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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Stuck In The Morning!

    Oh yeah! If you have tried Gas-X, maybe switch to Tums? Tums seemed to help me better when I was having some reflux problmes. My issue wasn't so much gas but the gas created my the swelling and, in turn, the acid. Just a thought. Also, do a protien drink or CIB just to get some calories in. I'm so glad to see you so cautious. That's good! But you do need some nutrition. Just keep your sips small. Keep us posted!!
  2. Bless his heart. That sounds like a goodie to me! Way to go! Too bad you didn't have the scale underneath your stomping feet! hehe Are you feeling better? (((((((((Big hugs))))))))))
  3. the best me

    Support in Charlotte and Surrounding Areas

    Cool!!!! This is gonna be so fun!
  4. the best me

    Stuck In The Morning!

    Oooo, yeah. Good advice!
  5. the best me

    Stuck In The Morning!

    Sorry! Just found you! Yes, tight in the morning is the case for many many bandsters, but at a week out from surgery, you are more likely just experiencing some post-op swelling. Was this your first attempt at potato soup? Did you puree the chunks out of it? I know you said it was soupy, but you may be better off with a thicker soup with the lumps of potato blended out? Keep it liquid till it goes away. That burpy feeling means you need to burp...I doubt anything is stuck, like you said, but if the potato soup caused your upper stomach to have to churn to get it down, well, then you may have caused a slight case of swelling. That's what I think anyway. Does this sound like the right diagnosis? If it doesn't ring true for you, please ignore. It may be something else, although I couldn't guess what. At any rate, staying liquid and small sips is in order no matter what. Congrats on your banding! Hope that helps.
  6. the best me


    You have Forums (General discussion, Support, Introductions, etc etc) and each Forum has lists and lists and miles of Threads. You started a New Thread under the Feedback Forum. I am replying to your thread by scrolling down to the bottom and typing into the Quick Reply box, and when I'm done, I will the Post Quick Reply and my post will show below yours. Anyone else who replies will show below me. So you read a post under a certain thread and reply by using the Quick reply box or clicking the Post Reply box at the end of the thread. Just be careful not to hijack a thread. Posts should be related to the thread topic. If you have a specific question for someone, you can click on their screenname and send a PM (Private Message), but don't fret about hijacking...it happens all the time and everyone here is really helpful and patient. So, you are well on your way...you started a thread and got a reply! Yippeee!
  7. So this isn't your own advice. It's mine. Be kind to yourself. The scale is stupid. Don't let it get to you. Avoid it. Don't weigh. And for Pete's Sake, Give It A Minute!!! Your body is healing itself, restoring itself, renewing itself. It's such a marvelous creation, it's self-maintaining and it's dadgum taking care of itself. Let your body do it's work and don't get in it's way. Your job is to feed it properly and maintain good mental health. The frustration and anger and negative vibes over the scale are interfering with your body's health. Take a deep breath and Let It Go! You are nourished, healthful, and full of wonderful living and loving and giving and beautiful life. Breathe it in, girl!!! FEEL it! Isn't it just SOOOOOO good?!!!!!! Eat well, live well, chase your son through the parking lots and run for the bus. THIS is the good stuff. Zip up that size large jacket and strut your stuff. Git 'er done!!!! {{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} Crystal. Please don't be discouraged. I think you are just awesome!
  8. the best me

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    You go girl!!! Way to do it! I'm in awe of your motivation! Wahooo!!!
  9. the best me

