, a cold fruit juice pureed with protein powder, which is all I have had since banding last Friday...I am frustrated and dissappointed that my recovery has been such a wash-out thus far. My 66 year old father is coming over to play interference with little man tomorrow while hubby works! And I need this type of help! If need be, we can drive to Winston-Salem tomorrow to see the local band Dr, but I'm not sure what he could do. Just have to wait it out. I PRAY it's at least a little better in the morning, or I'll dehydrate??? Okay, next is a warm shower, tend to the wounds, heating pad on belly and SLEEP (after checking in one last time here for any replies). I know this is "normal" but it sure doesn't feel like it...sigh.
  5. the best me

    OMG I didn't die! Thank you Jesus!

    So I go to nibble on some Jello before I rest and this happens, (I copied this from another thread I posted on...) Okay, so I'm standing in the kitchen this afternoon with little man (age 2) and we are eating jello out of the bowl, little spponfuls of it, taking turns, sweet! So I get a little bit of that really thick, at-the-edge-of-the-bowl jello that doesn't melt in your mouth, you know what I mean? So, not AT ALL thinking like a bandster, and ONLY thinking like a mom, I avoid giving little man the yucky thick stuff and do what? I eat it my self, so quickly I stuck that spoon in my mouth!!! Totally not thinking. The next 2 minutes are all slow-motion. I'm standing at the sink, both hands on the counter, praying to God to take away the pain in my chest, saying to myself, "this is a PB, I can't PB, I'm only 5 days banded, do I drink some Water? no, yes? OMG please make the pain go away, please go down, please God!" and what surprised me the most were the short waves of nausea that overcame me. I knew I had to get the jello past the band, and maybe I could have gotten away with very warm water to help melt it, but I sipped water, stood there, then PB'd so fast in the dang kitchen sink...the pain relief was instant, and I stood there, breathing saying to myself "this thing is gonna control my LIFE!!!! How can DeLarla not be changed after getting banded?!!!" So, now Jenna, you wonder if this is a PB or a vomit, and it really was more of a vomit, just of the upper pouch contents, water and bits of jello. It happened so fast and smooth I wasn't worried but now it's 5+ hours later and I can barely drink small sips of hot tea and broth. This is making me worry. If I take a sip, even a small one, it hurts in my chest like heartburn for a minute and if I take a big sip, well, it REALLY hurts and I can't even type here, and I have to get up and walk around until it goes down. So I know I am swollen, and this is so different even from the day after banding, I have been able to easily drink my clear liquid diet, no problems. Help!! Should I call my local doc to be seen? What in the world could he do? Fish out nasty thcik jello from my band? It feels like it's still stuck there, but it's probably just swelling...VERY uncomfortable and starting to make me worry. Only warm liquids until this resolves.
  6. the best me

    OT: Help, my Jade plant is dying..

    Okay, let me go find the pic... and it's a little worse now than it looked even that day. Some of the litte leaves aren't making it but the big ones are, and are sprouting! Like I said, I had to bring it inside due to very chilly and rainy weather here, and it hates it indoors. You know, my little Jade may just prefer Arizona, ya know? If you need to rescue it, I will gladly ship it, you let me know.
  7. the best me

    Being Banded has NOT changed me.

    warning: hijack redirect:) Jenna, I was going to re-post my little episode on my "OMG I didn't die thread", (which, btw, I still haven't managed to get that awful title changed) so look for it there...too much really good stuff here to hijack, maybe later we can delete our little posts here...thanks!!! Please go there cuz I have questions!!
  8. I just "heard" in an Oregon thread that a staff surgeon of Dr Kuri's was jailed on fraud charges? What's up with that? Any info? Anyone?
  9. the best me

    Being Banded has NOT changed me.

