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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. Hey shimmer! Well done on the 120 pound loss! I was 220 when I was banded 6 months ago, and I'm finally below 200 for the first time in ages. I'm struggling to get down below 190 now, and it ain't easy, even with the band! I think that's one thing you might like about the Lap Band, is you really have to do your own head work and use your own smarts to make it work for you. My band is my helper, it's up to me to make it a success. Check out the Inamed website www.inamed.com I think. If that link doesn't work, try googling. Inamed is the maker of the only FDA approved gastric band. Some insurance policies will pay. Mine didn't-it paid for Gastric Bypass, no thanks- so I paid cash and went to Mx for my surgery. Not the right decision for everyone, but it is an option. The band wraps around the upper stomach and has a balloon inside. The balloon is attached to tubing that connects to an access port placed under the skin. Mine on on the left side, right around my waist band. It doesn't hurt at all anymore (was sore for a bit post-surgery) and that is where your band doc can insert a needle through your skin and into the port. The doc injects saline that blows up the balloon to restrict your food intake. That adjustability is a huge plus for Bandsters. As you lose weight and inner fat, you can tighten your band for more restriction, thus, no "window of opportunity" for weight loss. It can also be unfilled for diet breaks, pregnancy, attempts at weight maintenence, too much restriction, various reasons. Anyhow, sounds like it's worth looking into for you. I'm really impressed with the 120 you have lost so far! Anyhow, welcome to LBT!!
  2. the best me

    Help! Major Pain

    calico, I can't argue with johnnyreno. He's right, and I remember his wife, and I wish I had gone in sooner, but my doc was in MX and I didn't. Are you okay? Where's your doc? Get thee some help. Listen to Reno...
  3. the best me

    Good Luck...Dragonwilo

    Happy Bandday Melissa! I'm so excited for you. You are gonna do great! countdown continues! Jennifer...you really need to come and have lunch with us!!! FUN!! Sat. Nov 5th 11:30am at Ruby Tuesday's on I-77 at Arrowood. Easy to get to. Yes, come!!
  4. the best me

    Feeling lousy

    Robyn you sound so happy and upbeat!!! I just want to jump up and down with you! Come on, let's jump!!! weeeee! hahaha!!! That was fun. Did you tell your doc you have been getting plenty of "Horizontal Mambo" exercise lately? Forget the bike...hit the sack!!!!
  5. the best me

    Help! Major Pain

    YES! Post-op swelling of the stoma. Stop drinking, start dripping Water into your mouth and hold it there...let it soak through. The foam is called "sliming" and happens when food can't get past the band. In your case, it's happening because your band area (stoma) is so swollen even the water can't pass. Don't even sip yet, just let water soak into you so you stay hydrated. Give that stoma some time to rest and heal. You will feel miserable but it does pass. Who's your doc? Are you close? IV fluids are what put me on the mend. If you can do that, I wouldn't hesitate.
  6. the best me

    Pro-Anorexia Websites

    Maggie, go back and read your first post. You had some pretty profound and telling comments in there and it's alot to absorb. VQ is smart and kind and you should listen to what she says...just let her find her words of wisdom for you. She sees something in your post she wants to comment on...a feeling, an impression, some type of insight that her feedback will help you and give you something to think about. I don't know what she senses, but she does this so give her a sec...she's really good, be patient.
  7. the best me

    Early Diet

    That sounds absolutely perfect. I wish my doc had given me something that simple. I didn't like the post-op diet I was given. I tried so hard but really just wanted some good guidelines. THAT (what you posted) is do-able. Yeah, some folks go sooner on soft solids but really, do what your doc says. It's about letting your band heal and not eating foods that are hard on your tummy. You'll know what to do. Your band will tell you!
  8. Good luck Tracy! Congrats on your first thread!!
  9. the best me

    New Information on Port Infections

    I have run across a few threads with good info and thought I'd post links here for folks researching. This one is about the hospital Dr Kuri uses and the posts are accurate...I was there and wht she wrote was right in line with my experience. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=9573 and then this person, apparently a US doc, had band surgery with Dr Kuri and had a few things to say on this thread...although I cannot verify whether or not this person has any ulterior motives??? You always wonder, but it's good research anyway. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?p=117319#post117319 I also went to the profile of the physician and read "all posts by this member" and got some good reading. I realize this thread is about MX, and not Dr Kuri, so I don't want to hijack and make it a Kuri thread....certainly not under the heading of Port Infections, but it's all pertinent. Happy researching everyone!
  10. the best me


