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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Ladysplenda Is Approved

    Yeah Baby!!! Well done, Congrats!!!!!!! You get a banana :banana
  2. the best me


    Go to the "Front Page" where the Forums are listed and scroll down. You will see an Introductions Forum. You can start a new thread there. And give us ALL the scoop please! We are nosey I'm freezing all the time now. Drives me nuts since I'm not used to it. I used to sweat just standing there. So this is a definate improvement!!
  3. the best me


    Wait! You have to make all this money at Slumberparties and then there's the Calendar girls so Dr Billy will be able to give you a new port!!! Isn't that the plan?! Oh, I hate to see anyone give up their band unless they have to. So here's my opinion (and thanks for the details) Plan A-remove the gall bladder, heal, no fill at all, and see how you do. If it's still horrible, remove the band. And while you are banded, never take pills again without crushing them. Plan B-remove the gall bladder, remove the band, spend some time healing, see how you do, then discuss re-banding. For me, personally, I wouldn't switch to RNY without a longer fight for the band. Oh, how much more do you want to lose in addition to the 140? (well done, btw) I wouldn't think they would recommend RNY if you are anywhere near your goal weight. Wow, what a dilemma. If your band isn't slipped or eroded, I'd keep it. The gall bladder problems can cause terrible issues that seem to be band related but aren't. Several folks on here start having problmes such as vomiting, worry about it being a band problem, find out it's gall bladder, have the gall bladder removed, and get on with life as it ought to be. You can always do RNY later, you can always have the band removed later (or both!) but I, personally, would resolve the gall bladder issue before doing anything else. That's my opinion. (((((hugs))))) and lets us know how it goes for you!!!!
  4. the best me


    Oh my goodness...save your band if at all possible!!! Remove ALL of any fill. Tell us more about these complications over the past year. What has been done so far so keep your band? Are you slipped? Are you eroded? Who is your doc? More info!!! You will get honest feedback here and support for whatever your decision is. It's hard for me to have a good opinion without a recap of your banding experience so far.
  5. the best me

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Yay Holly! Great Before pic!!! I'm going to replace mine...it's so dark and fuzzy and yours is so bright and nice. You will really be able to compare your After pic. I can't wait to see all you other folks out there! Come on now, show those shrinking curves and beautiful smiles!!!!
  6. the best me

    Helpful Tips to Newbie

    I wish I had known how swollen and tight I would be (in the band area) post-op. I would have slowed waaaayyy down. Everyone said to sip sip sip walk walk walk, but I guess my sips needed to be much smaller than even I realized. I had a rough start, and by week 2 felt like I was starting over. BUT, it got better quickly after that and I'm so happy with my band so far. I did lots and lots of reading on LBT and felt very prepared for everything. That's my best advice to prepare you for banded life. Find folks on here who are recently banded and read what they are dealing with. There is another thread on here with some good advice...similar to your question...I just did a search and I can't find it...anyone remember? It was titled "if you could go back and do it again, what advice would you give" or something of the like. It's been within the past 2 months or so. Anyone? Good luck!!
  7. the best me

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    yippee! Down from 198. so basically I have lost what I had gained at the end of the Summer Challenge!! Changing my sig now. Happy Monday everyone! SO so so glad to be here checking in. It means lots to me, ya'll. Have a great weight loss week!!!!
  8. the best me

    6 Day Body Makeover

    This came up on another thread a few months back. Do a search for Thurman? The concensus was don't spend your money. If you can get the book for free at the library, you are doing very well to glean to good info without spending a fortune. Good luck!! Hey, and get BACK on the BANDwagon, you!!!! (Okay, that's your kick in the pants for the day)
  9. the best me

    this is all I know

    My fill doc in Winston-Salem (Dr Gonazales) is a weight loss surgeon and does all of the surgeries but does NOT do the Lap Band yet. He gives fills for bandsters and happily gives them for MX bandsters. He offers flouro at the local hospital, if needed or wanted. It costs more but it's available. I say this so that you won't worry about getting fills at Presby. Any trained doc can give fills. If they (the practice) are cleared by Inamed, then Inamed will sell them their special very expensive non-coring needles that are about 3 feet long (total exaggeration). I'm sure the other weight loss surgeons can fill a band. If the doc is educated about the band, then he/she can give good band care. Just make sure that now that you are banded, you have the follow-along care you need. It may not have to be a Band doc.
  10. the best me

