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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    is this normal??

    What I knew within my heart was that the older I get, the harder it gets to lose the weight. I also knew the chances of me keeping off any weight I did manage to lose without the band was HIGHLY likely to pack back on. I'm a good little bit older than you and I think that factors in to my ability to decide and not look back! Once I knew, that was it. From there it was just nervous and anxious to get it over with! I was so tired of struggling. I knew I didn't want to spend my 40's miserable and discouraged. AND Fat! This was my chance and I took it! It's funny becasue my DH watches me "dance" with my band and he has to just laugh. I push it, it bites back. But it always wins!!! And I'm losing so he's proud. He has said several times over the last month "this band is for you. It's just what you need to help you. it's perfect for you and the way you like to eat" He's right! I'm satisfied on so much less. Tonight I slowly ate a half of a hamburger, 6 or so small steamed broccoli florets and too many au gratin potatoes...those went down EASY! but I was comfortably full, passed on dessert (homemade fresh picked blackberry cobbler with ice cream, no doubt!) No problem! I, too, am concerned with the long-term. Dr Pleatman said on here that after about 3 years, the risk of band erosion drops dramatically. I heard of one 10yo Bandster, and others are out there living life without much need of support so we rarely hear from them. They are out there though. I'm hoping to be one of them! My advice to you is keep moving forward until something tells you to stop. If you are still hesitant, wait 6 months and see how you do. Also know, though, that being nervous about this beg step is normal. Feeling bad because you are so willing to do something so drastic..wondering what in the world is wrong with you that you would do this...that's normal. You will have a certain peace with your decision though. If not, wait.
  2. the best me

    I'm Petite???

    Pics please!!! WEEEEEE want to see your scar!!!! Puleeeeese!!
  3. the best me

    How Do You Deal With Head Hunger ?

    Yep. It's much easier to ignore with proper restriction. i just tell myself to get over it. Sounds easy, but it isn't when you are in the middle of a stress-out and THINK you need those chips or cookies. It's hard not to shove when you are used to it. Right now I have a house full of kiddos running around like little rugrats, and I'm munching on thin sliced smoked turkey breast. Not exactly a choclate chip cookie, but it'll do. Better go intervene!
  4. the best me


    The code for Lap Band Surgery is a nationwide medical code and all insurance companies know it and use it. It's all a part of standardized medical billing. So when you look it up, it will show it, and your particular plan will state whether or not/how it's covered. My BCBSNC Blue Options has the same exclusion for Adjustable Gastric Banding. I saw this and looked straight into self-pay, knowing all the hoops to jump through would be time-consuming and aggravating. I know I don't have the patience and tolerence for that. It was worth it to me to be able to schedule my surgery in a month or two and just "git 'er done!" and just pay for it. That's me though. What might get suggested here is to have your Bariatric doc submit all the necessary paperwork for the Banding, let them deny the claim, find out why they are denying, and if it's able to be fought, it will most likely be able to be won. For example, if they deny the claim stating that AGB is experimental, many a ruling has been overturned when the documentation proving it's NOT experimental can be submitted. Inamed has packets available for this sole purpose, if I understand correctly. If your doc's office has experience with dealing with denials, they can be a great resource. On the other hand, if it's something that just isn't covered, no matter what, simply because your plan doesn't cover it, I'm not sure what you'd do. Change insurance companies, if possible. Find out about changing plans. Find out what BCBS plan DOES cover AGB-if any-and change it? Maybe you will get better advice from others here. All this frustration and mess is what I saw ahead of me. I thought, ya know? in the 2 years it could take me to get all this done and fight it and wait and wait, I could be banded and at or near my goal weight!!! And I KNEW RNY was NOT an option, no matter what. Thankfully, hubby agreed. So here I am, getting on with it. Good luck. Keep pressing forward!!!
  5. the best me

    I'm Petite???

