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the best me

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by the best me

  1. the best me

    Side by Side

    Good Golly Miss Molly! You look great! Big difference, you are right! Well done, doll. Yay!
  2. the best me

    *Gasp* Encouragement needed

    I was self-pay, and the $200 a month payments are getting me nowhere on paying it off, either. Plus I'm driving a 94 Caravan that's awful looking but runs. I only have one sliding side door (not 2 like the new ones) and no CD player. It's really terrible for me that I have to drive an old van when I could be in something newer with a few more bells (but maybe not whistles). BUT, I can actually crawl into the back, through the one sliding door, past the car seat backed up to the front passenger seat, into the center of the van, turn around, pick up the Cheerios and papers and crayons, fish out the juice and milk cups from yesterday (ewww) and get out of the van without being winded, red-faced, and sweaty and miserable. I'll live with the debt and the old van. It's worth it. When the van breaks, I'll get a job and a newer van and increase my band payments. It's just money. I weigh 50 pounds less than I did this time 2 years ago, and 30 of that I have lost since being banded in April. I'm happier, healthier, under 200 pounds for Pete's sake! and I don't feel like I have an altered body. I have a little band in there. It helps me. I take care of it and we live together happily. No regrets.
  3. the best me

    Hi Kim, Live2canoe

    We love you just as you are...so keep with your strange? style of writing...you are a breath of fresh air!! So I got the Patty update I asked for on your Halloween musing thread. Just don't go far. Newbies are pretty cool these days, but I can't keep up either. Your posts don't get lost in the shuffle, that's for sure!!! Ah, I'm smiling!!!
  4. the best me

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Okay, I was 193.4 this morning, so I'm changing my official weigh-in to that...please let me, I need this, ya'll!!!
  5. the best me

    Just have a Happy Halloween!!!

    Ahhhhhh, Whippledaddy! So, so, so great to see your post. Lovely picture painting as always, even with the spooky Halloween strain of lyric. How's thangs! I miss you and hope you are well. Please give us an update on your dear wife. Look everybody! Ryan came back for a visit!! Yippeee!! Ya'll say HI!
  6. the best me

    Introducing myself

    I got my eye on you, Madonna! It's good to have you. Welcome! So glad you are getting back some spunk. We are here for ya!
  7. the best me

    Goodbye Obese - Hello Overweight!!!

    Well done and Congrats!! Yay you!!!
  8. the best me

    Please Help!!!!!

    yeah...that's great advice! I agree!
  9. the best me

    I need some serious advice/buttkicking

    I'm so there, girl. The cycle of dissappointment and frustration. I can't differentiate head hunger and real hunger, that's for sure. But I also feel like my body is trying so hard to maintain it's weight...I mean, it's as if it doesn't know there are 50 more pounds of fat stored all over my butt and thighs and belly!!! I want to say "Go get it already!!!!" but it just tells me "feed me!" and so I have been losing and gaining the same few pounds...stuck between 193 and 196 for weeks and weeks now. Maybe we are thinking too hard? I know I get on here and comiserate about weight loss, think about my food and exercise, what can I do, get some ideas, get a kick in the butt, then my regular life off the 'puter has nothing to do with it! I don't need an LBT break, but maybe I need to quit fretting so much? The only thing that concerns me is that if I don't watch out, my 193 to 196 will turn into 196-199. No way, Jose! I'm NOT going back up over 200 again, even when I weigh at night! NOT doing it!! Sigh. I don't know. I didn't help at all...just talking out my butt and getting frustrated, too, because the words that come to mind and get typed are crass and crude (ie: talking out of my butt) so I'll quit before I start swearing!! lol (((((hugs))))) girl. Lets row this boat together for a little while.
  10. the best me

    Please Help!!!!!

    Wow Lisa, yucky for you! I'm so sorry! You can always try it once. A capsule may not be bad...just take it with milk or something thicker and slipperier (is that a word?) than Water. Even Gatorade goes down a little slicker than plain water. Get that cap past the band, and drink a ton of water to keep your pouch washed through in case it stays up top till it melts. Wash wash wash it through. It's worth a try. Just know the risks...you could get stuck, PB it, have it come back up and the taste (ugh!) and it micht be a problem with your band...I dunno, you are 2+ months out from surgery. If your restriction is not very good and you think it will pass, it's certainly worth a try? If it turns out badly, you know what NOT to do! Good Luck. Go get 'em!
  11. the best me

    New before/after pics...

    Way to go Brenda! Dawg, you look so good!!!!!!!!!! Chin up and no more feeling blue, okay? You look FAB!!!! You blow me away. Do you feel as good as you look? OMGosh!!! Well done!
  12. the best me

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    9/5 (week 1) 198 9/12 (week2) 196.6 9/19 (week 3) 197.0 9/26 (week4) 194.4 10/3 (week 5) 194.8 10/10 (week 6) 195.0 10/17 (week7) 193.6 10/24 (week 8) 194.0 10/31 (week 9) 195.0 Ugh. Double Ugh.
  13. the best me

    Happy Birthday theresa2mum

    Happy Birthday (late, of course) but I hope it was lovely. Yay you!
  14. the best me

    Exercize, will it help???

