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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    My body looks funny

    I'm with you LuAnn, I lose from the top down. And I'm a classic Pear. So my face and shoulders are thinner, and I have lost a whopping 4 inches from my waist. I have lost a good bit all over, but it's definately top to bottom for me. I agree with Jack, maybe give it ANOTHER 5 DAYS?!!!!! Just wait for more changes Barb! Yippeee!!!!
  2. the best me

    So tell me about you.....

    banded on April 8, 2005 surgery day weight was 223 current weight is 197 I am 5'5" As I type this, I am wearing size 18/20 exercise pants from Wal-Mart. The are snug in the butt/legs (but not too bad or I wouldn't have them on!) but a bit too roomy in the waist area. My shirt is a 22/24 but it is way big. I could do a 20 comfortably but I like my clothes big, so... I have lost a total of 22 1/2 inches from my body. Here's the breakdown as of this morning: Arms -1/2 inch each Bust -3 inches Bra Band -2 inches Waist -4 inches Abs -3.5 inches Hips -3 inches Thighs -2 inches each Calves -1 inch each You didn't ask for all of that but I JUST measured this morning and I'm so excited to have lost this many inches!! It's happening! I love my band!!!
  3. the best me

    Anyone for fish or is that t.m.i?

    OOoooooohhhhh! Guttted! Like a fish!!!! I get it!!! Sorry, that took me a minute, huh? So glad you are felling better. I think you hare the first person I have run into that had to go to the open method like that. What kind of coomplications did you have that required it? I worried about that before my own surgery but it almost never happens so I'm wondering what would make it necessary. Anyhow, how's you hubby coming along, too? I'll go look for an intro for you. We are nosey here so we want all the scoop on your doc, how much weight you want to lose, and, of course, how's it going. So glad you are on the mend!!!
  4. the best me

    OT: Lucky Bamboo & Orchid repotting

    I have an orchid up for adoption. I will ship it to you if you will give it a nice home. It's somehow making it in my bathroom but it's not flowering this year. You can have it! I don't even want to replant it! I can't even keep my Jade Plant from falling apart, Oh! and now I have Aloe Vera plant issues...I'll be eyeing you gardeners. Someone puleeeze take my orchid before I throw it out!!!
  5. Dunno about NY either, but wanted to say hi and welcome, too. Hi! Welcome!
  6. the best me

    Doctor Introduction; Self-Pay Program

    hehe, that's why we love you so much!!! I'm always happy when I see you posting!
  7. the best me

    Doctor Introduction; Self-Pay Program

    I'm lovin' it because now I know that I have a peritoneum and that my band is above it. Who knew?!!! I googled Peritoneum and read up on it...it's the membrane that encases the cavity that is below the diaphragm and holds your stomach, etc. That's layman's terms, of course. I understand it well enough that I am happy with my band doc and the job he did. Goodness knows I could have slipped by now and I haven't. I have a hunch Dr Pleatman is learning lots being here. If it makes him a better band doc and we get good feedback with questions, I'd say we have a good working relationship. I vote YES to Dr Pleatman!!
  8. the best me

    Wrong Choice??

    I agree, hang in there, it does get better!!! I promise it does. The food, the eatng, the "runs" (I had the opposite prob, constipation!) all of it gets better. You will feel better too. I waited until almost 13 weeks to get my first fill because I knew I just needed a minute to adjust, in my head, mostly! My weight loss stalled. I lost 15 pounds in the first 12 days and didn't lose an ounce more until just before my first fill. But, I never gained anything back. Now I'm down 26 pounds. I'll take my time. The band is long term and it's just hard to see 6 weeks down the road, let alone 6 months, or longer! I was very very tight at first, so that contributed to me waitng for my fill, rather than running back at 6 weeks for it, but I just needed to reestablish my relationship with food again, I really did. It's there, we get along fine now. It gives me what I need in addition to the nutrition, it really is okay. Hang in there! And try Egg Drop Soup. I recommend it all the time (some of you are saying...I KNOW! EGG DROP SOUP ALREADY!!!!!) It has saved my life a few times...good stuff! Keep us posted.
  9. I'm so glad he's excited! A happy dad makes a big difference when you are experiencing a surprise pregnancy. Tell him Congrats! Don't worry about your band, unless you have been experiencing any morning sickness? Now is the time for it, if you will get it. Both of my pregnancies were different; they all are, so don't worry, just enjoy!! Next call may be your band doc. I'm assuming your OBGyn will recommend an unfill? Or at least a few visit's with the nutritionist to discuss your calorie intake and whether or not you need an unfill right now. I'd think that being banded, nutritionist visits would be covered with your prenatal needs. Anyhow, I cannot for the life of me find those links, but I'll keep looking.
  10. Happy news Esmeralda!! Don't worry about the weight, that's the beauty of the band. It will be there waiting for you after you deliver your sweet new one. Here's wishing you a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery! LBT has another Band Baby!!! Okay, we need the scoop now, because didn't you break up with your boyfriend a few months back? Aw, now!!! Tell us about dad and when will you spill the Beans to big brothers (you have 2 sons, yes?) Do I have all this right? I also may have some links to interesting baby/fetal development sites if you want to see the miracle that's happening inside your body right now. Lemme find them and I'll post in a bit... Congratulations!!!! You get a banana! :banana
  11. the best me

