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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Can you help me? WHAT ARE THESE???

    Okay, so far I'm going with card holders. Do they work holding cards? I can't imagine...are they sqeezable, like Princess said, so you can hold cards? That's what they have to be...
  2. the best me

    My First NSV

    Well done! Isn't it great?! Wooohoooo!
  3. the best me

    My First NSV!!!!!

    How wonderful!!!! Your body likes your weight loss, huh? Think you could be off meds altogether as you lose more? In other words, is your diabetes from childhood or is it weight related? I think those are great NSV's. Yay your band!!!!
  4. the best me

    Ot Just Ordered Mineral Makeup

    Ah, we hide our flaws well, thanks to cheeky computer pics, I guess! Suits me if you think my skin looks good! I have the red nose and cheeks. The dermatologist said I have Rosacea. It seems I have to agree. If I drink wine or liquor and my face flushes from the heat of alcohol, I break out and it's almost as if the very top layers of my skin on my nose, cheeks (right beside my nose) and chin get inflammed and kind of swollen? I use Metrogel (RX) a topical antibiotic if I get a flare-up and it takes care of it. I also stay away from White Russians since the half-n-half adds to my problems. I use only very gentle cleansers, no soaps, no scrubbing, or anything the least bit harsh and it's manageable. I guess my problem with the Mineral make-up is that my skin, at least on the top layers is actually very dry. (Like Pam RN) I wish I could get the smooth even look with this stuff. Pam, I'm glad you mentioned the Cover Girl True Blend because I was tempted to try it, now I won't. I'm with you on the make-up on the phone...ewww! Mary, your skin pigmentation makes you interesting and unique. I can understand wanting to camoflage it a bit, but don't hide from it. It makes you YOU!
  5. the best me

    We Have a chance to meet a fellow LBT

    They are going home to Louisiana today. They have been here 2 weeks and her parents (in the same town in LA) checked their house and said that the power was on. Newspaper delivery is resuming...things are starting to get back to normal now. I hate I missed her and we missed having lunch together. The good news is, her Inlaws are here and she will be back to visit at some point. I'll bet we can grab her next time. Poor Paula. It's hitting her, how much she and the rest of the family want to go home. They are fortunate that her hubby could temporarily transfer (he's a mail carrier and grew up in Charlotte) and simply moved mail delivery jobs. But now he has work to go back to. But they have been able to stay afloat. So keep Paula and family in your prayers as they drive 16 hours back to LA this evening. I'm sure we will hear from her soon. I'll also post an update on Dylansmom's thread. She said to tell you all hello and "I'm sorry" but she knows you understand and feels blessed by her LBT family. awwwww! Drive safely Paula!!!! We'll be praying for you!
  6. the best me

    Finally able to talk after Hurrican Rita

    Wow Jodie! What a hectic few weeks you have had! So glad to see you are chipper and doing so well on your weight loss! Take care and stay in touch as best you can.
  7. the best me

    Ot Just Ordered Mineral Makeup

    That's what I was hoping for! I MUST have done something wrong. humph.
  8. the best me

    We Have a chance to meet a fellow LBT

    Karen...here's what she told me. Their house has roof/shingle damage (big surprise) and a tree fell into the roof so there is now a leak. The roof needs repair badly, but the home is definately fine structurally. They rode out the hurricane in a shelter (with friends in a large hangar, I think) and went back to the house to survey damage. They stayed one night with no Water, no electricity, emptied the fridge and freezer of food, packed up important papers and pics, left the rest and hit the road. The bad thing about going back now is no water/electricity. Paula's parents live near and they have their electricity back, so they are wondering if they can go. If the Parrish has no service (trash, power, water, schools, government offices, post office delivery, etc etc) then if they return, they may be fine but hubby doesn't have a job to go back to, and the kids can't go to school. They have all that here for now. So it's a wait and see. They have a home, it just isn't up and running around there just yet. Man, can you imagine? Wow.
  9. the best me

