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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    What am I doing wrong???

    Yeah baby! You will love it. What a difference such a small amount can make! Yippeee! good for you!
  2. the best me

    Dr. Gonzales

    Nope. Non-flouro, in the office, works great, although I did have to go back for a small unfill which was the same price as a fill due to my propensity to swell. Ugh, I was tight! My sister will probably be going to MX also for her band surgery and I will get a flouro fill there. If it all works out that way. She's scheduling my fills now since I'm kind of waiting on her? Anyhow, no probs with Gonzales.
  3. the best me

    New Information on Port Infections

    I researched my doc heavily before I booked my surgery. I dug around looking for anything, something to make me change my mind. I saw so many people go and come back fine. I did know about DeLarla's port trouble before I left, and I knew that my doc did her first port repair that didn't heal due to the tubing. That was the only hesitation I had. I also contacted former patients, several of whom were nurses or husbands were docs (no docs though) who gave me reports as to the facilities. While noone said it was over-the-top lovely, first rate, top-notch, any of that...they all reported that while it was small, it was well-equipped and clean. Equipment wasn't new, sheets were well worn but clean, etc etc. What I experienced was certainly in line with what I heard. And I returned with a good surgery, good band placement, no infection, no problems (except me, swelling and scaring the toots out of me, barely being able to sip water during the first week) and so I, too, went and came back happy. Just to clarify, I have no idea if the catheter that was in me was used and disinfected...it just didn't look like the clear tubing US hospitals have...it was rubber, I guess...different, and it made me wonder. Obviously, I'm fine, so that's good. If it is the old-fashioned, disinfectable rubber catheter tubing, then however they cleaned it did the trick, since I had no complications from it. Do your research people. Know what to expect the best you can. Ask around, interview, search the old threads, go early and visit the hospital for a tour of the facilities before you hand over money. Take a medical friend with you. Ask questions. Get a great surgery. A thread with straight talk is always handy. Thanks.
  4. the best me

    Just Banded and I need help!

    Rather than going from the top, down so newly banded, try going from the bottom, up? If I could do it again, I'd have glycerin suppositories on hand. They are basically inert and don't come anywhere near your band and are very very helpful with constipation. and once you go? oh yeah baby. You will feel new again. Try it? And call your doc. Also, chew a Gas-X tablet for the tummy gas. A heating pad for the surgery gas that might be settling in your shoulders. I even put the heating pad across my tummy on low for a bit. It felt nice. Good luck. Oh, and Congrats!!!
  5. the best me

    Calgon - take me away!!

    "I swear the car just drove me there!" LMAO! My patient coordinator warned me of this...being mad when you can't eat like you want to. It's hard during those stressful times. Nice try, though. Got it out of your system, now on with banded life. And better for it!!! Yay you!
  6. the best me

    Can you help me? WHAT ARE THESE???

    She said they were 2 1/2 inches long, but a penny or other coin on the table in the pic would really help, I agree! Aren't I getting picky and testy in my zest to know the answer?!!
  7. the best me

    Hope you are feeling better Zoe!

    Prayers for a great recovery Zoe. We are thinking of you! Thanks for the reminder, Crystal. Can't wait to hear from you!!
  8. the best me

    Honey, I'm Home!

    Oh I'm so glad you are back! Congrats! And well done! Welcome to Bandland!!!!! Yippeee! You get a banana :banana
  9. the best me

    "It's All About DeLarla's Hair" Poll

    OMGosh, who could say anything the least bit horrible? You look SMASHING!!!! I love it. You are gorgeous. (panting a bit from your hubby, too. Hottie!)
  10. the best me

    I have a question for the gals

    Okay, if you are PG you are almost through your first trimester. Sounds off the wall but a cheapo PG test rules it out quickly. I'm sure it's surgery and diet change related...or pre-menopause? 43 isn't old but it's not too young for the beginnings of it all. Call the OB, time for a check up!! Let us know...one line or two...yes or no, + or -...I'm dyin' here!
  11. the best me

    What is the point of it all???