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Well done everyone!! Crystal, you challenge is now 2 new NSV's by Labor Day. How's that? No more evil scales for you!!! I know you have had a difficult week with the numbers but feel the LOVE, girl! We support you!! Now, for me the being below 200 all day long was, indeed a dream. (See my previous post on this thread) So I have not seen the last of the 200's just yet. On the other hand, the scale said an even 197 this morning. That's 3 pounds this week!! and a 10 pound loss so far for the challenge. There was one day earlier this week where I saw 196.8 on the scale, so my 197 isn't my lowest, but it's inching of little by little. I need to measure this week. My big girl shorts are falling off of me. I don't wear them out of the house anymore.
  12. the best me

    Not for the Timid!

    WOW! I love the gory pics...I have to admit I wasn't expecting THAT though! All the red, and the strings?!!!! You look so great though! Well done!!!
  13. Yeah Baby! I could do this for a week. I love love love Egg Drop Soup. Would you mind posting your recipes for the Egg Drop and Cream Soups? When you have a sec...pretty please? I just cannot get my mind around the thought of having a 115 pound goal weight. Even if just for a few weeks! You go girl!!!! You are gonna look so great when all this is done, and to see your before pic? Wowza. Big difference! It must feel really great and I'm so proud of you!!!!
  14. the best me

    Water consumption after surgery

    I agree, take it easy. Try for the goal, but don't fret if you aren't quite there yet. Everybody is a little different, so just listen to your body's cues. You will be able to get all of your fluids in. Let the swelling go down and try not to worry!! You are doing great!!!!
  15. the best me

    Aug 27th...Save the Date

    I'll be there!!!
  16. Mercedes, a revision is surgery to correct an existing band problem, such as slippage, etc. AskingQuestions, the full feeling comes once the recovery period has ended and bandsters are eating regular food, not the liquid diet required for the post-surgery healing period. But as you can see from Muffin's post, the right kinds of liquids make a big difference in satiety, no matter what your restriction level or the phase of diet you are eating for whatever reason. Well done, Muffin!!! You are so attentive!!!
  17. the best me

    Crystal's complete list of NSVs

    I am SOOO glad you posted the running list for yourself and for all of us to see. What great progress!!! I'm so proud of you!!!! I just think you are so cool.
  18. the best me

    Help Urgent

    Larger Band. Definately.
  19. the best me

    I hope I'm not in trouble

    Yay Sandie!!! Wahooo, you did it! Yes, it gets better. I promise you will quit kicking yourself for doing this. I promise!!!!! Sip, then swallow that sip in 2-3 swallows. When I say small you have no idea just how small a sip can be. And slow. Let one sip settle down before taking the next. Hour after hour, day after day. It gets better!!!! Just slow down and if you feel miserable, treat yourself kinder. Lower your expectaions. Just because you think you should be able to stand at the sink and wash dishes for 20 minutes doesn't mean your healing body is ready for it. Just because you think you should be able to drink 4 ounces of broth in 10 minutes doesn't mean your banded tummy is ready for it. Take it easy. It's true that some folks are back at it in no time. I wasn't one of them. You may be after you get through these next days, but right now, slow down. PM me if you want, but chin up, It gets better!!! Great recovery Mercedes!!! Well done!!
  20. the best me

