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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Emrg - For Those Completely Unfilled

    Gall Bladder? (spoken like my southern soft-spoken grandmother from Virginia) "Well, law! I'll be!" Go figure! Gall bladder problems vs heart attack?...hmmm....gall bladder! Hope that's it and you have an answer for sure. I was worried!!! Just keep us posted.
  2. the best me

    May walking challenge

    On Wed I stepped over 9500, wahoo!!! I forgot about it yesterday...so today I'm putting it on, wait, no I'm not. I'ts my birthday weekend and my sister is taking me somewhere tonight...I have no idea where but it won't involve a pedometer, that's for sure. I want one of those that counts the calories burned. Hey, going to WalMart really makes you take steps, I mean thousands of them!! Keep up the good work everyone! One day at a time. Just do better tomorrow if it all falls apart today.
  3. the best me

    Should I have lap band surgery

    I'm not sure anyone is actually saying you shouldn't get it, shouldn't need it, or don't deserve it, or don't struggle with your weight any less than any of the rest of us. I guess it's just odd to have someone just above my goal weight thinking about doing what I have just done. On the one hand, who am I to say you shouldn't? Just because you "only" weigh 163. Some could say that about me at "only" 220+ band day weight. Don't tell me I shouldn't get banded just because you would be so happy to be the weight I am now. We ALL struggle. I got banded because I couldn't get anywhere diet-wise and keep the weight off. Even if I did lose a good 50lbs, what's the liklihood of me keeping that off for the next 20+ years? That and few other things made my decision and I'm happy with it so far. BUT I wouldn't recommend this surgery to anyone struggling with their weight. It's a huge life change. It's a huge commitment. Believe me when I tell you I have been tempted in the last 4 weeks to toss away the money I spent on the Band, and then some, to have this sucker yanked out. There have been moments when I hated it. Another decision maker for me was talking to my mom...she's 66 years old, weighs around 135 (she's 5'2") and is only there because she does Jenny Craig. When I found out she was going back to Jenny Craig at her age, I saw my future, the next 20-30 years with this eating monkey on my back. Yes, I will still have to fight that monkey, but it will be possible for me to maintain a healthy weight loss now, I have hope. You need hope, too. You deserve it as much as I do. You, too, can have this tool and should if you want it. Got money? Get Band! But if I could do it without it, I would. This is not very easy. It's BIG. Weigh it carefully. That's really all folks are saying, I think. That's what I say, anyway. Good luck with your decision. You have my support no matter what. Just read lots in here, and make sure this is the life you know you can live.
  4. the best me

    First of many stupid questions...so, here goes

    Yep, I pillow up but fall asleep on my tummy fine now at 4 weeks...just started this week sometime. I have a "butt pillow". It's an old nasty flat pillow I put an old unmatched pillowcase on so it's "distinctive", and it floats around under the covers. This is the pillow I tuck between my legs when side sleeping...a habit I developed during pregnancy years ago. Works great, 'cept when you wake up and your hubby has your butt pillow under his head with his face buried in it, snoozing away....ewwww. I am certain that at some point I farted on that pillow during the night. So the butt pillow tucks under my propped up left leg and hip when I'm stomach sleeping, kind of lifts that left port side and I'm comfy! Good luck, you will get there.
  5. the best me

    Hi, I'm Maribella, New here

    Hmmmm! Lookie there Maribella! Seems like Dr Rod is around 8-9K, so I don't know if it's worth paying the extra to stay in the states? You will have travel expenses to MX, and usually the fills are free for life in MX, but you have to get there! something to consider...good speaking up David! Networking at it's best!!!
  6. the best me

    my new best friend!!!

    Yum, will look for that. We have a Costco here but I'm not a member. My sister can check at Sams for me. I get tired of Gatorade and Crystal Light (did I say that?) so this non-carbonated sounds perfectly refreshing!
  7. the best me

    Emotional eating got me..

