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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Ot Just Ordered Mineral Makeup

    I'm hanging on your every word, everyone. I'll get back to you with a report after the weekend....Project Assignment Mineral Make-up going on over here in NC.
  2. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    Okay, okay, please don't beat me up but I need a place to post my scale journal and since I already have one journal going here, just amuse me and let me post this weight log really quick...yes, I could start another thread but it's more to keep up with and I just looked, I have over 2500 posts on over 1500 threads on this board...I got enough going on. I'm my own worst enemy! 223.4 Band day 4/8/05 208.0 12 days post-op 207.2 6/27 yes, almost 3 months post-op with NO further weight loss 205.4 7/4 205.0 7/6 1st fill-12 weeks 202.0 7/11 small unfill 199.8 7/12 welcome to Onederland! 199.2 7/18 199.0 7/25 200.0 8/8 198.4 8/11 197.0 8/15 197.0 8/22 196.0 8/29 195.8 8/31 198.2 9/5 196.6 9/12-22 weeks 197.0 9/19 194.0 9/24 194.4 9/26 194.8 10/3 195.0 10/10 193.6 10/17 194.0 10/24 195.0 10/31 193.4 11/1-30 weeks 192.6 11/7 191.6 11/8 190.8 11/19 190.4 11/24 186.8 1/4/06 190.4 1/17-40 weeks 186.8 2/26 183.4 3/24-48 weeks _____ 4/8 One Year Bandiversary! I think it's interesting to see how the weight comes off slowly. I'll drop, gain, level out, drop a little more. I don't have a fancy graph but this give me the info I need. If I keep hovering in the 190's after giving it another few weeks of really good bandster eating, I'll consider a very small fill. Based on these numbers, though, I need to be patient and keep trying my best. It WILL work!
  3. the best me

    1/2 can

    This was a funny thread
  4. the best me

    What am I doing wrong???

    Go sooner! You are too tight. Just .4cc unfill made a huge difference for me. I lasted 4 days with your symptoms of only being able to eat mushies and liquids. I didn't wait for reflux symptoms to start...time for a very small unfill. Yep. And, 8.6 pounds in 2 weeks IS losing like crazy. Chew Tums for the Reflux, or get some chewable Pepcid AC until your unfill. Those symptoms are for sure reflux which indicates a too tight band. I had the burning throat. It was awful. And I had NO fill at the time so the meds and time were the only thing to help. I can find some links to old threads if you want, but consider your research done. Your band is a smidge too tight.
  5. the best me

    I dont know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!

    Unbelievable. Newbies, this is NOT the bandster lifestyle. This is NOT how it's supposed to be. This is NOT how you lose weight. This is NOT how you care for your band. This is NOT how you get your calories. This is NOT healthy. You can see this is NOT working and if this is how you want your banded life to be, I'd suggest you save your money. Nykee, your best bet at this point is to take Alexandra's advice. sigh. Why do I keep reading this thread?!!!!!!!!
  6. the best me

    Who Wants Some Chips?

    Hey, don't they have, like, 10 day chips in real life? I'd shoot for (3) 10 day chips for no Cheetos. Hell, I'll attempt a 30 day chip, but you guys BETTER clap for me at my 10 day intervals. I need lots of encouragement. Is that too needy? Whew. I gotta go to bed. I can't believe I'm about to hit the Submit button on this crap. I'm getting mouthy and whiney and I can't have cheetos, either. good night!
  7. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    Heh, you are so right. They'll fall apart before they have a chance to fall off, huh? Okay, 2 people say try hipsters so I will. Hey, what's the dressing room etiquitte for undies shopping? Is it okay to try on these new hipsters if I leave my raggedy ones on underneath? I have been buying Jockeys in the box for so long I haven't tried on undies...ever? Someone tell me if trying on is okay. I figure if you can try on a swimsuit...just checking. HAY! I found 2 more NSV's on the Summer Challenge thread, so I copied and now I'll paste... From September? My shoes are too big. My feet just don't fill them up anymore. My slippers slide off or I sling them off as I walk around in them at home, and my dressier slides are way big, my feet are just swimming in them! Huh. AND my pants are dragging. I guess I just have less butt to keep them pulled up off the ground? My clothing choices these past years have been sloppily big, I'll admit, and so these pants are now under the heels of my too big shoes. They get wet at the hem if it's rainy outside. And not just from splashing, I'm walking on the backs of these things! Wowza! Of all the NSV's to catch my attention...I'm a bit more dumbfounded than excited, but still happy!!
  8. the best me

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Okay, so glad you are fine and happy. And busy!!! I'll tell Penni it's okay to Unsticky this thread now. Thanks for a great Challenge, Jonathan!!! Don't be a stranger. You help make LBT more wonderful.
  9. the best me

    Dr. Voellinger is unofficially staying!