    Ot Just Ordered Mineral Makeup

    I think that's what's in a box under my bed...waiting to go back to my sister. I found it to be too dry looking. Caked on. But my skin is funky and ruddy so I'm sure it just isn't good for MY skin. You, Mary, have lovely smooth and even skin and a darker complexion than I do, so it might work beautifully for you. I used to wear a liquid foundation. Now I just use a good thick moisturizer with SPF (Oil of Olay or other non-comedogenic moisturizer) and then I dab on loose powder with a round sponge. Brush eyebrows and apply a bit of under eyeliner and that's about it. My 'dressy" look adds a bit of neutral blusher (powder) and dab of neutral shadow (powder) and a bit of lipstick over lip balm. So you'd think with all that powder, I'd do great with the mineral make-up. I never watched the DVD so maybe I did something wrong? Anyhow, good luck. Let us know how you like it!
  10. the best me

    Another Newbie!

    Welcome Bigmama! Love that screen name! As for driving, I didn't for a few weeks but I had a rough start and didn't have to. I'd say just make sure you are totally off your pain meds and are able to drink enough to get the calories you need for energy. You'll know. And, I found lots of support for my banding surgery. If they dissapproved, they didn't say so. Most folks, except family and close friends, don't know I went to MX either. I think that's where you get most of the flack. But the skinny folks in my midst were/are supportive. I know they see how I have struggled so I sense they are really pulling for me. Good luck! And welcome to LBT!
  11. the best me

    New Here! :)

    Welcome Tricia! Boy, you are doing well with your weight loss, and with settling in here at LBT. It took me forever to figure out how to get around in here, and certainly to make a signature. And you have a ticker! Well done! Anyhow, welcome to LBT!
  12. the best me

    Yuckyyyyyyyyyyy Stuff

    The only warning I would have about the Immodium is that if you truly have a stomach bug, a virus, causing your bowels to cramp and causing diarrhea, it's best to let it pass until the virus is out of your system. Your body is trying to cleanse itself and the diarrhea is how it's doing it. Let nature run it's course and you will recover more quickly. If you interfere and stop the diarrhea, you leave the virus in there to prolong your misery. Now, if the diarrhea is caused by something you ate, or travel, or a different schedule, different water/food...the Immodium might just be the ticket. I'm also thinking that bowel cramping won't bother the band at all. Stomach scramping, however, may. But unless you are vomiting relentlessly for days, I'd think you should be okay? JMHO.
  13. the best me

    Assignment: Geraldo Rivera

    I have heard of these sites. Anorexia is discussed, tips shared, and pics posted to "inspire" others. Oh my!!! But, I don't want to hear from the unhealthy losers...I have enough unhealthy food issues to deal with! While I'm sure a cocaine habit would help me lose weight, well, ya know. Can't afford it, it's illegal, unhealthy, yada yada. How are your healthy skinny friends doing it? What's the thinking behind managing your weight, from the perspective of someone who naturally, somehow, doesn't have the head issues we obese people have? How do they do it? Kelly, I know what you were trying to say. I have heard that there is some type of nerve hit in the stomach when the pouch is full and that nerve triggers the "Ah, I'm stuffed for hours!" feeling. Some days I feel that way, other days it just can't be found. That's where the head work comes in. So what do these skinny people say? I'm asking my skinny friend Laura next. I hope to see her tonight but it might be next week before I have a chance to ask...still investigating! I'll post what they say.
  14. the best me

    can some one help us please

    So, they denied the appeal because it's too dangerous? Not because it's not a covered benefit of your plan? You might can appeal that? In other words, if your insurance doesn't cover WLS for any reason, no matter what, well, you are sunk and are in a psooition to seek a policy with that coverage. In that case, go shopping. Be prepared to pay well for your premiums, too. Do the math, you may be better off financing a self-pay than paying high premiums for coverage that requires some type of pre-existing condition waiting period...ah, so much to consider! However, if your insurance policy does cover WLS and they denied your claim because they don't like to pay for that particular procedure because it's too dangerous...well, there are lawyers that will help you to appeal it. Many people win but look for a nice sized bill for that. Good luck! Also, there are plenty of ladies here with PCOS who are struggling with the same issues as you. Do a "Search" (on the blue bar above) and type in PCOS and the threads will come up.
  15. the best me