    Girl, go get you a dadgum milkshake! Get a small, down it as fast as you can and get it over with. You are healing and now is not the time to fight the eating demons. Do what you gotta do to get through and follow the rules. Don't compromise your best bet for handling it later, your band. We ALL stress eat/emotional eat. I am listening to my own advice all day long. I remember what I posted and ask myself why I didn't chew that strawberry well enough and it hurt when it squeeeeezed through? It's easier to give advice than to follow your own, I know it. So we need each other. And we are here. Stick out your hand and let me slap it, no more meat and french fries!! There. We are here for ya.(((((((((hugs))))))))))
  8. the best me

    Summerville, SC

    Hey girls, checking in! Everyone okay? Eliza, I'm pretty sure this is crunch time for you...you are officially excused. (aren't you relieved? LOL:) ) Angie, any word yet? just wonderin. I know exactly what you mean about dying during surgery, or after! I love my kids and hubby and would much rather be fat and alive than dead doing some stupid weight loss thingy! But look, I didn't die! And it's going pretty well. I have self-diagnosed esophagitis...my esophogus burns all the time, every day. It's kickback from the reflux, or I still have reflux and can't feel it except for the burning. dunno. so I'm drinking 2ounces of Aloe Vera juice twice a day with my Prilosec. Hope being faithful doing this helps. Otherwise, I'm calling my PCP for some Prevacid, which I heard is really good/better. Hey, I posted my picture on LBT. Wanna see what I look like? It's under the Lounge called, Finally a pic of me. By me. Now, THAT will get you two off the Summerville thread and onto the boards!!! I love this thread, I'm glad you two are here. You should really post elsewhere though, or at least look around!!! Okay, update you two!!!
  9. the best me

    Esophogitis, reflux, or strep?

    O-Kaaay! (whine-moan-groan) point taken about my PCP. You are right, Paula. I guess I just wanted to WOW her on weight loss and lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure without the Diet pills she like to give me so freely. She was so -eh- about the Band so I wanted to prove her wrong, ya know? I'll go. I got my card in the mail that it's time for my annual OB-Gyn appointment, too. And then comes the 40 year old mammogram. Way too much going on! Okay, so I got the Fruit of the Earth brand of Aloe Vera juice at Wal-Mart. It was $7 something for a gallon. Short bottle too, so it fits in the fridge, and it is better cold, that's for sure. It tastes clear, water-y, but has a flavor that could turn bitter if you got a bad batch. It really isn't bad, I'm just in whine mode today. (can ya tell?) I will faithfully and regularly drink 2-3 ounces at least twice a day until this esophagitis stuff gets better. No toots yet. And I won't whine about the taste. Kelly, yours from Watkins will probably be good like Paula's. Let us know!!
  10. the best me

    Esophogitis, reflux, or strep?

    Yeah , Kelly, and you are the one who inspired me to get it with your Aloe Vera thread and research! Really, it isn't horrible, but it's not sweet at all, really kind of bitter more than anything. I can take it. I just do like you will and guzzle it. You are so funny!
  11. the best me

    can you feel your port?

    That bulge goes away, and you are left with scar tissue just around the incisions. The port will appear like magic about 2 inches away. Mine is below and left (south east) of the port incision. Yours will appear, but it isn't beneath the incision or the incision wouldn't heal. Wait until the area isn't so tender and swollen, and you can start gently pressing around for it. Someone tell me if I'm wrong.
  12. the best me

    Esophogitis, reflux, or strep?

    Grub, your burping is gas still, I'll bet. Day 6, right? But don't throw out your Prevacid yet! So you had reflux probs pre-surgery? What'd they fix? I had an Iron stomach before getting banded. This is aggravating. My hubby takes a Zantac morning and night, and I was always so glad I never had to worry about that type of thing, have to have a Zantac if I want a cup of coffee, did you pack my Zantac?, I'm almost out of Zantac could you pick some up at the store? blah blah So here I am, getting my come-uppance with esophagitis. Dandy. It's almost time to go take my Prilosec with Aloe Vera juice. Can I just whine about one more thing? Aloe Vera juice tastes like crap. OK it's not horrible, I certainly don't gag on it, but, ya know? It really is pretty crappy tasting!
  13. the best me

    Finally a picture of me!