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    hehe. Aw Crystal! I know you hate the scales. If it gets you down, don't weigh! You can still be challenged. And I KNOW your after pic will be incredible! You bought a size Large jacket and zipped it, right? You know what to do. Forget the numbers. I, on the other hand, love and need my scale. I am so opposite you on that one!!! Here's the good news for me. I weighed 198.4 this morning, a new low, so I weighed myself several times over the course of the day and never once all day did I show a 200 anything. Usually I'll be 201 point something or 202 whatever at night and lose a magical few pounds in my sleep, then be 199 in the morning. I may very well be far enough below 200 now that I'll never see it again, no matter what time of day I weigh! Wow! I'll let you all know. I hope it's real. I have been a good bandster since vacation and it's working. A week of upping the calories with extra snacks at the beach helped my metabolism, I think. Right, John? lol Plus the extra exercise. Anyhow, had to post some possible encouraging news. I might just meet my 15 pound goal? Dare I say it? Wish me luck!!!!
  10. the best me

    Hair Loss

    I do the hair loss thing. I lost hair for a good little while after surgery. Just when I thought I wouldn't lose any, it started falling out. Then when my eating improved it stopped. I started losing more than normal again after my first fill. So for me I guess it's diet/food/calories/protien/whatever related. My fingernails are also peeling which I'm sure is related to the hair loss issues. I don't notice the hairloss, I just get LOTS more coming loose in the shower and in my hairbrushes. I lose enough hair that I stick it to the shower wall and collect it there until the end of my shower, then throw the small wad of hair in the trash. All that can really clog a drain! It's gross but it did improve post-surgery so I'm sure it will improve again. Good luck!
  11. the best me

    fill and being stuck

    Reasons for stuck: Not chewing well enough Too big of a bite Taking the next bite too soon No food lube Just like Vinesqueen said. Now, Stuck at the band is different from having that last bite that won't fit into a full pouch. Either can cause a PB. If this happens after a few bites, then it's not a full pouch scenario. Slow down, add Lowfat sauce to foods...anything will do...ketchup? mayo? flavored mayo? dipping sauce? barbeque sauce? tonight I had Ranch Style Pinto Beans and mixed in cut up chicken breast to lube the chicken in the bean sauce. It was yummy and did the trick. Try the above suggestions. If you are still getting stuck, an small unfill will definately help. Yeah, what she said (Vinesqueen is ALWAYS right!!!)
  12. the best me

    Sister In Law

    Yep, that was me! thanks Paula! My trouble was at about Day 4 post-op and lasted another week or more until about 2 weeks post-op. I basically had to start all over at week 2 with the clear liquids, hot tea, broth, etc then move to the thicker egg drop Soup and the like. In my opinion, my trouble started when I added tomato soup to my diet. I had already been sipping coffee and I think it was just too acidic for me. I swelled (didn't know it) and then I gulped a small chunk of Jello without liquifying it in my mouth first (old eating habit). It had some of that "skin" in the bite, you know, the bottom of the bowl thick jello?, and I PB'd it. Downward spiral from there. The swelling caused the jello PB, the PB caused more swelling which caused more eating discomfort and a few more PBs, yada yada. I had no fill so I couldn't get an unfill. I wasn't slipped, had to get IV fluids over the weekend, then slowly, slowly, sip after sip I came back to life. It was terrible, miserable, and I promise I wondered what in the heck I had done to myself. I wanted that band out at moments. I'm glad I stuck it out though. Tell her to take a sip, and swallow that sip in 2-3 swallows. You have no idea just how small a sip shoudl be when you are that tight. And from my perspective, even looking back, wallowing through the pitiful misery was better than subjecting myself to a revision, or removal surgery. Just my opinion. A day at the hospital on IVs would do wonders as well. I will swear on my deathbed that the fluids I got over the weekend assisted my healing and helped the swelling to go down. I don't know whether or not a doc would agree with that but I'm convinced of it. Those IVs were the best thing I did. Anyhow, hope that helps some. Keep us posted. OH! What size is her band?
  13. the best me

    Guess who's got a date??????