    Oh my goodness, what's going on?! I'm so glad you will keep Dr V but, really, the uncertainty must be maddening. There's a story here, just don't know what it is yet. <<things that make ya go hmmmmmm>> yay Dianne! You sound fab. WTG!
  10. the best me

    Assignment: Geraldo Rivera

    I asked a skinny friend the question today and you could tell, it just went over her head. What she does (choose good foods, no red meat, stop when full, smaller portions) is just what she does, I don't think she thinks about it. When she started talking about diet, she was really giving me advice that her mom would have given me. Her mom is a Weight Watchers leader. I wanted HER story. She's so petite and small and has no trouble maintaining her weight, all I got was advice. So, I either asked wrong, or she doesn't have a clue, which tells me she's one of those that just does what makes sense and has no trouble with it. I want that gene. Out to find more skinnies. Reporting from Charlotte, NC, this is Kathy. Back to you.
  11. the best me

    Thinking of getting a Band? READ THIS

    I loved those books. I actually read #2 and #3 and haven't read #1 yet! Yes, those need to be the traveling pants...who gets 'em after Vines shrinks out of them? And I'm so glad you reminded me. I'm keeping one pair of pants as a reminder. Great idea. You are so beautiful Michelle!!! Happy Bandiversary!
  12. the best me

    Dr. Kuri

    What Erin said. Happy Kuri patient here. I guess you have his web addy? www.beliteweight.com I chose Kuri for his experience. There are other Mx docs, I hear, with more bells and whistles and fancy stuff. Not a thing wrong with that. I suppose Kuri was more my style. Hard working, knowledgable, reliable, predicable, not distracted by fancy. I went for a great band surgery and got one. The hotel was nice, past acceptable (Holiday Inn with marble) and the hospital was very small and not too fancy at all but it had everything as far as I could tell. My sister went with me and she plans to see Kuri when her band time comes. That says alot to me. Kuri's fellow docs are lovely and kind. Dr Peterson is great. The entire experience was made easy if you just go with the flow and hang on for the ride. All the details are taken care of. Nurses are competent but mostly Spanish speaking only. It helps to know a tad, but it isn't needed. I still want to know what that sleeping pill was I got in the hospital. Slept like a baby all night. So, I wouldn't describe it as over-the-top at all. It was fine. I had an exceptional band surgeon who took good care of me and did a great job. What I asked for, paid for, and got. I'm satisfied.
  13. the best me

    it's official: never eat anything larger than your head

    Good golly!! I had heard about this but hadn't seen the photo. Thanks for the link! How horrid! Wild animals should not be pets. Now these Burmese Pythons are getting themselves in trouble messing with alligators because folks are letting them loose. I'll bet that alligator was confused being eaten by a snake! Sad ending for both.
  14. the best me

    "It's All About DeLarla's Hair" Poll

    #4...a darker shade of blonde with the underside dark brown. I say this because you are not crazy about the blonde, so maybe a different shade of blonde is in order. I love the dark brown underside. I think it's a great look, especially for you. You wear it well and have the personality to carry it. So keep it, just go a tad darker on the blonde. That's my opinion. Can't wait to see what you decide!
  15. the best me

    Frustrated!!! Argh!!!

    OMGosh!!! That is frustrating. What's up with that? What's the hold-up on scheduling a date? Is it the hospital? Okay, I know it's hard not to try to have some semblance of control over your surgery in regards to your work, your responsibilities, your life, your diet, your money and time. You are not asking for too much when asking for a firm date. However, just know that the date you end up with will forever be your band date. It is being chosen as we speak by God, fate, the stars, natures energy, whatever. I personally think it's a God thing. But, that date is yours and how it comes to you is of less importance. Try and go with the flow here. If all this is giving you red flags, not just frustration, we have a different conversation. I'd be anxoius, too, though. Let us know that special date when you get it!
  16. the best me

    I dont know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!

