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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Size pictures and body dysmorphia

    Keri, what size are your clothes? You are cute as a button and look like loads of fun to be around! I see your poor little feet. Mine were "swollen" looking, too but now my slide on shoes are falling off. I keep kicking them around! You will LOVE your new feet as your weight falls off. I'm so excited for you!! Come on foks...more pics and sizes and mesurements. This is very helpful!
  2. the best me

    Some pics to share of my weekend

    Beautiful pics, Penni. Post all you want, you have a beautiful family!!
  3. the best me

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    Awright girlie, where's the Balance Thread? Am I missing it? I went to "Find all threads started by DeLarla" and it wasn't there. Did you delete that thread? I'm gonna PM Donali!!!! (wagging finger wildly)
  4. the best me

    I had fun!

    Yay! Pavarathi can come in December!!! Yes, let's plan around you...we can be flexible!!! Dianne, you'll be coming up 485, then go South on I-85 for a few miles to the Harris Blvd Exit. I'm pretty sure you go under the bridge, then exit and circle up to the road and head left from the highway...know what I mean? Then cross over 85 and go down the road (Harris) and you will see Chili's and Fridays on the right. Easy cheesy. Did we ever figure out which one? Did we pick Fridays since Dianne hates Chili's? Really, Fridays is great. I think I asked for a poll, maybe on another thread? I have forgotten. But that's how you get to Fridays. Did I get it right, ladies?
  5. the best me

    New Here

    Welcome Jen! Ooooo, yes, lots of questions!! You came to the right place. I was banded in April and I forget about the band...well, let's say I forget about it being inside me...it doesn't feel like extra, it feels like a part of me. It did take a while to feel that way and one day I realized that it's just there. My port used to be a little freaky (I can feel mine when I press and if you come to the lunch, I'll let you press it and feel it. Starr and Dianne did. It's on my left side around my waist area so I don't mind ) but now it's just my port. No biggie. I am self-pay. I went to MX for my surgery. You are very fortunate to have your insurance coverage. $500 bucks is a bargain to me!! I eat normal food, I just take smaller bites and chew alot. I get full faster when I don't drink with meals and when I eat hard protiens first (ie: chicken). sometimes I do have to wait for food to pass if it gets kind of stuck...like not well-chewed enough. But well chewed food tends to stay up top and make you feel full as it dribbles down through the band, like a funnel. I have the 9.75/4cc Inamed Band. That means it's 9.75 centimeters around and has a 4cc saline capacity inside the band. There are several models and sizes. Your doc picks the right one for you during surgery. It depends on your anatomy. At 5 months post-surgery, I have had one fill. But everyone is different on the fills. Some have had 5-6 at 5 months. It depends on your band size and your restriction and the amount of saline your doc puts in each time. I experience no malabsorbtion, no dumping, no nothing but changed eating habits and weight loss. I love it so far. And, of course, the more weight I lose the better! How much are you wanting to lose? Oh, and I have a DD(6) and a DS(2). Anyhow, welcome!! Get those questions answered!
  6. the best me

    Doctors in Charlotte Area

    Karen, yep, I think Jen is right about Dr V. Not so much slow as busy. But I know a few folks who are chomping at the bit to be banded by him and are having to wait months. I also know a few of Dr Bauman's patients here on the board. They will show up here, I'll bet. Those are the "Big 2" in this area that I'm familiar with. Check out the other threads on the NC forum. There's a group of us gathering and it would be great if you could join us! Welcome to LBT!
  7. the best me

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    I also "heard" that the Governor was begged by President Bush to request Federal Disaster Aid, on Monday, I think it said, and she waited 24 hours to think about it. Then the levees broke. Not sure of the details...that's just a shake-down of basically what happened. I'm questioning anything the media has to say, particularly after Bab's post. The "whoring" descriptive goes a long way to describe things. For now, I'll stick with Fox and CNN. Okay, maybe a little bit of Rush Limbaugh, just when I'm driving during his show...
  8. the best me

    Need some prayers. Please.

    (((((((HUGS))))))) Estella. I'll be praying for benign results. And for a Peace in your spirit that passes all understanding. God Bless you.
  9. the best me

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Okay, which right? In the NY shirt or with the glasses on the head? Neither of you look 256, just want to have a good mind pic of you. But you come out looking good no matter which one your are. The ballgame looks fun! What a beautiful day!!
  10. the best me

    Hair Loss!

