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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    NSV's :)

    Well done Sarah!! Those are great NSV's. What great progress!!!
  2. the best me

    SHOCKED to discover...

    Thinking of you from now till the 8th. Can't wait to hear to good news that all is well!!!
  3. the best me


    Yay Zoe!!! Thanks so much for being the inspiration you are to all of us! Big congrats to you...you have done a great job!!!! Ahh, I just admire you so!!!
  4. the best me

    Co-worker Coldness

    Perhaps he realizes he'll be fighting with you for "Diva" status. Give him the spotlight. More power to him. You already know you are the most charming person there!!!
  5. the best me

    Another question....

    Yes! great advice!
  6. the best me

    1st Real Food

    How'd it go? sounds yummy and healthy, good for you!!!
  7. Welcome! So glad you came out of lurkdom. Give us the scoop!!! (who's our doc, how's the weight loss coming along, etc.) editing: Never mind, I got the scoop on your other thread...welcome again!!
  8. the best me

    Another question....

    I think you may just have to wait and see. Start slow, chew well, protiens first. Some feel good restriction and fill up quickly. Others have that "wide open" feeling where, sure, they eat less, but really have no problems eating anything with relative ease. Until they get going on a fill/fills, that is. Being on mushies will definately contriblute to that "I have no restriction" feeling. Let us know how regular food goes! Slow and careful, promise?
  9. the best me

    Gettin very discouraged

    Let us know what you find out, okay? I know that Vera had a leaky tube and had it replaced, then had the whole band replaced with an Inamed band (her first one wasn't Inamed). Maybe you can find Vera on the Member List and search her threads? Or maybe she'll post here. Wait, I can find this... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=5880 http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=6173 http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=6032 http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=5288 http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=4838 http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=5434 Wow, that's alot! anyhow, all that is about Vera's leaky tubing, etc. Happy reading!!
  10. the best me

    3cc Band?

    teehee, that tickled me. Thanks Dr Hekier. You are cool!
  11. This is funny because when I went on vacation the first week of August, I changed my User CP option to "no e-mail notification" just until I got back. When I got back and signed on, I had 75 e-mails in my box!!! The majority, of course, were from LBT. So I just left it be, and now I get no notices. NONE since we had to log back on a few weeks back, but I had it turned off anyway. BUT, what I noticed happenng was I would get e-mail notification on old threads that had the notifiaction turned ON before I turned it OFF. I just didn't get any of the newer threads that I subscribed to after I turned it off. The notification dwindled there for a while and I have assumed that older threads have just gone on into archives. I can test this if someone will post on an old thread that I am subscribed to. It shouldn't work, especially since I have it disabled and we have been updated... someone post something here on this thread... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=8405 and I'll check and see if I get any notification. I'll let you know!!!
  12. the best me

    BP vs. Burp

    Any bandster can PB at any time. The factors involved are the amount of restriction you have, the size of your bite, and how well you have chewed. After lots of practice and changing old habits, PB's tend to become much less frequent with seasoned bandsters; much like Jack (above) who knows and understands the subtle differences between what will be a hard stop and a soft stop. Many new bandsters who get through the recovery and are slowly moving to more and more solid foods, find that they have little to no restriction and are surprised after a few fills, or just one! to find the PB's coming like freight trains! Slow down, learn to listen to your body as it does it's little dance with the band. With a little work, they learn to get along just fine.
  13. the best me

    BP vs. Burp

    Exactly! That's what it is, you are right on. A PB, or a Productive Burp (my hubby calls them BP's but I remind him that's a Gas Station ), is when your upper pouch wretches, similar to a vomit, but more like a burp, and it brings up something stuck in the stoma. It can also loosen what's stuck and it may go on down from there. This is why it is so important to chew chew chew. All food needs to be well-chewed so it doesn't get stuck and cause a PB. This heavy duty stomach activity can loosen the band and cause slippage. It feels like a vomit without the acidic vomit stuff...sorry to be gross, but it's just the food that comes up, and usually a bunch of slime or aliva that your body produces to help loosen the stuck food. Hope that description helps!
  14. the best me

    I Made It Through My First Fill - Barely

    Yippeee!!! Let us know in a few days how your restriction is. I'm thinking the "medium" band is the 10cm/4cc band? If so, that sounds about right to have 1.8cc for your first fill. Good for you!!!
  15. the best me