    OMGosh Loulou, I'm so sorry. I'm stuck as to what to say, and I do understand how you feel, although I admit it hasn't felt so bad for me, so I can't truly know. I also know that we have very different spiritual beliefs so I'm stuck as to what to say to encourage you. Something nice and Christian pithy like "Jesus loves you" means the world to me but I fear that doesn't strike you and I'm at a loss. Having a discussion about where my hope and peace comes from is very different from giving you the advice your ears want to hear. And so I'm not sure what to say, except to offer a huge (((((HUG))))) from a friend across the seas who cares for you, and hopes for you, and wants to see you well. I support what chichigirl says about calling your doc. Navel gazing is great for an hour or two, but the practical day-to-day gets in the way of that, huh? I'm really sorry and I'm sending you a big friendship (((((HUG)))).
  12. the best me

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    9/5 (week 1) 198 9/12 (week2) 196.6 9/19 (week 3) 197.0 9/26 (week4) 194.4 10/3 (week 5) 194.8 10/10 (week 6) 195.0 (-3 so far) Oh my gosh, it's just hanging on!!! I promise I saw 193.4 on Saturday. SIGH.
  13. the best me

    I have a question for the gals

    Huh? What's the first day of your last period? Don't freak out yet, because surgery is major trauma to your body, lack of calories and severe change in diet can all contriblute to whacking out your hormones. I have been regular as rain right through it, though. I just don't know...that's a long time for no period at all.
  14. the best me

    how can you tell if you have a leak?

    Good explanation. Makes sense. Time for another small fill. Ask Jessie to pull out the old, just to see. She will, she's a pro and if you turn on your charm...well, you get anything you want!!!
  15. the best me

    Slow Losers and Real Restiction

    Okay, call me the odd one out but I had waaaayyyy too much restriction in the beginning, and as a member in good stead of the Slow Losers Club (I do have my NSV list up and running), fills don't seem to be an issue, really. I waited 3 months for my first fill. I was so tight post-surgery, I really wasn't wanting to stand in line and pay cash money for more, even after the restriction subsided a bit. I needed time to recover from being so tight, getting used to being banded, have some time feeling normal again. I never gained any of the weight I lost post-op, but I didn't lose anything more until just before my first fill. THEN, I needed a small unfill! So restriction is something I am able to get from fills. What's odd is the restriction seems to come and go. Unless, that is, I stick very close to a good bandster diet and eat protiens at every meal, then veggies, very few carbs, healthy Snacks (4pm is the hardest part of the day for me). Those are the days when, although I CAN eat, I don't get as hungry. The hungry monster doesnt' seem to notice me as much. So I am trying to keep grilled chicken breast cooked and handy in the fridge. Today, we went for Japanese after church. It's a ton of food, and lots of carbs with the rice and noodles. I ate some for lunch, a few Triscuits and cheese for snack, and the rest of the Japanese for dinner. Had a CIB for Breakfast. That's all I ate but I had an entire plate full of food at supper and ate every bit of it. Not alot of chicken and veggies, a good bit of rice and noodles. Add some shrimp sauce and it goes right on down. This said, maybe it is time for a small fill? I don't know, you all tell me. I have normal portions so I'm not too tight, and if I eat right (bandster way) I don't get hungry, but boy oh, I can slide some bad stuff right on through...hence, slow weight loss... Never mind, you are right. I need a fill.
  16. the best me

    Can you help me? WHAT ARE THESE???

    I'm going with table cloth holders, although the table would have to be mighty thin...even a standard card table wouldn't work. OR, Stien markers. You know, the big German metal beer stiens? Is that how you spell that? STIEN? Anyhow, they don't seem very safe for use on glassware, but metal mugs, maybe. ??? How about a website for antiques, like Antiques Roadshow, or that new show, What's in the Attic? or something? Any ideas for leads as to who to ask?
  17. the best me

