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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Paying for LapBand w/ 401K???

    Does the procedure have to be "necessary" to approve a withdrawal? Seems to me you can do what you want with YOUR money, but to avoid the penalty/fee/tax whatevers you simply have to show the receipt for a medical procedure. ??? Great question. I'm anxoius for the replies also!
  2. the best me

    Yeah thats right I bought a size 16 dress

    Girl, somehow I just know you will find some place to go wearing that cute and affordable and SIZE 16 dress!! Well done!
  3. the best me


    I lived in Dallas for about 6 years. I moved there in '85 and started my Junior year at NTSU...Oh wait, it's UNT now. In Denton. I took the long road through college and graduated with way too many credit hours in '91. Then moved back to North Carolina. I actually lived in Carrollton and commuted to Denton. I worked in Addison for a bit, too. Trees must be the place then. I dated a sax player that went to UNT, then he transferred to UT Austin. He came back in town with a band and me and some girlfriends went there to hear them play. They were great! I did a few other trips down there but it was too wild for my tastes, even then!!! Not sure if I ever went to Club Clearview. Funny how marriage changes our priorities!!! hehe. Fun times, though!
  4. the best me


    OMgosh I forgot about Deep Ellum! Been there a time or two. Some club called the Trees? Maybe? Something like that? Or maybe that was the name of the band? Anyhow, it was fun when I went around 15 years ago. Roller Coaster was out in 1975 or so. I remember because I was in the 5th grade and there was a rumor that the screams in the song came from somebody running into the recording studio and stabbing these 2 girls that were standing there listening to the song being recorded. So they left the screams on the record since it was a song about roller coasters. ???? huh? Bad rumor but when you are 10 anything sounds possible! So that song used to scare me. I'd sit and listen for the screams and imagine these poor girls being stabbed. Yeah, thanks for the rewind!! Lisa/DeLarla be sure to keep us updated on the latest sagas. We are missing you!!!
  5. the best me

    One step closer to bandland!

    Yay Keri! Keep us posted! Best wishes for an approval letter, and fast!!!
  6. the best me

    Zetacap & my friend the pusher

    heh...I love your Scarlet accent! I feel the same way about diet pills. Never again! However, there have been times when my restriction has been not so good and I have almost taken a half of a leftover RX diet pill (phentermine?) but haven't yet. I keep them on standby because I am totally not against doing what is necessary to keep hunger at bay and boost my metabolism with a little synthetic energy. Not sure how this Zetacap works, but I saw something advertised when I was Googling Lap Band and it was some drug that fills your stomach so much you can't eat. Sorry, they didn't get my money. I have spent enough! I'm sure your friend is worried about you. Any friend would be. But noone wants the spotlight on them for being the fattest one. You can psychoanalyze her all day but it won't do you any good, nor should her point of view be anything more than part of a puzzle for you. It shouldn't be a decision maker unless you agree that this WLS is not for you. Some friends of mine passed along some diet info (herbal pills and a program) before I had my surgery. It wasn't a message to say "don't do it" just something they happened to find and passed along just in case. I said 'thank-you", read it all, and went for surgery They continue to be very supportive, even if neither of them would make the same decision I did. I'm happy with my band. It's working. I'd do it again. But I don't recommend it. I pass along info and tell my story. Should someone really want to know, I'll tell them. Otherwise I just do my thing, live my life, slowly shrinking. Someone else will have to buy the magic pills!!!
  7. the best me

    Joining the hyster sisterhood

    That is a honker fibroid! My little sister may very well be facing what you are. She's only 37 and has a history of fibroids and general period problems. She has no children, her SO had a vasectomy about a year ago so no kids are on the horizon. I think she would be thrilled to do what you are doing, although right now she isn't even in the planning stages. I suppose I simply see her future. It isn't a bleak one. I hope you are happy and healthy and feel just fabulous when this is all behind you!!! Keep us posted!
  8. the best me


    Yeah baby! I'm dancin'...I have that song on a CD in my kitchen. I'l think of you as I boogie!!!! Woo hooo, hooooo, HOOOO!
  9. Ahhh, the head games. I, too, have the Rebel girl inside me. The one who says "screw you, I'm eating!" when good sense guides me the other direction. I'm not sure how to squelch her, except to say that her voice does, indeed, get smaller and less effective as the weight falls off. There is a Peace and a Happiness and a Contentment from deep inside that seems to make her shut up a bit. She's a little bit easier to ignore. I suppose for me it has helped to allow myself to be as loved as I really am. My hubby isn't perfect, but he loves me deeply and fully and I have to convince myself not to create anger toward him that isn't there. I choose to be loved, rather than to carry an ugly heavy chip on my shoulder that creates an excuse to eat. That inner Rebel is searching and searching for any kind of excuse to convince me to eat in comfort or out of spite. For me, I also got some index cards and wrote down Bible verses that I find inspiring, the ones about how God loves me, he created me just as I am, he knows my inner being, he longs for my heart. Reading those aloud, especailly during stressful times when inner Rebel girl is starting to yell for more food, is very helpful. I'm not sure why, I suppose it has something to do with me being okay with being loved, and me NOT having to kick and scream to get the love. I have it already, with whom am I fighting? Rebel girl thinks there's a fight. There isn't. She shuts up pretty good these days. Thanks for this thread. You don't have to listen to a word I said and I don't care. Eat and be fat. I needed to write this. Thanks for helping!
  10. the best me

    Will it Work?

