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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Can't Wait

    You are so pretty! Are you logged on to LBT on that 'puter? lol I have had several skinny dreams over the past few months. Mostly it's a jeans dream. I'm pulling on jeans, up, up over the thighs and butt! Amazing! The next 10 days will fly by. You'll be so tired of being excited you'll just want it over with. You go girl!
  2. the best me

    UPDATE: My foot pain

    WHA?!!!! So why the pain? Time to visit Doc Jack in Oregon, I say!
  3. the best me

    Scale victories & NSVs

    Very Inspirational!!! Thanks for sharing. Well done!!!
  4. the best me

    New to the Forum

    Welcome to Bandland! Thanks for the update Nikkee's sister...looking for an "all back from surgery and banded and doing fine" update soon!
  5. the best me

    Need some encourgment

    Aw Sue! I'm really sorry. Ramble all you want to, it's what wer'e here for! I have heard of needles puncturing tubing, losing ALL fill and losing restriction, so I guess it's possible. Especially if your port has flipped, which happens, too. From what I know, youmight need a port revision surgery, which is not nearly as invasive as the band surgery, so it's not that big a deal, unless you have to pay cash for it, that is! Seems like a port revision surgery would be covered? Not fills or even flouro but the port repair, don't know for sure, though. I have also heard of people with flipped ports getting fills fine, once the doc flips it back long enough to get the fill in. That takes some skill and it depends on you port and your body but it has been done. What's the possibility of seeing another Band doc? Don't be discouraged by your weight loss, you have done a great job! Your band will still be there waiting for you while this all gets worked out. I know you are anxoius. I would be, too. Chin up, girl! You really are doing great and will get past this! Can't wait to see the advice of others...I'll bet it's good!!!
  6. the best me

    Hi, I am new here. :-)

    Well done, Cambron! You look gorgeous and you should be very proud! I am more concerned with the size of my clothes than the actual weight number, but it's hard not to be distracted by that number at this point. Thanks for the inspiration!
  7. the best me

    First fill and wondering.......

    PB stands for Productive Burp or Belch. It's when what you ate reappears...not so much a vomit as a wretching of the stomach to bring up what can't go down. PB=Bad. Always do liquids for a day after a PB. You have been banded 4 weeks and got a fill? Wow. My doc won't do a fill until at least 6 weeks out. Definately stick to full liquids (anything that you could suck through a straw...you don't have to eat it that way) until that uncomfortable feeling goes away, and the gassy burpy feeling. I have taken to drinking about 2 ounces of Aloe Vera juice (Wal-Mart, about 8 bucks for a gallon) at least once a day, sometimes twice. It's very healing. But I also take Prilosec for reflux. Maybe try some Tums or Gas-X for the burps. You will feel lots better when you burp. Just take it slow and shy away from the solid foods, even well-chewed, till you feel better. If you take it slow, you will improve quickly.
  8. the best me

    May walking challenge

    I actually did 1.6 miles on the treadmill today, yippee! I've been in a funk this week, so I MADE myself go, and felt better! Tomorrow I'm wearing the pedometer all day. I'll check in.
  9. the best me

    What size is your band?

    See what you started with this thread?!!!! It's really interesting though. I love Physics and Chemistry and all Sciences. Of course, I love the Piano, but can I play it? NO. Yep, my head hurts, too!
  10. the best me

    First fill and wondering.......

    Suntres, definately follow the doc's advice about 3 days of liquids, especially if you are feeling this way a day after a fill. Sounds like you are very restricted, plus the stoma area gets swollen after a fill. Take it easy on your tummy, go liquids the full time your doc says, and then some if the symptoms don't improve (the sick, gassy, growling tummy) and I think the middle of the back hurting may be soreness from the inside band area. It just took a good squeezing...like I said, take it easy so the swelling goes down. This is why I don't want a fill! I hate that tight restriction I had post-surgery. It was very difficult!
  11. the best me

    Anyone else miss chewing???

    Yep, I took your gum advice today and chewed a piece...thanks! I have been able to manage Tostitos white corn tortilla chips crumbled up in my guacamole and chewed to death. It satisfies the crunchies but it can really get out of hand, too. Too many Tositios are NOT good! But Oh so yummy, especailly when you miss the crunchies! If you can avoid it getting out of hand, try it. But if you think it might be too hard to stop, DON'T start!!!
  12. the best me

    Anyone else miss chewing???

    Don't be afraid of jello, there were several factors involved in my PB espisode with the jello. 1) My stoma was irritated by coffee and V-8 juice and swelling was worsening 2) I ate the thick part on the bottom of the bowl, not regular jello 3) I ate it impulsively (the pre-band way!) and didn't swish it, chew it, liquify it before swallowing so I PB'd it. Thus began the spiral downward into a difficult road to recovery from stoma swelling. Just eat it slowly, liquify it in your mouth before swallowing and you'll do great. Oh, and spit out any jello that doesn't liquify...wish I had. Try it, jello is yummy! But, know what? I haven't had it since.
  13. the best me

    What size is your band?

    You guys blow me away! I just don't know what else to say except... Smart-A$$ great reading you two!!!
  14. the best me

    wish me luck!

