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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Farenheit ? Anyone heard about this?

    I have seen the commerical and the girl is incredible, so beautiful! I'm sure it's appetite suppressant and other energy boosters...same ole stuff in a new fancy formula. But I would be interested in finding out if anyone knows something more?
  2. Tammy05, your story sounds an awful lot like mine. And I can't reply better than cindy just did. Welcome to LBT, I hope you get your band surgery date soon! It has made a world of difference for me. An example. This afternoonI went to my neighnor's house and stood in the kitchen talking with the girls. They were eating leftover pizza and the kids were playing and we had a ball! I had already eaten lunch, I just had my second fill last Wednesday so I'm being pretty cautious right now about my food, so I ate no pizza. And it was easy! What topped it off for me was one girl was eating pizza and piling sour cream all over the top...yummy! She ate the leftover stuffed crusts of another girl (we're all close and eat after each other) and she would dip the crust in the sour cream and take this huge ole bite and it looked soooooooo good! OMGosh! I wanted to dip crust and eat it so bad, i stood there and said "I love my band, I love my band" out loud! LOL it was funny but I did NOT participate in that Evil! Oh, and I would have...before. She probably downed 12 ounces of sour cream with that pizza, too. And she weighs 250lbs. too. She won't get it off eating that way! Anyhow, just a little story in the life of a bandster. It's about HOPE. I have it now. Yay!!!!
  3. the best me

    Questions for Doctor?

    Karen, here's that thread...at least I think it's the one you are looking for!! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?p=120069#post120069
  4. the best me

    Forever in my heart... Jeter

    Aww, I'm so sorry Jenna. I know this is hard for you. I'm thankful for you for the last 5 or so months...he was so sick before and you have had all this time together. Bless you.
  5. the best me

    Ok, what's the deal here?

    Sounds like you could use another fill, but I'd wait until after Hawaii. Definately. I got my second fill the other day, and while I feel a small bit of increased restriction, I was able to eat 2 slices of pizza tonight. I feel it, but I could eat it. I'm thinking when I eat real bandster meals and not junk like pizza I will feel it even more. I had been doing liquids and mushies so tomorrow I'll try some real, good food. I wonder if the same is true for you? Try eating several ounces of chicken breast, lubed and well-chewed, and some veggies and see how "full" you feel? That's what I'll do. I'm hoping the restriction is there if I eat the right foods. And, give your body a minute to adjust to the new eating. It will drop off, I promise. Keep up the good eating!!!
  6. Nykee, you are blowing me away. I'm so proud of you!
  7. the best me

    New to the forum

    1. How does one take medications? (grind them up? chew them?) I have been fortunate enough to be able to find Over the counter cold meds in liquid form (NyQuil, Tylenol, etc) and I take my kids chewables sometimes, too. It's kind of a pain and takes some thinking but it's do-able. Check with your pharmacist on prescription meds. Many come in liquid or chewable, or are crushable at the least. 2. Can you still drink coffee? Oh Yeah baby. 3. How do you all get those neat ticker tapes at the bottom of the screen? Click on anyone's ticker and it will take you to the ticker factory website. Follow their directions and choose your ticker, then copy the URL for vBulletins. Paste that URL onto your signature, save changes, there ya go. By the way, to change your sig, go to User CP (upper left on the blue bar) and click Edit Signature. Hope that helps...I'm not sure how computer literate you are. It took me hours to figure that one out! Post again if what I said goes over your head Welcome to LBT! And you, too newgirl!
  8. the best me

    Need some encouragement...

    Oh God bless that little heart of his. Amazing. What a wonderful boy you have. Let us know when you hear something.
  9. the best me

    blood in PB

    Just so you know, once you open it you need to drink it. It is handy, but I ended up throwing out 1/2 a bottle. Like Mandy said, the bottles are big. It's so good for you it's hard to throw out! Just make plans to drink several ounces several times a day for a good week until it's gone. Get your money's worth.
  10. the best me


    Yes, I would imagine. Others on here with Medicare have them covered. It ought to be covered, how could you have a successful band surgery without the appropriate after-care, fills included? I dunno for sure, I'll bet there is a co-pay involved. Check to be sure, but if the surery is covered, so is the after-care.
  11. the best me

    Need some encouragement...

    Aw Kim, I'm really sorry and I know this is hard on you. What a guy you have. He's so cute and sweet and it's obvious he has strength beyond his years. I will be praying, just keep us updated on his surgery schedule and how you all are holding up. (((((HUGS)))))
  12. the best me

    I have a confession to make...

