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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    new NSV haha kinda

    YES!! I vote yes to that one! I love Goodwill. I can't take any kiddos with me, and it takes lots of time to methodically shop the racks, but it's a good place to start shopping for those work clothes! Someone your size is cleaning their closet now!!!
  2. the best me

    Weekend Today Show

    I saw it! My friend called me and said it was coming on so I recorded it on the DVR. Someone had started a thread a few days ago saying it was being aired but I thought I had missed it. So glad I didn't! this one was actually great! Although, they are still spouting numbers that patients lose 50% of their excess weight. I just can't imagine that's accurate...??? Anyhow, I was so proud that I already have my band!!!! Yay!!!!
  3. the best me

    I have a huge belly!

    I think it depends on your shape. I'm a Pear. Big butt and thighs, smaller through the shoulders with a "small" waist. I also lose from the top down, although my feet have shrunk. So far, I'm losing more in my upper body but I AM loisng in the butt and thighs, and my waist! 4 inches, I think? My sister is shaped differently than me. Sounds like she's more your shape, but when she loses, her belly is the last to go. Skinny legs, skinny arms, big in the middle areas. Eventually though, it evens out. I can't wait to see what I look like underneath all this fat!!
  4. the best me

    What a Birthday Present

    Happy birthday! I think that's a GREAT gift! Woohooo!
  5. the best me

    ONe MOnth Bandiversary!

    Congrats! Wow, you are doing so well! I wanna see your half Angelina lip...post some pics!!! I'll bet you are beautiful, funky face thingy that I can't pronounce and all. Let's see Divaliciousdeedee!!!
  6. the best me

    I'm home

    Dianne, if you got a pill down with no problems, then you may not gurgle much. Don't worry. I don't gurgle anymore, but I sure did post-op when I was super tight. You are healing so nicely!!! Good job! Just keep that upper pouch empty with your liquid diet and you will be just fine. What you are doing now is exactly opposite of bandster eating. Just heal and get in your calories. yay!!!
  7. the best me

    Starr is in bandland!

    Oh Starr, don't worry about getting attention, SLEEP!!!! Rest easy. ((((HUGS))))
  8. the best me

    What to do with myself....

    Oh my gosh, what a dream!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so jealous! Wow, what in the world would I DO with that much time alone?! AHHHHHHH.....that is way cool.
  9. the best me

    Was anyone given a catheter?

    Yep, it was great just after the surgery but by the afternoon I was ready to walk around and wanted it OUT!!!! Yuck...it's a love/hate thing. Very handy but gross. ewwww.
  10. the best me

    homecoming pics are here/ladysplenda

    You and your daughter are just lovely. I know you are so proud!!! Thanks for sharing!
  11. the best me

    Colonics-anyone ever have one-or several?

    OMGosh, that's quite a dream!!! Very funny! I'd like to know more as well. The closest I have come to any kind of colon cleansing is Super Dieter's Tea. Man, that stuff really works but it will really make you cramp up. It's been so long since I've had it I have forgotten why, I just remember promising myself not to drink that stuff again. I was pretty cleansed, though! Speak up, colonic people...we want to know the scoop!!
  12. the best me

    my new band its a girl!!!! her name is HOPE

    Congrats! So glad you had/are having a great experience. Good for you!!! Happy Birthday Hope and Happy Bandday Cancungirl!
  13. the best me

    Road Queen is coming to visit tomorrow

    How fun! You two behave and don't turn up the town too much! Someone post a pic!!! Have a great visit. Alatina, I received your note...I love your stationary!!! Thanks.
  14. the best me

    Well.. I am off to see the WIZARD!!