    Awwww, his name is Herman! How cute!!! Oh, I'm so happy for you. I hope you two have fun together on Sunday and you MUST give us all the scoop, promise?! I mean ALL the scoop, what movie, who drove, who paid for what, all the goopy girl stuff like when he reached for your hand to hold it...all that stuff!!!! Oooooo, I can't WAIT! Have fun, girl. You deserve it!!!! Oh, and don't forget to post Belly button piercing either! hehe
  14. the best me

    I am Hungry

    Egg Drop Soup!! Yummy, filling, full of protien, a life-saver for me.
  15. the best me

    Need easy appetizer for potluck on Wednesday

    7-layer Bean Dip? Layer the bottom of a Pyrex dish with refried Beans (my personal fave) then top with shredded cheddar, salsa/picante sauce, choppped onion, sour cream, shredded lettuce, and chopped tomato. I usually leave off the tomato since the salsa already has it. Basically, anything on a taco, layer how you want to. Bring a bag of chips, easy cheesy and band friendly if you take small bites. Yummy! Good luck!
  16. the best me

    How much is a fill in your area?

    I found a doc in Winston Salem NC who does non-flouro for $200. Flouro fills are $300 for the doc plus another $250 plus for the hospital, yuck! I plan to go back to MX for a flouro fill some time n the future when my sister finally decides to get her band surgery done with Kuri. I just wanna see it!! OH! And unfills at my local doc are also $200. Double yuck. But I'm grateful he will fill me so I suck it up and don't complain and make my fill WORK! Good luck!
  17. the best me

    Weekend Pictures

    Here ya go! This one is on Hwy 17 in Surfside Beach, SC. Enjoy!
  18. the best me

    ACK! I'm dying from hunger and it's only day 4!!

    Hey Mae, I was wondering, did you get the same band and size when you went for your revision? I have been out of the loop on vaca so I prolly missed it. I think you said you got a brand new band. Which was your old and what is your new? Anyhow, so glad you are recovering well. I'm sorry you are hungry Egg Drop Soup...Yeah Baby!!!
  19. the best me

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Bummer. Up one this week to 200. I guess all that beach walking and chasing kids and playing and swimming wasn't enough to offset the yummy food?! We had a great vacation though. It's good to be back. Moving forward now! And hopefully down on the scale. Great job everyone!!!
  20. the best me

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Okay gang, skip me this week...I'll be at the beach swimming and walking the beaches. I hope I break my 199 plateau!! Still stuck here.
  21. the best me

    I am going to be an Aunt today or tomorrow

    Awwww, yay Abby! You are so sweet!!!! congrats Kim!
  22. the best me

    Tried to KILL ME

    Heh. You are way funny.
  23. the best me

    Coming back to the land of the living

    Thanks Penni, I'll Google that and see what comes up. I guess I'm about right between Asheville and Durham. Asheville is easier to get to though, and much prettier. It's west, up in the mountains. Love Asheville. Anyhow, I'll search. Glad you got a kick out of the sinners comment. I thought it was pretty funny too! hehe
  24. the best me

    Congratulations Grandpa Greg!!!

    So precious. Thanks for sharing the pics. Yay Grandpa Greg!!!!
  25. the best me

    Coming back to the land of the living

    Damn sinners. Who do they think they are, showing up at church? All in fun. I totally know what you mean and understand exactly where you are coming from. So you'll get no arguements from me! On the other hand, they shoulda kicked me out long ago if the hypocrite test were given. I flunk all the time! So let me know what you find out about where I should look for a center like that. I'm assuming it's a bit pricey? Like, more than a salon? If so, no hurry. I'm grateful for a pedicure these days...band payments started coming due!! It's a small chunk and makes it a bit more difficult to set some aside for extras. I'd say a cleansing counts as extra at my house these days. It really does sound awesome though. I love the idea of my skin and hair feeling so soft and smooth and healthy. Makes me feel all full of gunk just sitting here! EW! So, are you all done with the cleansing part and back to normal eating? And you'll do it again in about 3 months? I'm so proud of the classes you are taking. You are gonna be great at your next job! Dr. Penni, to the rescue!!!

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