    You will never get through this. It won't happen. You will erode your band or experience some other type of difficult medical issue because you are so stubborn, you don't listen to wisdom, you are being very very foolish. You need an unfill. I hate to sit back and watch this but until you get a small unfill you will not succeed. Give all the excuses you want but until you get an unfill...just a small one! you are a ticking time bomb, waiting for it all to fall apart, ready to blame everyone but your own self for refusing wisdom. That's all the advice and encouragement you will get from me. Pick it apart if you like. Quote me and tell me where I'm off-base. Whatever. The writing is on the wall. You know it is. I wish there were something I could say to help, but you aren't listening. I will say it in agreement with the others... You need an ufill You need an unfill You need an unfill
  17. the best me

    3 months post op

    Maria, the peace you seek is right inside you. Allow yourself to tap into it. Let go of the old nagging feeling that your weight is always a big bad cloud over your head. You have shown great progress! It's only 3 months out and you have many many more to go! NOT weight related, make a list of the wonderful blessings in your life and thank the good Lord above for them. Choose happiness. Choose Peace. Choose moving forward with a smile. Let me tell you, I have seen your pics and here are some things I really like about you. Your avatar with your cool shades. You look like a Hollywood beauty. Your Before pic. Sitting there with a drink and ciggy in your hand with this loook on your face, I don't know, but I cracked up laughing when I saw it because I saw a glimpse of me, but I'm not near so glamorous or pretty as you. I love that pic. Your before pic on the Fall Challenge thread. Girl, I know you are female but you got balls to stand there in your skivvies. Of course, if I had your bod, I'd do it, too. You are beautiful! To me you are edgy, glamorous, tough, and yes, I see your unrest, too. Have Peace, my friend. You are wonderful!!!!! Focus on the blessings. The weight WILL come off! And, here's a piece of diet advice that might help? If not, ignore. Stop dieting. Just for a day or two. Weigh everyday and don't let yourself gain what you can't lose in a day or two of cutting back. Allow yourself a pound or two. Take a break. I'm not saying to blow it, go off on a binge, just eat and don't worry. Sometimes a few days of rest from it all is what we need to jump start our resolve. The extra calories (the healthy ones) are sometimes what our bodies need.
  18. Nah. Stitches are left inside of people all the time. You just happened to be one bothered by it. One of the nurses will check in though, and give you some scoop about the protocol for that. Yes, it's gross to think about yucky stitches in there but suing? I dunno. You'd have to convince me of a case first? Off hand, though, nah. I'm anxoius to hear from a nurse or doc though.
  19. the best me

    True Confessions Of A LapBander

    Bandster no-no's for me... Continuing to eat after a small PB. Big ones go straight to liquid but I have broken the rule and continued my meal after a quick easy one. Sipping with meals, only when needed though (ie: dry food) Cheetos. There is just nothing that is good or okay about cheetos. Not waiting 1/2 hour at least for after lunch or dinner coffee. Chewing gum but I don't feel bad about that. I only chew a 1/2 piece at a time and only for 10 minutes or so then spit it out. It hasn't caused me any problems so far but I have considered switching to mints.
  20. the best me

    katie homes and tom cruise pregnant

    really? hmmm, I always wondered which of the two, Tom or Nicole, couldn't have kids since they adopted their two children. I assumed, anyway, that at least one of them couldn't. So now I guess it's Nicole that can't carry? But she talks about having children so maybe they just decided to adopt? Yep, that Tom and Katie thing is a bit wierd, I guess because Tom has been a bit wierd lately. Hadn't heard the pregger news yet, though. Well, congrats, I guess?
  21. the best me

    Can you help me? WHAT ARE THESE???

    The sharp point goes up into a pocket in the curtain, the hook hangs on a flat curtain rod? Okay. Maybe not.
  22. the best me

    Well, maybe not...

    Check your policy online. Your insurance has a website, no doubt. Sign in, and read YOUR particular plan's coverage for WLS. Ins. companies have different plans with different coverage. If WLS is covered, go for the lap band, wait for the denial letter which WILL come. They will then tell you why it isn't covered...experimental? whatever. At that point you appeal the denial with lots of evidence about why they are wrong. Inamed apparently can provide you with documentation refuting the "experimental" arguement. Many have had denials overturned on appeals that way. If, however, your policy doesn't cover lapband, or specifically excludes it (which it sounds as if it does?) then, well, if it's your only hope then what do you have to lose? Go for it! The first place to check is your plan number with your carrier. Let us know what it says!! (Copy and paste is handy for that.)
  23. the best me

    Can you help me? WHAT ARE THESE???

    Okay, now I'm going with curtain hangars.
  24. the best me

    getting hungry!

    Oh my goodness, drink your water! Stay hydrated, for goodness sakes! If you can get it down with no discomfort at all, then, yes, your swelling is going down and Water is certainly NOT going to be a problem for your band, your health, your weight loss, nothing. Check with your doc just in case, but I'd imagine the guidelines for your water are minimum consumption. If you can drink more, do it!
  25. the best me

    staples, stitches or glue?

    I got steri-strips. But then I was leaving Mx with no plans to return anytime soon so no stitches or staples for me to remove or have removed. I got staples after my C-section? I don't know. I wonder what docs are thinking when they choose?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