    You go girl! I'm SOOOO proud of you and happy for you! Make sure you adjust quickly to the new you. Don't let yourself play the headgames we all play about our size changing. Heck, I weigh 199 pounds and had a dadgum skinny dream last night!!! Just this little bit is helping so much, so YOU should feel just great!!! Enjoy it! Yay you!!!!
  6. the best me

    2 days post op - gas relief

    Hang in there newbies! It gets better! Sip, walk, heating pad, Gas-X, Tums, and TIME! Take it easy, don't push it with the eating, careful with your band, wait it out. I wish I had realized just how small a small sip would be. I used to sip, then swallow that small sip in 2-3 swallows. THAT'S how little it went down at a time. Drip the fluids down. Watch out for high-acid fluids, especailly if you get the least bit of heartburn. Stick with broths and water/gatorade/Propel and stay away from fruit juices and tomato juices and Soups. It slowly gets better! You will be able to drink those things in time.
  7. the best me

    Newbie: Foods To Avoid or Be Careful With?

    I have trouble now with untoasted bread. I certainly don't eat a roll with dinner, but will have a sandwich and as long as the bread is toasted, I take small bites and chew well. I also use heavier breads like whole wheat, not white! I don't eat white rice either, but could probably do it with gravy or mixed in, like the rice-a-roni. I have given up shrimp, oysters, crab legs, etc. in place of flaky fish. Dry chicken is a no-no. I guess it's alot of testing out of things. Think about whether or not you will like it when it's chewed to bits...which is why I don't do shrimp or oysters. yuck. I can do tostitos and other chips, even cheetos (go figure...you know how those do your teeth, why do they go down so well?!) but I don't do alot of crackers. maybe I could but I tend to pick and choose my calories and can live without them so I do. Go figure there, too, since I will eat a few cheetos!! (?) OH! I can't do spinich and artichoke dip...don't know if it's the spinich or artichokes? and I pick out the celery in chicken salads. No raw broccoli either, but steamed is fine if I chew well. My list for no-no foods is a bit longer since my first fill. But I certainly don't feel like I'm missing much. I get plenty!
  8. the best me

    Tomorrow is the big day!!!

    Oh my gosh Robyn! Here it is!!! I can't believe it. Prayers for a safe surgery. Enjoy your wonderful recovery! Please post when you get home and let us know how everything goes. Thinking of you! You too, Mouse! Godspeed!
  9. the best me

    OT: Need medical opinion re:testosterone?

    Thanks Mr Tink! Your first wife left you for a 19yo kid?!!! No way!! My dad's coming over for dinner tomorrow night, so I''ll read him these posts! He's aware that shots will cause this increase in sex drive. He's single, not dating, and not particularly interested in dating, let alone re-marrying. So that sex drive is not what he's after with the shots (or whatever he ends up taking). But making a million and traveling and doing things that make him happy are! Thanks for the male perspective. When I find out if he called his doc this week I'll let you all know what they decided. Thanks!
  10. the best me

    Hiccups after eating?

    Yep, or a small burp or two. It's my signal to slow down and stop...finish up, be done with the meal. Some call it the soft stop. Listen to it, lest you go to far and get a hard stop, like bringing up that last bite which was one too many. Oh no!!!
  11. the best me

    Another Newbie

    Welcome to LBT! Looks like you are well on your way! Good for you!!!
  12. the best me


    codiene or hot sex? Both?
  13. the best me

    getting a handle on my life

    Check out www.flylady.net Lots of helpful hints for managing your home and family, although it sounds like you are doing a GREAT job, you just need to squeeze in some very important time for you! You have lots of great suggestions here. And, btw, 10 pounds is nothing to sneeze at! Welcome to LBT!
  14. the best me

    Breaking Off An Engagement.....

    OH YES! You won't see my hubby on the cover of GQ, but to me, he's HOT! He is kind, loving, a great father, ever concerned about how we are raising our children, supportive of me, wants me to be happy and content, helpful, works hard, dependable, reliable, strong, sweet, goofy, and yes, he has his bad moments, too. We were married in our 30's, and all those girls who didn't go out on second dates with him MISSED OUT! And I know what I've got. You deserve this too, Rachael!
  15. the best me

    Breaking Off An Engagement.....

