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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    I am stalking my Fill doctor

    Paula- I don't know yet about the cost. I'm assuming an unfill before the week is out is "on him" but, who knows? I wouldn't be offended to pay a $50-60 office visit fee but a whole 'nuther $200? I hope not! Sherri- I can't even get mushies down, only liquids. This is PAST good restriction! I was hoping to be a trooper over the weekend, suck it up, get through but each time I would try the smallest amount of mushie anything, I'd get stuck at the very least or PB it. Karen- I don't care if I gain some back!! LOL So, did you get a complete unfill and then go back and fill again at .2cc less? Which leads me to... Elizabeth-we are so desperate! I don't really have reflux, believe it or not. My misery is my inability to eat anything at all. I don't mind being on liquids, but I know I should be able to get SOME mushies down without getting stuck. I was very hungry by dinner tonight and made a vain attempt at guacamole. PB'd it. Thankfully, PB's aren't like vomit, and it hasn't ruined the whole guacamole experience for me. I'll be able to eat it again in the future, no doubt. I worry about a slip with my PB weekend. I worry that I should get a complete unfill and be back at square one. What I'd love to do is just take out half the fill, stay on liquids for a few days to rest, then see how it goes with mushies. Whaddya think? Karen? Anyone? I'll be curious what my fill doc recommends. Let us know how it goes for you, too, Elizabeth! Calling Doc first thing in the morning!! Thanks ALL!
  2. the best me


    www.FlyLady.net Oh Yeah!! This site has helped/is helping me alot. I have had this goal to totally clear my countertops of all clutter. It's amazing the stuff that can collect! But I want nothing on the counters but the Bread basket and coffee pot. That's it!! Still working on decluttering and using my space better. It's getting there! I'm not particularly sentimental, so I have no real problem throwing away stuff. I guess I just need to develop the habit of pitching it, rather than moving it around! My Dad is a hoarder, big time. He gave me a larger glass cookie jar that my grandmother had. Inside it were 7 rolls of Kodak film that said "develop by June 1960" Film from the 50's!!!!! Man I'd love to see those pics! Anyhow, what I have I get honest. And my Mom is the worst about kitchen counter clutter. Every space has something on it! Throw it out or put it away!!!!! I'm improving. Keep inspiring me, everyone!
  3. the best me

    Overweight Kids

    Smart Mom!!! Stay in tune with her...get her in art classes!! Wow, she is a neat young lady! Good job, Mom!
  4. the best me

    Did Ya Miss Me???

    Oh how awful about your computer!!! Will I be safegaurded by backing up onto a floppy disk? Just wondering... Anyhow, so glad you are back! Lot's of catching up to do for you...happy reading!!!!
  5. the best me

    First Fill, 4cc AND NO RESTRICTION?

    Here are a couple of interesting threads, if you haven't seen them yet. It appears that with the larger band, it takes a few more than the average number of fills to get good restriction. I promise, you don't want an overfill (as I have right now...I can't WAIT for my small unfill!) so keep at it, do your best with eating until you get better restriction, and sneak up on the restriction. It takes more than one for most...you are normal! Yay! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=7948 http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=7177
  6. the best me

    I am stalking my Fill doctor

    Thanks Michelle! He put in a full 2cc in my 4cc band. I told him I was more concerned with too much fill then with not enough. But he usually puts in 2cc for the first fill. Some of the saline goes into the tubing and port reservior so not ALL of that is in my band, made sense to me but, yep, it's too tight. I don't know how much he will suggest taking out, but I hope it's at least a full 1cc. That would put me at a 1cc fill. You can't compare numbers with others, but I think that may just do it? We'll see, I'll let you know! OH! and he hit my port on the first try (his nurse said he can hit Kuri's ports from across the room, a good compliment for Kuri!) and he tried to draw out something and nothing was there, which is how it was supposed to be. I was relieved about that. So 2cc is how much I have. AND I was 201.4 this morning! wahoo!! SO close to Onederland! But it's a bit of a hollow victory, I have eaten so little these last days. I might gain a little bit back but I don't care! What I lost was ill-gotten to begin with!
  7. the best me