    Feeling lousy

    Okay, I have one of those pregnancy wheel thingys that tells you how far along you are, and if the first day of your last period was Sept 16, that would put you at 3 weeks and a few days with a due date of June 27th. Just in case you wanted to know! So, that means it's too early for an accurate PG test. You aren't even due to start until the 15 of Oct. So wait the weekend of the 15th and if nothing, take a test. For some reason, I'm just not concerned about the Ibuprophen in the one bottle of pills you took. I'm sure you washed them through well, and it's not like you have been on them the whole time you were taking the pain pills. Just that one bottle. I don't know, but I don't think it's related to your fatigue or hair loss. That's either calorie intake, (I have the hair loss and it's worse when I'm eating well and keeping my calories lower...around the 1000-1200 range), or the fatigue could be PG related. It's awfully early though. I'm thinking you are just phasing through a recovery here from being off your pain pills and getting on with a normal life. I think the new hobby you and hubby took up is a great one! Benefits in all directions there, from exercise, to intimacy, to a better relationship, everything. The biggest side-effect of a regular sex life, though, is an unexpected pregnancy. However, you may just be PMSing really good (or bad!) this month. I know for me, I will have a few months of fairly easy cycles, then I'll get one from hell! PMS big time, cramps, heavy flow, yuck yuck and double yuck. Maybe that's what you are doing this time? Anyhow, hang in there. I'm so proud of you!!! Keep us posted on how you are feeling, and if a 4 hour nap is what it takes, go for it!!!
  18. the best me

    Getting To Know You!

    1. What is your name? Kathy 2. What color shirt are you wearing? Red 3. What are you listening to right now? my husband explaining something on his mind and coming into the office to tell me about it. ??? What was the last thing you ate? Japanese from Kabutos for lunch after church 5. Do you wish on stars? Nah, but my dad is an ametuer astronomer and has lots of telescopes, so we do a fair bit of star gazing. 6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Green 7. How is the weather right now? not too cool, muggy, overcast 8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My Mother-in-Law 9. Favorite Sport? uhh, to play or watch? I don't know. I guess I'm not very sporty anymore 10. Favorite drink? White Zinfandel wine 11. hair color? kinda dark brown, with a few stray greys in the bangs area. 12. Eye color? greenish brownish blue. Isn't that called Hazel? hazel-y blue? 13. Siblings? 1 older brother, 1 younger sister. 14. Favorite month? May 15. Favorite food? Japanese, today. It was yummy. 16. What was the last movie you saw? at the theater, I guess it was the Mel Gibson movie about Jesus, The Passion. On TV, I watched Miss Congeniality. Again. 17. Favorite day of the year! Any day where the whole family stays home together and we sleep in and piddle around the house and play games and relax, build a fire on the patio at night. 18. What do you do to vent anger? eat. No, clean the house. 19. What was your favorite toy as a child? This one doll that had a ballerina crown that made her spin when you pushed it. 20. Summer or winter? winter 21. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs 22. Favorite ice cream flavor? Anything with vanilla caramel 23. Restaurants or home cooking? restaurants, definately 24. Will everyone care enough to respond? You bet, if they have time, or they will come back later and fill it out. People like to talk about themselves and read what others have to say about themselves. 25. When was the last time you cried? about a month ago, arguement with hubby. PMS. It all just came together so wrong! Yuck. 26. What is under your bed? dust. 27. How long have you been a member of Lapband Talk? since January 2005 28. What did you do last night? Took my MIL some clothes, new socks, and new shoes that I bought her at Wal-Mart yesterday, then went to my sister's and drank coffee, sat on her deck, helped her hang some decorations, dropped off her comforter I washed at my house and a tupperware container she left, brought home the Mum she bought me and the plant stand she had to go with it, and a bottle of Tiki Torch Fuel since we ran out and I forgot to get it when I went to Wal-Mart. 29. What are you afraid of? car accidents with my children inthe car 30. Favorite car? Dodge Grand Caravan. Love mine. Need a new one. Mine's so old it only has a sliding door on one side. 31. Favorite flower? roses, or Cala-lillies (sp?) with roses 32. How many keys on your ring? 2 33. How long have you been at your current job? Quit work after baby #1, went back like a fool when she was 2, quit again, then had baby #2 and have been a stay-at-home mom ever since. So if you excuse the brain fart that made me go back to work that year, I have been at home with my kids for 6 years. 34. Favorite day of the week? Sunday 35. What did you do on your birthday? weekend family parties. girls night out one night, everyone over the next, relaxing Sunday. I turned 40 this year so we dragged it out as much as possible. 36. How many states have you lived in? 4 Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Texas 37.How many cities/towns have you lived in? 5 38. What is your favorite form of exercise? walking and stretching/Yoga-Kathy Style- I make it up as I go. 39.Your favorite store for bargains? Wal-Mart 40. Wasn't this fun? sure! a little bit long but fun! __________________
  19. the best me

