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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Aww, you guys quit cashing out!! Well done though. Maybe we didn't hit our goals but we are DOWN from where we were! That spells SUCCESS!!! Each morning I get on the scale (I know, I know) and I'm down .2 pounds. I did 196.8, 196.6, 196.4, 196.2, 196.0, and this morning, 195.8. Huh? Anyhow, it's down and at the end of the week I'm losing a pound or two a week, right? So it's all good anyway. I'll weigh in on Monday, Labor Day and post my morning bleary-eyed by the coffee pot pic. It will be interesting to compare a 12 or so pound loss (I was shooting for 15). Ya'll don't forget your picture, okay? Maybe someone could do them side-by-side for us? I nominate Jonathan for Moderator so he can get in here and do these things. Yeah? Yes!!! Jonathan for Moderator!!! Poor Penni is likely to get overloaded, especially with maintaining the Before/After thread. And all the pics I e-mail to her. I just love my idea...Jonathan? Are we doing a Fall '05 Challenge? I get lots of mileage out of knowing I'm weighing in each week. I'm very happy with what I have accomplished!!!! Thanks everyone!!
  2. the best me

    Size pictures and body dysmorphia

    Then we are both abnormal I do the same thing. I think, OMG, am I that fat? I know how much I weigh, she doesn't weigh much more than me, I know she's not more than 220, am I that fat?! I guess I am. So, does self-loathing create fat? No. Not for me. Like Crystal, it's not about hating myself. But for me, it's not about protection either, so we have different issues there. ((((((((HUGS))))))))) Vinesqueen!! It's not even about control, I don't think. But then again, I dated that alcoholic guy for almost 4 years and didn't think that was about control. A few AL-Anon meetings taught me otherwise. It's more about creating excuses to get past the lack of self-doubt. I find it a tad too easy to be incredibly hard on myself about the littlest things. Not good enough, smart enough, together enough, motivated enough, just not enough of anything good that I would attempt to strive for. It's excuse-making. THAT is what turns into to vicious eating/fat/eat more/get fatter cycle. I want to eat, I like to eat, it's immediate, satisfying, warm and happy there. Why not create a darn good self-loving excuse to go there to the eating place by convincing myself I'm pitiful? At least in some way pitiful! Isn't that sick? I think that's what it is...at least partly? Wow, this thread has made a sharp turn down the therapy road! Good stuff people. Keep it coming! One more hug for you , Crystal ((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))
  3. the best me

    Fill doctors in Upstate SC or..

    I'm in Charlotte, NC. My fill doc is in Winston Salem. Dr Gonzalez. I have his number somewhere but I'm cleaning/organizing the office so it's in a pile...I'll hunt it down. I posted it here somewhere too...anyhow, He's just an hour and a half northeast. Quick drive if you need to see him.
  4. the best me

    Sooooo .... this is restriction

    I got the hiccups alot after my first fill, even on full liquids. Hiccups are also my "soft stop" signal. I agree that you might wait it out a week and see if the swelling from your brutal fill goes down. I also agree that you should be able to eat solids without PBing (following the bandster rules of eating, that is) Wow, it's good to have you here! Keep us posted!
  5. Good news! Take it easy. So glad you are losing and tolerating the fill better. It's good to see you posting! Just use caution. It isn't good to go overfilled. You will be able to eat salads again soon, I'll bet. If not, the tiniest unfill may help. I'm talking .1cc, but I know things are up in the air right now for you so hang in there! I have heard nice things about Kelly Fitzpatrick. So glad you like her!!
  6. the best me


    Hre's the link to the Scar Thread. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=6117
  7. the best me


    I was sore and very very tired. Moved slow. The pain was fine. Certainly better than my 2 C-sects, but what got me the most was the fatigue from the lack of calories. I had a slower recovery. It was almost 2 weeks before I felt like I was really on the mend. Don't be scared, it isn't bad. How much weight are you wanting to lose? What part of this globe are you from?
  8. the best me

    I had fun!

    hehe. I used to LOVE it but not so much anymore. I'm fine with Fridays next door. I just figured Chilis is easy to find and get to right off the highway. Anywhere there is great for me. I can find whatever. I just know for sure exactly where Chili's is...Fridays okay everyone? Alrighty now, Angie sent me the pic and it is, indeed, huge. I'm not talking just too big. I'm talking, my computer screen only shows the top left 1/6th of the entire photo, which is pretty much Angela's face and half of mine. Hehe. And Angela didn't want her pic taken. You would HATE the close up I have of you!!! No boogers though. Whew! So, I e-mailed it to Penni cuz she can fix anything.
  9. the best me


    Ebony, I believe the one long incision is the Open method, which would definately be a longer and more difficult recovery and healing period. This is one of the advantages of the Lap Band. It can be done Laporoscopically (sp?) which is pretty minimally invasive. Also, mine was done laporoscopically and I have 5 incision places. See the Scar Stages thread. It's a sticky, let me know if you can't find it. You will find it interesting. Keep researching! You need to learn all you can by next week!!!
  10. the best me

    Banded, Finally

    Way to go Jodie!!! Thanks for letting us know you are okay! Keep us posted on your recovery. Heal well!!! ((((((hugs)))))))
  11. the best me

    Size pictures and body dysmorphia

    I love this idea...I actually do this when I see pics of folks. And I check out the stats if they are there, height, weight, etc. It IS odd, because I can see someone in a size 20 or 22 who takes up lots less space than me in my 18/20's. Shape has alot to do with it. As does style (what little I have anyhow) since I don't do tight very well. So I'm likely to buy a larger size and be more comfy letting it get baggy as my weight drops. Anyhow, I'd love to see what size 18 (or whatever) looks like on many different people and would be willing to post my pics and measurements, all of it. Let's do it, ya'll!
  12. the best me

    I had fun!