    Overweight Kids

    Melissa, I was able to meet your daughter the other day and she is a beautiful young lady, no matter her size! Here's what I got from her...she's 13 and in the typical brooding, self-discovery, find out my own way, you don't need to tell me how mode of many young ladies her age. I'll bet she acts like she doesn't give a flip but DON'T BELIEVE HER! She cares VERY much about her appearance (she had a cute little outfit on! short skirt, cute top, and walking around all "cool and calm") and compares herself readily with other girls, you can bet on it! Now, I don't want to get into parenting advice because 1) after seeing my wild man 2yo son temper tantruming you wouldn't want my advice anyway! 2)I don't currently "own" one of those teenager thingy's and 3) you are more in tune to your sweet daughter than anyone, so have confidence in how you handle her weight issues. I wouldn't guess her to be 40lbs overweight, but she does look like she might just shoot up a few inches and lose the roundness in her belly a bit. Anyway, she's beautiful, and she cares, so compliment those good traits, and always be available to help her on her terms. See if you can drag it out of her and get her talking. Don't advise her, just get her talking, hug her lots, and compliment her. Don't concentrate on what she might regret, help to to make the most of what she is experiencing now. This is a great topic!
  8. the best me

    soft food and weight gain need Help

    Frank! Run! Get a small unfill!! Be happy!!! Don't be miserable and stuck on your weight loss! Work it! You can do it!!! I like you, Frank. You and your pretty wife have done such a great job. I wish you the best success!!!
  9. the best me

    I am stalking my Fill doctor

    Thanks jayme! Yep, my goal was to make it through the day without PBing and so far, so good. I had a few sips of coffee this morning. I know, too acidic, but I took a chewable Pepcid Complete and the coffee cuts the morning phlegm that is just as irritating so it's worth a few sips. Really, I sipped maybe a 1/4 of a mug, 2 ounces? I also sipped some Crystal light on the way to church. At lunch, I ordered potato Soup. As the liquid part dwindled and all I had left was mostly potato chunks, I got stuck, but quit eating and walked around and got unstuck with no problems. Then I ate a scoop of ice cream, yummy!!! Went down fine. So, I'm getting by. I'll have Boost for dinner and try to get the rest of this 20ounce bottle of Water down, but really, I'd be happy if I got down 1/2 of it by bedtime. I decided not to leave at 6:30 in the morning. My hubby said, what if he's not in the office that day? hmmm, guess I'll call first at 8am and make sure before I drive an hour and a half! So on day 4 after a fill, I'm sure I should be able to eat some guacamole, some thinned out refrieds, some cottage cheese, right? I can't, so unfill, here I come!!! I promise to get a Boost in for supper.
  10. the best me