    I had an "I love my band" moment on Sunday. We ate Japanese for lunch after church. The guy cooking the food in front of us kept piling it on. I ended up taking home an entire plate full of food that, before, I would have eaten right then and there. It was dinner. I was eating slowly, chewing well, left full and happy, and still had all that left over. Wow. Yep, it's working. Some days it's a real head-game but the band usually wins.
  11. the best me

    Aug 27th...Save the Date

    11:30. I'm so there! Hubby is even taking BOTH kids to a party at Jeepers while I'm with you guys! yippeee!!!
  12. the best me

    HELP!!! I'm rising and I can't fall down!!!

    Yeah baby! I think that is just fabulous advice!!!
  13. the best me

    HELP!!! I'm rising and I can't fall down!!!

    Hard protiens first...they fill you up and keep you satisfied. I know it's hard to not do the carbs at all. Give yourself a lowfat ice cream bar after a meal for a sweet treat...let that take the place of your crackers. OR portion out 6-8 crackers and eat them with a hard cheese (cheddar) for an afternoon snack. I find that concentrating on the protiens first but not totally leaving out anything else is helpful with both my food choices and portion control. You'll get there! You are doing so well already! Keep at it, it will come off.
  14. the best me

    Too Big in Texas!

    Welcome! Glad to have you, and ask away! How much weight are you wanting to lose? Discouraged about what quality? The quality of your doc? Anyhow, just wanted to say hi back and welcome to LBT!
  15. the best me

    Any one use Dr. Daniel Huacuz-Tijuana?

    Thank you UroDoc. Don't ever regret posting this. I don't suppose you would PM me the name of the doc who propositioned you? Worth a try. Thanks for speaking up and remaining professional.
  16. the best me

    So tell me, whats everybody drinking?

    Crystal Light, Water, Coffee. As for alcohol, it's usually a Blush or White Zinfandel glass of wine. I only indulge once a month, tops. Usually less though.
  17. I PB'd twice this weekend. Then I put 2 and 2 together and realized I had started my period on saturday...duh. I experience increased restriction every month, yet didn't slow down for the inevitable. Could this be it for you? Also, what you eat can contriblute. Doing the bandster "hard protiens first" makes it seem like I'm more restricted. I may not be, I'm just eating something that keeps me full. Fact is, though, you shouldn't be so restricted that you can't do hard protiens first. Eating banded should not be uncomfortable or cause PB's. The only reason it did for me this weekend was the swelling/bloating/water retention/whatever that comes with my monthy visitor and increases my restriction. Just so you know, I PB'd once at Breakfast (tight in the mornings) and once on cold grilled chicken breast that I didn't cut (just took a hunker bite out of) and didn't warm or add some type of sauce. Like I said, duh.
  18. the best me

    Going for an unfill

    Good for you. Way to handle it, you are such a good example! Being miserable and uncomfortable and eating liquids only is NOT the ideal Bandster life. I think you are wise. Can't wait to hear how you are sleeping after your unfill!!!
  19. the best me

    Lost for 25 YEARS!!!!

    You are an inspiration. Thank YOU!
  20. the best me

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Bummer. Nothing this week. Still 197.
  21. the best me

    Game: This or That

    lights off with a night light or the TV on mute. I need to see SOMEthing, just not EVERYthing!! LOL Good one! I hope this isn't a repeat... Laptop or Desktop?
  22. This is the million dollar question that MUST be answered BEORE you go to Mx (or anywhere out of the county) for WLS. I love my Mx doc, had a good experience, a great band placement, no regrets, would do it again, and my sister will be seeing the same doc, very soon, we hope. BUT I do have a US band doc who will see me for problems if needed and who will do my fills despite the fact I was banded in Mx. I had this all lined up before I scheduled with my Mx doc. Dr Kuri is still available to me by phone or e-mail and as long as I travel to Mx, he can and will see me. But it's important to have someone handy close to home. This is the "Golden Rule" for Mexican bandsters, especially if you live nowhere close to the border.
  23. the best me

    Pre-banders eating and surfing LBT

    Oh my gosh that sounds so yummy! I'm keeping my eyes peeled...I wanna try just one!!!
  24. the best me


    Yeah baby! I think that is great advice. I can't believe you even attempted to go back. I can't believe you even scheduled this fill in the first place after the last fill you got. Don't put up with that treatment. Make the effort to see Pleatman. Beside, the VG band is an Inamed band. There is no reason why they (the Wish Center) shouldn't be able to fill it. The port is the same, yes? Hello! You need to know how much of your last fill is still in your band. I'm assuming since you scheduled a fill you need more restriction...I swear you have a leak. Don't give up. Get the care you deserve. It's worth the extra effort. (((hugs))))
  25. the best me

    Tambonzo, where are you?

    You can't imagine how my mind is wandering along the "what if" path. I give ya till Monday and I'm tracking you down!!! Oh please please please just be blissfully happy and too busy to sign on!

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