    You Go Girl!!!! Just remember, and I promise, so don't forget this... It will ALWAYS, somehow, someway, twisted up and turned out, BE YOUR FAULT! Don't argue with a fool. Say, "Yes, it's my fault. You are right. What in the world are you doing wanting to marry such an idiot as me? Tell ya what, and this is MY fault, too. It's over. You need to be out by (whenever). What isn't gone I will donate to charity. The locks change then. Please go and be sure to blame it on me. It's all my fault and I'm really sorry. I failed you (waaaa, you no longer support his sorry ass) and it's all my fault I can't continue to live this way and let you take advantage of me." Watch out for the fight. First mean and nasty, then contrite and sad, maybe even a little begging. When it finally sinks in that the gig is up, look for more meanness. Listen carefully, journal his comments if needed. Dont' talk back or argue with the guy because he will pull out all the stops. This may take a while, which is why it is important to put a date and time to his being out. Racheal, my daughter's name is Rachel, and it would break my heart for her to have to go through what I have. It breaks my heart for you. But you know what? You WILL learn, you WILL grow, you WILL give back again. Someone out there will need the courage and empathy and wisdom you have to offer because of what you are learning, mostly about yourself. You will be okay. I know you know this. Now, GO GET HIM!!!!
  16. Okay, okay, I hear Dr Bertha is great, too. But, the Dr A$$hole was SOOO funny!! Alex is right, Lauren. Work with your doc. Mine is clear across the country in Mexico. You are fortunate if you have the support of your insurance company and your Doctor's practice to make this band journey a success. Don't let his "speech" discourage you, but charge you up to do even better!!!
  17. the best me

    prayers and white lights please!

    I tend to do the God and prayer thing, so I will pray for good health, a safe surgery and recovery, and a bright future for your special friend. He is blessed already to have you for support, encouragement, love and care. Let us know how he does!!!
  18. the best me


    Okay, so here's a story. Yesterday my DH cut his finger on the Miter saw. Got 7 stitches and some good pain meds. So last night, I had to go out and run around (visiting his Mom, picking up her laundry, watched a Bible Study video with my SIL-the lesson we both missed last week) and I ended up at Wal Mart at 11:30pm where I could shop for swimsuits without 2 young ones to entertain. So I get home at around 1am, kids are snoozing and DH wakes up and says "hey" as I try on my new swimwear for him. I was at Wal Mart so late the changing rooms were closed off so I bought 3 suits and a pair of pants and tried them on when I got home. I know which 2 suits go back now!! Anyhow, once the little fashion show was over...well, the Pain pill certainly didn't make him drowsy. He slept really well last night, and I don't think it was the codiene!!
  19. Not that specific group, but do a search on LBT (click Search on the blue bar above and type in care credit) see what pops up. Those medical financing companies have interest rates similar to credit cards...be careful and read the fine print, but they pay the doc directly, I think. Many folks have had good experiences with them, I think. If you can get a better rate on a personal loan, or home equity loan, etc. you'd be better off. I did the home equity loan. Just check the rates, shop around.
  20. Mellie, his name has popped up here before in another thread. Not much response, not sure why? JudyBellyBand is in the Raliegh/Durham area and Yahoo has a NCBandsters Group that many of them post on. I can't do the Yahoo groups...the format makes no sense to me and besides, I love LBT. Don't give up on the Band. I hope you can get it through, so keep us posted on your progress! Yay Mellie!!!
  21. HAAAAA!!!! Very funny! Now THAT should make you laugh about this Lauren! Chin up, you are doing great! Work with him, he can get you what you want...in one ear and out the other, girl!
  22. the best me

    Doctor Introduction; Self-Pay Program

    Is this the "pars flacida" technique? You are a dream Dr Pleatman! You are getting "up there" with Dr Billy in California! He has a great rep here at LBT...so that's a big compliment!!
  23. the best me

    On My Way To Bandland!!!

    Yay Niecie! Don't stay up late tonight! Yipppeeeee!!! Prayers for you tonight for a peacefulness in your heart and for a safe surgery tomorrow!
  24. Hey Mellie, whose your doc? Someone was looking for a band doc in Winston-Salem. I'm not certain where Rockingham is...the one I know is in SC on the way to Myrtle!! Shot in the dark. Maybe I could pass along your doc's name, just in case. I was the same way. They would pay for the RNY, but not the Band. No way Jose on the RNY. keep fighting! If it turns into self-pay, let me know. I'll tell you all I know!
  25. the best me


    Maybe it wasn't a question, maybe it was more of an announcement!! Nykkeee!!!

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