    Don't be offended, this is meant to be an encouraging post!!! Let me explain... Okay, so I'm standing in the kitchen this afternoon with little man (age 2) and we are eating Jello out of the bowl, little spponfuls of it, taking turns, sweet! So I get a little bit of that really thick, at-the-edge-of-the-bowl jello that doesn't melt in your mouth, you know what I mean? So, not AT ALL thinking like a bandster, and ONLY thinking like a mom, I avoid giving little man the yucky thick stuff and do what? I eat it my self, so quickly I stuck that spoon in my mouth!!! Totally not thinking. The next 2 minutes are all slow-motion. I'm standing at the sink, both hands on the counter, praying to God to take away the pain in my chest, saying to myself, "this is a PB, I can't PB, I'm only 5 days banded, do I drink some Water? no, yes? OMG please make the pain go away, please go down, please God!" and what surprised me the most were the short waves of nausea that overcame me. I knew I had to get the jello past the band, and maybe I could have gotten away with very warm water to help melt it, but I sipped water, stood there, then PB'd so fast in the dang kitchen sink...the pain relief was instant, and I stood there, breathing saying to myself "this thing is gonna control my LIFE!!!! How can DeLarla not be changed after getting banded?!!!" And so I know what you mean by the band not changing your core food "Issues", but I also know that there is NO WAY you have not made habit changes regarding your eating that have been of benefit to you. Okay, think back to when you were in my shoes...life HAS changed, and in VERY MANY ways it IS better. I know you know this, just thought some perspective might help and give you some encouragement, even if it did happen during a PB. Today's Lesson: DON'T eat the thick yucky part of the jello, and if you can remember to squish it through your teeth before you swallow, rather than gulping down whole chunks of the stuff, you'll find the thick parts and not swallow them. SIGH. Warm chicken broth for the rest of the day.
  10. the best me

    OMG I didn't die! Thank you Jesus!

    Yesterday was our 8 year wedding anniversary, and we both forgot! Good thing I'm not overly sentimental, of course, if I were, I wouldn't have forgotten! It was 11:45pm and we were falling to sleep and I remembered. So we kissed and said "I love you and I'm glad wer'e married" etc. and went to sleep. HA! I just think that's funny. Too much going on! At least this year I remembered before the day was out...we forgot our 6 year anniversery for WEEKS! before I thought of it. I had just had our son in Feb...too much going on! Okay, I'm glad ya'll like the binder but I couldn't hear of it right now! Maybe next week, my port area is still really sore so I'm being extra careful. Princess, that Jade plant is doing okay, it turned very chilly and rainy so I brought it in, and it never does well indoors so I'm a little worried. I took a pic of it replanted, did I post it? I'll check on the jade thread...so it doesn't look very plump and healthy and sturdy right now...hope it makes it! Ya know, I'm not really hungry, and having my sister her is REALLY helping me conserve the calories for healing and I feel lot's less mushy minded, but still need naps. We went to the grocery store today (could NEVER have done that without her) and got groceries plus some prune juice (see "constipation revisited" thread) and she was trying to talk me into all this fancy flavorings and blening ideas...I just want broth, Jello, hot tea, a little coffee, and fruit juices with my Protein powder...that's it! Maybe my body is adjusting to fewer calories AND I have the help I need, thanks to her, but fancy food? Nah, don't miss it right now. I keep thinking about my insides healing and I'm not so hungry. Whew, nap time.
  11. the best me

    Katie's Band

    OH! I am SO impressed with a hubby posting for his wife! Big points scored today, Katie's DH! So glad you gave us an update, tell Katie we have been thinking of her and are hoping she heals quickly without the need for a different sized band, and another surgery. Let us know how she's doing, blessings for a speedy recovery! I'll be praying for you!
  12. the best me

    Constipation Revisited

    Okay, no pain meds since Monday night...I have only taken 3 pills since the surgery. Will buy prune juice today...thanks!
  13. the best me

    OMG I didn't die! Thank you Jesus!

    Thanks everyone...Day 4 update...it's a little better. I was never alone with my son today unless he was sleeping...HA! Did the trick. Hubby took my daughter to school and came back home and stayed until my sister got here, fed "him" (the operative "him" my son) then went on to work. My Dear Sweet I-owe-her-more-than-I-can-afford Sister cleaned my house the way I would have, even better! She did laundry, swept and mopped, wiped down everything!!! and cleaned my toilet, I just don't know what else but it took stress from me to have those things done, I can't believe it. I took two naps today and was generally off the hook. AND I added Centrum liquid Vitamins and a scoop of Protein mix to my fruit juice. She's coming back tomorrow to take us (me and "him") to the grocery store to stock up and hubby is leaving work early. So I am hoping for another good day. I just needed help. I hate it but I did. It has made a huge difference. OH! And my sister had a Magic Bullet in her pantry, just sitting there!!!! I almost bought one, so glad she had it and right on time. I'll be pureeing broth Soups tomorrow after going to the store. Plain old chicken broth really hits the spot but adding in some pureed veggies should help me feel better. I hope. I even asked hubby tonight if he...ah, was, in the mood? NNOOOOO! He wouldn't touch me with a ten foot pole! He's so funny. He just wants me well and healed. Hopefull, it will happen soon, don't worry. Just make your back-up plan for extra help with the kiddies, housework, etc. Thanks for the encouragement Bandit, it's all honest here, no sugar-coating. I know in hindsight it won't be near as dramatically difficult but right here in the middle of it, hmmm. It's Hard! Hey Rebecca, does the binder not hurt? I just can't imagine soemthing tight over my belly, especailly my port area, but I did use the heating pad on it tonight and Ahhh, that was nice. Nighty-Nite Ya'll! Thanks for checking in and (((((((hugs))))))) to my band buddies here on LBT!
  14. WOW! You look phenomenal!
  15. the best me

    Welcome Everybody!