    Yay Angie! Prayers for you for a safe surgery and a great recovery. Can't wait to hear from you when you get home. have a great trip!! Here you go!!!!!!! We'll miss you!
  15. Yep. You are normal. And fortunate to feel as good as you do! Yay! Side pain, yep, Give it a few days for the gas. You may get it still. Band size has to do with your internal anatomy. Once your post-op swelling goes down, you will not be too tight for pregnancy. It took me 3 months before my first fill. I was super tight post-op. But it did, indeed, loosen to where even I wanted a small fill. As you lose weight, you lose it from the inside, too, and the band loosens more. You'll be fine. No worries! You are doing great!!!!!!
  16. the best me

    Sarah's NSV List

    Theresa and Maria...try this thread, too. It might help. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=7959 How 'bout some more, Sarah? I'll be adding to mine in a few days. It's kind of fun!!! I love the Slow Losers Club!!!
  17. the best me

    Protein foods

    http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=3498 there ya go! It's a sticky under the Foods Forum for future reference.
  18. the best me

    Hi ppl!!

    Welcome to LBT, Eunice!! I can do rice if it's a small bite and has some type of gravy or sauce with it. If you are very tight, rice can be a big no-no. But everyone is different. Everyone's restriction is different, so you really won't know until you get there, and it will likely change with time. Please read alot on this board. It helped me alot to be prepared for post-surgery and for banded life after the healing stage. No question is too dumb so ask away. Folks are happy to share. Congrats on your date! Good for you!! How much weight are you wanting to lose? We are here to support, just ask for what you need!!!!
  19. the best me

    Confused-as usual

    www.room42.com for diet info and suggestions for the amounts of fats carbs, protiens and calories in your daily diet. Here's the link to info about whether or not you need a fill. http://lapbandtransformation.com/Adjustments.htm this link is posted on a Sticky thread in the Fills Forum for future reference. That should do ya!!!
  20. the best me

    Starr is in bandland!

    Oh yeah, baby! Here you go next Melissa! Congrats Starr. So glad to hear it all went smoothly. Post when you can!!!!!! Welcome to Bandland!!!!!!!
  21. the best me

    Finish The Story... Game

    "Fine with me, then. I'm going to take my schnolakaupft and vist CandySmooch. She NEEDS me!" So Frank left to find Candy and mend her broken heart with his schnolakaupft. That's when Kare...
  22. the best me

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Aw, now, it's too early in the game for all that. Just take a break for a few weeks and forget the scale and the necessary motivation. When you get the wind back in your sails, and you will, long before T-giving, start posting again. This competition is really with yourself. Yeah, we'll post a winner I'm sure, just come back when you are ready. ((((hugs)))
  23. the best me

    Uh oh - slippage question.

    Well, you could have, but probably didn't. If it hurts, don't do it (duh) and stick to your doc's post-op diet requirements. As you can see, there is a reason for it. Clear Liquids for a month? Huh? I was adding in Egg Drop Soup after a week. Did I say follow your doc's post-op diet? Check with your doc's office and see if you can add in some Boost or other Protien drink, egg drop soup (ahhh, the BEST!) and blended and strained Soups. Here's a good thread link... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=3995 that might give you some good ideas. If you are going to have a moment of weakness, at least keep it liquid!! I PB'd on day 5 after banding and it worried me, too. I kept reminding myself that plenty of folks get nauseus after surgery and don't slip, so I tried not to worry and sure enough, no slippage. The symptoms are generally reflux problems, especailly at night, PBing, but some have no symptoms at all and it comes back on a baruim swallow or flouro fill. Keep drinking, see how you do. In all liklihood, you are fine. Good luck!!! OH! And Congrats!
  24. the best me

    drawings on my belly....

    Well, that was mighty kind and thoughtful of them! Nothing worse than having a heavy sweaty unrestrained boob sitting smack dab on top of a fresh incision that is expected to heal. Hmmm. Well done, doc!!! Keep them girls outta the way!!
  25. the best me

    I dont know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!

    "the big meal doesn't pass out of the pouch before you go to bed - a <TT>large portion just LAYS there in your stomach while you go to sleep. The stomach </TT><TT>isn't designed for prolonged food storage. It is designed to help break the food </TT><TT>down and mix it with the acid then send it off to the intestine quickly. When </TT><TT>the food just sits in there, it irritates the finicky thing and makes it swell </TT><TT>up, so when you get up in the morning, you can barely drink WATER!"</TT> <TT></TT> <TT></TT> <TT></TT> <TT></TT> <TT>So THAT's how the "tight in the morning" thing works. That just makes perfect sense. Thanks for posting that Erin. Very helpful. </TT>

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