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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    G-rated Fun Thread re: X-rated Topic

    My cousin started it back in the 60's I guess when she was just a girl. It has been passed down to my daughter, age 6. Here is what we say in our house now. "Keep your Susie clean and dry" "Susie is private. Noone can touch Susie but Mommy and the Doctor, and only when Mommy is there" "Wash your Susie and your Fanny" "Is your Susie dried off good?" "Mommy! My Susie is red and it hurts!" (wiping skills of 6yo girls leave alot to be desired. Skip a few days bath, and Oh No!) "Don't wear panties to bed tonight. You need to air out your Susie" "Mom, I'm not wearing panties tonight. I need to air out my Susie" "Mom!" she gasps and whispers conspiratorily. "Her name is SUSIE!!!!!" What's odd is to be around ALL of my cousin's kids and hear them use "Susie". So if you know anyone who says this too, we might be related! And if your name is Susie...well, sorry? Please don't take it personally
  2. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    I wore my wedding rings to church Sunday. I grabbed them last minute and put them on, they didn't feel like they'd be too tight after an hour (even though I am NOT used to wearing rings anymore) so I wore them. During the service, I put my hand on hubby's thigh and he saw them and just stared. He hadn't seen them in so long he had to think about it! So he squeezed my hand, awww! Later on in the car, he said, "Nice ring ya got there." and I said, "yeah, some feller gave it to me. Figgered I'd marry 'im" And he smiled. THAT was great!!!!
  3. the best me

    just filled, no different

    Another thought, did your doc ask you to stay on liquids for any length of time after your fill? If so, well, liquids won't restrict easily. When it's time, test out your fill with solid but well-chewed foods and you may feel a difference. Be careful though. Just when you think that little band isn't there, it makes itself known with one unchewed or too big bite. Ouch!
  4. the best me

    totally gross - I warned you

    Ha! We are such a close-knit LBT family here! I can't believe some a the things I have confessed here, either. But, know what? in your situation I would have picked #2 as well. And if your info helps another person, well, then, it's worth it! And you can buy latex gloves at the drug store. Way to slay that monster!!!!
  5. the best me

    We Have a chance to meet a fellow LBT

    Heh, your'e worried about Curtis?!!!!! yay, bring Dee Dee, too! Calling Paula in an hour...promise!
  6. the best me

    Does band size matter?

    Okay ladies...here's what I know and if it's wrong, someone please correct me. Inamed bands come in several sizes. The 9.75cm band holds 4cc of saline The 10cm band also hold 4cc of saline The 11cm band is apparently not used in the US and I don't know the saline capacity? The VanGuard band holds 11ccs of saline, which makes me wonder if there really is an 11cm band and maybe someone got the 11cc and 11cm mixed up? Your doc decides the size when he/she gets inside and sees your anatomy. Doc wants the best fit for your tummy so they can't really tell until they get in there. My doc has each size handy in the OR. I'm sure the rest of the docs do the same thing. Hope that helps! And remember, you have the band length, measured in Centimeters (cm) and the saline capacity, measured in cc's (for the life of me I don't remember what cc stands for so when someone posts this info I'll feel kinda dumb, I'm sure).
  7. the best me

    Pareting Skills

    I'm going to like this thread! Sounds like a great resource, Kare! I'll check into it on Amazon. It sounds very similar to a few books I have been reading. For parents (like me) who prefer the Christian perspective of things, I recommend "Don't Make Me Count To Three!" by Ginger Plowman. It's alot like what Kare described above but with Bible Verses and from a Christian worldview. Okay, gotta run but remind me to tell you about my daughter's heart chart.
  8. the best me

    We Have a chance to meet a fellow LBT

    So we'll have Curtis and Tyler, plus Kim, Melissa, Kathy, Paula, Angie, and Karen? Anyone else coming? Starr? Dianne, will this work? Okay, I'm calling Paula today...I'll check back!
  9. the best me

    totally gross - I warned you

    Some people get diarrhea on the liquid diet. I got constipated. It happens. If I could go back, I would have glycerin suppositories on hand. I heard (too late) they work great, sure wish they'd have been handy. Maybe give that a try instead of doing the tug of war thing. I like Penni's mild enema, too, but the suppositories seems a bit less...hmmm...messy? Easier, anyway. Good luck! You will feel Soooooo much better when you finally go!
  10. the best me

    NC Group Pic

    Angie, Saturday November 5th at Ruby Tuesdays. 11:30. We have the impromptu Paula gathering coming up soon...see the other thread for details about that one but it's looking hopeful.
  11. the best me

    We Have a chance to meet a fellow LBT

    Okay, looks as though we are narrowing to Monday lunch at Ruby Tuesdays I-77 at Arrowood. How's that? I'm in!!!!! 11:30am? I'll check with Paula, since she's the star of the show, so to speak...I'll get back.
  12. the best me

    3 months post op

    Well done, Angie! I keep chasing after you but I'm losing ground! Wow 185.6!!! Great work!!!!
  13. the best me

    To Fill or Not to Fill?

