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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Happy Birthday Kathy (The best me)

    Hey rena! PB stands for Productive Burp or Belch. It's when whatever you swallow won't go down past the band and you burp it back up because it's so painful, or you just do becasue your stomach forces it. It's usually accompanied by sliming, which is lots of saliva being produced by your body to help it go down. Enough that you can't swallow the spit because the food its stuck. Yuck. Avoid this by taking small bites and chewing really well. PB=Bad. It's best to do liquids for at least 24hrs after a PB. I had a full birthday weekend! Friday night was girls night out with my sister and two neighbors/friends at a nice restaurant. We had a lovely dinner and a fun time...lots of girl talk and laughing! Saturday night my family came over to our house for a cookout dinner. I did no cooking or cleaning, wait, I cleaned some. but we had a nice time. Sunday was Mother's Day so church and lunch at Bob Evans with my Mother-in-law and two of hubbie's brothers. Then the park with the kids Sunday evening. Monday (birthday!) my dad came over and watched my 2yo son while me and my sister spent the morning at the spa...mani/pedi/facial....AHHHH! It was lovely. Then last night I went to my final Bible Study meeting in a gender studies series I have been working though on Femininity (great study...worth going on my birthday!) So it's been an all weekend celebration! Being 40 is great. Wierd, but great. I'm no longer pushing middle aged, I'm here! But it's a good thing. Thanks everyone for the happy thoughts and wishes. I love my LBT family!
  2. the best me

    Happy Birthday Kathy (The best me)

    Oh yay!!! thanks everybody!! I had a GREAT day! I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, hubby's ill cuz I'm not in bed...night!!
  3. the best me

    Please share experience with Dr. Kuri

    Thumbs up for Kuri...gottta get to bed but will give more info later. alatina paints a very good pic. well done!
  4. the best me

    OT but I am sooooooo MAD!!

    Bummer! I'd cancel the flowers for a refund! But I know your mom will love them, even if they are late. Check this out. A Great Uncle of mine passed away on Friday. The visitation was Sunday-Mother's Day- and my mom called the local florist to have flowers sent. They were out of flowers. Out of them, I say! My Aunt (who owns the flower shop) said she was making her last arrangement, and no other shop in the small town had flowers left. So my mom sent a donation to the American Heart Association in his memory. Which is great, but no flowers? Whoda thunk it! So, maybe this is what happened with the local florist 1800flowers.com sent? I suppose it's possible? Glad you vented here rather than eating! Or did you do both? kidding. That's what wer'e here for!
  5. the best me

    Finally a picture of me!

    Okay, I broke down and will post a shot of my mug. It actually came from the DMV of all places! It's not the best quality but it really does look like me, warts and all...crooked teeth, wide nose, squinty eyes, and bags! Oh no! I usually look like a tick in pictures but this one has left off my swollen body, so it's actually not bad...but, here's me. Hope you aren't disappointed! LOL! Hey, do I look like I'll be 40 on Monday? Lie to me... (oh please picture, don't be so big I'm all over the screen...if it is, someone please make it smaller!!!)
  6. the best me

    My one year bandiversary

    OMG Teresa!! Can I just say that you are cute as a button and I had NO idea!!!! Yeah, yeah, you have a picture avatar but it just isnt the REAL you...look at you!!! I am blown away at how young and fresh and pretty you are, and is that your cutie hubby in the grey jacket and tennis cap? Is that one him? Okay, so your brother is a cutie, too. Girl, I am seeing you in a new light! So, who's the guy in the first pic, hubby, too? I can't tell if it's the same guy as the tennis cap guy. You look awesome! What a difference from a year ago! You have done a great job, and I know you will reach your goals. Congratulations on your Bandiversary! And thanks for postng the cute pics. You look awesome.
  7. the best me

    oops-I never introduced myself

    Yay alatina! I have gleaned all this info from your posts but it's good to see it all in writing in one spot! So glad you just jumped right in. You are a great addition to the LBT family!
  8. the best me

    May Surgery Dates

    Debbydo, I hit a similar bump. What's up with this stoma swelling stuff? Makes me worried about the possiblility of future erosion. Glad you are better. Happy Mother's Day!
  9. the best me

    Lump Under Incision

    Okay, try these links... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=895&highlight=seroma http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=4268&highlight=seroma http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=2210&highlight=seroma
  10. the best me

    Here I Go

    Wahooo! Well done, doll! Oh yeaaah, a hot shower is just the best! Especailly when you've been doing lots of sleeping, rsting , laying around, recovering. Yuk, staples. I had steri-strips. You can bring those home from Mx and not have to return to have them removed! hehe. But the steri-strips worked great and I didn't get a rash. Just itchy as it all healed. 4 weeks out and I have what looks like cat-scratches. Your'e doing great! Your'e Banded!!!!
  11. the best me

    Telling or Not

    I'm a tell-all. Not a good personal secret-keeper. Just about everyone knows. I find it easy not to tell people I don't see all the time. Strangely, it makes me feel like I'll take up too much space, getting in to all of it. Plus, it's easier now that I'm not so sore and in "recovery mode". I don't HAVE to tell to explain something. I just comment about watching what I'm eating. It's hard to see what people are thinking. I just take comfort in knowing that I know more than they do, about me, the Band, the surgery, all that I have been through. The "can't you just lose it on your own" comments would bug me. I know folks are probably thinking it. More power to 'em. The ones close to me, who's opinions I value, understand a little better and bother to find out about it. Educate those you care about knowing, ignore the rest or just leave them out of it. I did a search and found some interesting threads with some neat discussion. I hope you find it helpful. Let us know what you think! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=5786&highlight=secret http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=3061&highlight=secret http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=2119&highlight=secret http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=2194&highlight=secret
  12. the best me

    Getting my band on May 26th

    Aww, Chicagoboy, you look like a good ole North Carolina boy! You'd like the weather down here better, I promise! The diaper bag is such a nice accessory, with your ball cap and all. Yer a cutie! Such a nice family pic, pretty wife and cute baby. Having a baby makes a world of difference. Your life turns on a new axis, ain't it grand?! Good for you on taking care of that heart and your health. Best to you on the 26th. And ALL you May 26th Bandsters! Protien Drink party is a great idea!!!
  13. the best me

    Happy Mothers Day!!!