    Wahoo! Way to go Crystal! Now the waiting game for grades, grrr. I know you did great! So, is this the last of the exams? Or just one day of them!
  15. the best me

    What size is your band?

  16. the best me

    stretch marks

    plus it's only inflated for, what? half an hour? not years like my big ole belly so nope, no stretch marks from that.
  17. Click on User CP in the upper left, click on Edit Options, go down to Subscriptions, there's a cascade thingy, click on it and choose "no email notification" and you won't get no mo'.
  18. the best me

    I think I am gonna be fat forever.....

    Wow, I'm so glad I read this and thanks for posting it...it's right on time as I have been in a funk the last few days. Dunno what it is...tried to blame that time of the month, that's not it, tried to blame the hubby, nope, not his fault. I was just in a funk, feeling low, no energy, blah. It was my own inertia, just like you said. I had a little chat with myself, just like you did, and I also prayed, which helped, and now like you, I fianlly feel ABLE to move and today I walked 1.6 miles on the treadmill, along with all my other shuffling around. Whew! Feeling bit by bit better as time goes by. Now if I could just get the laundry caught up and the kitchen clean and the kids summer clothes sorted and the checkbook balanced... Anyway, thanks for this thread. I'm relating!!! and encouraged.
  19. the best me

    Esophogitis, reflux, or strep?

    Okay, gang...time to check in for an update, and it's definately not strep...didn't really think so but with the kids next door having it, well... So, my throat is much better! The Aloe Vera juice, taken consistently at least daily, plus my prilosec every morning plus careful eating of only liquids and mushies and slowly, it's better! I no longer have a burning esophogus. Yippee!! Thanks for all the encouragement and feedback. So, here's my next question. I started to do a new thread but I want to keep in mind my penchant for reflux/esophogitis so I'll just continue here. One of these days LBT is bound to run out of room! Anyhow, tomorrow (Fri) marks 5 weeks since surgeery. I am slowly adding new and different foods and chewing them to bits like mad and I can pretty much eat anything I try, even salad, yay! The only problems I have are good restriction, because if I swallow too big a bite, or not well chewed, I slime for 5 min until it passes, and it hurts. So if I'm careful, no problem, I'm just saying that because I know I have good restriction. So, right now I am eating food to get it past the band with minimal stomach churning. Right? Since I have one more week in the healing stage, that is. So what happens next week when I start eating the Bandsters way, protien first, then veggies, then starches, if any? It would seem I still need to chew this stuff pretty good but then it just goes on past the band and when do I get full? I guess I am anticipating feeling fuller faster, but I don't see how that's possible. The other issue is, maybe I'm eating the bandster way now, and I shouldn't be? I guess I can't translate what's happening to me with how it's supposed to be. Which is what got me off to a bad start from the get-go. What I thought was normal was actually my tummy telling me to slow down. So I don't trust my own judgement. It doesn't help that I was 2lbs UP on the scale this morning! At some point, all the research in the world can't really prepare you for the reality of banded life. You gotta research, but really, it's the support system that gets you through. So, am I eating wrong? What will change after next week? Thanks gang, yer the best!
  20. the best me

    First fill and wondering.......

    I'm pretty sure the 10mm Band holds 4cc of saline, so you are over half full! I would definately do the liquids for the 1-2 days, and maybe move to soft mushies for the remaining days? I haven't had a fill yet so if you don't like my advice, don't take it! Seems like 5 days is a long time for liquids, but you really should take it easy on your stomach. It's not horrible advice, that's for sure. Of course, he's not asking ME to do liquids for 5 days!!! Good luck!
  21. the best me

    Went Back To Work And...

    Hey doll, you are right to take it easy and slow. While it shouldn't really take an hour to finish a protien shake, as long as your doc says everything is okay, then an hour it is. I made the mistake of trying to push it, simply because I thought what I was feeling was normal, and looking back my tummy was telling me to slow it down. Sip smaller, sip slower, take it easy, and get lots of extra rest since it's harder to get your calories in. My bet is your still very swollen in the band area of your stomach. If that's the case, then you are doing the right thing taking it slow. Take it from me. I had a very bad first 2 weeks, and you could easily make it harder on yourself getting too anxoius. I did...don't do what I did!! Good luck, keep us posted.
  22. Maybe name the docs at the obesitygoodbye clinic...that might help us get you some responses. Most folks post their doc's name and the website may not be jogging memories? good luck!
  23. I loved this article...very good read, I was stuck on it, reading it to the end! Very interesting writer's perspective and interviews. Like winning the lottery, I'd rather lose the weight and "suffer" through the adjustment period a more slender person. It seems we are always finding something within ourselves to rail against, I'd just as soon rail against a new improved bod. Suits me!
  24. the best me

    wish me luck!

    Wow! I sure hope you studied!!! I know you did. You are smart and you'll do great today!!! Wishing you peace and calm and a clear mind and plenty of energy to do your best. Good Luck!!!!
  25. No names but get the ones that you stand on barefooted and it also checks your percentage of body fat. I'm sure you will get some good recommendations here though. I got a good set of scales at Target, but if I could go back, I'd get the ones that check body fat%. My mom got hers at Jenny Craig...it checks body fat.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
