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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    What my relatives said...

    That is absolutely beautiful. What a moving story, and bittersweet. I would love to see a posted pic of your mom and you, side by side. That's amazing, since her brother and sister knew her young and vibrant, and now to see you like that. Incredible.
  2. the best me

    Anyone familiar with SMSWLC?

    Oh my gosh, Hope, there you are! I haven't seen you post in a while and I'm glad to see you checking back in. Keep filling us in on how it's going! There are tons of us who have gone and come back banded since you last posted at the end of March. Check out the April 2005 Bandsters list! And May is half over, too! So glad to see you. Don't stay gone so long!!!
  3. the best me

    I have been denied by BCBS.....

    Also, check out this thread. It's Colorado, but it might be a ray of hope? You could site BC/BS Colorado in your appeal? Here's the thread... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?p=75508#post75508 Good luck!!
  4. the best me

    I Have An Option-need Your Advice

    Pregnancy? I'd be afraid to have it so low and going through being pregnant. although the whole belly boobs to below the pubic hair-line swells during pregnancy (uh, at least mine did!) so the port will be affected no matter where you put it. Hmmm. I tend to go the standard, don't get too fancy or break the doc's routine route. Besides, I'm not getting into a bikini anytime soon, no matter how much I lose. But I don't have your hot bod or sense of style...so there. ummm, do I HAVE to call you Miss Bitch? I'd rather not if that's okay.
  5. the best me

    Skinny bitches

  6. (hijack...there you are leo! I miss your posts. Sure wish you'd come back more often and share your wisdom!!! Just thought I'd say hi! Your results are awesome)
  7. the best me

    He loves me, He loves me not

    I'm so sorry. A hurtful relationship is a very difficult thing. One thing that helped me, back in the day when I had a "not so hot" BF realationship, was visualizing myself with him 10+ years down the road, maybe with a child or two coming up...do i want to be having arguments with this man about how what he says to me makes me feel? Do I want to continually be on a roller coaster ride of emotions? Do I want to raise a child up teaching him or her that this is a normal healthy relationship? Is it? NO. Think of what life COULD be like. Security. Acceptance. Safety. Privacy. Love. NOT petty arguments, mundane issues, insecurity, drama, issues, loss, mistrust, fear. Just because you love him doesn't mean you have to build a future with him. Just because he loves you doesn't mean he's the husband of you future and father of your children. Loving someone really has nothing to do with a long-tem committed relationship. It just means you love each other. Right now. If it isn't right for you (and you KNOW whether or not it is) move along, get over it, get through it. You can survive without all this fuss. Another thought. Careful not to put all of you into a man. Whoever he is, he's just a man. When you make those little fellas your saviors, they let you down. But a good one will hug you and nurture you and cherish you in ways you can't imagine. And it's SOOOOOO wonderful. And worth the wait. I can't imagine what that old BF could do for me now that my hubby does. There is no comparison in the quality of man and relationship. I'm so glad I let the old go. It's much quieter inside. Peacefulness is good.
  8. the best me

    Hallelujah! I Feel Normal Again!

    Ahh, it feels SO good! You get little glimpses of normal along the way. Then one day, you realize, WOW! I feel normal!! It's a great relief. Good for you! I love LBT too. It's a great place to be. I never would have done it if I hadn't had all of you nice folks to help along the way!
  9. the best me

    Well hello!

    Hello! Plenty of Aussie's on the board here...they'll pop in before you know it. Just want to say HI and Welcome! Good job on your weight loss!!!
  10. the best me

    I want a local friend

    AW! I wanna come!! Ya'll have fun. I'm so jealous.
  11. the best me

    I Give up

    You simply can't give up, we won't let you! Chin up, tomorrow is a new day and your band is waiting for you to push it with correct eating. Hard protiens first! You can do this!
  12. the best me

    Skinny bitches

    Oh my gosh, Bandit, you so crack me UP!!! My hubby accuses me of being a closet lesbian (which he knows I'm not, hello!!) because I always look at other women, especially the skinny ones. They can be so pretty! I'm jealous, too. And I can appreciate a pretty woman with the rest of the guys!! Yep, summers comin!
  13. the best me

    Comparison of All Weightloss Surgeries

    I read about this on a MX website, Monterrey, I think but I don't recall the Dr. It's called "Gastric Balooning" I think, and it's meant for very quick weight loss and can only be left in for a few months. Say if someone had to lose 80lbs fast or they couldn't have a life-saving surgery, this might be appropriate for them. I thought it was very interesting! Thanks Kelly. That was very informative and succinct...all procedures right in a row. I always get them mixed up so this is helpful. Good job!
  14. the best me