    AWWW, ya'll are so sweet!! Keep it comin! Okay, so I have 2 blondes and one hispanic? That's funny. Actually, in my twenties I had lots of blonde, I had started frosting it and of course it gets worse and worse. It came to one day, I was going to either dunk it all blonde and do the roots myself to save money, or dunk it all back to my brown color and let the covered up blonde grow out. So I grew out the blonde by dunking it back to brown. My hair is much healthier for it, too. I'm so pasty white (I look kind of orangey in the pic) but I want to do a "washes out in 30 shampoos" Medium Auburn. Should I? Guess it can't hurt but ya'll don't laugh when I do it cuz I'll post a pic!!! Thanks for the compliments everyone. I don't really think I look 40 either. And no double chin but I have the neck "rings" from chub. You can kind of see them. So how do I get the "mature" look of a woman my age? Oh! I know! Get a band and lose weight and get a whole new wardrobe!!! Getting there!!
  14. the best me

    Esophogitis, reflux, or strep?

    Thanks Kelly, but no unfill, just unfilled! I couldn't imagine being any tighter...it's been a long road just getting this UNtight! And my esophogus is paying for it! Still have the burning today. I chickened out on calling my PCP. She doesn't know yet that I have the band...too much explaining, blah. So I'm doing Aloe Vera juice, 2oz with Prilosec twice a day and keeping very mushy, mostly liquids for foods. I hope that time will heal. Thanks everyone. Oh, Mary, did you try Prilosec before you went to prescription Prevacid? Just wondering if you think it's really all that much better than the Prilosec? If so, I'll break down and call my PCP. I'm thinking they are so similar in what they do...surely the Prilosec will work if I am faithful about takinig it...whaddya think? Wait, I just re-read what Michelle said about the Prevacid working much better....hmmmm. Dang! (whine) I don't wanna call my PCP! She'll make me come in for an office visit and ask me why I didn't just get the Gastric Bypass and then I wouldn't have esophogitis. duh. she erks me.
  15. the best me

    Today is My One Year Bandiversary

    Standing ovation here. I'm wipin' the tears out of the corners of my eyes from puddling up at your pics. What a difference, what a change! WOW! I am so proud of you and happy for you. Happy Bandiversary, PB or no, it's a great day!
  16. So, everyone, how was the get-together? Did ya have fun? Who was there? I wanna see the minutes!! jk. Hope it was great you guys. I'll keep looking here for more NC gatherings.
  17. the best me

    Mints and Gum

    I chew gum, but I only chew a 1/2 a piece at a time, even pre-band, and I end up chunking it pretty soon after chewing it. Just don't swallow it! Same with mints, be careful not to gulp down a whole mint by accident. Otherwise, go to town!
  18. the best me

    May Surgery Dates

    Wow! All you May bandsters are doing great! I'm so proud of you! Week one is almost over. We are anxoius to hear from you as you go and come back!!! Congratulations everyone!!
  19. the best me

    STARVING- and NO weight loss???

    Protein drinks!! Boost, Ensure, protein powders mixed with yogurt, milk, ice, fruit juices, anything to make a thin smoothie out of it. I like Boost, personally. Already mixed, yummy, easy, and it gives me the "Boost" haha I'm looking for. Atkins makes a pre-mixed high protien drink, too. I like the taste of the Boost better, and they have a higher protien version. Good luck!
  20. the best me

    Were Moving!