    BCBS Denied

    Bump in the road, girl. Don't give up. FIGHT! I know it takes energy and perseverence but many a bandster has gotten one Denial letter, only to fight and have their approval. All that letter is to you is a request to give them whatever it says they want. So give it to 'em. Make sure you get a copy of your entire medical record before your doc ships off to retirementville. Visit that website. Do what Alex said. Do what Rene and NJChick said and FIGHT!!! They told you what they need. Give it, and you will get your approval. ((((((((HUGS))))))))) Please don't be discouraged!!! Don't cry anymore!!! You can do this!!!!!
  21. Okay Nurses and other medical types...this is about my Dad. He's 66 years old, 6' tall, and weights around 270lbs. He's been really trying to watch his diet and lose some weight but is very discouraged because he seems stuck. But 6 months of watching his food hasn't resulted in much happening. He is NOT banded. He's fairly sedentary, as you can imagine, and uses a CPAP for sleep apnea. He also works odd hours. He's self-employed, is an amateur astronomer, and can't take the heat/humidity outside so he does alot of staying up all night working and star-gazing, then sleeping in the daytime. He's single. (!) He takes meds for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and a diuretic. He's a smoker. So he goes to the doc for his check-up and all is well. His blood pressure is good, cholesterol 167, heart is in good shape for his age/condition. Lipid profile was normal. All other CBC numbers in the normal range. His fasting blood sugar was 110. So the nurse calls him on a Saturday to let him know his testosterone level was 1.2, which is very low. He askes if this is a bad thing, and she lets him know that his sex drive is probably not good. It's not. Dad commented that he's not married and isn't concerned with that issue right now and at his age. So, Dad's question is: would taking the testosterone injections help him with his energy level and, therefore, motivation to get up and do things? Will it help him with his metabolism so he can diet, maybe even have the energy to exercise a bit (translate to "walk the block" not "join the gym"), get some weight off and feel better? He just doesn't feel good. Ever. Although the CPAP machine has made a world of difference over the past 6 months. What other benefits/risks would he have if he decided to take the testosterone injections? He asked me if I knew any nurses...Hellooooo!...so I thought I'd post his personal life here. hehe! Any advice/suggestions/feedback/opinions?? Thanks everyone.
  22. the best me

    OT: Need medical opinion re:testosterone?

    Dad update. He finally got the insurance confusion figgured out. His Medicare/Partners pays for it, so it will cost him his co-pay each month for the shots and he gets his first one next week!! Yippeee! He is SO ready for the good side-effects. What has been interesting is to hear people's reactions when they find out just how low his testosterone level is. Apparently, it's very very low. I'm supposing it will take a few months to get his levels high enough and his ascent to more energy, motivation, clarity, memory, and better mood will be a bit slower than, say, Mr. Tinks but he'll get there. Thanks everyone. Dear ole Dad is on the mend!
  23. the best me

    I am so outta here!

    Oh my gosh! I forgot I started this thread! Okay, I promise to get pics ready to post ASAP. Did you get the Piggly Wiggly pic yet, DeLarla? I posted it on your vaction pics thread where you said you wanted one... Anyhow, beach was lovely. I did get a pic from the house balcony. Not the geatest view but I'll get some posted, promise! Thanks ya'll!
  24. the best me

    I am so outta here!

    Leaving for the beach today. Trying to get this computer down for the count. It won't know what to do being cut off for a week! Ya'll don't do anything too fun while I'm gone. I'll miss you! I haven't gone this long without LBT since February when I found all you nice people. DeLarla, I promise to take pics of the Carolina Coast, just in case you haven't seen it. It's very different from the Pacific Coast. But fun, all the same. Bye! *wipes tear from corner of eye* *sniff* *wave* Back on Saturday!
  25. the best me

    Special Occasions

    I can take a small sip during a meal if needed without the Pbing, and for that I'm grateful. The only time a sip of Water can be a problem is if I'm stuck, now THAT'S asking for it. Sometimes a small sip at the sink, while it may provoke a PB, may also help loosen what's stuck so it's a calculated risk. Either way, up or down, I'm unstuck. You can't really just do that in a restaurant though. So you learn. And you know what? Even with this band and the small procedures involved with living and eating with it, I feel very normal. I just weigh less. No prob. And I do after dinner coffee regularly. Nightly. I try to wait an hour before I start sipping but I still have no trouble with feeling the least bit hungry after supper, perhaps because I have my trusty coffee cup in hand?! It's a crutch like a cigarette after dinner would be. Whatever. I can live with it. You will figure it out. Jump on in, the water's fine. Some things you just gotta do to wrap your brain around it. People 'splained it to me all day pre-band and it all started coming together. It will for you, too. So, no worries. It will be a new kind of normal, but you will still be you enjoying all special occasions.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