    The picture from the last meeting

    Okay Melissa, I hope you don't mind, but I'm putting the pic right on your thread so it shows up. But ya'll can hit the link, too, if you want to! I'm dissappointed about Dr V. I'd be mad, too. If Presby doesn't even have a band doc anymore, well, I suppose he has bandsters out there fluttering in the wind? I don't know. I'm with you though on attending the support group meeting. If I were you I would have a hard time with that. You made a commitment and now you are left holding the bag. No bueno, man. Anyhow, here's the pic on the thread. Angie (Bondgirl) is front and center. Surrounding her from left to right is: Kathy (the best me), Melissa (dragonwilo), Kim (gordonfamily3), Starr (Starr), and Dianne (sunsett). Please forgive spelling errors!! Can't wait to meet again!!! editing: Oh Look! Penni fixed it!!!! Good job!!!! Okay, I'll take mine out but leave the introductions...Thanks Penni!!!
  11. the best me

    Tomorrow 9/12 Lap Ban Day

    Praying here. Please keep us posted!!
  12. the best me

    Please pray for my family

    God Bless you Kimber-lilly. I'm so sorry for your loss. May your family have the strngth to get through these next days, weeks, and months. ((((hugs)))))
  13. Check the Before/After thread for Belinda (BelBo? is her screen name?) who lost all of her weight. She's never on here anymore. I guess she's busy living a healthy happy life. Does that mean I should get my franny off this 'puter and go take a walk? yep. Pleanty of people lose their weight, but few are here to talk about it. I'm grateful for those who stick it out with the rest of us
  14. the best me

    Is something wrong with my band?

    Yes! and Alexandra's advice is right on the money (as usual). Carefully re-read everything she said. Then read it again. You are doing great!!
  15. the best me

    Picture Page

    OMGosh those kids are adorable!!!! Oh they just make me smile!!!
  16. the best me

    Banded 9/8/05 by Dr Hamn

    Jay, if you can't eat it yet, don't try. Eat what you can and day by day it gets better. 2 ounces is alot on day, what? 2?? Slow down. Don't push it. Just sip what you can. And try Egg Drop Soup when you are on Full Liquids. Warm, easy to go down, full of protien, makes you feel so much better! You can get it for take-out at any Chinese Food Restaurant. Your port site will improve with time, too. Listen to your body. Take it easy. Your'e doing it!!!!
  17. the best me

    round 1

    Hey Jen, why did they deny you? That will tell you alot about what to do from here. You prolly know this but it's good help to others... anyhow, bummer. Keep us posted.
  18. the best me

    Is something wrong with my band?

    Step away from the V-8!! Seriously, some people do fine on it, but it was way way too acidic for me. I didn't do well on it at all. Stop the veggie juice, stay off the lemon for now, no tomatos or tomato Soup, and get something like the chewable Pepcid AC, or Tums should work for immediate relief. My doc said take Prilosec. I said "but the pharmacist said it's 24 hour sustained release and don't crush it" and he said "crush it twice a day" and it helped alot. It's not particularly normal, but it happens to many of us. Watch your acidic foods intake for a while and sloooowww down. My irritated stoma ended up PBing some Jello, and it was just downhill from there...hospital IV fluids, super super tight with swelling. Talk about buyers remorse! I wanted to give my band back for a few days there! Good luck. Keep us posted!!
  19. the best me

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures

    Huge grins here. Thanks SO much for the pics. You gals are just gorgeous and it's so good to see how much fun you are having!!! Wahooo!!
  20. LaMadam had the obstruction. The one you are thinking of who was way too tight and couldn't get back was Nykee...not sure if that's her screen name...she had "a fill from hell" thread, I think. Let me go look, hang tight... Here it is http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=7410 and the follow-up thread http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=8799 Is that the one?
  21. the best me

    Chicken Chiles Casserole

    Yummy, I'm saving and printing. Casserole for dinner next week!!! Okay, add the Hashed Browns and green chiles to my grocery list. Thanks!!!!
  22. the best me

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures

    Anxoiusly waiting for more pics. I feel like I'm missing something due to the time difference. It's almost 4pm here. Ya'll start partying!!! OMGosh, I'm gonna be up late tonight, arent' I?!!
  23. the best me

    Daisydoodle returns...

    Aw Nicole, I'm sitting here crying for you now. I'm so so sorry. Please know that lots and lots of women miscarry their first pregnancy. I know that doesn't make this any easier for you, and it isn't meant to comfort you, so much as it's meant to give you hope for your next pregnancy. You will never forget that little life that was inside you, gone so young, yet so real and ever meaningful in just 10 little weeks. What a powerful tiny one, to have meant so much. Grieve, and know that it will be better in time. For right now, though, I'm really really sorry. {{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}
  24. La Madam. "Dr Ortiz saved my life" or something of the like is the name of the thread.
  25. the best me

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures

    More pics!! What fun everyone. Hi Vera!!! I'll be checking in ALL DAY today, I promise. Vines, are they eating you up yet? They really do look pretty safe. Maybe not tame, but safe. I hope the nervous willies are in the past. Can't wait for more pics!!

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