    I think it's just a weight loss thing. Our bodies are changing and adjusting and who knows what chemical things are happening. I'm losing hair. Drives me nuts. I lost 9 pounds over the summer and it was coming out in droves. I have upped my protien and calories a bit, hit a plateau, but my hair loss isn't so drastic any more. Go figure. My next idea to handle this and still lose weight is to add calories from fruits and veggies only. Still get protien in, yes, but make sure the extra calories I get are from healthy sources. ??? Drives me nuts.
  11. the best me

    Department of "do what I say, not what I do"

    You are so funny. Thanks for the giggle. Go clean your room!!! hehe
  12. the best me

    Lapbandtalk Holiday Challenge

    Ya'll could send the Pre-op folks over to the Fall Challenge thread. It is a bit of an unfair advantage to be pre-op and competing for such a lovely prize. So generous Nana! Over at the Fall Challenge, it's a friendly competition for the most weight loss. We know pre-op folks will likely be losing lots and will "win" but the challenge is more an individual one. Most folks are trying for 10 pounds in 10 weeks and it ends the Monday before Thanksgiving (thank the Lord!!) So we weigh in every Monday and posting that weekly weight keeps many of us accountable and on-track. That's the idea of the Fall Challenge and we welcome all the pre-op folks over there. The prize there is weight loss! For you banded, more competitive spirits, I think this is perfect!!!! I'll be keeping an eye on you. Good luck! Oh, here's the link to the Fall Challenge... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=9500&page=1&pp=15
  13. the best me

    Size pictures and body dysmorphia

    Allrighty gang. I'll go first, hope it helps someone. this is my After Summer Weight Loss Challenge pic. The tank top and the pants are both size 18W/20W. My measurements as of 8/16 are as follows: weight 198 (that's todays weight) Arms 15 inches Bust 42 inches Bra Band 36 inches Waist 37 inches Abs 46 1/2 inches Hips 47 inches Thighs 27 inches Calves 16 1/2 inches We need other posters so we can compare and repair our body dysmorphia.
  14. the best me

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Thanks Corrine! I'm in! Start Weight for this Challenge is 198. My goal is 10 pounds in 10 weeks. Here's my pic. Good luck everyone!!
  15. the best me

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Okay, I didn't want to go digging around looking for my Before Pic so I'm re-posting here...anyone wanna do a side-by-side for me? If you e-mail it, I'll edit and re-post. My cheap Starter Edition Adobe Photoshop doesn't have the photo merge option and I'm too cheap/poor to buy it.
  16. the best me

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    What a week! I have been Starvin' Marvin' all week long and I'm not surprised to find my weight this morning at 198.2. OMGosh!!! I actually want my period back so I'll be tight for a few weeks! I also have a theory that as you lose weight and get on a downward trend, your body panics and makes you hungry because it's struggling to maintain your current weight. Hence, a plateau and the hungries. I feel like that is happening. Having the self-discipline to keep the calorie count low during that time of struggle is where the band is supposed to help. Should I get another fill?!!!! I'll see after this next cycle and see if some resriction returns with my monthly bloating. Anyhow, that makes a total of 9 pounds lost this Challenge and puts me at a Start weight of 198 for the Fall Challenge. I'll post over there when I sign off here. Hey, I hit Onederland this Challenge!!!! Thanks everyone, for the accountability, and the insiration! Here's my pic. Hubby left with all of us in bed this morning so my DD age 6 (she had a birthday ) took the pic...I'm staring after her making sure she doesn't cut my head off and she took it...whatever, you get the idea. The shirt is the same as the before pic, the pants are size 18/20W. My shorts in the before pic were 2X and very baggy at the waist so there is SOME improvement. I hate to complain but it's obvious I have a ways to go. Congrats everyone!!! Can't wait to see Jonathans Site and look at all the numbers when they are all updated. Good job everyone!!
  17. the best me

    I know this sounds stupid....but

    Uh Oh, I'm curious about Stage 4, the Bleeder? What is THAT?!!!
  18. the best me

    Is the vurp worth it?

    My first PB was very scary, but much less so because I knew what was happening, thanks to everyone on this board. It was exactly as described, but I never will be able to explain it in mere words. You just have to experience it to know. Yep, PB's are scary, painful, aggravating, and something to avoid at all costs. So you adjust. You slow down, you chew, you take smaller bites. Then you don't PB, and the Band does it's job. I personally wouldn't give up my band just to never PB again. Since there is a way to avoid it, well, it ain't so bad.
  19. the best me

    We've moved!

    Yeah baby! I see a difference! Posts are popping though quicker than ever! Thanks!
  20. the best me

    We've moved!