    Phone cards in Mexico

    So I'm planning my little trip to Mexico soon, and I need to be able to call home. I am assuming my cell phone won't work from TJ, and if it does it would be quite a bill, I'm sure. So I have heard it suggested that I get a Phone card with pre-paid minutes to and from Mexico. ??? Anyone with experience with this? The corner gas station has advertised them at the gas pump, but I have no idea...do I have to use a pay phone? Can I call from the hospital room? Do I pay by the minute? Duhhh...any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  15. I'm pretty sure the egg drop soup starts with a chicken broth base, then eggs, whipped up with a whisk, are dropped into the soup. The eggs cook, but they are very runny so you have basically runny egg soup. It's surprisingly delicious, very satisfying, full of protien and perfect for the newly banded. Don't know what I would have done without it. And it's affordable. The little Chinese restaurant up the road sells a large for $1.75. Cheap 2 meals!
  16. the best me

    1st fill today...questions

    Because you needed to bump it good job. The hiccups are from restriction. Eat a Tums. Also, fills can make people swell and cause even more restiction...which is why you do liquids and soft foods. Slowly try new stuff, harder stuff, as time goes by. I know what you mean by being afraid to eat anything. No fill yet for me but I'm avoiding it like the plague for that very reason! Some more experienced bandsters will surely be here soon to chime in. Good luck! glad you are here!
  17. the best me

    not a newbie

    Okay, I'm liking your style and really getting motivated by you...thanks, gotta run. Gotta go get star stickers for my calendar....
  18. the best me

    New member...just a quick hello

    Hi 'Nita! Welcome to LBT and glad to have you!
  19. the best me

    Phone cards in Mexico

    Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot to update this thread when I got back! I didn't get a phone card before I left, I decided to get one in TJ when I got there, like DeLarla said, or use a casita like Mary said. So me and my sister get off the plane in San Diego and she beeps her boyfrind on her Nextel, and it works! So we beep my husband on HIS Nextel, it works! So we get into TJ and try beeping again from the hotel room, it works!!! SO, Nextel radios work to and from TJ. Yippee! No long distance charges, no phone cards, just a quick familiar beep and we are communicating! Just thought I'd update...thanks everyone!
  20. the best me

    Stupid Question

    Bandmesoon, have you used the "Search" feature on the top bar? You can type in whatever word and it lists all the threads with that word in it from newest to oldest. That might keep you from going crazy trying to find out something. Or you can just do what you did and ASK! Anxious to see your sig...
  21. What an inspiring story. You will do great and I'm excited to watch your journey! Welcome!
  22. the best me


    so do you have your sleep study results, yet? Do you have the dreaded apnea? Getting wieght off short term is much easier than keeping it off forever. that's where the band comes in... Keep us posted on your approval status!
  23. the best me

    Anthem BCBS Colorado policy change

    Oh my gosh, there is hope for other changes with BC/BS! Maybe my sister will be able to have hers paid by BC/BS!!! Thanks for the update!!!!
  24. the best me


    Girl, I thought it was something awful...you can handle this! Think of all the other more difficult things you have experienced in the past months and don't TELL me you can't deal with this little problem. Quit drinkng with your meals! There. Now update us about the horses on your NSV Dream Come True thread...
  25. the best me

    To be full or not to be....

    I had LOTS of restriction after surgery due to swelling. It was awful. I had TOO much restriction! But I got through it and now, at 5 weeks out, I can eat almost anything very well chewed, but there are many foods I haven't tried, to be sure. I guess it's important to distinguish the healing period (6 weeks according to my doc) where the purpose of your eating is to get your calories and protien in so that you are nourished, AND NOT to disturb the band while it's healing in. This is the reason for the Clear liquids, then full liquids, then soft mushies, then full mushies food stages. But no matter which stage you are in, it's important to NOT make your stomach churn alot to digest your food. Any weight loss you have during this phase is a bonus. Many people take this opportunity to lose like mad if possible by choosing their foods well and watching their quantities. I have NO fill and I'm very restricted. Everyone is different. And I can PB with the best of them. After Friday (6 weeks out) I will start eating the Big Girl Bandster way but starting with well-chewed hard protiens (ie: chicken) then veggies, then starches, if any. I'll let you know how full I feel. I can tell already though, that it won't take much to make me feel full...I anticipate the normal 1 cup to 1 1/2 cups max of food per meal, three meals a day and plenty of Water in between, but NOT with meals. This makes the full feeling last longer (the no water with meals thing). The varying opinion is really just a matter of perspective, I think. What I think is eating alot is to another, eating very little as compared to pre-band. And it's a matter of your healing experience. Some folks heal quickly, and others, like me, take a while.

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