    Well, at this point all the exercise you should concern yourself with is walking. No real sweating (maybe a little "glowing") and no big lifting. Check with your doc about what to do and when. You might look into Curves. Get those muscles underneath it all strengthened and toned...oh yeah, baby! Exercise will most certainly help! I'm having a hard time with my tummy. So far it looks grosser than ever, very floppy and wrinkled and stretch-marked and shrinking. Ewww. But underneath it my tummy muscles are pretty tight, considering. This will only serve me well when it's Tummy Tuck time...and it will be. I thought maybe I could get away without it, but, nope, it's ruined. Good luck! Curves is great...you'll love it.
  15. the best me


    This is a funny thread. Ya'll make me giggle! Ooops, was that immature? LOL
  16. the best me

    Frustrated with my band!

    Heidi, good job on going liquids for a few days. Give that band a rest! You may also try an acid-reducer like Prilosec, or Pepcid, or Zantac, or something like that to cut down on your reflux...which is what it sounds like you have. The cure for the tightness, ultimately, is a small unfill. You may be able to manage through it very carefully since it's difficult for you to see your band doc quickly (or I'd recommend calling ASAP!) Remember this: the tightness causes reflux which causes irritation which causes PB's which cause more swelling which causes more irritation and reflux...round and round you go. You will never get any relief if you can't deal with the reflux. If you cant' get an unfill (just a small one) then treat that reflux first and give your stoma a rest with liquids. You MAY be able to lose a few pounds which will naturally loosen the band a bit and things will slowly improve. With all this going on and PBing your risks for slippage, and erosion, too, I guess, are increased. Be careful. Feel better! Editing to add: I'm not surprised you PB'd Water in the morning after dealing with nighttime reflux. You HAVE to deal with the reflux or you are sunk! Good luck...got get 'em!
  17. the best me

    Dr. Kuri

    Check into Dr Ortiz (in TJ) as well. Just to round out your research. I hear lots of good things about him, since you are interested in reputable docs. He would have been my second choice but I was already in contact with Kuri's office and felt very comfortable there. Good luck!
  18. Oh they will be so happy to see you! Don't be nervous. I don't have a job ('cept at home) but my first Sunday back at church was kind of like that. But I wasn't weepy. Your body is still adjusting to being through so much and recovering from pneumonia and changing your calorie intake so drastically and just going through all of this! It's hard. Give yourself a break, and go in with a smile. You will be pleasantly surprised at 1)how glad folks are to see you and 2)how much life went on without you while you were away. Everyone will be busy earning their keep, and you will get back into the swing of things in no time. Plan on crashing on the sofa with a protien shake when you get home. You'll be exhausted! Rest plenty and take good care of yourself!!!
  19. the best me

    Dr. Kuri

    Cindy, I saw your post on another thread about the use of a "middleman" when getting banded in MX. I was very concerned about this as well, and made sure this wasn't the case with Dr Kuri. Dr Kuri has patient reps that help US folks going to MX for surgery, take care of their plans, coordinate with Kuris' office, etc. They are Kuri employees, not independent businesses. I was relieved to hear that. They ae very helpful for answering all your questions, etc. so you don't have to worry about that with Kuri. Just in case you wanted to know
  20. the best me

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Oh, Margo, don't pull out, just don't weigh until the last day. It's not "ILLEGAL" to not weigh in every week. If it makes you crazy, don't do it. Just check back in on the last day and see how you did. Chin up! You are doing great! See ya on the last day, okay?!!! ((((hugs))))
  21. the best me

    Dr. Kuri

    I took my driver's license, marriage certificate, social security card, birth certificate. I was asked for my license at the border coming back (drove right through going in) and the border patrol asked me what the capital of North Carolina was. I knew, so off we went. No problems. The border patrol knows Kuri's driver and red BeLiteWeight van coming back and forth several times a day so they check, but it's quick. That was my experience. I think there is a bit of relative ease when you go in and out for surgery. For fills, the transportation is "on your own" so you are more likely to hear dramatic stories. Now, I heard that they were changing the rules about what gets you through. Used to be a lisence was fine but it seems like that changed...there's an old thread somewhere. Maybe someone will post a link? Check the CA border patrol website, maybe? Let us know what you find out!
  22. the best me

    New Avatar :)

    Very nice pic...way cool, and I love it!!!
  23. the best me

    banded thurs, swollen shut

    Ahhhh, if you can keep down 4 ounces of Propel you are well on your way. i was very very swollen, too, but only swollen shut for a short time...took a nap and could then sip again. But, it's hard. And I swear the IV fluids I got were what put me on the mend. Good for you. Take it very slow and easy on your eating, be gentle to your newly banded tummy. Heal well!!!
  24. the best me

    Nov 5th Lap Meeting in Charlotte

    I hardly think of myself as a veteran, but I'm coming anyway. Yay! Can't wait to see everyone!
  25. the best me

    OMG! I YELLED at a minister--on TAPE!!

    LMAO When I read your thread title I thought the scene would be MUCH worse than it really was, so I am personally relieved. Maybe write him a little note, apologize for yelling at a minister and explain your predicament. It's his job to understand folks...take the chance to offer a really good legitimate excuse. Those don't come around too often! Plus it will make you feel better to make amends. You crack me up!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