    Wow, thanks for the encouragement Teresa! You are doing a great job on your weight loss and I really appreciate your advice and wisdom. There ARE LOTS of newbies on the board these days, huh? I can barely keep up. I got banded this past Friday (4 days ago) and it is tough at first. I'm tired, sore, fatigued, mushy headed, etc but it gets a little bit better every day. Thanks! I hope to be just as satisfied as you are a year from now!
  16. the best me

    Kathy's 10 Day Countdown Thread

    Hey Sue, I didn't have to do the liquid diet pre-surgery (thank GOD!) but a gal I had surgery with had to, and she said days 3-4 were the worst...then it got better, and by surgery day, she was fine with it, although dissappointed not to have one last "real meal" before surgery. Maybe do a Search on "liquid diet" and see what posts pop up, you may find some good advice there...good luck! It will be here before you know it! Ssurgery day really does come like a train...don't be discouraged!
  17. Okay, I just need a place to post thoughts and lists and "nerval" musings and it's 10 days to my surgery date, the last place I need to be is on this dumb ole computer...grrrr...but I need you guys!!!! SO, I am changing my avatar temporarily to Jammin Jamie's little pee-pee dancer man (if I can FIND it!!) just because I'm getting really excited. I'll go get back my pretty "Blossom-y" wreath I share with Hopefull when I get back. Ya'll don't have to cheer me on just yet, I'll just journal my pre-op jitters away...Here goes!!!!!!!!! WoooooooHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
  18. the best me

    OMG I didn't die! Thank you Jesus!

    Ya know, I have no idea about surgery day, come to think of it. Now I have to think of it...They gave me something in my IV before going down the hall, I don't remember going down the hall, but I remember transferring to the surgery table, they gave my hands a place to rest, and I remember the towel, or whatever my arm was resting on, fell and someone put it back and I said "OH, Thanks". then they said "breathe the gas" and I said "it isn't really working"...NADA. Lights out, who's hat, what? Wierd day, I'm still remembering things, but Dr Kuri did stick his head in the room several times during the day wearing different outfits, he had a surgery hat that was dark blue with very colorful somethings all over it, didn't catch it, but it was cute. Like, remember that show with the Dr Gonzo Gates, or something? (back in the late 70's I think) He always wore a funky surgery hat. Dr Kuri is cute, handsome, sweet and kind. I'm glad he's there, but sure wish he practiced in the US. There's no place like home... I'm not sure it's possible to post on this board since January and actually get away with going to Mexico without local aftercare:) I do have it. But now my sister wants to go to MX and have her surgery when it's time for my first fill...HA! That was reasssuring. She was very leery about TJ, but after being there and experiencing Kuri's set-up, she'd do it. It's still TJ though, not the decision for everyone. She hasn't even checked her insurance yet, so I know she won't be ready in 6 weeks. I'll probably see my local guy, and I want to anyway, just to get a record there, even if I'm able to return to TJ for fills. Further update for those interested: Day 3 SUCKED! (sorry) I burst into tears this evening because I feel like crap and can't do anything other than take care of myself. Do you know how hard it is to sob but try not to sob with a sore Belly? As a result, I will not be alone with my 2 year old son at all tomorrow. He is sweet and funny and a joy and NOT a terror at all...he's just 2! It's hard to keep up. I also had my sister pick up the liquid Centrum and I hope that helps, dunno why I didn't buy that before I left. pureed Soups start tomorrow, too. I am exhausted and going to bed now. Thanks everyone. I love coming to LBT and spilling my guts. Don't know what I'd do without you.
  19. the best me

    This weeks April Bnadsters 4/11-4/16

    Yay dallasdoll! your'e gonna do GREAT! Looking for you, Katie! Hope your surgery went great!
  20. the best me