    Aww, what a great daughter you are! Happy Mother's Day everyone!!!!!
  14. the best me

    Yahoo I have a date!!

    That's funny, a date with a man was my first thought, too! Congratulations on your band date, Rae. Hope you get a few of the other kind of dates with your man soon, too. Even after 35 years, I'll bet it's nice. Good for you!!
  15. the best me

    New to this board

    Welcome to LBT, CathyRN! It's always so nice and handy to have nurses around! So glad to have you. Fire away with questions! It's a great place to be.
  16. the best me

    only 2 more sleeps

    The countdown begins...ta-da, ta-da! Best to you, and I look forward to hearing how it went when you get home!! Yippeee!!
  17. the best me

    Getting my band on May 26th

    Great news, Chicagoboy! Good for you! It's happening, oh my gosh!!! I'm excited for you.
  18. Hey Paula, there are a few threads on here I thought you might find interesting. I tried to link them earlier today but got the screens mixed up and lost my post, then I had to go, yada yada. So I'll take another shot at it. Try these... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=556&highlight=sabotage http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=4317&highlight=sabotage http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=5015&highlight=Kuri La Madam has given you the goods, and these threads offer some interesting reading on the weight loss figures, etc so I hope it will supplement your research. If I come across or remember any more, I'll post a link for you. Good luck!
  19. the best me

    Here I Go

    So glad you are home!!! congratulations!!! oh, yuk, dry heaves. anesthesia, right? It happens, beware newbies! But you see, she made it home okay! Yippee!!!
  20. the best me

    Big thanks to you LBTers!!

    Yep, Kelly's the gal with the info! It's working for me, too. I feel oh so slightly better with my self-diagnosed esophogitis. So I am keeping at it with the Aloe Vera juice and the Prilosec. Great combo!! Yay Kelly! Happy for you too, Darcey. So do you like you new job and schedule? other than the food/eating issues, that is!
  21. the best me

    Pictures of Jenna and her rantings

    Wow Jenna you are cool. And very pretty, I might add. I know you can't wait to get back into your 'kini! I see exactly what you mean. I certainly don't see you as fat and ugly, but I'm in the same boat you are in. I look at the old pics where my weight was so much lower and see how much better I can look! It doesn't matter what my numbers are. It's how I look and feel in my skin and right now, I am NOT me. Certainly not "the best me" But I'm gonna be. Screw the insurance companies. I wasn't fighting for this with them. Thank you so much for this post and poll. Your pics are dramatic proof that lower BMI's deserve it too, and need the help! Don't get me wrong, you are very pretty, but if I were you, I'd want to look like you used to, too! I'm inspired to post my before pics at a 37 BMI. I'm all covered up in loose clothing but I have bare belly shots that make me cringe. Way to go, girl. Thanks for the eye-opener.
  22. the best me

    Today is My One Year Bandiversary

    Okay, this is the sappy-sue thread for Lisa so you will like these little diddies. Back when I was researching, I read up on all of your saga with the port infections, etc so I could really know what I might be in for, should I do this. My hubby's comments, when I finally asked him what he REALLY thought, cited you "that pretty girl with all the problems" and she doesn't regret it at all. She loves her band, and it has helped her lose weight, too, even with all the problems. So, I have you to thank for inspiring him to support me in my own band journey. So when he saw the before pic you posted above, he was blown away. "how could she regret it?" was his comment. Then my daughter, age 5, saw your picture montage and I said, "this is her before when she was very chubby and this and this is all her since she lost weight" and she said, "yeah, she lost alot of weight" I said, "how can you tell she lost weight?" and she replied, "because, she looks skinny and her hair is lighter and lighter." HA! She thinks you get blonde as you lose weight! I explained about hair color and being proud of yourself and feeling happy with the way you look and sometimes you might want to color your hair to make it prettier! Made sense to her, anyway! Okay, just a few stories about how you have been a part of my family, in ways, since I first logged on to LBT. Thanks for everything.
  23. the best me

    Meal suggestions

    Wow, Gaynor, is that 43 pounds, as in US pounds? Well done!! That's 3 pounds a week! I wouldn't change a thing with those results!!! I'm only 4 weeks post-op and still on mushies, so I'm kind of opinionless on the food choices you might have. Just wanted to point out your good results and wonder what in the heck you'd want to change anything for! LOL Really, congrats and hope you get some better answers than mine!
  24. the best me

    Should I have lap band surgery

    Excellent thought to consider. Well said, desertmom! I wish I had thought of that one pre-op. Still would have done the surgery, but that is a VERY important consideration.
  25. the best me


    Hubby wouldn't come near me for two weeks! After that, we weren't exactly swinging from the chandeliers, but it was fine. Then, this week? Wahoo!! He said, "I felt your port" haha!! All is back to normal.

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