    If my restriction comes and goes, I wonder first if it's diet related. Am I eating the bandster way or shoveling much more than needed down in junk? Is that why I'm hungry? Take a look at your diet and see? Also, this link is very very helpful...it's a sticky in the Fills Forum. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=3733 good luck!!!!
  14. the best me

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I added an NSV to my list last night and I actually thought of another! I'll update again. The NSV list is working better than I thought it would for me. I thought I wasn't paying attention but I am. I just wasn't postng them! Now I have a spot, so go see!!!
  15. the best me

    Tax Breaks and the Band?

    Yep, got my reciept and medical expenses on the tax return will be a bit more hefty this year. I don't know exactly how it works but we have an accountant do our taxes (hubby is self-employed so the accountant is a real need in our house!) so she'll know what to do. I'm planning on it!!
  16. the best me

    We Have a chance to meet a fellow LBT

    Okay, I could do Thursday night the 6th. 6:30? I could do Monday lunch. 11:30 I could do Tuesday dinner 6:30. The other factor is location. Ruby Tuesdays is pretty handy but southbound I-77 traffic at 6pm? That might be a better location for lunch. Univeristy area is fine with me, in fact, Fridays was great! Paula is staying, actually, kinda near me. Think I-77 and Harris Blvd area...new mall. That far north is quite a drive for newly banded Dianne and for Angie. Can you come, Angie? Okay, we are slowly narrowing. I'll check with Paula and see what's working for her. She's pretty wide open given her circumstances, but was checking in with the Red Cross this morning to see what type of help is available in their situation. I think the 3 I picked were also okay with her but I'll check. Is that a good enough narrowing? Start voting! And if you can't come, say so and we'll know not to worry about drives from your locations when we choose a restaurant. So far we have Kathy, Kim, Dianne, Melissa, Paula. Starr? Angie? Karen? Anyone else?
  17. the best me

    Say a prayer for me

    Ahhh, I remember so well the feelings you are having. The prayers and good wishes of the nice folks here held me up. Know that I and others are praying. (((((hugs))))) and let us know when you arrive home banded with a new life ahead of you!!!
  18. the best me

    Paula please check in!!

    Okay, we got Paula and Kellymoos. Anyone heard from Marie or Nancy? I know Alatina lives in Houston but she left for the great white North a few weeks back and missed it, she's okay. Who else are we looking for? Galveston Bash-ers, check in
  19. the best me

    We Have a chance to meet a fellow LBT

    Lunchtime gatherings during the week require the presence of my dear boy. I'll do it though, if you all don't mind! He's actually pretty good in a restaurant, especially Bob Evans since we go there every Sunday. Anyhow, weekday evenings are good except Wednesdays. Sunday evenings are NOT good. So for me, assuming we won't do anything until after Saturday, any weeknight but Wed next week. Any lunchtime M-F, next Friday night or Saturday night, next Saturday lunch...all good! OMGosh, ya'll will love Paula. Let's see what we can do!!
  20. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    I bent over to use the dust pan after sweeping my kitchen and I didn't pop an eyeball or faint from lack of oxygen. And I didn't have to spread my feet 6 feet apart to get down that low, I just bent over, and scooped, that's it! No heaving, no groaning, no red face, blood to the brain, no strain. Now, I'm sure it wasn't the most graceful looking dust pan scoop in the world, but it was OH! so much improved! Yay!
  21. the best me

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    You are in. Page 5 of this thread, post #61. There aren't quite 10 weeks left in the challenge. It ends the Monday before Thanksgiving, just post your progress each week and use the accountability to your advantage! Good luck! So glad you are here! Everyone above this post is updated. Keep up the good work everyone!!!
  22. the best me

    Is anyone Else this crazy??

    I did something similar with a piece of Beef Smoked Sausage hubby had grilled. I picked one up and sucked the juice out of the cut end of it...oh YEAH! it was so yummy. And you know it was nothing but grease! But so tasty. It satisfied the urge. So then I cut off the end I sucked on and fed the rest to one of my kids. ??? I guess THAT'S the crazy part...ewww.
  23. the best me


    What are you eating now for Full Liquids? That'd help us to know what to recommmend.
  24. the best me


    Egg Drop Soup. Yeah Baby.
  25. Isn't Dr Pleatman in the Chicago area??? Good to see you Chatrooper. Glad you are ready to give it another go. I'm certain you will do well with the right doc. Hey Lynn!! Did you appeal?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