    Singing after surgery

    Okay, Mark, I have been thinking of you this evening and now that day 3 is over, I need to reconsider a few of my above statements. Life is not normal, I do not feel normal, It's working but I don't feel "fine" I feel like Iv'e been beat up by a band of thugs and run over by a bus and I barely lifted a finger today, as compared to what I am normally able to accomplish in a day and yet still feel lazy. I am not clear-headed, I am exhausted and fatigued and I am not able to care for my family without help, I can only care for myself. My sister will come over tomorrow while hubby works a half day and keep my son from head-butting me in the belly (I never realized how much chubby mommy hugging he got while I'm sitting and he walks up to me and buries his face in my breasts/belly area...he'll be a well adjusted man someday, huh?) so it is HARD and the calorie issue is a big factor. My body is healing and taking every stitch of liquid food to accomplish just that. I certainly coudn't imagine playing a guitar and singing at a wedding and having enough wits about me to do that well. Get a Sub. I know you already said you would so that's good but my post this morning was a bit rosier than tonight's reality...just to let you know. I don't think you will regret the sub. (SIGH) I hope tomorrow is better.
  21. the best me


    I turned off the instant notification when I left for surgery but still had tons of e-mails when I got back, so it didn't work. I do notice (and it says this) that if more than one person replies to a thread to which I am subscribed, I only get the next post, not subsequent posts...know what I mean? So if I don't go visit the thread after I have read the e-mailed post, I may miss some replies. But it did NOT cancel my notifications when I asked it to. This system "burps" for a day or two every once in a while...don't know why. It is, however, the easiest to navigate massage board I have been on.
  22. the best me

    Summerville, SC

    Hey girls! I made it back...did you see my posts? Eliza, you are so funny, I think you log on and just come stright to Summerville, SC and just read here, don't you?! WOW! 15 pounds! Well done! Hey Bondgirl, I heard about a NC Lap Band support group...they are a Yahoo group, NC Bandsters and they are having a dinner at the end of April, the group is small but seems nice if you need something local. I'll not try to attend that one so soon but will stay in touch with them. JudyBellyBand posted something in the NC forum...you can look that up here on LBT. So, I had my surgery Friday, today is Monday and I'm feeling fine! Sore, etc but recovering and on Clear Liquids...yah, today I get to add V-8, whoda thought I'd be looking forwrd to something like that? Really though, it's fine! My son is calling and needing a bit more attention this AM than I am giving him so I guess I need to take a break from the puter...I'll post again! Yay! I got banded!!
  23. the best me

    Singing after surgery

    Hey, guitarman! I was banded on the 8th, today is the 11th, 3 days after my surgery. Okay, so I'm a stay-at-home mom so many of the things I would normally take responsibility for have fallen to my Dear Husband (carrying laundry baskets, folding towels, ya know) and some of it just isn't getting done. That's okay, it will be there. I cannot pick up my 2yo son, but he can climb (!) onto the changing table with my help so problem solved. My sister is picking up my daughter from school so no driving necessary, and, more importantly, no loading a napping 28lb boy into the van to go get her. I have found a way to keep things as physically easy as possible, otherwise, life is normal. I slept well last night (with a pain pill at bedtime!) and the only lingering pain is my shoulders, from the gas I supppose. Last night I slept from 11 to 6am in the recliner with the heating pad on my upper back and neck and I feel like I need a good shoulder rub this morning, still. Just stiff and sore, I guess. My Belly is sore/tender and I move slowly, but I am moving all over the place at home. I feel rather normal, just slower and my tummy growls and gurgles. I am also surviving on ALOT less calories due to the liquid diet (still clear although I will add V-8 today...never thought I'd look forward to V-8!) so energy needs to be conserved. I am also not as clear headed/quick thinking as usual. Everything is slower and my world is smaller for now. It's working. And I feel fine! So it's hard for me to be able to transfer what I am able to do and predict your ability to play and sing...how active are you on stage? Can you get away with a stool and microphone stand the entire show? One other issue I would think is the diaphragm...it's sore and uncomfortable to take deep breaths, although I do regularly, and I would imagine a little shortness of breath might effect your ability to hold a note, etc. The big issue for me would be, is this gig going to impair my healing in any way? If so, get a sub. Don't risk ripping internal stitches at your band or port, or just making the tissue inside tender and harder to heal up. Protect your band so it can give you a long healthy band life. It's just one gig. If you decide to push it and get away with it, you will probably be fine, just don't plan on doing ANYthing else for days before or after, just to make up for it. That's what I think, hope it helps!!
  24. the best me

    April 2005 Bandsters

    Congratulations! You are on the list! Glad you are doing well...wow 13 lbs...good for you!

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