    Wheetsin. You didn't state your current weight, just the range, so I did your BMI with a weight of 300lbs, and it's 43. If your weight is 260, it's 37.3. Here's what the insurance companies say. If your BMI is over 40, you qualify. If your BMI is over 35 and you have 2 co-morbidities, you qualify. Co-morbidities could be high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, even borderline diabetes (maybe needing meds for it) joint pain, back pain, a host of other weight-related health issues. You doc should document anything and everything. I have also heard that UHC is great about paying for Lap Band if you qualify, so I would definately move forward NOW, even if you decide against it in the next few months. Should you decide to go ahead, you will have saved yourself months of waiting. My BMI was 37-38 when I was banded. But I went to MX so it was definately not a problem. I went to www.ObesityHelp.com and used their BMI calculaotr, if you want to enter your current weight and get an accurate BMI. Once you know that magic number, you will know how to proceed. Keep asking!!
  11. the best me


    Good for you! It gets so busy on here sometimes, you just gotta get pushy and get your questions answered. Chime on in, most folks are happy happy happy to share. Why would you NOT be a candidate? Just curious. So, sit right down, put your feet us and make yourself at home. Ask away!!! And welcome to LBT!
  12. the best me


    See, told ya. DeLarla will have some doozies, too, I'll bet.
  13. the best me

    Pro-Anorexia Websites

    I posted a pic on here one time that seems to be the kind of pic these girls find inspiring...let me find the link... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=7999 I'm horrified by this! I would love to look up some of these sites but don't want to encourage them with hits, ya know? I think they are as sad as they think I am, being fat. I just don't get it though.
  14. the best me

    What is the point of it all???

    Good stuff...keep talking. Hey, what's so unsafe about living, existing? What's so unsafe about screwing up, doing it wrong, or even doing it well? Because you have a sMother who has an opinion? I like the "rules" posted above...but, really, how come you are the only one who gets off the hook for living? We all make a mess of it sometimes. So what? The world keeps spinning...I think God has a plan for you (for all of us) so how come you get to be the one excused from it? I don't get out of it, and God's plan for my life isn't so world-shattering either. I'm not curing diseases, I'm a wife and mother and friend. Some might think that's not enough, but I know how profound my work is in the lives of my kids...even YOUR Mom did a pretty profound work on you, right? And I know how important I am to my hubby, and not because HE says so or even sees it all the time, but because God says. My job counts. It matters for eternity, because I, and you, leave behind a legacy. We all do. So how come you don't have to? Know what? You do! And it can be good or bad, or nothing, but it is something. Get a hold of yourself! Loulou, did you ever quit that job? Whatever happened with that? Do you see the correlation between your increased stress in that job and your meds not working well? If you ever want to feel inert, quit a job and go visit a month later and you will see...life goes on. It's just a job. It isn't you, and you are infinately more important than your success or failure as an employee. A job is just a means to an end, it isn't YOU. Some folks find great meaning in their work, and feel very fortunate getting paid for something so gratifying, and that's great...it's their role to fill on the big ball of gas and Water and land. But your job has been a stress you don't need. Just wanting an update. I think if you quit, you are pretty doggone smart. Awright, girly. I got my eye on you and I'm praying everytime I log on to LBT, which is often, so (((((hugs)))) my friend. Kare, I just loved your post. You are something else.
  15. the best me


    What's CSRIO? Vinesqueen always has a goodie up her sleeve.
  16. the best me

    please be my turn now.........

    myband, I lost 15 pounds post-surgery and didn't lose a bit more for 3 months. Then I got my first fill and increased restriction. Our bands are different sizes, but the right restriction will definately help you. I hear lots and lots of folks with the VG band talk about needing multiple fills so don't worry...you will lose! Maybe your body just needs some time to adjust. For me, my head needed time!! Do you mean the protien drink gave you diarrhea? hmmm...liquid in, liquid out? Protien drinks are handy dandy for post-op folks who need calories and protien and can't get them from regular foods just yet. I'd advise avoiding those liquid calories, both for your diet and for the "side-effect", unless it's a true Meal Replacement. You won't stay full on liquids. If I'm in a rush and know I won't be eating until lunch, (such as on Sunday mornings before church) I'll replace Breakfast with a Carnation Instant Breakfast drink on the go. Other than that, I avoid the liquid calories. Get your protien from eggs and chicken and such. You know, bandster eating rules. Anyhow, hope this fill is the one! Keep us posted!
  17. the best me