    You go, HarleyNana! Good lecture! I agree about NOT spending the old mortgage but at the VERY least sticking it in a savings account for a few months and let it gather. Rental properties are a great investment. The market is good for that right now, but hurry cuz the interest rates will start going up again (they already have, but more slowly than I anticipated, whew!) Savings accounts and even CD's stink to high heaven for investment. You can get MUCH better return in a good Mutual Fund, if you don't want to do the rental property thing. Now, what about Captial Gains tax? Or did our good Republican Prez do away with that? (Reps tend to HATE property gains taxes as far as I can tell). You may have only 2 years before you have to dunk your earnings from the sale of your old home into another...check on that or taxes will bite your butt. And keep that money you make selling your home working for you... Man, what an opportunity!!!!! It takes money to make money. Not only will you have the sale money, but the mortgage payment every month, month after month after month. WAH! I'm so jealous! You have done the right thing. There is NO doubt about that. And God bless your parents, that is quite a gift! So, the kids. I agree with Crystal, no matter what you do, they'll end up in therapy over it when they grow up. I have said since my twenties..."you spend the first 20 years of your life getting messed up by your parents, the next 20 trying to fix what you think they broke, and the next 20 actually enjoying the life they gave you, despite it all!" I learned in my twenties to let it go and get over it. I was loved, not raised by wolves, and neither are your kids so they will be fine. Just make an effort to feign excitement. This new house is going to be SO much fun to live in! Look, theres the...blah blah blah I rememeber when your grandparents used to live here we would always, yada yada. Whatever. Help them to look on the bright side. And there is no school change for them, right? They will adjust. Lead them through it, or they will suck all the stress you have out of you and manifest it some way so DON"T let them see it!!! ( I know, as if, right?) Tell them what to think about it by the things you say. Model that good attitude you want them to have. FAKE IT! You can do this.
  21. the best me

    Esophogitis, reflux, or strep?

    Wow. This is what this is. Thanks so much. I'm calling my PCP tomorrow for the Prevacid RX. Whatever it takes! I'ts very uncomfortable and annoying and worrisome. Thanks so much!
  22. the best me


    Aw right!! Way to go, I'm so glad you got approved, just took the right person with the right info with a little push in the right direction, huh? Yippee!!! I'm going to do some more dancing bananas for you cuz I can. It worked last time! Yippee!!! :banana :banana
  23. the best me

    Esophogitis, reflux, or strep?

    Thanks so much Michelle, you condensed my Esopohogitis research into one easy to read post. Wow. I really don't think it's Strep. I don't know that I have ever had Strep and suppose I have been exposed to it a number of times over the years, so it would be weird, and I don't have a temp or white blisters in the back of my throat (Thanks PamRN, you are really handy!). I don't suppose I should rule it out just yet since the kids next door have it but for now, I'll just keep an eye out. What I DO have is burning sensation in the esophogus. That's all I have. No real pain when swallowing, no problem eating, no oral lesions. I had the reflux back when I was very tight, but I guess it has gone away? I can swallow fine, I even took two Tylenol Sinus for a sinus headache and they went down fine (caplets, one at a time) so I'm not overly restricted, which means no reflux to me. Could I be wrong? Is this all just leftover irritation from my terrible first few weeks? That is really what it feels like to me. I just can't remember when it all started or if it's been there all along and getting worse since I started forgetting my second Prilosec these past 4-5 days? Thinking I don't need it when I do? I'm going to go take another Prilosec now with 2 ounces of Aloe Vera juice. So there. Thanks all of you. I'll keep you posted on the burning esophogus.
  24. the best me

    Hi, I'm Maribella, New here

    Okay, check your map before going to Monterrey and make sure it's the closest big city to Florida. BUT, I found three in Monterrey that seem to be good according to the folks here but please do your own research. Just doing a search on LBT for Monterrey, I found Dr Sanchez (Alice, Vera, gypj, and Isa all used him) and Dr Rumbaut (GeezerSue used him and I am certain there are others) and then Dr Rodriguez (Dr Rod) has several patients here too. All three have been thumbs up experiences for those listed, but like I said, dig around in here. You may be able to find web addresses for these docs, too. Some of these folks may reply to this thread with info as some time passes, give them a chance to check in.
  25. the best me

    Last Meal

    Macaroni Grill...you can get good mushie Mexican in your mushie phase. Think about guacamole, pico de gallo, refried beans and black beans, chicken Mole (pureed if needed and eating at home), you will LOVE all that yummy Mexican. So do Macaroni Grill for the last supper and do it up right. YUM!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