  13. the best me

    2 year bandiversary !

    Audrey I can't wait to see your pics! I just love looking at the pics of you and your sister...what an inspiration you are! Thanks for being there for us newer bandsters. I love love love your attitude. And I agree so much with what you say about not being so tight you can't at least eat the nutritious food you need to eat comfortably. And if being not quite tight enough doesn't keep you from eating junk, well, neither will being a tad bit loose. Thank you for saying that. What a great NSV, to be walking by totally expecting some evidence of a sneer and getting nothing...you are normal!!!! Ahhh!!! Happy Bandiversary. Well done!!!!!
  14. the best me

    VEGAS BASH 2005 Final Countdown

    I think they will just find out how simply FABULOUS you are!!! Have fun!!!
  15. When the doc and everybody else says sip, they mean sip. I'm talking less than a teaspoon, swallowed several times to to be sure the sip is small. Sipping isn't a luxurious "mint julep" thing. It's getting the smallest amount of liquid down at a time. I wish I had realized this. Now, others may not have needed sips quite this small but my post-op swelling was pretty severe. I'll bet I would save myself some amount of misery if I could go back and try my post-op again. Anyhow, I certainly wouldn't have been so stressed about it. Good luck!
  16. Linda, I PM'd you and here you are with a thread!! Good for you. You will get this passed based on what you have posted, I'm sure of it!!! Look for great advice to come. The ObesityLaw site is great and will help you alot!!! Good luck!
  17. the best me

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Down a pound to 196...slow and steady!!!
  18. the best me

    What is wrong with me?

    Yep, great advice, all!!! I was banded april 8th, almost 5 months ago. I lost 15 pounds in 12 days and didn't lose another ounce until week 12 or so, at which time I started inching down again. then I had my first fill and this summer I have lost an additional 12 pounds. I say this because I just know I needed the time in the beginning to wrap my brain around this whole banded thing. I spent time with my band, tested it for wear and tear (held up pretty good so far) and had a good long hard look at just why and how I eat. The band has forced me to change my bad habits, such as shoveling food, picking at food, tossing it down the hatch, overeating, overstuffing, comfort eating, etc. I never gained back any of the 15 I initially lost, and I'm grateful for that. I just know that I needed a minute. If you don't, good for you. Quit whining and get off your franny and work off the weight. Eat well, follow the bandster rules, exercise. You know the drill. But, if you need a minute to get a hold of it, take it. Don't regret. Your band is there for you. You WILL get sick of choosing poor foods and will start doing better. If all you need is a kick in the butt, I think you got some good tough love here so far. Whatever it is you need, decide, and own it. Changing is hard. Did you see what Jachut said? A small cheesburger and fries is a victory! True, it's not your best choice. But it's a new day. Choose better!!! (((((((HUGS)))))))) for you!!!
  19. the best me

    just an introduction

    You absolutely are not allowed to be just around the corner from DeLarla's and NOT attend at least a small part of the bash. I'm so jealous! I would SO love to be there. You simply HAVE to go!! Here's the thread... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=8821 Oh, and welcome to LBT! Way to wait out your insurance. Well done!!!
  20. the best me

    Sometimes I Just Need a Hug

    ((((((((HUGS)))))))))) Hugs are free here! we love passing them along! and they don't make you gain weight, just fill you up with warmth and soft thoughts. thinking of you!!!
  21. Congrats on a successful surgery! I took Prilosec for a few weeks post-surgery but it resolved as the swelling went down and I healed and wasn't so "tight". Read up on Reflux here. It happens with banding so you are sure to get good feedback. Just 60 more to go...good for you!!!
  22. the best me

    New to site-waiting on ins. approval

    Oh there is (almost) never TMI on this board. We love all the scoop, so keep it coming! Best of luck to you on your incurance coverage. let us know how it turns out. Welcome to LBT! so glad you found us!
  23. MollyMolly posted something for me, and Jack replied to the thread also, but no notification even on an old thread. Thanks for trying Molly! Oh well. No more e-mails.
  24. the best me

    is this normal??

    Nope, thanks Molly...I'll post on the other thread. wow, picked a good thread to bump, huh?
  25. the best me

    Some great thoughts!!

    I love my sister. Thanks for that, Penni, I just loved it! Here is my crazy funny pretty sister/friend Christie. The picture was taken close up by our dear sweet mother who tends to lop the heads off of people in photos. We have a crazy but fun family. I love my sister!!! editing...oh my gosh the pic is so utterly huge she would just shoot me for leaving it up there...zit on face, everything! So here's another of her, hope it isn't too big!!

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