    Joining the hyster sisterhood

    Don't panic yet, I can't find it on my computer, or on my old computer files on CD. BUT! I called my sister and she has the original Polaroid at her house. She's bringing it with her to dinner Friday night. I'll scan it and post it then. So you are safe until at least 9pm Friday evening... However, I think it wise to post it on it's own thread with the appropriate disclaimers, out of respect for Zoe and others with fibroids, and out of respect for DeLarla who we definately don't want passing out under any circumstances! It's really not that bad. No, it's gross. I promise I won't post it here. Don't bug out on Zoe!!!!
  16. the best me

    What is NSV?

    Hey Holly, this thread may help you. Welcome to LBT (Lap Band Talk). Glad to have you! An NSV is a Non-Scale Victory, btw (by the way) hehe http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=7959
  17. the best me

    What was I thinking!?

    Good for you, so glad you feel better! You just can't overeat with this band, don't it feel great?! Keep it crispy, girl!
  18. the best me


    Keep trying Kat! You will no doubt get a denial letter, but in that letter they have to tell you why. At that point, all you do is appeal and many many people have won on the appeal. Don't mean to make it sound easy, it isn't. It's a real rollercoaster. But it can be done, and it has been done. Keep checking on it! First step, band doc appointment, which I think you did already? Chin up, it ain't over yet!!
  19. the best me

    What do you miss most from pre band days?

    Ahhh, what do I miss? Hmmmm, nothing? Banded life is pretty similar as far as eating once you get over the "rules" like smaller bites, chewing like mad, etc etc. It seems like reality now, even when my band "bites back" occasionally. It is rather fickle, you know. Nope, don't really miss anything. I have officailly adjusted, I guess.
  20. the best me

    Fun Thread for the Bored

    Sounds like what might happen if you were to go to Vegas and meet DeLarla? AHHHHahahahahahaha!!!! Yeah, but her hubby is a hottie, I'll bet he's not REALLY scary?
  21. the best me

    Eat your heart out

    hehe, that IS a good feeling!!!! Thanks for the chuckle this morning. Good for you!
  22. the best me

    Fun Thread for the Bored

    OMgosh, this is an almost scare...but just the thought of it still give me the willies! Remember the "I see dead people" movie? I forgot the name but it was SOOO GOOOD! I was totally surprised by the ending and kept thinking about it for days!!!! I would get out of bed and run for the bathroom, so that kid didn't reach out and grab my foot. Then my hubby said he was tempted to sneak into the kitchen late at night and open all of the cabinet doors. I couldn't even imagine walking into my kitchen like that after seeing that movie!! I am SO grateful he didn't do it. Just the thought of it scared me plenty. I was so spooked after that movie!
  23. OMGosh wer'e related!!!!! Coffee is my snack-avoidance-technique. Works great! But it doesn't keep me up. I go to bed fine, thankfully! Hey Loopylou! You reading all this good stuff you started? Great thread!!!
  24. the best me

    What was I thinking!?

    Definately switch to crispy!!! It's the tortilla, most likely. If I do taco bell, I get Pintos and chips, add some sauce, and get a crispy taco and add the filling to the Beans, break up the taco shell and eat it that way. Small bites, no chewy tortillas! For now, are you stuck or feeling like you need to PB? Or are you just stuffed to the gills? If nothing is stuck, I'd take tiny little sips of Water or gatorade or whatever every 5 min or so as long as it goes down well. That should help lubricate what's in the pouch and help it pass through. Do this only if it seems comfortable for you, and sounds right. If taking a sip hurts or causes a problem, stop and wait it out. Stretch, or get down on your hands and knees with your butt up, arms stretched forward and rest there a bit. Good luck, let us know how it goes!
  25. the best me

    Joining the hyster sisterhood

    Zoe, my sister's was about that size. It was bigger before she started taking the medication that put her into menopause and shrank (is that a word?) the tumor. When they removed it, it was a small cantaloupe and it had 10 other little brothers and sisters clumped along with it. The doc carefully removed each one and saved her uterus. But, alas, no kids, so at this point in her life, should she end up with more, she will likely opt for the hysterectomy. We named the tumor "Fred". Somewhere there is a picture of it...if I can dig it up I'll post it. I don't think you will regret this at all.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