    I don't know how many jewels you will get in your crown on that glorious day, but I'm certain it will be too heavy to wear. Thank you for this site. Thank you for the upgrades, although I'm not quite sure what they are just yet, but I'm hoping I don't spend 30 minutes on a PM and have Microsoft not respond, then lose it. Augghh!!! That's really the only trouble I have had lately and we aren't getting e-mail notifications anymore...but I'm counting my blessings. LBT is the best, and we are so grateful!!
  21. the best me

    Penni60 Happy Birthday

    Wow Penni! What a great birthday weekend! It's hard to believe you are the grandmother of teeny-boppers. You are too young! Way too young! I know you are because you are only 5 years older than I am, and look! you ran around all over the place all weekend like you are a teeny-bobber yourself! So glad you are having a nice visit. Thank you for being such a sweet spirit on this board. You deserve the best!!!! Happy Birthday!!!
  22. LadySplenda, what's the product name? Is it a pill/tablet/capsule/liquid...more info! those numbers are looking great! Well done!
  23. the best me

    Katrina donations

    Kudos to you, Alatina, for your hard work and hands on helping in Houston. I'm so proud of you! I'm so sorry about your parent's home. Please have a safe journey to get them. I know this is so hard, yet I can't imagine what you must be going through. I'm so sorry. I am doing what I am able to do here in North Carolina. We have folks being bussed in this weekend and the opportunities to donate food, clothing, household items, school supplies, personal items, etc are starting to increase here. I suppose I need to keep my participation local. If there is something, anything, you need, however, please please post it here and I know you will get what you need. If I can do it, I will. So will others, I just know it. God Bless You!!!!
  24. the best me

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    Pam, I luv ya, girl, but I disagree. I don't think that is a good solution at all, and explaining why is a whole 'nuther thread. However, we do have many thousands of people without jobs or homes, with the health and strength to work, and we have an entire swathe of devastated land that needs cleaning and rebuilding. Unless someone can tell me why this wouldn't work...giving jobs and housing to victims to work with the clean-up efforts...I think that's a great way to make it happen. didn't someone mention this already? Dee Dee, thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate it. Alot. The liquid phase is only a short part of your weight loss journey. You WILL chew again, I promise! But when you are in the middle of it, yeah, it can get bad. i2candoit (in my mind I call you 2canoe...huh?) you make some very very good points. Well written. And Kare, I agree that we can assume that the governor of Florida currently has more influence with the White House than the Governor of Louisiana. Point taken. BUT, I don't think LA got less than FL would have or ever has received in the area of disaster relief simply because Bush is related. See some of the points i2candoit made above about the vastness and severity of this disaster. And also, we are a week into the disaster, not months and years from it. This will take time, is taking time, and it's very hard to watch while people are suffering. I took Debate in college. I hated it. It was stressful, not fun, kind of pointless since anyone can make any arguement sound great with any set of statistics from anywhere from anytime. I suppose I like discussion better. I hate that I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I just couldn't. I couldn't just see where this thread was headed and not state my opinion. I re-read occasionally and am able to justify butting in. I'm sorry. Kare, I'll be thinking of your cousin Theresa Ann as I continue to await word from my friends Alan, Marian, and Theresa. Let us know when you hear something, as I will. (((((((HUGS)))))))))) everybody.
  25. the best me

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    Dee Dee. I recognize that racism does, indeed, still exist in this country. It's pitiful and disgusting and unacceptable. What I do not believe is that someone, anyone, decided NOT to rescue people because they are black. It's a human issue, and this has been blown up by the media, but some choose to believe the rhetoric that race was/is a deciding factor in how to handle this rescue. I simply find it amazing that anyone can believe that the government, the president, the authorities in general would leave these poor people to rot there simply because they are black, or poor, for that matter. Insinuating that it might be so is a far cry from recognizing legitimate race issues in this country. All are important. All opinions are important. I may disagree with many views here, but I respect other points of view and fully support each person's right to express it. Even Michael Moore. I can't stand anything he says. But he has the right to say it. I have the right to disagree, oppose it, whatever. This thread was started by DeLovely DeLarla as a place to vent our feelings about the Relief Efforts surrounding the hurricane. We have done that, with all our hearts and emotions and even our best efforts to contain ourselves, our shock, our grief, our sadness. This is supposed to be a healing thread, I think, and maybe I should have stayed out of it or started my own "opposing viewpoint" thread. I'm fairly certain I was the first to post any type of dissenting point of view from what I was reading on the first few pages. This topic is just as passionate for me as it is for everyone who felt the need to post here. No hard feelings. Just united in grief and support for those who are suffering.

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