    New with questions

    1. What was your pre-op diet? none, I ate yummy Mexican the night before and drank a margarita. But nothing to eat or drink after about 10pm. some people do a liver-shrinking liquid diet for 1 week, 10 days, 2 weeks...depends on the doc. 2. What was your post op diet? Liquids for how long? Clear Liquids for 4 days, add in V-8, protien drinks for 4 days, then add cream Soups and full liquids. Soft Mushies after 2 weeks, Full Mushies after 4 weeks, and soft solids as tolerated. I think that's about right. Each doc is different though 3. When do you get a fill? I could have gotten one at 6 weeks but didn't need it until 3 months out. 4. How much does it hold? Depends on your band. Mine holds 4cc of saline. My first fill was 2cc, too tight, took out .4cc, just right. 5. What happens if it slips? Some slips can go away with a complete unfill. Seems odd to me but I have heard of that. Most times, it's corrected with another surgery. 6. How commons are slips? I don't know the rates or stats, but it happens. Avoid PBing, illnesses that cause frequent vomiting, eat correctly, follow the rules, and you shouldn't slip. But it happens. 7. How do you determine if you need a fill? hmmm, I can eat too much and don't stay full eating the bandster way (solid protiens first, well-chewd, then veggies/fruits, then carbs if needed) 8. How do you determine if you need to unfill? Can't eat solids and mushies are uncomfortable. Reflux. Pbing. 9. What happens if your port flips? Some docs can manipulate your port and still hit it. If not, surgery ro repair it. That it? it's late, gotta get to bed but I'll check back in on you. You will get great replies, don't worry. Good luck and Welcome to LBT!!
  20. the best me

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    I bought new bras. Two 38D's and one 40D. My bra size hasn't really gone down (except for the 38 part) but since they are new and a different style from my old ones, the girls are really up there. Taking some getting used to, that's for sure. Is that an NSV? Higher up boobs? LOL Okay, so here's one. I bought size 1X shirts. They are much more snug than I am used to wearing, and since my tummy is so wavy/rolly/poochie I'm still not comfortable. But they do fit better under the arms and around my high boobs. In that regard, it's an improvement. That's down from a 2X and the 3X's are getting retired. Yippee!!!
  21. the best me

    I'm Back And I'm Losing

    Wow! You did it! WTG! Let 'er rip on the gas. It does get better. So glad you are recovering well. Welcome to Bandland!!
  22. the best me

    I was just banded on oct 6th

    Congrat wendy! Yep, it's called Buyers Remorse, and most of us get it in some form or another for a short time post-op. Take it easy, take care of yourself. Also, you should NOT be doing calorie free for a week. You need calories! Are you on Clear Liquids for a week? Most are, and you should be drinking/sipping chicken or beef broth, sf Jello, even liquid jello is good, herbal teas, clear juices. Check with your doc on the menu, just in case. I know the one thing that made me feel the worse post-op was lack of calories. I was very very swollen and my sips had to be very small. Fatique was rough the first week. Good luck, and welcome to bandland!!!
  23. Whoa. That was great. I hope you will give her another chance, unless, of course, she really was being a "Biddy" about it, but I doubt it. She's really a great gal, I promise.
  24. the best me

    Mesotherapy the New Lipo?

    Looks interesting, I'll be watching for replies from anyone who knows more. Thanks for the info! I bookmarked it.
  25. the best me


    Life is too short for bad coffee. I'm adding that to my sig today. Can i quote you? Good one!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