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Jonathan! I saw you on the Who's online list! How are you! We have been a little worried but waiting patiently for you to check in. the Fall Wieght Loss Challenge is in full swing, but I asked Penni to leave the Summer Challenge as a Sticky until you checked in...come here! Come here! Tell us how you are! (((hugs)))
  16. the best me

    Natural Cures

    Aw man, I still don't have my book yet...I'll go check with Mom. I'm ready to read it!!!
  17. the best me

    Name Your Band

    Fred. Fred the Band and my little port.
  18. the best me

    Happy Birthday Chellseabelle

    Happy Birthday!!!! Hope your day is just fantastic!!!
  19. the best me

    Assignment: Geraldo Rivera

    Okay, my skinny friend Jill said this... I used to try and exercise 3 days a week, but by the end of the week, I had missed a day here and there and ended up exercising only 1-2 days a week, sometimes none! So now I try to exercise (walk the treadmill for 30 minutes) every day. That way, if I miss a day or two, at the end of the week, I have still exercised 4-5 days out of the week. She's right, of course, so my new mantra is "every day". She also said... I was struggling with an extra 12 pounds or so. I just couldn't get it off and my belly was sticking out further than my boobs! (not true, I say, and waaahhh!! anyway...) so I quit eating ice cream at night before I went to bed. And during the day I would pick where I wanted my calories to come from. I didn't really count, but a Snickers bar has 360 or something calories, and I can get alot more to eat if I choose something else for those 360 calories. Plus, snickers just didn't give me what I wanted, which was to lose that 12 pounds. And now, I can eat whatever, really and maintain that loss. My body has just adjusted. sigh. It's really very simple, why is that so hard for me?!!!!! Not that I have trouble with eeating ice cream at bedtime...it's just that thinking that makes it possible to choose better all day every day. That's what I don't get...how to take away the urge to eat the crap that keeps me from losing the weight. Skinny people scare me.
  20. the best me

    Im Back from the Lap Band Conference

    Kelly, I'm cracking up at your pics. You are such a cutie and I'll bet your are just a hoot to be around! What fun!!!
  21. the best me

    Having port removed on Friday

    I just KNEW DeLarla would have the right words for you. Listen to the voice of experience and contact her. She can walk you through it, and she will. Take care, Erin, and keep us posted!!!
  22. the best me

    thank you all

    Wow. Thank goodness you all are back home and safe. What a nightmare...15 hours to Austin!!!! Isn't that normally a 4-5 hour drive? God Bless you! So, what's the news with your band. Are you still vomiting? What was wrong, do you know? Okay, I'll go back and check old posts to get the update...just glad you are safe!!!
  23. the best me

    We Have a chance to meet a fellow LBT

    Paula and family might might might be going back to LA this weekend BUT! They might be here another week. So hold everything until we know for sure and I'll post as soon as I know what's up. It's very funny, she acts like she can do whatever, anything, anytime but, really...she's so out of her element right now I don't think she even realizes how out of whack things are. And she won't until she looks back. hehe...she's so sweet, ya'll. I really really hope she stays long enough to have lunch with us. Fingers crossed for Monday!!!
  24. the best me

    Having port removed on Friday

  25. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    I tried that but I have a funky shape and I can't get it to work! The butt shelf below my relatively small waist still sticks out too much, and then I have the extra belly part sticking out in the front...the C-section belly...so I need that extra room up there. The baggy part is at the bottom of my butt, just above the backs of my legs. It's pretty wierd. I CAN pull them up higher but I can't keep them from unrolling or bunching. Maybe insteda of a high cut brief, I need a different style? I'll suffer another 15-20 pound loss and break down. If only they don't fall apart before then!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