    Tomorrow is my day

    Wow, here you go! Prayers for you for a safe surgery and smooth recovery. Bless you!!! And Congrats!
  18. the best me

    HELP! Contemplating lapband and have questions

    hehe, Jini, have you been online all night? It's addicting, isn't it? Can't get off the board? Keep finding good stuff to read? Can't stop soaking it all in? Welcome to the next at least 6 months of your life...I haven't left since Jan. and I check in all day and all evening...off, then back on, off, do a few things, check back in. It's maddening...but in a good way!!! Happy researching!
  19. the best me

    Monday 10/10 surgery update!

    Welcome to bandland Karla! Well done! Be sure to take it easy...you still have some good meds in you but don't let them fool you...they wear off! Just don't overdo it and get plenty of rest in between your sipping and walking. Yay!!!! You did it!!! Congrats.
  20. the best me

    Desperately Seeking Slow Losers

    I think it is for me. I lose and gain the same few pounds for weeks, then slowly drop, then do the same thing over and over. When I get to a new "low" weight, I find myself getting hungrier...so I think my body is trying to maintain it's weight and that's what I'm fighting...my metabolism. Don't know if others agree, but I think so. Here's the Slow Loser Club thread link.... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=10174
  21. the best me

    fast before fill??

    hmmm, some docs are different, but I know I wanted my tummy empty for a fill! I had a light breakfast that morning but for my 2pm appointment, I stuck to liquids for lunch and washed everything through with plenty of water for a few hours before. Check with your doc, but it sure won't hurt to have an empty pouch pre-fill.
  22. the best me

    HELP! Contemplating lapband and have questions

    Just tell them you are trying a new diet that starts with liquids to cleanse your colon...once you say colon cleanse they quit asking or say you had gall bladder surgery/removal and your doc recommends lliquids for a while just to go easy on your digestive system. ??? I may be the wrong one to ask though, because I'm a big blabber mouth and I don't care who knows. Heck, they sure know I'm fat. I haven't been hiding THAT very well over the years! Do a search (top blue bar, search button) and look for "my secret band" or "secret" and see what comes up. Lots of folks are under the radar, so you are not alone.
  23. the best me

    Honey, I'm Home!

    Heh, yeah, the hiccups get better and soon you shoudl be able to burp again, and that is so wonderful!!!! You know you are on the mend when you let loose a good one...buuuuuurrrrp! Usually when I hiccup now, it's after eating. It's one of my signals to stop eating. And the hiccups don't last, it's just a few and they stop. You are still healing so take it easy and try not to worry too much. Whatever it is you are dealing with today will change in a few more days. You know this already. Way to go!!!!
  24. the best me

    New Here.. out of Hiding

    Hey Sherri! Where's Elon? I have heard of Elon College and of Elon Childrens Home (in SC, I think?) so fill me in on the scoop. I replied to your Gonzales thread but came here to say HI! anyway. Welcome!!!
  25. the best me

    HELP! Contemplating lapband and have questions

    Vines had great answers, so I second all of that! Think of a funnel, pour yougurt into it, and watch it drip through slowly. Then pour some water or milk into the funnel, and see the yogurt melt and begin to pour through and empty the funnel. Same with the band. When you drink too soon after eating, the liquid washes the food on through and you get hungry again sooner. Keep in mind that post-surgery is the healing period and you are supposed to have liquids that go on through. This way your stomach doesn't have to churn and move where the band is, and you heal. Once the healing stage is through, you begin eating more solid foods and some of the food is supposed to stay up top and keep you feeling satisfied for longer. I snack. I usually do a scrambled egg w/ cheese for Breakfast. Sometimes I'll add a 1/2 slice of whole wheat toast, and if I remember before eating, I'll down an 8oz glass of 1 % or skim milk. I'll have lunch, whatever, then around 4pm I'll get a snack. If I'm smart, I'll have about 3-4 ounces of grilled chicken breast (good protien, stays with me a bit longer), but sometimes some port wine cheese on about 5 Triscuits will do. Then dinner, whatever. To me, compared to what I used to eat, that's 3 small meals and an afternoon snack. But you can do whatever works. All these diets you have no doubt been on over the years are actually do-able with the band. Weight Watchers says to have a WW frozen entree for lunch. Pre-band? Yeah right. How about 2 of those AND a sandwich! Now, I can eat that way. Good luck! Welcome to LBT!

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