    Heh, you won't be able to do that again soon! Take it easy on your little newly filled band buddy. It needs some TLC and soft mushies for a few days. Slow down there, Tiger! Keep some snackage in your desk
  13. the best me

    Hurricane Pics

    Wow, that is incredible. A recent seminary graduate from our church is headed to Lake Charles as a Chaplain with Samartian's Purse. Looks like he's got lots of work to do there...he will be serving the spiritual needs of people but will also be doing some back-breaking work there. Plenty to do still, I'm sure. Amazing. So glad you all are safe!
  14. the best me


    Dr Gonzales just went up on his fills from $200 to $250. Just so you know. I have not heard of either of the MX docs you mentioned. Check themout thoroughly before you schedule. Personally, I wouldn't go unless you get some really really good persoanl references. That's me. Let us know what you find out. Don't give up on Medicare, though, unless the 10K+ isn't going to break the bank. It's lots less hassle in MX without all of the insurance hulabaloo. Just get a reputable doc.
  15. the best me

    New Bandster here!!

    Congrats to both of you! Welcome to bandland!!
  16. the best me

    question about fills

    Liz, during your second fill, did the doc take out all of the first fill you got, before he/she put 1.4cc in? How much came out? Here's some feedback from me...sometimes the first fill doesn't work at all and you need another, or another! to start feeling the restriction. The size of your band also plays a role. Folks with the VG Band tend to need more fills, not always, but usually. You will know if this fill is too tight if you get any reflux symptoms or if you are not able to eat small quantities of regular food after a few days of liquids...moving to mushies, slowly working in the real foods. Be very careful of PBing as that causes swelling and then you are really in need of a small unfill. When you get filled, some folks experience a bit of swelling in the stoma from the "squishing". After a few days, and eating carefully, it usually goes down and you are able to feel your new level of restriction. As for needing another fill in the future, when you lose weight, you lose it from the inside, too. You have less fat surrounding your internal organs (whew!) including your stomach. The fat goes down, the tightness of the band descreases, but you can bump it up again as you lose. It's not a matter of stretching the pouch...you shouldn't do that!...and you can't, really, eating small quantities of liquid/soft mushy foods. It's a matter of losing enough internal fat that the fill loosens. If you go another few days and are still only able to take small sips of liquids, you may be in line for a small unfill. Keep posting and getting feedback. Too tight is not good and it's miserable! Keep sipping, see if the swelling goes down and you open up a bit. Good luck!
  17. the best me

    NSV for my DH

    Yay, a pic! Yes, we need to see the updated 3X man...that is wonderful!! You two are quite a pair, so full of inspiration! Just wonderful!
  18. the best me

    April Bandsters where are you?

    Cool...okay, so I was wondering, trying to get some feedback from everyone's posts, whether or not I needed to get a small fill. I was thinking I needed one, but didn't want to go too tight and my first 2cc fill resulted in a .4cc unfill about 5 days later. I was too tight! That was over 3 months ago. So, yesterday I called to schedule a fill and was able to get in today...wow! and I just got back. I got back the .4cc he took out at my unfill-ha! but now I'm almost 15 pounds lighter so it's going well so far. Egg Drop Soup is settling just fine, although I can feel it gurgling a bit. Yay restriction! Thanks for replying. Desertmom, I'm so anxoius to find out what the South Africa doc says about your reflux! Please let us know. You have had a bit of a frustrating band journey so far, I know. Best of luck to you!
  19. the best me

    What does "starting over" mean?

    Mostly, it just means getting back to the basics and moving forward...kind of like pre-band when every Monday morning you "started over" with your new, or last weeks, diet! Yep, what you said about starting over with good eating habits. For many bandsters, this includes getting some type of fill, or a complete unfill for a time, then "starting over". it doesn't refer to anything specific, really. Just a mind-set. You are doing great! Keep at it! Dang...I still need to get to your list of hard questions...I will! I will!
  20. Sue, thanks for much for the update. I wish you the best on your DS surgery. I think you will do great with it. You are so well-researched and informed, I hang on your every word and I know you haven't decided this without alot of thought and planning. I'm still waiting on pics of your plastic surgery though!! Don't forget us bandsters...we still need you! and we want to know how you do. Keep us updated with your surgery schedule so we can send prayers and good thoughts your way. Bless you!!!
  21. the best me

    Are there any good dating services?

    Aw, do we have a match? Can't wait to find out!!!! I'll be watching this saga...
  22. the best me

    Two Year Anniversary

    Wow. Thanks Megan, that was wonderful. And you look wonderful! You look like you have grown up in the last 2 years, and by your post, you have! You have matured beautifully inside and out. Well done.
  23. the best me

    Famous Bandsters?

    I have a theory about the gastric balloon. No scars, inserted into the stomach the old fashioned way, blow it up with saline, no room for food, lose wieght fast, take it out, voila! I think it's Hollywood's best kept secret. Gotta drop 35 for the next movie? 3 months of balooning and blame it on diet and exercise, make money endorsing a trainer or TrimSpa or Jenny Craig...I dunno. Just my opinion. But I also don't think that TrimSpa was the ONLY thing Anna Nicole took, if ya know what I mean (snifffffff). Call me bad, I'm sorry. Just my opinion cuz she ain't right.
  24. the best me

    Leaving for surgery......Yahoooo

    Boy, Celeste, you ARE the Road Queen! Way to be there! Happy Banding Asphalt Angel. Yippeeee!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