    Still problems after 8 months

    I have to agree with you that what you are experiencing is not a normal bandster life. You should not PB a well-chewed, well-lubed, hard-protien-first bandster meal. You should not have to resort to Soups and sweets just to get in the calories you need to live. That is not living well. No wonder you are stuck on your weight loss! I agree with Leatha that starting with soups is just eating around the band, but if you are doing that just to be able to eat SOMEthing without PBing it, well, more power to ya! I might suggest eating as best you can around your band just to get in your calories for the day (and good ones, not junk) and make it your goal to go a week without PBing. This might give you some relief from swelling caused by PB's and loosen you up a bit. Only then will you be able to make a good bandster attempt at a proper meal. The problem is, you have lost, what? 50 pounds? and you still are tight? My experience has been weight loss loosens the band. Perhaps your band is, indeed, too small. Unfortunately, only surgery to remove and replace it with a biger band will help you, unless, of course, you can lose enough to loosen your band a bit? I think you may be right about the band being too small for you...for whatever my opinion is worth. Here's what has happened to me. I was banded April 8th and had a difficult time with post-op swelling, like you did, and went to the ER on day 8 for IV fluids to fight the dehydration. I could only take the smallest sips of fluids for a long time, it seemed. Slowly, though, by week 6 or so, I got a glimpse of my eating life pre-band, and began to experience what others described as "wide-open". By week 8 or so, I was able to eat anything, breads, pastas, etc as long as I chewed well. And I ate alot less than pre-band. It was Heaven! I really needed that! So now, at almost week 13, I got my first fill, 2cc in a 4cc band. This was last Wed. I can still only take small sips of liquids or creamy smooth soups or egg drop soup. I got stuck on potato soup at lunch today, but managed to not PB and I'm hoping I can finish the day with no PB. I am going tomorrow for a small unfill. Why? Because only being able to eat liquids, soups, and small sips of anything, and PBing any well-chewed protien is NOT bandster life. I should not be struggling so to get in enough energy to complete my laundry. Yes, I want to lose weight, but I do NOT want to be malnourished and underhydrated. Plus I am increasing my risk for erosion being so tight. Thankfully, I have the option of getting the unfill, but you do not. I might request an endoscope to check for erosion, just in case. It's more of a long-term risk/side-effect but at 8 months of being THAT tight, it might be a possibility? Worth a look-see? Anyhow, stay plugged in to LBT so you can read an be an informed patient. Try Leatha's good advice, if it's possible without PBing and see if that helps your weight loss. Maybe if you can get another 10-15 pounds off you will loosen a bit? Good luck, Scott. Let us know what you think about the advice you will be getting here...keep us posted on how you are doing!
  11. the best me

    Last post...goodbye everyone!

    CollegeJoe, here's a quick story that may help you...Last Wed I was getting a fill and the nurse who got me weighed in had the RNY 5 years ago. I saw her before pic, she was just over 300lbs. She looked GREAT!!!! She said she was now 150lbs. Wow! So I asked her if she could go back and choose the Band, would she? She said "not at 300lbs." I think what she meant was 300 was too heavy for the band? I disagree. Then she commented that the only problem with the RNY was regaining the weight. She seemed a bit sad and frustrated, and I asked her if 150 was her low weight. She shook her head regretfully, "No". So she is back on the diet and exercise treadmill that we all are on, struggling to maintain her weight loss with no adjustments to be made 5 years down the road. There is nothing left to help her. I asked if she could get banded at this point, and she said "No self-respecting doctor would do it". First because of the dangers after her RNY, and also, who will band her at 150lbs? She is 31 years old now. I feel bad for her. I don't think for a second she regrets her bypass, but it seems like it should be the last stop? You are young. Research carefully. Now this band for me is not always a bed of roses. IT IS WORK! And aggravation, and it can be frustrating. But the fact that it's adjustable and removable is a HUGE plus in the big scheme of things. Just some thoughts for you. AND, you are such a NERD! Who said you had to leave LBT if you decide on gastric bypass? Please let us know how your weight loss surgery journey goes, where it takes you, and how you are along the way. LAST POST?! Naaahhhh.
  12. the best me

    Where are the Lap-band support Groups in NC areas?

    Sorry it's taken me so long, ladies...I have been pitiful with my fill, look for a new thread for the update, sigh. So, heres our pic!! L to R is Kathy (Best Me), Kim (gordanfamily3), Melissa (dragonwilo), and Angie (bondgirl). We had fun! Just so everyone knows, we had 8 kids there and my 2yo son was the bad boy...fussy, temper tantrum, not listening, too big for his britches, wore me slap out. I can't wait to get together "sans kids" next month! Well, ya'll can bring your kids, mine are staying home!!! LOL We had fun, though. It was so nice to meet you all in person and get to know you better!
  13. the best me

    WOMEN ONLY! Ever Heard of Avlimil?

