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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    I will never eat rice again!

    My poor Mom...my birthday is Monday and the family is coming for dinner Sat night. She's providing the food (whew!) so she wants to bring chicken shish kabobs (sp?) with rice. Hmmm...banded 4 weeks, still on mushies, and she wants me to eat grilled chicken (dry) and RICE?! I need to educate her, I guess. She asked me what I want for my birthday and I said, "ah, an avocado?" She laughed. I will show her your post...NO RICE!
  2. the best me

    Hi, I'm Maribella, New here

    Wow, girl, you really don't like flying! Stick with Monterrey docs, you don't want to have to ride all the way to Tiajuana! Any docs you have your eye on? Search your doc of choice in the Search button up top. You will surely find good info. Good luck! and keep us posted!
  3. the best me


    Oh my gosh!!!!!!!! WOW! I'm blown away! Well good for you! :banana :banana If those bananas don't turn out, sorry, but I'm dancing for you! Way to go! Do you know why they changed their minds? A well placed letter? What happened? Put your boots on, girl, June 6 is a'comin like a freight train!!
  4. the best me

    What Kind of Dog are You? -- doggy fun

    I'm a Tibetan Terrier...here's what I remember about what it said. I am not a terrier, as my name might suggest, but look more like a sheepdog. Long hair, shaggy, black and white. I am regarded by the Lamas as holy, a symbol of good luck, and I am never sold, only given as gifts. I am a herding dog, working in tandem with other herding breeds in the Tibet region. I am an ancient breed. Interesting! I'm a "lets get everyone together and follow the rules and have fun!" kind of dog. Yep, that's me. *ruf ruf*
  5. the best me

    Hi, I'm Maribella, New here

    Welcome to LBT! Glad to have you here. So, flying is absolutely not an option, right? So much so that you will ride the Greyhound for 3 days, right? Well, you will certainly save money that way! You will get lots of great info here on Lap Band Talk. Everyone is really nice and helpful. Welcome!!!
  6. the best me

    Post Op Pain

    Time will fly by Trish. It will be better before you know it. Maybe I missed it but what's up with your leg pain? I'ts not clots (thank the Lord!) so what is it? Any explanation?
  7. the best me

    home from the hosiptal

    Congratulations Nick AND Angel2!! Welcome to Bandland, glad to hear you are doing well and recovering. Tomorrow will not be like today. I'ts a little better each day. You'll do great! Keep us posted.
  8. the best me

    can you feel your port?

    I was banded 4/8 and thought my port was underneath the port incision, which didn't really make sense becasue, how could it heal with a port there, right? But the area was hard and tender so I just left it alone. Then one day, I found it! Dunno how or why, really, just started pressing around and viola! there it is...not beneath my port incision, but "SouthEast" of it, about 2 inches, very near my waist band on the left side of me. WOW! It's hard and round and smooth, under my skin there. I couldn't feel mine at first either but yours will most certainly make an appearance. It's wierd, but no biggie.
  9. the best me

    Esophogitis, reflux, or strep?

    Okay, I have had to think about this. I guess it's been going on for less than a week. I'm just figuring it's the reflux (which I don't feel like I get) or just a tender esophogus? It's not your typical sore throat, like when you swallow food and it hurts. I kinda just hurts all the time.
  10. the best me

    Did I or did I not have surgery?????

    Okay, I'm banded April 8th and have had SOOO much trouble, particularly in the fisrt weeks, with swelling and restriction. I have kept my menu very liquid for weeks now and maybe, just maybe??? I can complain about this wide open feeling? I hate to even say it out loud but, unlike you guys who are mortified, I am ecstatic, almost, not yet but hopeful that I will be ecstatic? Wide open is a VERY GOOD thing when you have NO fill, I promise! Today, I ate the whole 12oz container of very mushy white meat chicken salad with celery, a whopping 26gm of Fat per serving. And the container was 3 servings! Don't let me complain. I don't mind having to use a bit of self-control and food smarts to keep it under control, I'm just so relieved that the swelling and restriction that seemed unending may very well be ending? WHEW! It really is a good problem to have. and what the heck are you doing having steak at 2 weeks? Please at least say it was very tiny bites well-chewed and not big ole honker bites like pre-band! I love your posts, Mark. You are very witty and well-spoken!
  11. the best me

    Here I Go

    Wow! Well, here ya go! The day you have been waiting for! Wahoooo! Can't wait to hear from you when you get back. Congratulations!!!
  12. the best me

    I am quitting smoking

    Aw right, Babs!! It will be SO worth it. And cold turkey is the way to go...just QUIT! And tell yourself, "I'm not gonna die if I don't have a cigarrette right now" until the panic stops. Like food, you will feel like youv'e lost your best friend for a short time. But you have done so well with your wieght loss, I KNOW you can do this too! Good for you!!!
  13. the best me

    Micheal Thurmond

    Yep, Anna's TrimSpa was laced. There is NO WAY she did it with TrimSpa alone...I'd be tough to convince otherwise. She scares me. I could see doing a meal delivery service if I had the disposable income. Which I don't. Put it in the Band Fund!!!
  14. the best me