    I saw the commercials and looked it up online and considered it, but too pricey! I'm waiting for some generic to show up at Wal-mart or something?! Losing weight helps the sex appetite! hehe
  14. the best me

    DSL vs Cable

    Okay, I'll have to check the prices on DSL, then. Doesn't sound like the cable is an option since we arent' hooked up to a cable company, even though we are pre-wired. I think this also means I will have to give/change up my e-mail address since I'll drop my internet company? Is this right? Don't I have to go with the online company that provides the connection? I'm so lost. Right now I pay 14.95/month for Wave3online.com and they send my e-mails. I use Internet Explorer to get online, but I guess that's through them, too? So much to consider!!! I wish I understood how this worked...I just know I could get things much faster than with Dial-up, and I don't have to tie up my telephone line...
  15. the best me

    fun thread -- names

    This isn't last name related but a fun twist of names. I had a boyfriend from long ago who made up names constantly. I worked at a little sandwich shop called "Schlotzsky's" and he called it "Shitzsky's" and there was one fella that I used to work with in a grocery store. His name was Joe Supulski? or Supinsky? or something like that and this boyfriend always referred to him as "Joe Suppository" I'm guessing he got that alot, anyway!
  16. the best me


    Wow, so glad you hve relief from the reflux. All I know is Tums for heartburn. Some other smart folks may have some other ideas!
  17. the best me

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    pssst, Vera, he doesn't round, he does something with integers that have something to do with decimals in a computer system and anyway, it's not rounding. It's ignoring what's after the decimal on your scale. He 'splained all that to me so I thought I'd let you know...
  18. the best me

    Nursing while banded.

    Well done Heather! Thanks so much for the update, I'm so glad you filled us in. There are those searching that will be happy to know you can nurse banded, and even nurse through your surgery! Well, pump, I guess, but you maintained your milk supply! Have you needed any herbal supplements? Did you just pump regularly until you got back on a nursing schedule? I am so proud of you!!!
  19. the best me

    Garner1 new

    Hey Donna, are you finding what you need to know?
  20. the best me

    Pre/Post Surgery Observations

    Well, I guess it depends on the size of your band, but you don't have the VG band, you have the 9.75 or 10cm band with 4cc capacity, it looks like to me. So I always thought they left the band empty until your first fill, which they do. When I went in for my first fill the other day, he tried to pull something out and got nothing. It makes sense that they would test it before finishing surgery. I would HOPE they would, right? I guess it never occurred to me to test it for leaks... Anyhow, I can see how just a tad of saline would/could be in the tubing and your stomach would keep the Fluid out of your band and in the tubing, just the pressure of it, right? But then they would be able to draw that out at your first fill. I don't know if my doc tested for leaks before ending the surgery, but I do know there was no saline in the band at my first fill. Interesting!!
  21. the best me

    UK Bombings

    What a relief! Thanks for letting us know!
  22. the best me

    DSL vs Cable

    Help! What's the difference between DSL and Cable? And please advise...we have satellite TV, no cable company for miles, but our house IS wired for cable. It sits there, not even the satellite TV need those cable lines already installed. I would love to get internet on those cables and keep my telephone lines open when I'm online, plus I'd love to have a faster service than dial-up. What to do? Great question Paula! Thanks!
  23. the best me

    Picture Page

    Ya know, all the puppy dogs are SOO cute and sweet and I love seeing the pics, but a real life fireman!!! Oh my!! And a good-lookin' one, too! I have seen your wife's pics and she is a pretty lady. I know you are so proud of her, and she is of you too! Thanks for the work you do, and for sharing!
  24. the best me

    Pre/Post Surgery Observations

    hey, Bobalooey, why'd they put fluid in during surgery? Do they just test it to be sure all the tubing has a good connection to the port, etc, then remove all the saline before the surgery is over? Just wundrin. Great pics! Most folks love gross pics around here. Thanks for sharing!
  25. the best me

    Pre/Post Surgery Observations

    Hey Donna, I replied on your other post...lookie there!

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