    April 2005 Bandsters

    Post your date and doctor here...let's get ready to ride the wave together! Wheeeeeeee! April 8th Dr. Kuri TJ, Mexico
  15. the best me

    May walking challenge

    Wow Tammy, you are SO excused. I'm really sorry for your losses. Wer'e here for ya. Walking through your grief may be the best thing. I'm so sorry ((((((hugs))))))) Zoe, I get that way with the laundry. If I can't do it all back to back, load after load, AND get the necessary ironing in, I get myself overwhelmed. Then I don't do it. Then it catches up with me so I end up doing it half-assed, which was what I was trying to avoid in the first place!!! AUGGGHH! I'm learning to deal with this. I do one load every day. I can't stand washing the dish towels with the kids clothes. Or the bath towels with my hubby's dirty work socks, but I get over it. It's better this way, much as it bugs me. SO, I put on my pedometer at 2:30 and walked 5068 steps since then. Hard to believe! I made myself take a little hike with the kids in the woods behind the house while DH planted tomatoes. It really wasn't a hike, it was a stroll, but it was STEPS! I even had my outdoor slippers on! The kids loved exploring. So, counting again tomorrow with NO obsessing. Just wear it and ignore it till the end of the day, and try to take extra steps along the way. Thanks for the butt-kicking. Camp Maggot ROCKS!
  16. the best me

    Newbie - Banded 4th April

    Hey Kellie-Bellie! I like your screen name! Little Belly Kellie will be nice though, eh? Good one HarleyNana! We have a few Aussie's on the April Bandsters list, so you are in good company! I was banded April 8th and I'm still very restricted. I can't imagine being able to eat just about anything with no restriction! I may never get a fill! And you gave up ciggies? wow. Good for you! Anyway, welcome to LBT, glad you made it!
  17. the best me

    Coughing/strangling at night

    Take it easy and let that band area rest, the good sleep proves you were too tight. Glad to see you are sleeping well! That's just as important as weight loss! I'm amazed at the difference a mere .4cc can make. I'm curious what the doc will fill you to when you go back. Surely you can't do too much weight gain damage in 3 weeks. I guess it's time to test your dieting skills! Good luck. And keep us posted!
  18. Yep, that's it. You are normal (or we are ALL abnormal?!) You will do fine alone. Alatina went alone, she just got back form seeing Kuri and was fine. I was glad my sister was with me. She was very helpful, especailly with flying the day after surgery. But having done it now, I would go alone if needed.
  19. the best me

    Blue Bell Ice Cream Hell!!!!!!!!!

    Mark, you are in dangerous territory, man! NO shipments of Blue Bell, overstock or no! Keep it in your own freezer! LOL And you are SO right, Vinesqueen. Spoon be damned! Who needs it?!!! You paint such a lovely picture...I could see me peeling the carton, scary! You crack me up.
  20. the best me

    Blue Bell Ice Cream Hell!!!!!!!!!

    AHHHH Blue Bell Ice Cream! Nothing here compares. Having moved from Texas I know just what you are talking about. Seems like I saw a commercial for Blue Bell but I won't allow myself to look in the grocer's freezer for it here in NC. Too tempting. Ya know? Before banding, I could resist ice cream. Now, the thought of that sweet creamy yummy stuff sliding right on down past the band with no discomfort is more than I can pass up! This could be dangerous. Thanks for the reminder to abstain for as long as possible. It could turn into a habit in a single bite! Sing it! Blue Bell!! The Best Ice Cream in the Country!
  21. the best me

    May walking challenge

    Okay, I'm off to a bum start. First, I forgot about Sunday being the first, and we all had to get out the door (all 4 of us) by 8:30am for church. Not our usual time, but DH and I play handbells and the handbell choir met a t 9am to practice, yada, yada. So there went the day...Then Monday I put on my pedometer and got up to about 2700 steps just puttering! Then, took a potty break, laid it on the bed and forgot about it!!! Wah! So today I haven't even worn it. I don't know what it is but if I can't do it perfectly and get that step count just exactly right, I give up. What's up with that? I'm putting on my pedometer RIGHT NOW, even if it is 2:30 in the afternoon, and I'm counting from here on out. So There.
  22. the best me

    Getting Married ?

    Don't fret Dallasdoll, I found my dream guy at 32, you still have time. Good money-raiser Christina! I always knew you was smart!
  23. the best me

    What size is your band?

    Yeah, what Jack said... Inamed 9.75/4cc
  24. the best me

    TrishS GOT HER BAND TODAY!!!!!

    OH! It's so good to see your post! So glad you are back!!! Take it easy, you are off the hook for a little while now, now that you have posted. But only for a little while!
  25. the best me

    Urine issue

    And if you had started a whole new thread, we'd have said "Do a Search...there's a whole list of threads, blah, blah..." You did exactly the right thing, Alatina, and I'm glad you did cuz your'e right, it's not tired old stuff to the newbies...that's what it's all here for!!!! Me and BigT need to watch our dates better. Don't worry, we'll get over it! You are funny...geez you veterans...

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